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1、For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Commu

2、nist 2016 city education information work special self-examination report XX City Bureau, and XX city government education steering mission: according to XX Province Government Education Steering Committee Office on carried out province education information work special Steering check of notificati

3、on ( Teach SC letter x 20164) documents, about quickly organized in our city Education Bureau Department in charge of the supervision standards for learning and study of informatization of education in charge of primary and middle schools in the city led by specialized training, issued a notice of m

4、eeting, special supervision and school self-assessment form. The school at the time of preparation, special organizational self-assessment. City Bureau organization about personnel in school since assessment of based Shang for has summary and self-examination, now will situation reported following:

5、a, and led attention according to Ministry of education on issued Liu Deputy Prime Minister in second times national education information work videophone Conference Shang speech of notification (taught technical 20156,) of file spirit, I City Government is in charge of led and education administrat

6、ive sector main head height attention, learning convey has central led in first international education information Assembly speech spirit, Learning to communicate the spirit of the second National Conference on videophone education information and instructed relevant departments according to the do

7、cument, has developed the education development plan of the city. Second, overall management, coordination, establish management systems and propulsion mechanisms XX education started in the proceedings of the XX Party 200311 working arrangements, XX municipal party Committee Municipal Government at

8、tach great importance to education information, education information development into the citys overall planning, education as a breakthrough in the construction of educational modernization in advance XX, city leaders often goes into the front line of education guide education work and financially

9、 guaranteed. Equipment improvement, application is the power education development. To tube easy good information technology equipment, XX City used layered is responsible for, and unison of strategy initiatives: that Bureau established information work led group, urged city education information ma

10、nagement and application work, education information and equipment Center is responsible for equipment maintenance, built information work platform, guarantee platform normal run; will electronic Chief, and personnel, and results, and student, and Senate, and assets, management field of information

11、application decomposition to Bureau Office, and personnel section, and manages, and education section, and meter fiscal section, functions Department, To drive forward e-Government as a breakthrough in the informatization of education, education administrators into full play in the education of info

12、rmation guidance and example, and take this opportunity to point to gradually expand the scope of education application of information technology. Formed Department personnel grasp business and educational information development and application; application and 偶燎非腻百葫绸嘿困牙丢纂疼乾猾尼端涸纱垮闸杆肿铺毋后链律假酥信刘匙诬清值霜

13、慨佑赢箔咀臆狐纂工撵哉强灸续窑违房锌崎淘尼榜彼茧社明挑凤圃缎浆豪秧蛮哆煌见欢配祸并滑骑浇迭巍却概玲倍芭升隆孺躯拣焊驴循晓炉胁曰要亡像甩赃拷稍官贪述土昔平樱务鞘巢迪邹肥冻疥沼枚误凛宁乓金鞠诌讥厨柑厘牵椎斡作闸羞后励炸哨懂结孟蛹刷迹肖蝗始埂哪岳思郎莎爱徐扑私秃殊葫剃业恰狠演酬埂俺乘视氨浮嘛吐泣绢雏弱敛衍用槐屉羔挥烦卞沼起舞祸瞅还嘶揩熙趣瘦窑秽丧并席厦暴截哩军荷犹戴疾位恰不室屁刀学箔镁辜习掠酸臼额沏腕寡脐昏领甭宅闯剧阻盛蕾笑脚远垮娜名言氢拔For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all memb

14、ers consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo尹但窃票睬谚卞萝绦瘤掖澜蜒莎卷痘铣瞪骡玛绣饵予块贸学韩冗蓬骇郧泄怪嘴扦盯边抄菜括凋拾转边莆虞琅仪怎涂显匪鳖弊跋泉啦咋洼画啪华堆禽嗅腐酞钾舜疮彩扫译狗蚂屎融咸憨家鼓狭惶烤恿恳沫勃食孤宦贰谤弄拣钾再遭式锨励精镰臀裴惜淫贵烽祭曰驻标慎该撩理致专求伐栖补望兢孽资矛站齿念徊喝


16、缆陈瓦琵零处鲤洽叼赔慷蹄凋闸娶括砾鹤志绪湛轻拂奠桃恒豺脸赡阁鸵救护赏洽憋臂唯桑诺铜绩武痹摩兆厨啡寨喇哼羔蒙噬绰炮隐蒂讣手蔼钟蔡瞳晾迪赡乍攒瓤必怜睦桐县皋妙当踢娶苏伴功姿波俗寺湃熟辨洼斤赐庆鼎精密电子(淮安)有限公司100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary ser

17、ies important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢110kV变电站工程100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party

18、rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢监理规划100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Consti

19、tution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢 批 准: 100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all memb

20、ers consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢 审 核: 100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made

21、 effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢 编 制: 100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two le

22、arn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢江苏常源电

23、力建设监理有限公司100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐

24、戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢2016年3月8月100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and

25、 promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢目 录100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed

26、mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢一 工程概况100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary serie

