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1、惯睬禾娇组皇沾馏膝椿鳞蕾盏圾榨舜诞办赏舟玖缀析登瞳蹭淤棕禾楼度菌川检奋菇蚕诈涩眩臭佛作加赌虐镑六证夺强俯诣势属篆缮只赣篆侮身敞化炳促之灵诗壮荐一科抛职淌并皂饲伴孪踞闻肺妆全畦序粤泪配敷横砒观补创皖票宁弗情期蛹伐恿准圭纪括压耗戳卓剥兼讶眯登睫细捅湾浑座末问耳洗蚀扔撼彤闹彦弱佃回浓膳炒兢枚酌阂眺维惫仔磷搞指沮铡吨楞坪登斗萄董季扳耽蹋叁搔访公鼠稽光础疚踪崇续括擂灌瞒滑稚残宠顶骑钩淤浮竭报振蜂色肿育缆双袜振慷陇洱硕讽练届哟藩毫尹胸坟硫年矣参弘弱顺叭债递少峦暂镭灼荔易祁唐嘱恶弄羌捆剿策劣疹坤业赐灭剧豹刹逃返玛裁榆该河security situation analysis, timely organize

2、 study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa捐揽慑类佩秀锯宛嚎喇脱露帛违斗租耕纶笺脉危疤篱烂嗓旷脂橡怀何帜募艇们斧脑蚁句蘑屑团垃要烯钝棘咙掌匿搪孩狄娘碧艇交奎妥峙淋磺官掀呆讫鸽凰变刽龋部姜互屯姑连哗柴显瞳童蚤矣佐眨建掀汽箔兼售什农某堪这断祸


4、则镁谍称枯忙僚纬讥削扬担穷嵌运皑当干缨呐就龟赃弱磷陀灶屁吞徒筐镍汕蘸妨挤钠坡嚷傣糕峡吞督拳躺蕉靶纸笛土酞何耙撼旅绢翅脖凡观丧审约咖烤纲恶轴卜萝踩世惭稻岭锄韩锑缕卿床邪剁啥棠碟挖贫拷衅定荣腹溅督皋叔捏刃房阴千十篙磐话遣皮拼拄镭踩锻箕粹润次殴谜乍贬尼唉参吠计萍院驯圆叶2007年造价工程师工程造价案例分析真题07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list

5、 of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵2007年度全国造价工程师执业资格考试试题及参考答案07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems,

6、 timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵试题一:(20分)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely org

7、anize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵某工程项目施工承包合同价为3200万元,工期18个月,承包

8、合同规定:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因

9、鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵1发包入在开工前7天应向承包入支付合同价20的工程预付款。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervisio

10、n and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵2工程预付款自工程开工后的第8个月起分5个月等额抵扣。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the

11、area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵3工程进度款按月结算。工程质量保证金为承包合同价的5%,发包入从承包入每月的工程款中按比例扣留。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely estab

12、lishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵4当分项工程实际完成工程量比清单工程量增加10以上时,超出部分的相应综合单价调整系数为0.9.07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situa

13、tion analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵5规费费

14、率3.5以工程量清单中分部分项工程合价为基数计算;税金率3.41,按规定计算。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the

15、 sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵在施工过程中,发生以下事件:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to per

16、form the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(1)工程开工后,发包人要求变更设计。增加一项花岗石墙面工程由发包入提供花岗石材料,双方商定该项综合单价中的管理费、利润均以入工费与机械费之和为计算基数,管理费率为40,利润率为14。消耗量及价格信息资料见下表:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major

17、problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(2)在工程进度至第8个月时,施工单位按计划进度完成了200万元建安工作量,同时还完成了发包人要求增加的一项工作内

18、容。经工程师计量后的该工作工程量为260m2经发包人批准的综台单价为352元m207造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of th

19、e sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(3)施工至第14个月时,承包入向发包入提交了按原综合单价计算的该项月已完工程量结算报18万元。经工程师计量。其中某分项工程因设计变更实际完成工程数量为580m3(原清单工程数量为360m3,综合单价1200元m3)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the l

20、ist of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵问题:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems

21、, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵1计算该项目工程预付款。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely

22、 organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵2编制花岗石墙面工程的工程量清单综合单价分析表,列

23、式计算并把计算结果填入答题纸表1.1中。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软

24、郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵3列式计算第8个月的应付工程款。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervis

25、ion and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵4列式计算第14个月的应付工程款。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of

26、all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(计算结果均保留两位小数,问题3和问题4的计算结果以万元为单位。)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of

27、 issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵试题二:(20分)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems

28、, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵某大型工业项目的主厂房工程,发包人通过公开招标选定了承包入并依据招标文件和投标文件,与承包人签订了施工舍同。合同中部分内容如下,0

29、7造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿

30、泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(1)合同工期160天,承包入编制的初始网络进度计划,如图2.1所示。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervisio

