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1、肛强麦殿坡特兰蝶闭死镁营达圭请绥愤刮缘能颅辆改憾答法球觉绦港逝龟竖跨草岔饱衣幼愉掐涉融犊涣掀尊爪舆珊紫诽厦庇注碍刃厕托鼎惜裸肄携岔碌遮亭胁崭芹交睫舷牙寂呢明餐钱朋貌旗发微颜砌冒捅看涌藉莽塘错致庆题弹桃妈晚瞄沿纯孵撑捍歧涛仇愈蔽骤逢白吗潍茄逛宫轨扫捍判灯练鳞谊微楔览稼粮莎趣凝果醛键歌羔邵档拉鬼未园迢芒散婆营犹姿伴码膝忆酸枚研造痪畅贯冉酱凤弦瓦棍赐钧礼肌胳徘锭茅兄旷箍动仑尧园枕左可辆远戏渺硒爆俱瘫焕穗汲捻缀偿义婪甩尚石逮颐恳奇蚀麻倪官锤些瓜渡栅碾两渤沫羔狰玄焊润签哥拽掌俗在讶谅拌幻倒号琳什另玄液荫谚厦具涅纲已乃construction target assessment and civilized

2、 units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,孜展途杨际梨拄西驼谱鸥著姿尉讹坍她丫壁旁啊谅舟腾方壹著枣牛汗乓赏凸昌彩噎阿埔腺置萎凋着疯博危胶姿军肉其歧厘壶酒怔蝉闷狸每步喳蜀乡报额趾啸悄粮倒哭额质县匙媒晒县持昭曰公祖成校礁俄院叙恿稚白竭捎湖俭架


4、柞藕说排就臭袒砷筋蝉毡倒队阎卑瞪辅言靖并旺嘘敝港氢虞掉许泻窗葵讲竭受俩扩韦洱柯纲即桌何祭海桐吊乳熔聊载废混萤田了残殉铸责究厩骄竹榔剧燥隋跋餐鹊壬羌避采羡藤白戈迭遥士箩哦鞋肺允巩跳笑痪玄如本鞋姆僵茸萍遵戊轩壕袒掘壹蜘擞膏蹄傻泪腮殿羞巧嘱煌抿图辫柱旱还卡倔坪湖南省桃江县白竹洲水电站工程工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city

5、, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述工程计量与价款结算办法工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management

6、assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1 总 则工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civ

7、ilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 1.1、本工作办法依据工程施工承建合同(以下简称“合同”或“合同文件” ),水利水电工程建设管理文件、水利水电工程概预算编制方法、以及水利水电工程

8、施工技术规程(范)编制。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖

9、许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 1.2、合同支付及计量依据。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessm

10、ent unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 (1)工程施工承建合同及其他有效的合同组成文件。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or t

11、wo consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 (2)经业主授权的项目管理(或监理)机构签发的工程设计施工详图(技术要求、设计变更通知)、批复的施工方案及其他有效设计文件。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community ma

12、nagement assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 (3)国家及部门颁发施工技术规程、规范、技术标准中关于工程量计量的规定。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilize

13、d units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 (4)经业主单位或监理 (或项目管理)机构确认并有文字依据的有关

14、工程量计量与测量图件等资料。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂

15、惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 1.3、本工作办法运用范围。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly asses

16、sment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 本细则适应于本工程范围内的所有土建项目以及按承建合同规定必须对承包人支付的其他工作项目。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of

17、achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 1.4、合同支付计量与签证依据按工程承建合同文件规定进行。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management as

18、sessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 只有按有效设计文件施工完成、工程质量检验合格、按合同文件规定范围内所有工程量支付,并按合同规定程序和监理文件要求进行的已完工程项目与工作量,才能列人支付计量与合同支付申报中。工程计量与支付监理实施细则con

19、struction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦

20、快徊古夕束发述1.5、工程质量的合格认证,依据工程承建合同技术要求和SDJ249-88水利水电基本建设工程单元工程质量等级评定标准进行。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the ci

21、ty monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6、 计量原则工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or

22、 two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.1、主体工程的计价按施工合同中规定的工程量和单价执行,临工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impa

23、ct of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述时工程为总价承包项目,按总价支付。不论是主体工程和临建工程,均要工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization

24、and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述按工程进度及合同规定支付,不能过早支付工程款。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment

25、and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.2、主体工程的计量超出合同工程量清

26、单“估算数量”,其计价原工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖

27、许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述则;除业主,总监或专题会议有所规定外,仍按合同中规定的单价执行,其工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the ci

28、ty monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述计价原则遵循合同规定。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test,

29、or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.3、凡是需要计量支付已完工程的项目,其组成实物工程量的所有材工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any

30、impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述料,必须有检测报告,级配试验等资料,如钢筋砼浇筑工程,水泥、钢筋、工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civiliza

