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1、step shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the same façade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time side boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of wood nailed

2、to the wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, timber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the side plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good expansion joints

3、 side of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its template demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side with 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, another side for mu

4、ltilayer Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of construction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints, such as con

5、struction joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with steel mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concrete pouring, c

6、onstruction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, water and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each floor after inst

7、allation, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete. 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete structure engi

8、neering construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation ± 5 

9、77; 3 adjacent two Board surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate center line location 3 3 pre buried tube, and reserved hole center line location 3 3 pre buried bolt center line location 2 2 Exposed length +10,0 +10,0 reserved hole center line position 10 10 section size +10

10、,0 +10,0 reinforcing the centerline location 5 5 exposed length +10,0 +10,0 die frame support must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability, supporting parts must have sufficient support area. Template size is accurate, seam marks neat and orderly. Structures of yin and Yang founder straight

11、, joint width shall not exceedrapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty co

12、nsumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty

13、 consumption further. Implementing an "honest canteen", standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research "village officials" capitalization management of corporate sp

14、ending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to

15、 reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut,

16、dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the "five in one" the General layout of socialist modernization r

17、equirements, 18 session of the decision was a "five in one" and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the

18、 area of institutional reform. The "five in one" programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding tim

19、e and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of th

20、e CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme "personnel", discussing election Central's top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decision

21、s, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third二0一二年春季九年级联考物理试卷一、选择题(共18小题,每小题只有一个符合题意的选项,请将这个选项前面的字母代号用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂每小题2分,计36分)1.关于声现象,下列说法中正确的是( )A

22、声音在各种介质中的传播速度一样大B.“闻其声而知其人”主要是根据声音的响度来判断的C用超声波可击碎人体内“结石”,说明声波能传递能量D市区内“禁鸣喇叭”,采用的是在声音传播过程中减弱噪声2. 如图1所示,表示近视眼矫正的是( ) 3.在透明塑料袋中滴入几滴酒精,将袋挤瘪,排尽空气后把口握紧,放入80的热水中,发现塑料袋鼓起;拿出塑料袋,过一会儿塑料袋又瘪了。在此过程中发生的物态变化是( )A.先液化后汽化 B.先汽化后液化C.先升化后凝华 D.先凝华后升华4. 以下与物态变化相关的说法正确的是()A.气衣柜里放樟脑片,利用了汽化B.气温低于水银凝固点的地方,不能使用水银温度计C.北方的冬天,在

23、菜窖里放几桶水,是为了利用水的汽化吸热D.电冰箱使用的制冷物质工作时,在冷冻室要液化,在冷凝器要汽化5. 空调遥控器能够控制空调的开机、关机、调温等,利用的是()A红外线 B紫外线 CX射线 D可见光6. 物体在平面镜中像的大小取决于( )A平面镜的大小 B平面镜放置的高低C物体本身的大小 D物体到平面镜的距离7. 下列现象中由凝固形成的是( )A冬天早晨草木上的霜 B. 春天早晨常见的雾C钢水水浇铸成火车轮 D. 衣柜中的樟脑丸变小8. 一块铁块的质量会发生变化的情况是()A将它熔化成铁水 B磨掉铁块一个角C把它轧成薄铁片 D从地球运到月球9. 坐在高速行驶火车上的乘客,我们说他静止是以下列

24、哪个物体为参照物的( )A火车车厢 B铁轨 C迎面开来的火车 D车厢里走动的乘务员10. 现代汽车除了前、后排座位都有安全带,这主要是为了减轻下列哪种情况出现时,可能对人身造成的伤害( ) A.汽车速度太慢 B.汽车转弯 C.汽车突然启动 D.汽车前端发生剧烈撞击11. 将小铁块和小木块放入一盆水中结果发现木块浮在水面上,铁块沉入水底,就此现象,下列分析正确的是()A木块受到浮力,铁块不受浮力B铁块沉入水底,所受浮力一定小于自身的重力C木块受到的浮力一定大于铁块所受的浮力D木块漂浮在水面上,所受浮力大于自身的重力图212.静止在地面上的物体,受到的力中属于一对平衡力的是( )A.地球对物体的吸

