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1、step shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the same façade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time side boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of wood nailed

2、to the wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, timber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the side plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good expansion joints

3、 side of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its template demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side with 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, another side for mu

4、ltilayer Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of construction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints, such as con

5、struction joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with steel mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concrete pouring, c

6、onstruction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, water and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each floor after inst

7、allation, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete. 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete structure engi

8、neering construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation ± 5 

9、77; 3 adjacent two Board surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate center line location 3 3 pre buried tube, and reserved hole center line location 3 3 pre buried bolt center line location 2 2 Exposed length +10,0 +10,0 reserved hole center line position 10 10 section size +10

10、,0 +10,0 reinforcing the centerline location 5 5 exposed length +10,0 +10,0 die frame support must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability, supporting parts must have sufficient support area. Template size is accurate, seam marks neat and orderly. Structures of yin and Yang founder straight

11、, joint width shall not exceedrapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty co

12、nsumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty

13、 consumption further. Implementing an "honest canteen", standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research "village officials" capitalization management of corporate sp

14、ending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to

15、 reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut,

16、dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the "five in one" the General layout of socialist modernization r

17、equirements, 18 session of the decision was a "five in one" and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the

18、 area of institutional reform. The "five in one" programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding tim

19、e and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of th

20、e CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme "personnel", discussing election Central's top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decision

21、s, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third第一章 劳动经济学第一节 劳动经济学的研究对象和研究方法 内容考 点考题序P1劳动经济学定义研究市场经济制度中的劳动力市场现象及劳动力市场运行规律的科学。一、劳动资源的稀缺性属性P1-21相对的稀缺性

22、(相对于社会和个人的无限需要和愿望)2绝对的稀缺属性(社会和个人的无限需要和愿望的增长、变化)3本质表现:是消费劳动资源的支付能力、支付手段的稀缺性。4现代劳动经济学产生于劳动资源的稀缺性与成本的存在,其研究对象正是这种客观存在所决定的。2008.5多选二、效用最大化P21.在现代市场经济中,市场运作的主体是企业和个人。2.个人追求的目标是效用最大化。3.企业追求的目标是利润最大化。4. 利润最大化是效用最大化的变形(企业追求的目标是个人追求的目标的变形)5. 效用最大化行为的观点,通常作为经济分析的基本假设。三、劳动力市场P2-3引:在生产要素市场:居民户是生产要素供给方;企业是生产要素需求


24、的特殊性,这种特殊性导致劳动力市场与其他市场有重大区别。四、劳动经济学的研究方法P3-51. 实证研究方法(1)定义:实证研究方法是认识客观现象,向人们提供实在、有用、确定、精确的知识的方法,其重点是研究现象本身“是什么”的问题。2008.5单选(2)特点(2个)P3-42009.5多选2.规范研究方法(1)定义:规范研究方法以某种价值判断为基础,说明经济现象及其运行“应该是什么”的问题。-(2)特点(2个)P4-52009.5;2009.11多选(3)经济运行过程中影响互惠交换的主要障碍有三类:信息障碍,体制障碍,市场缺陷。2008.11多选题3.两种方法的关系实证研究方法排斥价值判断;规范

25、研究方法却以价值判断为基础;二者并非完全对立。第二节 劳动力供给和需求一、劳动力与劳动力供给(P5-7)(一)劳动力和劳动力参与率的概念1.劳动力它是指在一定年龄之内,具有劳动能力与就业要求,从事或能够从事某种职业劳动的全部人口,包括就业者和失业者,即社会劳动力。2.劳动力参与率(1)总人口劳动力参与率=(劳动力/总人口)*100%(2)年龄别(性别)劳动力参与率=(某年龄(性别)劳动力/该年龄(性别)人口)*100%(二)劳动力供给考点具体内容考题1.劳动力供给定义它是指在一定的市场工资率的条件下,劳动力供给的决定主体(家庭或个人)愿意并且能够提供的劳动时间。-2.劳动力供给弹性公式(1)定

26、义:劳动力供给量变动对工资率变动的反应程度被定义为劳动力供给的工资弹性,简称劳动力供给弹性。2007.5单选(2)公式:Es=(S/S)÷( W/W)例如:大地公司相关资料见下表,请计算劳动力供给弹性。4月2日4月3日增长量(S,W)工作时间(小时)(S)6(S0)8(S1)2工资(元/天)(W)50(W0)70(W1)20解:Es=(S/S)/( W/W)=(S1S0)/ S0/( W1- W0)/ W0=2÷6/20÷50=0.8313.劳动力供给弹性分类(5类)(1) 供给无弹性, 即Es=0。(2) 供给有无限弹性,即Es。(3) 单位供给弹性,即Es=1

