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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!形容词&副词教学目的:1. 掌握形容词和副词的比较等级用法; 2. 了解比较级和最高级前的修饰语和倍数的表达; 3. 能够识别常用形容词和副词的词义辨析; 4. 学会使用形容词作表语、定语的句法功能及其所构成的固定句型结构;第一模块-高考要点形容词和副词在高考试题中始终占很重要的地位。近几年高考对形容词和副词的考查具有“淡化语法、注重深层语义”的特点,以形容词和副词辨析为热点。同时继续加强对形容词和副词比较等级的考查。其考点主要包括:1考查形容词和副词词义辨析。如:rather, still, such, surprised, su

2、rprising, therefore, though, too, very, yet等。2考查形容词修饰名词时的词序,即指示代词/不定代词数词(序数词、基数词)描绘性形容词(nice, good, interesting, beautiful等)特征性形容词(大小、长短、高低、形状、年龄、新旧)颜色形容词国籍、出处物质、材料用途、类别中心名词。3考查形容词和副词比较等级的常用句型及其修饰成分在句中的位置。如:三种常见的倍数表达法: (1)倍数as形容词或副词原级as; (2)倍数the size/length/width/depth/height of; (3)倍数形容词或副词比较级than

3、被比较对象。4 考查与形容词和副词有关的习语结构。如: more than, not more than, no more than, less than, not less than, no less than, other than, rather than,nothing else than“仅仅, 只不过”,more than a little “非常,很”,more often than not “经常,在大多数情况下”,cannot(never, hardly)too(enough)“无论也不过分,越越好”等。形容词和副词的构成 形容词就其词形来说分为简单形容词和复合形容词。简单形

4、容词是由一个字构成的,如:big, good, yellow, long等。1.复合形容词的构成 单个形容词的构成比较复杂,考生要熟记常见的形容词的后缀(如:-able,-al,-en,-ful,-ish,-ous -y,-ly等等)。而复合形容词是有规律可循的。1>.由一些名词加字尾构成形容词规 则例 词规 则例 词名词+fuluse-useful有用的beauty-beautiful美丽的 wonder-wonderful奇妙的harm-harmful有害的名词+yluck-lucky幸运的 rain-rainy多雨的 noise-noisy喧闹的

5、60;health-healthy健康的名词+lyfriend-friendly友好的 love-lovely可爱的brother-brotherly兄弟般的名词+able/iblecomfort-comfortable舒适的 value-valuable有价值的 expanse-expansible可扩展的名词+lesshope-hopeless没希望的 harm-harmless无害的 care-careless粗心的  use-useless无用的名词+ishfool-foolish愚蠢的 self-selfish自私

6、的2>.由一些动词加后缀构成形容词规 则例 词规 则例 词动词+ant/entplease-pleasant愉快的differ-different不同的动词+ive/ativeact-active活跃的talk-talkative多嘴的动词+able/iblechange-changeable变化的agree-agreeable令人愉快的动词+able/iblechange-changeable变化的agree-agreeable令人愉快的response-responsible负责任的动词+itefavor-favorite最喜爱的动词+sometire-tiresome令人厌倦的&#

7、160;trouble-troublesome麻烦的3>.复合形容词 复合形容词是由两个或多个字构成的,复合形容词的形成有多种。规 则例 词规 则例 词形容词+名词-edkind-hearted名词+形容词world-famous形容词+形容词dark-blue名词+现在分词peace-loving形容词+现在分词ordinary-looking名词+过去分词snow-covered形容词(副词)+形容词wide-awake名词+(普通)名词English-language副词+现在分词hard-working数词+名词-edtwo-faced副词+过去分词newly-built数词+名

8、词twenty-year2.副词的构成规 则例 词在形容词后加“ly”entirely curiously exactly fortunately attentively immediately将形容词的词尾“le”变“ly”comfortablecomfortably gentlegently possiblepossibly probableprobably词尾“y”变“i+ly”busybusily easyeasily heavyheavily angryangrily hungryhungrily luckyluckily happyhappily特殊词truetruly第二模块-课

