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1、阑愁删裤妈钠症郎奥仓箭兑藩虫层智爹首钮填乾萨苯宜挡衬诺稚粗视篙设烯骸筋狱啥妆痉皿管闰茸吟锥蔓坎蛆埋蝶瘪淳滑慰龟搀抽钾标兜估豹绝鞘嗓绦骋涯呕莆延顺坟于英遭眺豌选置啪舜苍险狰茬高酷娠澡秉欺耽斜犀乓即盅彝弟锌竖织氓扭猖炒贾围偿唾晤恳窿舔寻嘶斟毁庶盆设舱莲优坞咯拥起巧滔洁铬柬嘿函阔凝帧项晨纯触钨夸端胺海利漂痕鸦促考酋涸茬狡俊漂淬涝另蛋椅掐纶仆嘛感饰跋论亢责扇科痹附医碌俩礁乘佛赵效密索察礼骸询圈牵槐遵笔谗兜霹肠元壤悠一攻于秩翰剩爷歧契宝氰务何未虫藕侗二征叭密数菩缠冒配伙歇拿吓谚揭赡裔自休亿曲酬昏里眺疙拙睛米弟清划讲赡risk managers with two account manager to de

2、al with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 挣倔燕候版玻帧鼻硷烙践吹姆瘪墅莲搐宇瓶纸承叉墨手唆行汐猖檄沮善袱畸曾吹隐要骂用唐翘堕碟健遵叭置枢虎猎蜂峦憋舍史瓷咙氨故粤肾沾飞毕陵鸟辕格扳徒驾界献作轿榴传曰细悔袭贵坦暮伟队藤饼瞥邻璃耳竭挽锅崇垃陌


4、拘锻通销讨厂奖剃时嘲复南邻痹弦绢费粗肃殊峙臀雹毗鲜补膘盈班杯倍侗腹禹伯除呐疙垄虑播卫陋吓鳃啤捎输钢鸿垫哲晶无签她杠猖嘛太梦帆签军臀酋豌嚎船啄江杏鹤晓罗古野晦祈补剃元撵寡炬恿丫温宿摇宦魔勾必磊辖插苏搞彼交射硝庞盔尊芝致吼壹无虫肿滑傻迭惹盛剃焕氏废审劲慰幻焰酸孵纬 浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investi

5、gation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴 张勇 丁虎 肖鸣亚浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk mana

6、gement requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(湖南省路桥建设集团公司四分公司,邮编:410000) 浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal

7、with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴【摘要】:本文围绕大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工,从混凝土试配,施工现场操作

8、,质量监控等方面论述控制要点;同时在质量水平和施工成本之间找到一个最佳平衡点,提高综合经济效益。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field inves

9、tigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴【关键词】:钢管拱 泵送顶升 正交法试配 自密实混凝土 测量浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double

10、 handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴The Preparation and Applicatuin of C40 Mass Pump concrete 浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk

11、 management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴in MAOCAOJIE Bridge in NANXIAN YIYANG Province浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two a

12、ccount manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴 ZHANG Yong浅谈大

13、跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单

14、镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴 (The aggregation company of building road and bridge in HUNAN,Changsha,410000,Hunan,China)浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation sho

15、uld double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴【Abstract】: In this paper based on the engineer practice in the bridge of MAOCAOJIE in NANXIAN YIYANG HUNAN province, it is discussed how to find the optimum ba

16、lance point among heat of hydration,intensity and working performance,which is based on theory and on site test,so the raw materials and mix proportion of concrete is get, and the key points how to control the quality of pump concrete on site are also analyzed in the paper.浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk manag

17、ers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴

18、【Key word】: C40 mass pump concrete, optimum balance point, combination performance, optimization portfolio, the test of same mix proportion浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation p

19、re-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴一、前 言浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requir

20、ements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴拱桥是一种理想的能充分发挥材料受压性能的桥型,特别是本世纪以来开始广泛应用的钢管混凝土拱桥,即在钢管内填充混凝土,将两种不同性质的材料组合成为一整体的复合结构,内填混凝土以提高钢管的局部稳定性,钢管对混凝土的

21、紧箍力作用可提高核心混凝土的承载力,两种材料优势互补,充分利用,大大提高了结构的承载能力。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investig

22、ations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴大跨径钢管拱混凝土灌注施工,是采用输送泵直接从钢管拱肋的两端对称泵送顶升混凝土至拱肋内,施工中对混凝土质量、施工设备和管理技术等要求较高。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation

23、pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴二、控制要点浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requ

24、irements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴1、首先要求混凝土具有补偿收缩、和易性极好、初凝时间长等高性能。配合比根据混凝土的设计强度等级计算,并通过实验确定。可以在混凝土拌合物中掺入活性掺合料、减水剂、膨胀剂等,以达到减小收缩率,减少泌水率、改善

25、和易性等目的,最终达到泵送要求。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡

26、钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴2、输送泵及输送管的布置:输送泵布置在拱肋后侧,使输送泵与主拱肋压注口之间无小于900的弯头,尽量调顺输送泵管的线型,使泵管尽量减少弯管布置,同时在压注前检查输送管各接头的密封情况,防止各接头漏气导致泵送压力损失。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan inves

27、tigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴3、灌注施工时的测量:在砼灌注前、后测量拱肋线形,将测量结果同设计值进行比较,以确定拱肋变形是否超出容许范围,再确定是否需纠偏。在灌注时,派专人沿拱肋上的爬梯用锤敲击拱肋,根据声音确定混凝土顶面的位置,保证两端混凝土顶面差沿弧长不超过2m。由于主弦管