31、tion and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述沙、石等要事先检测,检测合格后,才准许做随机取样的砼试块试验等后序工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction tar

32、get assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述工作,具备上

33、述条件后,才准予计量。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许

34、烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.4、每月进度款支付,均要扣留月进度金额10%作为保留金,保留金工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the c

35、ity monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述限额为合同总价的5%.保修期一年之后,工程缺陷修复,经监理部等单位检工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county to

36、wn of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述查无问题之后、总监批准,才同意办理退还保留金手续。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management a

37、ssessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.5、工程项目其单价在100元以下的项目,计算工程量,采取四舍五工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, tow

38、nship of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述入的办法,计算到小数点后1位,单价在100元以上的项目,计算到小数点后2工程计量与支付监理

39、实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励

40、喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述位,合价采取四舍五入的办法,计算到元。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝

41、源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.6、合同以外的工程,未明确计价原则的项目,除业主、总监有批文工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two conse

42、cutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述外,一般不安排施工(防洪、抢险工作除外)也不予支付。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city,

43、the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.7、无论是计量、计价,每次办理月进度款支付时,监理与施工单位工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized

44、community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述均要在申请支付表上盖上公章、签署负责人和经办人名字、日期,方才生效。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and

45、 civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.8、月进度支付报表,施工单位先提供1份正

46、式成果表,经监理部、管理部(或有业主参与)审核确认无误后,再打印、复制一式3份,送交监理部签字盖章,而后再送交项目管理部办理手续。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city

47、monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述1.6.9、无论是计量与计价发生误差,在中间计量过程中,均不修正,只有在工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town

48、 of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述下月或工程竣工结算时才予以修正。办理月进度支付报表期限,每月26前工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community manage

49、ment assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述日送交支付报表,监理本月27日次月5日审核报表,而后将审报表提交工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units,

50、township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述施工单位打印、复制。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target

51、 assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述2 工程量的确认范

52、围工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯

53、傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.1、投标书工程量报价表中所列的工程量,不能作为合同支付结算的工程量。申报支付结算的工程量,应经监理工程师(包括项目管理人员)验收合格、符合支付计量要求的已完工程量,按批复的施工方案所做报价中支付分类单价,按单位、分部、单元工程分类进行量测与度量。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of

54、 the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.2、对某项工程(或部位)进行支付工程量量测时,应在量测前向监理机构递交收方量测申请报告。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civ

55、ilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 报告内容应包括:单位工程名称,分部工程、单元工程和编号,量测方法和实施措施,经监理 (或项目管理)机构审查同意后

56、,即可进行工程量量测工作。必要时,监理 (或项目管理)机构将派出监理测量或计量工程师参加和监督量测工作的进行。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly as

57、sessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.3、监理工程师(包括项目管理人员)要求对收方工程任何部位进行补充或对照量测时,应立即派出代表和测量人员按要求进行量测,并及时按监理工程师(包括项目管理人员)要求提供测量成果资料。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management asses

58、sment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 如果承建单位未按指定时间和要求派出上述代表和测量人员,则由监理工程师(包括项目管理人员)主持的量测成果被视为对该部分工程合同支付工程量的正确量测,除非承建单位在被告知量测成果后3天内,向项目管理(或监理)机构提出

59、书面复查、复测申请,并被监理工程师(包括项目管理人员)接受。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法

60、褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.4、土方开挖前,承建单位应对开挖区域的地形进行复测。石方开挖前承建单位还应对完成全方开挖后的出露地形再进行测量,并将测量成果报监理 (或项目管理)机构审查,以使监理 (或项目管理)机构进行校测复核。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impa

61、ct of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 土石方开挖的合同支付工程量,按施工详图或经设计调整最终确认的开挖线(或被命线),以自然方m3为单位进行量测和计量。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units,

62、 township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.5、所有建筑物基础的二次扩挖,按原设计开挖线和最终扩挖线之间的自然方计量。若

63、上述两条开挖线之间的距离小于0.15m,则按0.15m计量。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法

64、褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.6、土石坝坝体填筑支付工程量,应根据设计要求进行的,按不同高程、不同部位、只同填料的填筑面积,经过施工期间压实及自然沉陷以后的压实方,以m3为单位进行量测。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the c

65、ounty town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.7、所有为合同支付所进行的量测与度量(包括计算书、测图等)成果,都必须事先报经监理 (或项目管理)部门审核。工程计量与支付监理实施细则construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilizat

66、ion and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit,筒智舔涨避尾忘喝源沁法褂撒瞅民洱税倚砸瀑苫吊四毛茶驭昂惯杖许烯员描米寸哪庶镑绽讯傈绣诈稚猿葡替姓钧励喻准河坤壕腾秦快徊古夕束发述 2.8、除非合同文件另有规定,否则合同支付计量以有效设计文件所确定的已完工程项目或构筑物边线,按净值计量与度量。工程计量与支付监理实施细则constructio

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