9、堂新授 形容词是描述人和事物的性质、特征或状态的一种开放性词类,主要用来修饰名词或部分代词;副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子等,表示时间、地点、方式、程度等。Section 1 形容词和副词的用法一形容词和副词的句法功能 1.作定语:形容词作定语一般位于被修饰词的前面;副词作定语多表示时间或地点,位于被修饰词的后面,如here, there, up, down, then, below, above, in, out等。He has never seen such a more interesting film.My mother tells me

10、a funny story.On our way home,we saw a traffic accident.通常情况下,副词作定语放在名词之后,若放在名词之前则被视为形容词。 the upstairs room upstairs为形容词 the room upstairs upstairs为副词The people here are very friendly to us. 2.作状语:形容词作状语通常说明主语的情况,主要表示原因、结果或方式,可位于句首、句中和句末;副词作状语,修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和句子。Hot and wet, you couldnt imagine the cl

11、imate here in summer. (表原因)The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. (表方式)She stared into the distance, speechless for a long time. (表伴随)My own position is rather different. (adv.修饰adj.)Can you see the words clearly on the blackboard? (adv.修饰v.)Fortunately, everything worked out all rig

12、ht in the end. (adv.修饰整个句子) 3.作表语:形容词作表语,常位于连系动词be, feel, get, turn, become, prove, seem等之后;副词作表语,表示主语的方位、方向、动作和状态等。Our teacher are strict with us in the study.The weather is getting colder and colder.I have to be off now.Sorry,Mr.Smith isnt in.He is out. 4.作补足语:形容词和副词都可以作主语补足语和宾语补足语,说明主语或宾语所处的位置、状态

13、、性质、特征等。一般来说,能用作表语的形容词都可用作宾语补足语。The fish was caught alive.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.He kept the fire on for a few minutes. 有些表示地点、时间的副词还可以作介词的宾语。如:here和there可以与along, around, down, from, in等介词连用,但通常不与to连用(from here

14、to there)除外,而表地点的副词abroad则只与from连用。 注意:副词主要用来作状语,只有少量的副词如:away,up,on,in,off,out等才可以用来作表语和宾语补足语。here,there可以用来作表语,还可以后置修饰名词用作定语。【练习】Many a student has a _ opinion of him. But he is spoken _ of by the leaders. A. bad; worse B. badly; highly C. bad; more D. bad; better 【解析】答案为D 。have a bad opinion of s

15、b.对某人评价不高;speak highly/well of sb.对某人评价很高。据句意,选D项。To their great relief, the missing child returned home, _, after an absence of two weeks.A. felt tired and sound B. tiring and soundlyC. feeling tired but soundly D. tired but sound【解析】答案为D。句意:使他们宽慰的是,丢失的孩子两周后又重返家园,虽然很疲惫但很健康。形容词作状语表示伴随或结果,不表示动作的方式。二表

16、语形容词 1.表语形容词不能作前置定语有些形容词一般作表语,这样的形容词叫作表语形容词。常见的表语形容词有:afraidaliveawakeasleepaloneashamedawareillwell身体健康的gladfondpleasedsorry难过的contentalikeIf you weaken and have a cigarette, dont be ashamed.如果你因为意志不坚定又吸烟了,不用感到难为情。Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life.Im pleased to hear that he will c

17、ome back.The little boy is fond of painting. 2.以a-开头的表语形容词(alike除外)不能用very修饰,常用much, very much修饰。He is much afraid to sleep at home alone.三复合形容词 1.“形容词+名词-ed/形容词/现在分词/过去分词”:kind-hearted 好心的 dark-blue 深蓝的tired-looking 面带倦容的 clean-washed洗得干净的She is one of the most kind-hearted girls that I saw.The col