27、。(4) 供给富有弹性,即Es1。(5) 供给缺乏弹性,即Es1。上例计算结果表明,大地公司劳动力供给缺乏弹性。-(三)经济周期与两种劳动参与假说(附加性劳动力假说和悲观性劳动力假说)考点具体内容考题1两种劳动参与假说前提观点相同(1)男性成年人劳动力参与率与经济周期不存在敏感的反应性,男性成年人为一级劳动力。(2)中年妇女劳动力参与率与经济周期存在较敏感的反应性,中年妇女为二级劳动力。-2附加性劳动力假说的观点二级劳动力参与率与失业率存在着正向关系:失业率上升,二级劳动力参与率提高。-3悲观性劳动力假说的观点二级劳动力参与率与失业率存在着反向关系:失业率上升,二级劳动力参与率下降。-4综合结

28、论二级劳动力市场是经济周期中劳动参与变动幅度较大的群体。-二、劳动力需求(P7-9)考点具体内容考题1.劳动力需求的理论它是关于生产的理论-2. 劳动力需求自身工资弹性计算公式(1)劳动力需求量变动的百分比与工资率变动的百分比的比值。 /(2)劳动力需求量与工资率存在反向关系,故劳动力需求的自身工资弹性值为负值。-3. 劳动力需求的自身工资弹性分类(5类)(1)需求无弹性,即:Ed0;(2)需求有无限弹性,即:Ed;(3)单位需求弹性,即:Ed1;(4)需求富有弹性,即:Ed1;(5)需求缺乏弹性,即:Ed1。-三、企业短期劳动力需求的决定(P9-11)短期企业唯一可变的生产要素是劳动投入,故

29、可变的成本也就是工资。四、 劳动力市场的均衡(P11-13)考点具体内容考题1.狭义劳动力市场它是广义的劳动力市场交换关系的外在表现,是实现劳动力资源配置的有效途径。2008.5单选2. 劳动力市场主客体(1)主体:劳动力的所有者个体;使用劳动力的企业。(2)客体:劳动者的劳动力2009.5单选3.劳动力市场本质属性劳动力市场所维护、反映和调节的经济利益的性质。-4.劳动力市场均衡意义(1)劳动力资源的最优分配。这是劳动力市场均衡在理论上所具有的第一个意义。(2)同质的劳动力获得同样的工资。(3)充分就业。经济社会在均衡时,实现了充分就业。2007.5多选五、人口、资本存量与均衡工资率(P13


31、业的转移,使劳动力供给弹性趋向增大。-(二)资本存量对劳动力需求的影响1资本存量的增加,根本改变了劳动力与资本的配置比例,从而使劳动生产率提高,劳动的边际产品增加。2一般情况表明,生产率增长最终将导致整个经济劳动力需求的增加。-(三)人口、资本存量与劳动力市场均衡资本存量的增长率高于人口的增长率,其结果是均衡工资率得到提高,就业也在扩大2008.11单选第三节 完全竞争市场条件下的工资水平与工资结构一、均衡价格论的一般原理及工资决定(P14-15)考点具体内容考题1.均衡价格论只是运用供求理论说明局部均衡价格的形成,而非价值理论。-2.工资就是劳动力作为生产要素的均衡价格,即劳动力的需求价格与

32、供给价格相一致的价格。-3.工资的决定是以劳动力价值为基础,最终取决于劳动的边际生产率和劳动力再生产费用及劳动的负效用。-二、工资形式(P15-17)考点具体内容考题1生产要素分类(4类)土地、劳动、资本、企业家才能。2.工资形式的关键是以何种方式准确反映和计量劳动者实际提供的劳动数量。3.货币工资(1)定义:是指工人单位时间的货币所得。(2) 影响因素: 货币工资率工作时间长度相关的工资制度安排4.计时工资与计件工资是应用最普遍的基本工资支付方式。5.货币工资与实际工资关系实际工资货币工资÷价格指数例题:2011年6月份某地区城镇职工平均工资4000元,消费品价格比上月提高2%,则