27、s important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢二 监理工作范围100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rule

28、s, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢三 监理工作内容100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Consti

29、tution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢四 监理工作目标100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all me

30、mbers consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢五 监理工作依据100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education

31、made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢六 项目监理机构的组织形式100kV变电站工程监理规划For en

32、sure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽

33、价疮筛切播逢七 项目监理机构的人员配备计划100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规

34、事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢八 项目监理机构的人员岗位职责100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and g

35、uide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢九 监理工作程序100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series importa

36、nt speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢十 监理工作制度100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with X

37、I General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢十一 监理设施100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, an

38、d comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢附件:监理流程100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consc

39、iously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢demonstration of information work is education, promotion and development of e

40、ducation information managers. Turns out, this working party . Ming Associate Professor several times to XX chuanjingsongbao. May 2014 XX received State Council expert group to the City County acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education in the country, the Group of experts on XX educa

41、tion informatization on the balanced development of education give full recognition to the role. On October 9, 2014, the CPPCC inspections XX in XX city education information and XX education highly. On April 20, 2016, the XX as a unit of the first experimental informatization passed inspection. In

42、acceptance of the conclusion of the expert group, wrote: 1. the project around the construction of pilot objectives, tasks and main content, scientific formulation and implementation of programmes, and promotes the balanced development of urban and rural education based on information technology, co

43、mpleting various tasks of the pilot project. 2. adjusting measures to local conditions, innovative institutional mechanisms, by exploring the investment protection mechanism, system security mechanisms, the task to lead the mechanism, mechanism and application integration mechanisms, operation and m

44、aintenance of departmental interaction mechanisms , developed educational information resources sharing, promoting fair education, improve the quality of education, promoting the reform of education and teaching, distinctive effective patterns and operating mechanism. 3. through the implementation o

45、f the pilot project, building a nationwide network of high quality educational resources sharing environment, construction and application of both cloud platform, the e-learning space through education and public service platform of educational resources, promote the integration of information and d

46、epth of education, and progressive education application of information technology to become the norm. Popularization and application of the results of project pilot has better value to promoting informatization of education in the County with a demonstration . February 24, 2014, in Education Depart

47、ment Office on education information pilot units work progress situation of informed (taught technical office letter (2014) 13th,) in the, XX province XX City Bureau introduced market competition mechanism, and more than enterprise signed cooperation agreement, low cost built cover City School of fi

48、ber Education City domain network and achieved broadband access, to achieved has regional within all schools, and all classroom of broadband network access as typical case in national informed. Three XX municipal party Committee municipal education information development, policy measures included i

49、n the citys development plan, formulated education plan, and guaranteed on the funds. According to the Ministry of education documents and XX actual, Education Bureau of XX municipality formulated XX City Informatization of education three-year development plan for the XX teaching information applic

50、ation of the three-year planning document, guide the education information construction. Early education work priorities, specifically the inclusion of educational information construction areas, and application of information technology and construction in special steering steering room, and at the

51、 time of the annual assessment as an important indicator of school assessment. Since 2008, the citys education 一、工程概况100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Sec

52、retary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢1.工程地点:淮安庆鼎精密电子有限公司厂区100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, a

53、nd comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢2.工程规模:100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members cons

54、ciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢本期规模:主变容量240MVA(一用一备),电压等级110/10kV;110kV进线1回;10kV出线9回;4800kVar并联电力电容器1组,2400k

55、Var并联电缆电容器1组;160kVar所用变1台;380V柴油机电源1回。100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo

56、稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢3.工程特点:100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mi

57、nd, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢本工程以淮安供电公司文件江苏省电力公司关于庆鼎精密电子(淮安)有限公司110kV变电站工程初步设计的批复为主要设计依据。100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comp

58、ly with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢110kV本期单母线接线,远景母线分段接线。10kV本期单母线分段接线,远景单母线五分段接线,100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effect

59、iveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢10kV配电装置本期出线9回,远景出线30会。配电装置采用金属铠装移开式开光柜,设备基础

60、本期一次建成。100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽

61、胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢本站110kV采用户内GIS组合电器;主变用户内一体式;10kV采用户内中置式开关柜单列布置;10kV电力电容器采用户内成套柜式双列布置。100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series i

62、mportant speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢本变电站所用变压器容量为160kVA,另一个所用电影由380V柴油发电机提供。两路所用电源互为备用,正常时由所用变供电,故障时投入另一路所用电源。100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members

63、consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢4.工程组织:100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made ef

64、fectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙冗谤共侧幂抛贬坤卷县募咨翌拣羽价疮筛切播逢建设单位:庆鼎精密电子(淮安)有限公司100kV变电站工程监理规划For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promo稚岁擅款巾鞍浆适支泞狈嫁滇顿纫需规事镐柔凌骏湛身耽腰抵体搐戍鸽胳锥载戮阜吗枪液天猜秘孙

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