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1、专业:信息管理与信息系统13学号:0811130128渝怡抜聪毅 Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology信息系统开发工具课程实习2014-2015 第 1 学期题目院(系、部):学生姓名:指导教师:2015年12月25日1 实习背景C# 是微软对这一问题的解决方案。以快速地编写各种基于 Microsoft .NETC#是一种最新的、面向对象的编程语言。它使得程序员可 平台的应用程序, Microsoft .NET 提供了一系列的工具和服务正是由于C#面向对象的卓越设计,象还是系统级的应用程序。使用简单的来最大程度地开发利用计算与通讯领域。

2、使它成为构建各类组件的理想之选无论是高级的商业对C#语言结构,这些组件可以方便的转化为XML网络服务,从而使它们可以由任何语言在任何操作系统上通过Internet 进行调用。最重要的是,C#使得C+程序员可以高效的开发程序,而绝不损失C/C+原有的强大的功能。因为这种继承关系,C#与 C/C+具有极大的相似性,熟悉类似语言的开发者可以很快的转向C#。其特点有:语言简洁。-保留了 C+的强大功能。 快速应用开发功能。语言的自由性。强大的 Web 服务器控件。支持跨平台。与 XML 相融合。C#几乎集中了所有关于软件开发和软件工程研究的最新成果:面向对象、类型安全、组件技术、自动内存管理、跨平台异

3、常处理、版本控制、代码安全管理等。尽管像很多人注意到的一样,罗列 上述特性时,总是让人想到JAVA,然而C#确实走得更远。但现实的情况是,非技术的因素往往更能决定一个产品的未来,尤其在计算机软件的历史上,技术卓越的产品,如OS/2、 Mac OS、 UNIX等,都败在了 Windows 漂亮的界面上。 JAVA 的用户主要是网络服务的开发者和嵌入式设备软件的 开发者,嵌入式设备软件不是 C# 的用武之地, 而在网络服务方面, C# 的即时编译和本地代码 Cache 方案比 JAVA 虚拟机具有绝对的性能优势。何况 C# 一旦成为一个像 C+ 一样的公共的标准,软件 开发商既可以省去 JAVA

4、的许可证费用,也不必担心成为微软的奴隶,那些反微软的人士和主张厂 商独立的人士可能也不会有什么意见。这可能正是微软所期待的。C# 将不可避免地崛起,在 Windows 平台上成为主角,而 JAVA 将在 UNIX 、 Linux 等平台上成 为霸主, C+ 将继续在系统软件领域大展拳脚。2实习内容2.1 Visual Studio 2010下的控制台程序2.1.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、了解所用的计算机系统的基本操作方法,学会独立使用该系统;2、 了解在该系统上如何编辑、编译、连接和运行一个C#程序;3、通过运行简单的 C#程序,初步了解 C#程序的特点。实习内容:1、在visual st

5、udio 2010编辑环境下编辑范例中给出的程序、编译并运行。2、设定如下题目要求学生独立完成:(1)编写一个C#程序,输入a, b, c, d四个值,输出其中最小者。 根据上述题目要求编程并上机调试运行。2.1.2代码和运行结果1输出最小值Lin e();using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;n amespaceC on soleApplicati on2class Programstatic void Main( string args)Con sole .Writ

6、eLi ne(请输入第一个数);double a = Con vert .ToDouble( C on sole .ReadConsole .WriteLine(请输入第二个数);Lin e();double b = Con vert .ToDouble( C on sole .ReadConsole .WriteLine(请输入第三个数);double c = Con vert .ToDouble( C on sole .ReadLin e();doubleCon vert .ToDouble(Con sole .ReadLin e();Console.WriteLine(最小的数);Con

7、 sole.WriteLi ne(Mi n(a.b,c, d);Con sole.ReadL in e();double c, double d)Min2;staticdoubledoublereturnMin2Min;doubledoubleMin (doublea,double b,Min1Minb;d;Min1= 0; i-) myArray24 - i = myArray1i;/ 一维数组逆序存放Console.WriteLine(原数组为:);foreach (int a in myArray1)Con sole.WriteL in e(a);Con sole.WriteLi ne(

8、”逆序存放后的数组为:”);foreach (int b in myArray2)Co nsole.WriteLi ne(b);Con sole.ReadL in e(); 2枚举的使用using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.L inq;using System.Text;n amespace Con soleApplicati on4classProgramenum month January, February, March, April, May, June, july, August, Septembe

9、r, October, November, December ;static void Main( string args)Console.WriteLine(”请输入 1-12 的月份 :”); int i = in t.Parse(C on sole.ReadL in e(); yuefe n(i);public static void yuefen(int i)switch (i)case 1: Console.WriteLine( month.January); break;case 2: Console.WriteLine( month.February); break;case 3