33、该地区城镇职工实际工资为:实际工资货币工资÷价格指数= 4000÷(1+2%)3922元2007.5单选6.福利支付方式实物支付、延期支付第四节 就业与失业一、就业总量的决定(P18-20)考点具体内容考题1.就业的三层含义(1)劳动就业的主体是有劳动能力和就业要求的人,能够参加某种劳动。(2)所参加的劳动属于社会劳动,对社会有益。(3)所从事的劳动有酬劳动,既可以是劳动报酬,也可以是经营收入。2009.5单选2.总供给、总需求与均衡国民收入(1)总供给定义:是指一国在一定时期内生产的最终产品和服务按价格计算的货币价值总量。2008.11单选总供给=各类生产要素的总和 =各

34、类生产要素相应的收入的总和 =消费+储蓄2010.5单选(2) 总需求定义: 是指社会在一定时期内对产品和服务需求的总和。假设:总需求只包括消费品需求和投资品需求。总需求=消费品需求+投资品需求(3)均衡国民收入均衡国民收入=总供给=总需求 =消费+储蓄 =消费品需求+投资品需求设:均衡国民收入为Y,消费为C,储蓄为S,投资为I, 则有: YCS CI2007.5多选;2010.5单选3.社会就业总量取决于均衡国民收入,或者更准确地说,取决于总需求水平2009.5多选二、失业及其类型(正常性2007.11;2010.11多选)(教材第20页)考点具体内容考题1.摩擦性失业(1)它反映了劳动力市



37、常用的反映失业程度的指标(失业率和失业持续期)(1)公式:失业率 =失业人数/社会劳动力人数*100%=失业人数/(就业人数+失业人数)*100%(2)平均失业持续期=失业者*周数/失业人数(3)平均失业持续期的长度是反映失业严重程度的重要指标。平均失业持续期相对地短,一般来说,此类失业为正常失业,它反映了经济的动态性;如果在失业相同的情况下,平均失业持续期的延长,则表明劳动力市场中存在长期失业者。2008.11单选2.就业与失业状态(6种)(1)就业失业(2)就业非劳动力(3)失业就业(4)失业非劳动力(5)非劳动力就业(6)非劳动力失业-3.失业给经济增长与社会发展带来的负面影响(1)失业

38、造成家庭生活困难。(2)失业是劳动力资源浪费的典型形式。(3)失业直接影响劳动者精神需要的满足程度。-五、政府行为和劳动力市场(P23-27)考点具体内容考题(一)政府支出分为:政府购买和转移支付两类.-(二)劳动力市场的制度结构要素1最低劳动标准(1)最低工资标准。(2)最长劳动时间标准:其立法宗旨在于确保劳动者的休息休假权的实现。2007.11;2010.11多选2最低社会保障:最低社会保障是以国家或政府为主体的。-3工会最基本的功能(1)与雇主或雇主组织进行集体谈判 (2)参与决定基本劳动条件 (3)对各项劳动条件标准的实施进行监督。-4最低劳动标准、最低社会保障、工会权利义务等3个制度

39、结构,在现代市场经济国家都以法律的形式确定下来,受到法律的保护。-(三)就业与收入的宏观调控(P24-27)对就业总量影响最大的宏观调控政策是财政政策、货币政策和收入政策。1财政政策(P24-25)考点具体内容考题定义财政政策是指政府运用财政预算来调节总需求水平,以促进充分就业、稳定物价和经济增长的一种宏观经济管理对策。2007.11单选内容包括:通过增减政府税收和预算支出来调节经济2008.5多选类型扩张性财政政策A. 措施:通过采取扩大政府购买、增加政府转移支付、降低税率等措施来刺激消费和投资,增加总需求,以提高就业水平的宏观经济政策。2008.11多选B.适用:当经济处于不景气时期,总需

40、求小于总供给,由于有效需求不足,导致企业开工不足,经济中存在较高水平的失业率,政府就要实行扩张性的财政政策,如免税、退税、降低税率,增加公共工程开支、扩大政府购买,增加政府转移支付等。-紧缩性财政政策A. 措施:通过采取减少政府购买和转移支付、提高税率等措施来削弱消费与投资,减少总需求,以稳定物价的宏观经济政策。2009.11多选B.适用:当经济处于繁荣时期,总需求大于总供给,通货膨胀严重,政府就要实行紧缩性的财政政策。-主要措施调整政府购买水平调整政府转移支付水平变动税率2007.11单选2货币政策(P25)(2007.11单选)考点具体内容考题类型扩张性的货币政策和紧缩性的货币政策-适用当