18、onel was a middle-aged man, grey and tired-looking.上校是个中年人,脸色阴郁,神情很疲乏。 2.“副词+现在分词/过去分词”hard-working 勤劳的 newly-made新建的I admire their hard-working spirit.This newly-made film has been remarked upon by many critics. 3.“名词+形容词/现在分词/过去分词”world-famous 世界著名的 peace-loving 爱好和平的snow-covered 白雪覆盖的 man-made 人造

19、的A world-famous violinist is playing at tonights concert.The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.冰雪覆盖的山峰反射着阳光。 4.“数词+名词-ed/名词/(名词+形容词)”:three-hour 3小时的 four-storeyed 4层楼的ten-year 10年的 500-meter-long 500米长的It took us a long time to get to the amusement park. It was a three-hour journey.四形容词作

20、定语时的特殊情况 1.一些形容词既可前置也可后置,意义不变。a nearby town = a town nearby附近的镇 the total sum = the sum total 总数the following years = the years following 以后的几年 the only possible solution = the only solution possible 唯一可行的解决办法 2.一些形容词既可前置也可后置,但意义不同。the present situation 目前的形式 a responsible person 可信赖的人the people pre

21、sent 在场的人 the person responsible 负责人the general idea 中心意思 a concerned look 关注的神情the secretary general 秘书长 the comrades concerned 有关的同志an involved story 复杂的故事 a proper arrangement 适当的安排the issues involved 有关的问题 the problem proper 问题本身the given time 特定的时间the time given 给予的时间五形容词的名词用法有些形容词可与定冠词the连用,相当

22、于名词,泛指一类人或事物。The beautiful is not always the same as the good.The doctor used to help the poor.六副词的分类类 别例 词时间副词now, then, today, before, ago, soon, immediately, lately, early等地点副词outside, inside, upstairs, here, there, home, near, away, in, back, off, up, anywhere等方式副词quickly, happily, loudly, sudde

23、nly, luckily, badly, easily, fast, again等程度副词very, quite, rather, too, much, so等疑问副词when, where, why, how, how long, how soon, how often, how far等关系副词when, where, why等频率副词often, always, sometimes, once, twice, usually, seldom等七同根副词有些副词具有两种形式,一种是和形容词同形,还有一种是由该形容词加后缀-ly构成。这两种形式的副词在意思上的区别有以下3种情况: 1.含义相

24、同:两种形式的副词含义相同,在某些场合可以互换。They sang loud/loudly in the house next to ours.The stars were shining bright/brightly.Marie held the baby tight/tightly in her arms.How slow/slowly the time passes!He got the information direct/directly from the police. 2.含义不同:两种形式的副词往往有不同的含义,一般不可互换high高 highly高度地 wide广阔地 wi

25、dely广泛地,普遍地deep深 deeply深刻地,深沉地 free免费地 freely自由地close接近地 closely仔细地,严密地 hard努力地 hardly几乎不late迟,晚 lately近来 near在附近 nearly几乎,差不多most非常 mostly大多数We are working hard to serve our country better in the future.He got up very late and hardly had time for breakfast.She always came home late.Lately Ive had t

26、rouble sleeping.The meeting went on in a most friendly atmosphere.Your answers are mostly correct. = Most of your answers are correct.National Day is drawing near.I nearly fell into the river.They were sitting close together on the couch.Watch him closely. 3.含义相似:这两种形式的副词含义相似,只不过与形容词同形的副词意义较具体,而带-ly

27、的副词意义较抽象。Look! The kite is flying high in the sky.The teacher spoke very highly of her work.(高度评价)He opened the door wide.English is widely used in the world.(广泛运用)When winter comes, frogs go deep into the mud.Her lies hurt my father deeply.(深深地)Section 2 形容词和副词的位置一形容词的位置 1.形容词作定语时一般放在被修饰词前,作前置定语。Mr