25、引力与物体对地球的吸引力B.地面对物体的支持力与物体的重力C.物体对地面的压力与地面对物体的支持力D.物体对地面的压力与物体的重力13.如图2是一种指甲刀的结构示意图,下列说法正确的是( ) AABC是一个省力杠杆 BD处刀刃较薄,可以增大压力C杠杆ABC上有粗糙的花纹,可以减小摩擦DABC杠杆的支点是B点14. 下列现象可以用光的折射解释的是 ( ) A在游泳池边看到的池底比实际浅 B夜晚看到人在路灯下形成的影子C平静的水面倒映着蓝天白云 D晴朗夏日的中午,在树下看见圆形的光斑15.小明站在匀速上行的自动扶梯上由一楼升到二楼的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )图3A小明相对于地面是静止的 B小明

26、的动能大小保持不变C小明的机械能总量保持不变 D自动扶梯把机械能转化为电能16.用细线把很干净的玻璃板吊在弹簧测力计的下面,记住测力计的读数。使玻璃板水平接触水面,然后稍稍用力向上拉玻璃板,如图3所示。则弹簧测力计的读数( )A.不变,因为玻璃板重力不变 B变大,因为玻璃板沾水变重了C.变小,因为玻璃板受到了浮力作用D.变大,因为玻璃板与水的接触面之间存在分子引力图417.许多城镇的路灯安装了两盏“风光互补”景观节能灯,如图4所示,它“头顶”小风扇,“肩扛”太阳能电池板。关于节能灯的设计解释合理的是()A太阳能电池板是将光能转化为电能B小风扇是用来给太阳能电池板散热的C小风扇是风力发电机,将电

27、能转化为机械能D蓄电池在夜晚放电时,将电能转化为化学能18.以下关于核能发电的说法中正确的是( )A.日本福岛核事故造成放射性污染,所以应该关闭所有核电站B.核能既是可再生能源又是新能源,所以应该大力发展核电 C.目前核电站获得核能的途径是核聚变,是不加控制的D.核反应堆中发生的链式反应是可控的 二、填空题(共7小题,每空1分,计14分)19.身高1.75m的小刚站在竖直放置的平面镜前1.5m处,他在镜中的像距他 m。如果他向镜面移动0.5m,他的像高 1.75m(选填“大于”“小于”或“等于”)20.为了解决酷暑季节的控温、降温问题,在上海世博园区内使用了如冰墙、喷雾机器人等设施。“冰墙”是

28、利用冰的 吸热,“喷雾”是利用雾的 吸热(以上两空均填物态变化的名称),从而达到降温的目的。21. 如果一个物体能反射所有色光,则该物体呈现 色;在暗室里用一束绿光照射一朵红花,则该花呈现 色。22.汽车发动机(汽油机)效率的高低是区分汽车优劣的重要指标之一。有经验的司机可以通过闻尾气的气味做出初步的判断。输出功率相同时,汽油味越淡,汽车发动机效率越 ,原因是 。甲图5乙23.在水平桌面上有一质量为1kg的长方体。用4N的水平拉力向右拉,长方体静止不动,此时它所受的摩擦力为N;拉力增大至6N时长方体做匀速直线运动;若拉力增大至8N时长方体所受的摩擦力为N。24.如图5所示,甲的现象:“从B管右

29、端向管内吹气,A管水面上升”;说明的原理是气体流速越大,压强越 。乙现象:“迅速击打硬纸板,鸡蛋不会随硬纸板飞出”;说明的原理是 具有惯性。25.我国新型防空导弹“红旗 - 9”试射,导弹上升过程中与空气摩擦导致内能 _(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”),此内能改变是通过 _的方式实现的。三、实验探究题(共4小题,第26题2分,第2728题各4分,第29题5分,计15分.)26(1)如图6所示,考古人员需要对一口古井进行清理,为了解决照明问题,请你帮他们把太阳光反射到井里,并能垂直照亮井底,请画出平面镜。图8(2)如图7所示为钓鱼竿钓鱼的示意图,O为支点,F1表示手对钓鱼竿的作用力,请在图中


