2020人教版高中英语选修六课时作业:Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.2 Word版含答案

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2020人教版高中英语选修六课时作业:Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.2 Word版含答案_第1页
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《2020人教版高中英语选修六课时作业:Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.2 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020人教版高中英语选修六课时作业:Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.2 Word版含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料2.2 新提升课时作业.单句语法填空1We must choose texts that are appropriate _ our teaching.2He _(exchange) his old car for a new model as soon as he won the money.3It is _(like) that Tom and his father will be late. They are _(like) to miss the plane.4_ it is youve found, you must give it back to th

2、e person it belongs to.5Although she had tried _ every method, Carolina couldnt get the door open.6The performers were delighted by the _(warm) of the applause.7The lorry, loaded _ bricks, has broken down in the middle of the bridge.8Many of the big world sports events are _(sponsor) by wealthy big

3、companies, who hope to advertise their companies or their products.9John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to let _ all his trousers to his measure.10_ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.答案:1.for2.exchanged3.likely; likely4.Whate

4、ver5.out6.warmth7.with8.are sponsored9.out10.However.根据提示完成句子1By _ a big tree by the river, the boy saved himself. (hold)通过紧紧抱住河边的一棵大树,这个男孩得救了。2How long will it take _ the train?(load)装这车煤需要多长时间?3The idea sounds fine, but it needs _ in practice.(try)这个主意听起来不错,但它需要在实践中试验一下。4Ill never tell you another

5、 secret if you _.(let)如果你泄露了这个秘密,我就不再告诉你另一个秘密了。5It is entirely appropriate that his music _ at this festival.(play)他的音乐在这个节日里演奏是完全合适的。6She _ ring me tonight. (likely)她今天晚上很可能打电话给我。7You mustnt enter the room unless _.(allow)除非你得到允许,否则不能进这房间。8I feel pain here _.(whenever)无论什么时候我喝了凉的东西,我就感觉这儿疼。答案:1.hol

6、ding on to2.to load the coal onto3trying out/to be tried out4.let this one out5should be played6.is likely to7.allowed to8whenever I drink something cool.语法填空 The hostess was to have a party and entertain guests at home. She busied herself so early in the morning, cleaning the house. She was so tire

7、d _1_ she felt pain in her waist and on the back. Drops of sweat fell from her forehead. She did not finish cleaning the house _2_ dusk._3_(look) at the clean and tidy drawing room, she released a sigh with a smile on her face. The guests were coming! Entering the drawing room, they _4_(attract) by

8、the fresh flowers. Surprisingly pleased, they cheered in praise, “Oh, what beautiful flowers!”“How colorful and fragrant!” “Just have a look at them,and life is full of pleasure!” Then they went on to express their thanks _5_ the hostess for her _6_(delicate) arranged flowers. With an embarrassed sm

9、ile, the hostess said, “I am glad you like them. Thank you for your praise. I was _7_ bit surprised about them. I _8_ make detailed arrangement for your honor. I was busy the whole day cleaning and mopping. As for the flowers in the vase,it is a piece of cake. I did them by just lifting my hand. Now

10、 you are _9_(aware) of my hard work and praise _10_ highly for my easiest effort. It is beyond my expectation.”答案:1that2.until/till3.Looking4.were attracted5to6.delicately7.a8.did9.unaware10.me.阅读理解Long ago,poems were recited out loud instead of being written down. Back when the Greeks first started

11、 the Olympics, they held poetry contests as well as athletic competitions.Now,poetry competitions have been revived(恢复). This year 120,000 high school students competed in the first Poetry Out Loud national recitation contest,performing poems from memory for $100,000 in prizes.The first competitions

12、 were held in classrooms. The winners went on to schoolwide contests, and then they competed in city and state competitions. Finally, the 50 state champions,along with the District of Columbia champion came to Washington DC. last week for the last showdown. After the 51 champions competed against on

13、e another, 12 went on to the finals. Then the field was narrowed to five. The final five had one last chance to “perform” a poem. The overall champ, Jackson Hille, a high school senior from Ohio, won a $20,000 scholarship.The National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation started Poetry O

14、ut Loud, because they realized that bearing a poem performed is a different experience from reading it on a page. Its not just a matter of saying the words in the right order. Its the tone of voice, the pauses, the gestures and the attitude of the person performing that bring the words to life. “Eac