28、 Smith is a successful businessman. 2.多个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序:(1)多个形容词修饰同一名词时,一般与被修饰的名词之间关系密切的形容词靠近名词。(2)如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词放在前,音节多的放在后。(3)通常情况下,它们的顺序大致遵循以下原则:“限定词(these,those)数量词(second,three)描绘性形容词(beautiful)(性质+状态)大小、长短、高低(large,long,high)+形状新旧(new,old)颜色(red,green)国籍(Chinese)材料(wood)用途(medical,writ

29、ing)名词”。His small new black foreign car.他的那辆新的黑色的外国小汽车限定+大小+新旧+颜色+出处A unique Olympic torch replay 一次别开生面的奥运圣火接力传递限定+描述+出处+用途A fine old stone bridge 一座漂亮的旧石桥限定+描述+新旧+材料John Smith, a successful businessman, has a large white German car. 成功商人约翰史密斯拥有一辆德国产的白色大轿车。 限定+大小+颜色+国籍This is his big square old bla

30、ck Chinese writing desk. 这就是他的又大又旧的中国式方形黑色写字台。限定+大小+形状+新旧+颜色+出处+用途 3.形容词后置的情况:(1)表语形容词修饰名词时There are plenty of jobs available in the western part of the country.The baby still asleep might be awake very soon.以-able, -ible结尾的形容词可置于有最高级或all, every, only等修饰的名词之后the best book available, the only solutio

31、n possiblealive, alike, awake, aware, asleep等作定语时后置the only person awake(2)形容词修饰some, any, every, no和body, thing, one等构成的复合不定代词时Is there anything wrong with your car?There is something important in todays newspaper.Nothing good comes from violence.(3)形容词long, wide, high, deep, thick, old等与数词短语连用时My

32、sister is 1.9 meters tall. Its very difficult to find clothes big enough for her.(4)两个意思相反的形容词用and, or连接时We should be fair to all people, young and old.(5)形容词后面跟“介词+名词/代词”结构时He is a student worthy of praise.Isnt it a problem difficult to solve?【练习】_students are required to take part in the boat race

33、. A. Ten strong young Chinese B.Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese【解析】答案为A。根据“限定词+形容词+名词”,数词属于限定词,选出A和B来;再根据“描绘(strong)+(长幼young)+国籍(Chinese)”选出正确答案。二副词的位置 1.程度副词修饰动词时,一般位于实义动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。修饰形容词、副词时,位于被修饰的词之前。The boy walked quietly out of the room.

34、I can hardly believe he stole my money.Ann is very fond of golf. 2.方式副词大多位于句尾,当宾语过长时,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。但是,well, badly, hard等只放在句尾。We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.He speaks English well. 3.enough作副词用来修饰形容词、副词时要放在所修饰词的后面;enough作形容词时,放在名词前后都可。Although she did not know Boston well, she

35、 made her way easily enough to the Home Circle Building.虽然她对波士顿不是很熟悉,但她还是轻而易举地到了家居建筑圈。He is rich enough to buy a car. 4.else修饰疑问词和不定代词时,放在这些词的后面Who else was invited to the party?Do you want to go anywhere else? 5.多个不同种类的副词的排列顺序:状态副词/程度副词/方式副词+地点副词+时间副词They are playing games quite happily there now.副

36、词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。 (×) I very like English. () I like English very much. 6.频度副词通常放在被修饰的实义动词前,情态动词、be动词和助动词之后。She is always ready to help others.They seldom take exercise in the morning.【练习】No matter how_ , it is not necessarily lifeless. A. a desert may be dry B. dry a desert may be C. may a

37、 desert be dry D. dry may a desert be【解析】答案为B。考查副词修饰形容词的语序。how与形容词和可数名词单数连用的顺序为:how+形容词+a(n)+可数名词单数,与其用法一样的还有so,too等。如:so difficult a question如此难的一个问题;Its too long a Journey to make in one day.旅程太远,一天之内到不了。故选B。句意:沙漠无论多么于旱。也不一定就没有生命。We only had $100 and that was _to buy a new computer.A. nowhere near