31、他想让像离凸透镜更近些,他应该将_放在蜡烛和凸透镜之间。28. 如图是研究“物体动能的大小与哪些因素有关”的实验装置,实验中让同一钢球从斜面上不同的高度由静止自由滚下,撞击同一木块。请回答以下问题: (1)设计实验的目的是研究钢球动能的大小与     的关系。 (2)实验中,如果平面绝对光滑,还能得出结论吗?为什么?此时小球撞击前后动能大小会发生变化吗?为什么?29.某小组同时进行了“海波熔化”“水的沸腾”实验,在进行到时间t1时都停止了加热,然后他们将记录的数据绘制成了如图10甲、乙所示的图像。DCBAT/t/min0丙甲t1t1T

32、/t/minT/t/min00乙图10(1) 图是水沸腾图像,为什么?(2)另一小组将海波全部熔化,根据数据绘制的图像如图丙,则B、C两点的内能 大。根据图像丙判断,海波在AB、CD段时, 段比热容大,为什么?四、应用实践题(共3小题,第30题4分,第31题5分,第32题6分,计15分)30.某公路路面所能承受的最大压强为8×105Pa。现有一辆卡车,车和货物总重12t,轮子与地面的接触面积是0.12m2,当这辆卡车在该公路上行驶时。(1)请通过计算说明是否对公路路面产生危害。(2)用物理原理说明,为什么卡车超载容易产生交通事故?31. 一辆汽车以25m/s的速度在平直路面上匀速行驶

33、时,汽车发动机产生的牵引力为1000N,效率为30,一次行程为250km,汽油的热值为46×107 Jkg。求: (1) 在这次行程中汽车发动机所做的功是多少J?(2)汽车至少要加多少kg汽油?图1132.利用如图11所示的滑轮组竖直向上提升浸没在水中的金属物。已知正方体实心金属物的体积V=1×10-2m3,重力G=790N,水=1×103kg/m3,动滑轮重G0=60N,绳子重力和摩擦不计。请问:(1)金属物浸没在水中时,受到的浮力是多大?(2)在金属物浸没时,匀速提升需要的拉力F是多少N?(3)要求在1min内将始终浸没在水中的金属物匀速提升6m,求绳子自由端

34、竖直向上拉力的功率;二0一二年春季九年级联考班级: 学号: 姓名: 物理答题卡班级 学号 姓名 题 号一 二三四总 分得 分填涂样例 正确填涂注意事项1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、考试号填写清楚。2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔答题,不得用铅笔或圆珠笔答题;字体工整、笔迹清楚。3.请按题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破。一、选择题(每小题2分,计36分)ABCD1ABCD2ABCD3ABCD4ABCD5ABCD6ABCD7ABCD8ABCD9ABCD10ABCD11

35、ABCD12ABCD13ABCD14ABCD15ABCD16ABCD17ABCD18非选择题二、填空题(共7小题,每空1分,计14分)19. ; 。20. ; 。21. ; 。22. ; 。23. ; 。24. ; 。25. ; 。请在各题的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形框限定区域的答案无效图7三、实验探究题(共4小题,第26题2分,第2728题各4分,第29题5分,计15分.)图626、27、(1) 。(2) 。(3) 。(4) 。28(1) 。(2) 请在各题的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形框限定区域的答案无效29(1) 。(2)B、C两点的内能 大。根据图像甲判断,海波在AB、CD段时, 段

36、比热容大,理由是:四、应用与实践题(共3小题,第30题4分,第31题5分,第32题6分,计15分)30、(1)(2)31、(1)请在各题的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形框限定区域的答案无效31、(2)32、(1)(2) (3)请在各题的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形框限定区域的答案无效二0一二年春季九年级联考物理试题答案一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案CDBBACCBADBBAABDAD二、填空题(共7小题,每空1分,计14分)19. 3;等于。20. 熔化;汽化(蒸发)。21. 白;黑。22. 高; 燃料(或汽油)燃烧充分,效率高。23. 4; 6。24.

