剑桥五年级上英语Revision1 教学设计

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1、Revision1 教学设计一、教学目标1. 能听懂、读懂关于学校与课程、城市、节日等话题的信息。2. 复习并巩固第1-3单元的内容。3. 练习并熟悉一些常见习语的搭配。二、教学建议1. Discuss questions about school in groups.谈一谈。Step 1 老师通过提问Which school do you go to? Which class are you in? 与学生自由交谈,复习有关school life的相关内容。Step 2学生打开课本到第26页,根据课本的10个问题开展两人小组活动,并仿照方框里的文本谈论自己的校园生活。Step 3老师选出2-

2、3组进行展示,并给予适时指导和评价。2Read the words. Then circle in matching colours.读一读,圈一圈。Step l全班进行头脑风暴游戏:如老师说出subject,学生说出相关科目单词,以此类推。Step 2学生打开课本到第26页,观察题目,弄清题意,完成练习。Step 3师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。答案:subject: Art, Maths, Science, PE, Musicplaces: capital, cinema, classroom, museum, train station, supermarket festiv

3、als: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Spring Festivalfood: fish, potato, vegetable, sweets, corn numbers: third, first, second, fourth3a. Find their favourite days.找一找。3b. Answer the questions.答一答。Step 1老师呈现一张班级课程表,学生通过回答What subjects do we have on Monday? Whats your favorite subject? Why.? 复习有关课

4、程的相关内容。Step 2学生打开课本到第27页,自主阅读,根据小朋友的描述,找出他们最喜欢的一天。Step 3师生共同核对答案,并请做对的学生说出理由。Step 4学生大声朗读周一至周五的课程表,然后开展二人小组活动,完成3b练习,老师适时给予指导和评价。3a答案:Claire: Friday Frank: Wednesday Bob: Monday Diana: Tuesday4a. Listen and read. Then number the pictures.听一听,读一读,标序号。4b. Fill in the place names.写地名。Step l学生打开课本到第28页,

5、仔细观察4a的地图,老师播放录音,学生初步感知对话。Step 2 学生自主阅读对话,根据关键信息找到对应的图片并标上序号。Step 3 师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。Step 4 学生根据图片和对话写出相应的单词,完成4b的练习,全班核对答案。4a录音稿:1. Excuse me, wheres the park, please?Go straight ahead.2. Excuse me, wheres the police station?Take the first right.3. Excuse me, wheres the supermarket?Go ahead. Th

6、en take the second left.4. Excuse me, wheres the cinema?Go straight ahead. Take the third right.5. Excuse me, wheres the No. 1 Hospital?Take the first left.6. Excuse me, wheres the museum?Go straight ahead. Then take the second right.4a答案:5 4 32 1 64b答案:hospital, supermarket, park, cinema, police st

7、ation, museum5. Whats wrong? Correct the sentences and write them in your notebook.找一找,改错误,写一写。Step l学生打开课本到第29页,自主阅读6个句子。Step 2找出每句中错误的地方,做上记号并改正,师生共同核对答案,选出做对的同学说出理由。Step 3学生大声朗读正确的句子,并写在笔记本上。答案:1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is always in lunar August.2. The moon is full and bright at Mid-Autumn Festi

8、val.3. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. 4. People usually eat a big dinner at Thanksgiving.5. On 31st October, children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts and go from house to house.6. Most people give the children chocolates or sweets at Halloween.6. Read

9、 and tick True or False.读一读,勾一勾。Step l学生打开课本到第29页,自由朗读短文,了解文章大意。Step 2学生根据5个问题,再次阅读短文,找出相关信息,完成练习,进一步理解短文内容。Step 3师生共同核对答案,选出做对的同学说出理由。Step 4老师播放录音,学生逐句跟读,然后采用不同形式朗读短文,如全班读、分组读、自由读等。录音稿:Sydney is not the capital of Australia, but it is the biggest city of the country. It is also the most beautiful c

10、ity in Australia. It has got lots of interesting places to visit. Sydney Opera House is the most popular. Sydney is famous for this opera house and the 2000 Summer Olympic Games.答案:1. True 2.False 3. True 4. False 5. True7a. Listen to the six questions. Then number the answers.听一听,标序号。7b. Listen and

11、 check. Then read.听一听,核答案,读一读。Step l 学生打开课本到第30页,自主阅读6个句子,在老师引导下,初步预测6个问题。Step 2 老师播放录音数遍,要求学生完成7a的练习,并给予听力指导。Step 3 老师再次播放录音,学生自查,然后全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。Step 4学生分小组活动,两人一组,朗读6个句子,老师给予适时指导。7a录音稿:Question 1: Which city is the biggest in China?Question 2: Which city is the capital of the UK?Question 3:

12、Where is London?Question 4: What do people usually eat at Thanksgiving?Question 5: Where will the children go and visit in London?Question 6: What are the people from the ship doing?7b录音稿:1. Shanghai is the biggest city in China.2. London is the capital of the UK.3. It is in the south of England.4.

13、They usually eat turkey, sweet potatoes and other vegetables.5. They will go and visit Tower Bridge and the London Eye.6. They are looking for a new home.答案:2 5 14 3 68. Tick the words which go together. Then read all the expressions.勾一勾,读一读。Step l学生打开课本到第30页,仔细观察表格,弄清题意。Step 2学生仿照例子完成表格,师生共同核对答案,然后

14、全班朗读表格中的短语。 Step 3老师示范,如listen to English/the radio,以此类推,引导学生说出更多的动词短语。答案:get on the bike; get off the bike; drink milk; eat potatoes9a. Listen and read Xiao Yus composition. 听一听,读一读。9b. Read again and then answer the questions. 读一读,答一答。Step l老师播放录音,学生通过回答问题What is the passage about? 初步了解文章大意。Step 2

15、老师呈现9a的两幅图片,引导学生说出两幅图的不同之处。Step 3学生打开课本到第31页,带着9b中的4个问题自主阅读短文,完成练习。Step 4全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。Step 5老师再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读,然后采取不同形式朗读文章,如全班读、分小组读等。Step 6学生在老师的引导下,尝试描述Todays Wuhan和Yesterdays Wuhan或其他城市,并选出若干学生进行展示,老师给予指导和评价。9a录音稿:I live in Shenzhen, a city by the sea. It is clean and beautiful. It is also a

16、busy city. There are many tall buildings in the city. Kingkey 100 is the tallest. It is over 440 metres high. I love my home city!But more than 30 years ago, it was a very small town. There were only some small shops in the streets. There were not any tall buildings. Most people were fishermen. Life was hard at that time.答案:1. Yes, it is.2. Yes, there are.3. No, it wasnt.4. No, there werent. 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word

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