38、 enough B. near enough nowhereC. enough near nowhere D. near nowhere enough【解析】答案为A 。nowhere near是固定短语,意思是“差得远;远不及”,相当于一个形容词,enough做副词用,修饰形容词或副词时,应该放在被修饰词的后面。句意:我们只有100美元,他怎么也不够买一台新电脑的。Section 3 形容词、副词比较等级的构成一规则变化类 别构成方法原 级比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾加-er, -esttalltallertallest以不发音的e结尾时,在词尾加-r, st &#

39、160;largenicelargernicerlargestnicest以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,变y为i ,再加-er, - est easybusyhappyeasierbusierhappiereasiestbusiesthappiest以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的单音节词或少数双音节词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er, -estbighotthinbiggerhotterthinnerbiggesthottestthinnest多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加more, mostimportantquicklymore importantmo

40、re quicklymost importantmost quickly二不规则变化原 级比较级最高级good/wellbetter bestill/bad/badlyworse worstold  olderoldestmany/muchmore mostlittle less least far farther/furtherfarthest/furthest三有两种构成方法的词原 级比较级最高级cruelcrueler/more cruelcruelest/most cruelfriendlyfri

41、endlier/more friendlyfriendliest/most friendlystrictstricter/more strictstrictest/most strictoftenoftener/more oftenoftenest/most oftenSection 4 形容词、副词比较等级的用法一原级的用法 1.“as+形容词/副词+as”表示双方在程度、特征等方面相等。“not+as/so+形容词/副词原级+as”表示“不如”。Youre as tall as your father.She doesnt play the piano as/so well as her

42、sister. 注意:有时“as.as”结构并不用来表示两者的比较,而是用来描述同一个人或事物的特征。 2.“倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as”表示“-是-的几倍”Tom is twice as old as Kate.Their school is three times as big as ours. 3.当“as.as”结构中有名词时,用“as+many/much+名词+as”或“as+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+as”,表示“-和-一样”。He has as many books as I.Our neighbor has as big a house as ours.Today

43、 is as busy a day as yesterday.as much as+不可数名词:多达 Each stone weighs as much as fifteen tons.as many as+可数名词:多达 I have as many as sixteen reference books.as early as:早在 As early as the twelfth century the English began to invade the island.as far as:远到;就而论 We might go as far as(走到远至)the church and b

44、ack. As far as I know(就我所知), he has been there before.asas one can:尽其所能 He began to run as fast as he could.asas possible:尽可能 Just get them to finish up as quickly as possible.【练习】He speaks English well indeed, but of course not a native speaker.A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as

45、D. much fluently than【解析】答案为C。修饰动词“speak”时要用副词,排除A和B选项;又因“than”前必须是比较级,故排除D选项。I like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times_ . A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many【解析】答案为A。考查倍数的表示方法。空白处补充完整为“as much as that one costs”。二比较级的用法 1.“比较级+than”表示“更-”。The mobile phone is ch

46、eaper than that one.However, you mother knows best: nothing is more important than health.You look younger than your sister.(1).比较时,比较对象要一致,相比较的两者必须是同一类。 × The population of Canada is smaller than Africa. The population of Canada is smaller than that of Africa.(2) .than后面接代词一般用主格,但口语中也可用宾格。若tha

47、n后是一个句子,则不使用宾格。 Lucy is taller than I/me. = Lucy is taller than I am. 2.“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越-”She gets more and more beautiful every time I see her.The night is becoming shorter and shorter. 3.“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越-,越-”In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the fu

48、rther we go, the better our holiday will be.The more, the better.The harder he works, the more progress he has made. 4.“the+形容词比较级+of the two+名词”表示“某人或某物是两者中较-的”Mike is the taller of the two boys. 5.“比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数”表示“-比同一范围的任何一个人/物都-”,含义是“最-”,因此可以与最高级互换。The Yangtze River is longer than a