37、小;鸡蛋。25. 增大;做功。三、实验探究题(共4小题,第26题2分,第2728题各4分,第29题5分,计15分.)26.图略。(分步给分)27. (1)10cm。(2)上。(3)主要考察学生是否知道F左右也应该相反,且被放大。(4)老花镜。(每问1分)28. (1)速度(1分)。(2)不能得出结论,如果平面绝对光滑,木块被撞击后将做匀速直线运动,不会停下来,无法根据它运动的远近来判断动能的大小(1分)。小球撞击木块后动能会减小(1分),原因:由于无摩擦,根据能量守恒定律,小球碰撞前的动能等于碰撞后木块和小球的总动能(只是机械能一部分发生了转移),这样小球的动能会减小(1分)。29. (1)乙

38、,停止对水加热后,它的温度会立即降低。而晶体停止加热,在凝固时温度保持不变。(2)C。AB段比热容大,因为质量相同的物质,在同样吸热时,AB段升温更慢。四、应用实践题(共3小题,第30题4分,第31题5分,第32题6分,计15分)30. 解:(1)已知:卡车装满货物时对路面的压力:F=G=mg=(2×103kg+10×103kg)×10N/kg=1.2×105N对路面的压强:p卡=1.0×106Pa。p卡p受,将会损坏路面(2分)(2)卡车超载后,车的质量增加,在高速行驶时,车的动能增加(1分),刹车时不容易停住,易造成交通事故(1分)。31.

39、 解:(1)全程往返约250km牵引力所做的功:W=FS=1000N×2.5×105m=2.5×108J (2分)(2)由得,需要汽油的质量为:(3分)32. 解:(1)金属块受到的浮力:F浮=G排=水Vg=1×103kg/m3×1×10-2m3×10N/kg=100N(2分)。(2)F=250N,(2分)(3) P=Fv=75W(2分)and tamping, clear template prior to placing the debris, and water wet template; control since

40、the height of the concrete shall not exceed 1.5M; dense wall bushing with the same level of fine aggregate concrete for pouring concrete pouring, pouring top layered slopes and adjacent two layers of pouring interval must not exceed 1h. Strengthen the maintenance of waterproofing concrete, the baseb

41、oard after the concrete has been poured, immediately cover it with plastic sheeting and strengthening conservation. Strengthen the construction quality control of construction joints, horizontal construction joints for Foundation slab, set plate sealing strip, the construction of water stop steel co

42、ncrete compacting. In front of the poured concrete walls, the joint surfaces for cutting hair, remove floating particles, and rinse to keep moist. VI reinforcement Engineering (a) steel raw material requirements of the engineering design of main structure of steel primary steel and grade of steel. S

43、teel comes into play, should be accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate, and Visual inspection by the engineering technology, materials, personnel, including specifications, diameter tolerance, have no cracks, pores, surface corrosion. In all of steel quality certificate complete S

44、hi, by test room by batch sampling do retest, each bulk is unlikely to Yu 60t, each acceptance batch in the take sample a group, including 2 root pull, and 2 root bent try pieces, 5 root size, and weight try pieces, try pieces from any three root (or two disc) steel in the interception, each root st

45、eel Shang cutstep shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the same façade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time side boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of

46、 wood nailed to the wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, timber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the side plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good exp

47、ansion joints side of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its template demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side with 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, anothe

48、r side for multilayer Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of construction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints

49、, such as construction joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with steel mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concre

50、te pouring, construction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, water and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each flo

51、or after installation, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete. 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete s

52、tructure engineering construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation

53、 ± 5 ± 3 adjacent two Board surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate center line location 3 3 pre buried tube, and reserved hole center line location 3 3 pre buried bolt center line location 2 2 Exposed length +10,0 +10,0 reserved hole center line position 10 10 sec

54、tion size +10,0 +10,0 reinforcing the centerline location 5 5 exposed length +10,0 +10,0 die frame support must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability, supporting parts must have sufficient support area. Template size is accurate, seam marks neat and orderly. Structures of yin and Yang fou

55、nder straight, joint width shall not exceedplenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective,

56、often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the

57、 four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of "taking class struggle

58、 as the key link," shifted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic orde

59、r; 14 . Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of h

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