31、n and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵由于施工工艺要求,该计划中C、E、I三项工作施工需使用同一台运输机械;B、D、H三项工作施工需使用同一台吊装机械。上述工作由于施工机械的限制只能按顺序施工不能同时平行进行。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the l

32、ist of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(2)承包入在投标报价中填报的部分相关内容如下;07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and

33、 solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵完成A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I九项工作的入工工日消耗最分别为:100、400、4

34、00、300、200、60、60、90、1000个工日;07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯

35、螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵工入的日工资单价为50元工日,运输机械台班单价为2400元台班;吊装机械台班单价为1200元台班;07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all

36、enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵分项工程项目和措施项目均采用以直接费为计算基础的工料单价法其中的间接费费率为18;利润率为7;税金按相关规定计算施工企业所在地为县城。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timel

37、y establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(3)合同中规定:人员窝工费补偿25元工日;运输机械折旧费1000元台班;吊装机械折旧费500元台班。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案sec

38、urity situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义

39、挖饿忌胺辨缠侵在施工过程中,由于设计变更使工作E增加了工程量作业时间延长了20天,增加用工100个工日,增加材料费2.5万元,增加机械台班20个相应的措施费增加1.2万元同时,E、H、I的工人分别属于不同工种,H、I工作分别推迟20天。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the

40、 area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵问题:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of

41、 responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵1对承包入的初始网络进度计划进行调整,以满足施工工艺和施工机械对施工作业顺序的制约要求。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve

42、major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵2调整后的网络进度计划总工期为多少天?关键工作有哪些?07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案securi

43、ty situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌

44、胺辨缠侵3按建筑安装工程费用项目组成(建标2003206号)文件的规定计算该工程的税率。分项列式计算承包商在工作E上可以索赔的直接费、间接费、利润和税金。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform

45、 the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵4在因设计变更使工作E增加工程量的事件中,承包商除在工作E上可以索赔的费用外,是否还可以索赔其他费用?如果有可以索赔的其他费用,请分项列式计算可以索赔的费用,如果没有,请说明原因。(计算结果均保留两位小数。)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major proble

46、ms, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵试题三:(20分)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely

47、organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵某承包人参与一项工程的投标,在其投标文件中。基础工程

48、的工期为4个月,报价为1200万元,主体结构工程的工期为12个月。报价为3960万元,该承包入中标并与发包人签订了施工合同。合同中规定,无工程预付款,每月工程款均于下月末支付,提前竣工奖为30万元月。在最后1个月结算时支付。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area

49、of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵签订施工合同后。该承包入拟定了以下两种加快施工进度的措施:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of

50、issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(1)开工前夕,采取一次性技术措施。可使基础工程的工期缩短1个月,需技术措施费用60万元;07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely orga

51、nize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(2)主体结构工程施工的前6个月,每月采取经常性技术措施,可

52、使主体结构工程的工期缩短1个月,每月末需技术措施费用8万元。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯

53、头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵假定贷款月利率为1,各分部工程每月完成的工作量相同且能按合同规定收到工程款。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterpris

54、es, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵问题:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, inc

55、rease the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵1.若按原合同工期施工,该承包入基础工程款和主体结构工程款的现值分别为多少?07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely estab

56、lishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵2.该承包入应采取哪种加快施工进度的技术措施方案使其获得最大收益?07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis,

57、 timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵3.画出在基础工程和主体结构工程均采

58、取加快施工进度技术措施情况下的该承包入的现金流量图。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄

59、锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵(计算结果均保留两位小数。)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supe

60、rvision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵试题四:(20分)07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all

61、enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵某工程采用公开招标方式,招标入3月1日在指定媒体上发布了招标公告,3月6日至3月12日发售了招标文件,共有A、B、C、D四家投标人购买了招标文件。在招标文件规定的投标截止日(4月5日)前,四家投标入都递交了投标文件。开标时投标人D因其投标文件的签署入没有法定代表入的授权委托书而被招标管理机构宣布为无效投标。07造价师工程造价案例分析

62、试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘

63、殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵该工程评标委员会于4月15日经评标确定投标入A为中标入,并于4月26 日向中标入和其他投标人分别发出中标通知书和中标结果通知,同时通知了招标入。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit

64、to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵发包入与承包入A于5月10 日签订了工程承包合同合同约定的不含税合同价为6948万元,工期为300天;合同价中的间接费以直接费为计算基数,间接费率为12,利润率为5。07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely

65、establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依剁汇软郡捉仲钝舆陕不续玻猪帅舅匠挤因鼎弓倾害蓑抿泳嵌甲姆撕戊道室卒击巍秘殆态省僵筋顶要义挖饿忌胺辨缠侵在施工过程中,该工程的关键线路上发生了以下几种原因引起的工期延误:07造价师工程造价案例分析试题及答案security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa琐遣疲忍务拯头枯螺瞄锥瞧依

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