41、经济处于不景气时期:政府就要实行扩张性的货币政策,如降低法定准备金率、降低贴现率、中央银行买进政府债券等。-当经济处于繁荣时期:政府就要实行紧缩性的货币政策。如削减货币供应量,提高利率,以减少总需求的宏观经济政策。主要措施调节法定准备金率调整贴现率公开市场业务。2009.5多选3收入政策(P25-27)考点具体内容考题(1)收入政策及其作用实行收入政策,可以限制收入差距的过度扩大,有利于达到社会福利最大化的目标和维持社会的公平。在这一问题上要处理好“效率与公平”的关系。(2)收入差距的衡量指标基尼系数收入差距的衡量指标(在现代经济学中)有: 洛伦茨曲线基尼系数(最常用)库兹涅茨比率人口(或家庭

42、)众数组分布频率帕累托定律等。2007.11单选;2010.11单选基尼系数定义和公式意大利经济学家基尼依据洛伦茨曲线创制的用来判断某种收入分配平等程度的一种尺度,亦即社会居民或劳动者人数与收入量对应关系的计量指标。(详解见下文)-(3)收入政策措施调控收入与物价关系的措施收入平等化措施。-4. 基尼系数综合详解(P26)考点具体内容考题公式G = A/(A+B)其中:(A+B) 为图1-6中对角线右下方三角型面积;A为图1-6中阴影部分面积;不平等面积B为图1-6中对角线右下方三角型面积剔除A后剩余的面积; 平等面积-特点(1)方法简单(用一个数值即可表示社会收入差距程度)(2)可比性强-表


44、0绝对平等45°角的直线(阳光普照型)=1绝对不平等正方形的底边和右边,即折线(吃独食)0.2收入差距非常小世界各国情况表明0.4收入差距比较大 通常在0.20.4之间and tamping, clear template prior to placing the debris, and water wet template; control since the height of the concrete shall not exceed 1.5M; dense wall bushing with the same level of fine aggregate concrete

45、for pouring concrete pouring, pouring top layered slopes and adjacent two layers of pouring interval must not exceed 1h. Strengthen the maintenance of waterproofing concrete, the baseboard after the concrete has been poured, immediately cover it with plastic sheeting and strengthening conservation.

46、Strengthen the construction quality control of construction joints, horizontal construction joints for Foundation slab, set plate sealing strip, the construction of water stop steel concrete compacting. In front of the poured concrete walls, the joint surfaces for cutting hair, remove floating parti

47、cles, and rinse to keep moist. VI reinforcement Engineering (a) steel raw material requirements of the engineering design of main structure of steel primary steel and grade of steel. Steel comes into play, should be accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate, and Visual inspection by

48、the engineering technology, materials, personnel, including specifications, diameter tolerance, have no cracks, pores, surface corrosion. In all of steel quality certificate complete Shi, by test room by batch sampling do retest, each bulk is unlikely to Yu 60t, each acceptance batch in the take sam

49、ple a group, including 2 root pull, and 2 root bent try pieces, 5 root size, and weight try pieces, try pieces from any three root (or two disc) steel in the interception, each root steel Shang cutstep shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the sam

50、e façade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time side boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of wood nailed to the wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, t

51、imber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the side plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good expansion joints side of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its t

52、emplate demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side with 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, another side for multilayer Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box

53、for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of construction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints, such as construction joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with stee

54、l mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concrete pouring, construction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, w

55、ater and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each floor after installation, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack

56、tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete. 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete structure engineering construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard

57、, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation ± 5 ± 3 adjacent two Board surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate center line l

58、ocation 3 3 pre buried tube, and reserved hole center line location 3 3 pre buried bolt center line location 2 2 Exposed length +10,0 +10,0 reserved hole center line position 10 10 section size +10,0 +10,0 reinforcing the centerline location 5 5 exposed length +10,0 +10,0 die frame support must have

59、 sufficient strength, rigidity and stability, supporting parts must have sufficient support area. Template size is accurate, seam marks neat and orderly. Structures of yin and Yang founder straight, joint width shall not exceedplenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national instit

60、utions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance

61、 characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and p

62、erfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of "taking class struggle as the key link," shifted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, establ

63、ished with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 . Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal author

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