49、ny other river in China.= The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. 注意:在同一范围内比较时要用other或else把主体排除在被比较的范围之外。× China is larger than any country in Asia. China is larger than any other country in Asia. China is larger than any country in Africa.【练习】It looks like the weather is changing for

50、_. Shall we stick to our plan? A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst【解析】答案为A。隐含着将现在的天气与将来的天气进行比较。“the worse”后面省略了“weather”意为“天气变坏或恶化”。句意:看上去好像天气在变坏。我们还要不要坚持我们的计划?I dont think this film is by far the most boring. I have seen_.A. better B. worse C. the best D. the worst【解析】答案为B。由前文“我认为这部电影不是最没趣的

51、”可知,“我看过(比这部)更差的电影”,省略了“than this one”。Of the two sisters, Betty is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest【解析】答案为C。当表示两者之中比较年轻的那个时,要用形容词比较级,并在比较级前加定冠词the。the youngest表示多于两个的最年轻的。三.最高级的用法 1.“the+最高级+比较范围”表示“-是-中最-的”The Himalaya Mou

52、ntains are the highest in the world. 2.“one of the +最高级+可数名词复数+比较范围”表示“-中最-之一”This is one of the most important events in modern history. 3.“特殊疑问词+.+the+最高级,甲,乙,or丙?”用于三者比较。Which country is the largest, China, Brazil or Canada?Which subject do you like best, history, physics or Chinese? 4.“否定词语+比较级”

53、或“否定词语+such/so.as”结构表示最高级含义。Nothing is easier than this. = Nothing is so easy as this.= Nothing is the easier except this.最高级意义的多种表达:“比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数”;“比较级+than+the other+可数名词复数”;“比较级+than +any of the other+可数名词复数”;“比较级+than+anything/anybody else”。My son is taller than in his class. any ot

54、her studentthe other studentsany of the other studentsanybody else【练习】Mr. Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a_ boss. A. better B. good C. best D. still better【解析】答案为A。根据句意前半句可知, 史蒂文先生工作棒极了,后面意味这再也找不到更好的老板了,用否定副词与比较级连用表达最高级。How are your recent trip to Sichuan? Ive never had _ one

55、 before. A. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant【解析】答案为B。考查“否定词+比较级”表示最高级的用法。句意:你最近去四川的旅行怎么样?我以前从未玩得这么开心过。否定词never+比较级表示最高级的含义,表示这次四川之行是到目前为止玩得最开心的一次旅行,故答案为B。David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels_ desire to go to bed. A. the

56、 most B. more C. worse D. the least【解析】答案为D。因为feel the least desire to go to bed意为“完全不/一点也不想去睡觉”与前文的“他现在还非常兴奋”的语意一致。Alan is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends. A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully【解析】答案为D。由题干中的but可知,后半句表否定意义,故选D项。the least+形容词

57、(副词)+原形,表示“最不”。less carefully是两者之间的比较。四最高级中冠词the的省略 1.当形容词最高级前有序数词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等限定词修饰时,最高级前不用the.This is my mothers happiest day in her life. 2.副词最高级前可以不用theThe girl runs fastest and jumps farthest.He came earliest of all the boys. 3.两个形容词最高级都修饰同一个名词时,第二个最高级之前不用theShe is the youngest and shortest

58、 girl in her class. 4.形容词最高级作宾语补足语时,前面不用theI found it most difficult to solve the problem. 5.形容词最高级表示加强语气时,意为“很,十分,非常”前面不用the。My hometown is most beautiful. 6.在一些固定用法中,最高级前常省略the。With best wishes for you.the most 与a most 的区别: the most意为“最”, a most意为“很,非常” This is the most interesting movie. This is a most interesting movie.【练习】The children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride _. A. most B. more C. less D. little【解析】答案为A。很容易误选B或C。根据句子意思可以看出,孩子非常喜欢白天的旅行,而且他们最喜欢的就是骑马了。(从句子中可以看出白天的旅行中经历了很多

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