15、h time we hear somebody recite a poem, we understand again what we found fresh and interesting about it,” said National Public Radio Broadcaster Scott Simon, master of ceremonies for the finals. Hearing it in a new voice offers something new to the listener. Not only do the people hearing poems have

16、 a new experience, but memorizing and presenting poems helps the participants(选手) understand those poems in a new way. Another benefit of a competition such as Poetry Out Loud is that the participants learn publicspeaking skills that can help them for life.1From the first paragraph,we can know _. At

17、he Greeks were the first to write poems Bthe Olympics used to start with poem reciting Cpoems were spread orally in the past Dathletes were asked to recite poems before competing2How many rounds of competitions did the champions take before they went to Washington DC.? AThree. BFour.CFive. DSix.3Acc

18、ording to the passage, hearing a poem recited in a new voice can _. Abring a new life to listeners Bhelp listeners find their interest Cmake listeners learn the words Doffer something new to listeners4One benefit the participants get from a competition such as Poetry Out Loud is that they can _. Abe

19、come confident while speaking in public Bwrite good poems themselves Cchange their attitudes towards life Dmake friends with many great poets5What influence the beauty of poems? AThe word order and the tone of voice. BThe attitude of the person performing them. CThe tone of voice, the pauses, the ge

20、stures and the attitude of the person reciting them. DThe pauses and the gestures of the person performing them.答案与解析:本文为一篇记叙文。文章讲述了美国的高中生沿袭了以前的做法,发起了诗歌背诵比赛。背诵诗歌不仅让背诵者以全新的方式更深刻地理解诗歌的内涵,也让听者对诗歌有了更新的理解。1解析:推理判断题。由第一段首句“Long ago,poems were recited out loud instead of being written down.”可知,在很早以前诗歌只是口头朗

21、诵的,故选C项。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。从第三段的介绍中可知,参赛者经过在班里、学校、市里和州里的比赛后,才来到华盛顿进行比赛,故B项正确。答案:B3解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段的叙述中可知,朗诵诗歌可以给听者带来新的感受,故选D项。答案:D4解析:细节理解题。由文章最后一句“Another benefit of a competition such as Poetry Out Loud is that the participants learn publicspeaking skills that can help them for life.”可知A项正确。答案:A5解析:由文章第

22、五段第二句话“Its the tone of voice,the pauses,the gestures and the attitude of the person performing that bring the words to life.”可知,要使诗歌有美感,朗诵时的语调、停顿、朗诵者的姿势和态度对其都有影响。答案:C.七选五阅读In order to characterise a work as fantasy literature, I would argue, there are six traits which must be present to some degree:

23、 story, common characters, another world, use of magic and the superpower, a clear sense of good and evil, and the quest. _1_ The second trait of fantasy literature is that the central characters are of a common nature. In the fantasy tale they might be any one of us and that is precisely the point.

24、 We are asked not to stand on the outside and survey this tale. _2_ Thus we find characters quite like ourselves. Even though we may all like to play Superman,in literature it seems that we stand outside the largerthanlife hero. He is well equipped, after all to fight his own battles. _3_ But with c

25、ommon characters we recognise their shortcomings,and want to come to their aid. When a character gets knocked down, which occurs frequently,we would like to help from the safety of our easy chair. Maybe between us we can pull it off._4_ First, common characters have not lost the childlike trait of w

26、onder, the willingness to engage adventure. Often the characters of fantasy are children, since authors have found in children a universal, common human nature curiosity to the adult world. The second reason for the use of a common character has to do with heroism. In literary history the hero has o

27、ften been a figure who acts for us. _5_ The theme in fantasy literature is that anyone may be called on to become the hero.AMoreover, a story must move through a beginning, a middle and in the process it must move the reader.BWe should enter it so that the story becomes ours.CHe or she stands in our

28、 place in the face of danger.DIn fact,we usually know who will win; were just not certain how.EStory seeks to free the imagination, to allow it for a time to live in another world.FThere are two other considerations that account for the trait of the common character.GThe point of a fantasy is not to hand us tidy morals, but to provide us with growth by experience.答案:15ABDFC

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