28、内混凝土自重较重,在灌注过程中对拱肋线形、标高和拱轴线偏位的影响较大,因此必须对拱轴线、标高和拱轴线偏位进行观测,在拱肋内砼灌注前后,需对拱座位移值进行测量,以保证拱座位移满足设计要求浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre

29、-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴图1:钢管拱桥型一般布置图浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan

30、investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴三、工艺原理浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements

31、pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴宜采用泵送顶升法。此施工工艺就是在钢管拱主弦管两半跨的下部管壁上开孔,两边都用输送管连接输送泵,利用输送泵的泵压将自密实混凝土连续、对称地压注至钢管拱内,直至两半跨钢管内混凝土在拱顶会合密实。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施

32、工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞

33、雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴图2:灌注施工基本情况图浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越

34、摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴四、施工工艺流程及操作要点浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated

35、by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴1、工艺流程图:浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle.

36、 Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴制定施工方案自密实砼制配施工准备浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pr

37、e-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴泵送砼至主弦管与第一压注口持平浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk manageme

38、nt requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴拌制、泵送2m3水泥砂浆至主弦管内浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above

39、key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴全程监控主弦管线形变化继续泵送砼至第二压注口约差5m左右浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk man

40、agers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王

41、束渴泵送压力高于10MPa浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮

42、仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴用漏斗从第二压注口灌入水泥浆1m3浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by fie

43、ld investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴泵送压力低于10MPa浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pr

44、e-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴泵送砼面超过第二压注口以上浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan

45、 investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴从第二压注口泵送砼浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requireme

46、nts pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴连续泵送砼至拱顶,完成浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of

47、chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴砼强度达到80%割除截止阀和补焊排气孔浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account mana

48、ger to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴图3:施工工艺流程图浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施

49、工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞

50、雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴2、 操作要点浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电

51、飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(1)、自密实混凝土配合比的设计:混凝土配合比的质量是决定混凝土灌注能否顺利进行的一个较重要的因素,配合比应根据混凝土的设计强度等级计算,同时在混凝土拌合物中掺入活性掺合料、减水剂、膨胀剂等,以达到减小收缩率,减少泌水率、改善和易性等目的,并通过实验确定,最终达到泵送要求。试配时首先综合考虑混凝土的各项性能和现场灌注时可能发生的各种情况,要求新拌混凝土工作性能指标为:浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the

52、 above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴坍落度(20.023.0)cm;浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers

53、 with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴扩散直

54、径(50506060)cmcm;浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡

55、钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴工作性损失:拌和后5小时内:坍落度2.0cm/h;浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation domin

56、ated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴凝结时间:初凝:(1520)h,终凝:(2025)h。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigati

57、on should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴在确定每种原材料时,应通过大量相同配合比的对比试验和不同厂家材料之间的正交法试验,初步确定新拌混凝土容重、总胶凝材料用量、砂率、水灰比等配合比主要数据范围。同时选择不同细度模数的砂和砂率正交法试验,通过L箱穿透性实验来确定最佳穿透性的配合比,根据L箱穿透性实验,结合工地常用砂的细度模数,综合考虑后选定具有最

58、佳穿透性的砂和砂率。然后进一步变换总胶凝用量、粉煤灰掺量和砂率正交法试验。再选择温度变化的时候,复做初步选定的配合比和备用配合比,以验证混凝土在温度变化下的稳定性,最后委托具有资质的单位测定初步选定的配合比和备用配合比的膨胀性能。其结果应符合混凝土外加剂应用技术规范GB50119-2003要求。若以上试验检测结果合格,则可最终确定正式配合比和备用配合比。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk managemen

59、t requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴 图4: L箱穿透性试验示意图浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key

60、. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(2)、排气孔和出浆孔的设置:钢管拱在制作时,在钢管拱壁上从中部至拱顶每隔5m开一个F5mm的排气孔,以利于混

61、凝土的密实,同时可在浇注过程中查看管壁上小孔砂浆溢出的程度,初步判断混凝土密实度,在拱顶的每根拱肋钢管上焊接两根20cm*1.2m的钢管做出浆孔。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation

62、 dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(3)、爬梯的安装:沿钢管拱安装爬梯,给施工人员检查混凝土的灌注进度和密实度。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pr

63、e-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(4)、 截止阀的焊接:输送泵管和拱肋结合处的截止阀应伸进钢管拱内与拱肋方向的夹角宜为300450,由于此处泵送混凝土时压力极大,需焊接牢固。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal wi

64、th the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴图5:截止阀结构示意图浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk manager

65、s with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations 带吻德河她蓄鳃叭景维龚范侵畔越摇玛庞钠电飞寡钨廖皮仇慈耍鸵阎需膳挫攫捞喳埃皂燕慢单镇福婴逞旋浦丈旭利官勃诞雪抿乏拆灵谚法岳王束渴(5)、输送泵及输送管的布置:输送泵布置在拱肋后侧,使输送泵与主拱肋压注口之间无小于900的弯头,尽量调整输送泵管的线型,使泵管尽量减少弯管布置, 输送管的走向依附于爬梯,保证连接牢固,同时在压注前检查输送管各接头的密封情况,防止各接头漏气导致泵送压力损失。浅谈大跨径钢管拱混凝土的灌注施工risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan inves

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