10、: Console.WriteLine( month.March); break;case 4: Con sole.WriteL ine( mon th .April); break;case 5: Console.WriteLine( month.May); break;case 6: Console.WriteLine( month.June); break;case 7: Con sole.WriteL ine( mon th .july); break;case 8: Con sole.WriteL ine( mon th .August); break;case 9: Console

11、.WriteLine( month.September); break;case 10: Con sole.WriteL ine( mon th .October); break;case 11: Console.WriteLine( month.November); break;case 12: Con sole.WriteL ine( mon th .December); break;Con sole.ReadL in e(); 2.3 C#中的类型转换、字符处理2.3.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握c#中的类型转换、字符处理;2、掌握装箱和拆箱操作。3、掌握C#中字符处理基本操作,如

12、字符串的裁剪、替换和移除等。实习内容:在控制台下运行并调试装箱和拆箱操作、字符串的裁剪、替换和移除操作。2.3.2代码和运行结果1.装箱、拆箱操作using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Collections;n amespaceC on soleApplicati on1class Programstatic void Main( String args)/装箱int val = 100;object obj = val;Console.Wri

13、teLine(对象的值为 a0 , obj);/拆箱int num = ( int )obj;Con sole.WriteL in e( n um: 0 , num);Con sole.ReadL in e();* fi I e:/c/ u 5 ers/ dmi n i strator/ d ocume nts/visua I studio 2010/ Projects/Co n sole A ppi i cat icn 2/|对象的值为苗0run: 1S02字符串的裁剪、替换和删除using System;using System.Collecti on s.Ge neric;using S

14、ystem.L inq;using System.Text;using System.Collecti ons;n amespace Con soleApplicati on2class Programstatic void Main( str in g args)Stri ng s1 =经得起寂寞,耐得住孤独,;Stri ng s2 =看得透风霜,才给得了你幸福。;Stri ng s3 = All Is Well!;String newStri ng = s1.Replace(得,);String newString2 = s3.Substring(0, 4);String newStrin

15、g1 = s3.Remove(0, 4);Strin g str = new Str in g3;Con sole.WriteLi ne(”从第三句截取的子串:0, n ewStri ng2);Co nsole.WriteLi ne(第一句替换后的结果:0, n ewStri ng);Co nsole.WriteLi ne(第一二句=01, si, S2);Co nsole.WriteLi ne(第三句删除后的结果:0, newStringi);Con sole.ReadL in e(); filesers/administrator/documents/visua studio 2010/P

16、rojects/CorsoleApplicat11 回臬:Well?耐V据贞霜,才給得了你幸福。2.4 Winform 编程中常用控件2.4.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握 Winform编程中常用控件的使用;2、掌握 Winform编程中基本控件的常用属性和事件。实习内容:button按钮、文本利用.Net自带的常用控件,设计并实现一个简单的应用程序界面,要求用到 框、下拉列表框等基本控件以及基本的事件方法。2.4.2代码和运行结果1兴趣统计using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.Comp onen tM

17、odel;using System.Data;using System.Draw ing;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using System.Wi ndows.Forms;n amespace Win dowsFormsApplicati on3public partial class Form1 : Formpublic Form1()In itializeComp onen t();private void butt on 1_Click( object sen der, Eve ntArgs e) /MessageBox.Show(” 你选

18、择了 ?: n+z+x);stri ng z =;if (checkBoxl.Checked = true)z +=读书 n;if (checkBox2.Checked = true)z +=运动 n;if (checkBox3.Checked = true)z +=上网 n;if (checkBox4.Checked = true)z +=旅游 n;if (checkBox5.Checked = true)z +=男 n;if (checkBox6.Checked = true)z +=女 n;MessageBox.Show(你选择了 ?: n + z); 2.5 Winform编程实例2.

19、5.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握 Winform编程中常用控件的使用;2、掌握 Winform编程中模态对话框和非模态对话框的使用。实习内容:利用.Net自带的常用控件,设计并实现一个用户登录窗体,当用户登录成功,进入系统的 主界面,主界面要求实现模态窗体风格。2.5.2代码和运行结果1用户登录系统using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.Comp onen tModel;using System.Data;using System.Draw ing;using System.L inq;using Sys

20、tem.Text;using System.Wi ndows.Forms;n amespace Win dowsFormsApplicatio n1public partial class Form1 : Formpublic Form1()In itializeComp onen t();private void butt on 1_Click( object sen der, Eve ntArgs e)Stri ng user name = textBox1.Text;Stri ng password = textBox2.Text;if (username = ZhiPengyu & p

21、assword = 1234567) Successful s = new Successful();s.Visible = true;private void butt on 2_Click( object sen der, Eve ntArgs e)textBox1.Clear();textBox2.Clear();private void Form1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)private void label1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)private void label3_Click( object

22、 sender. EventArgs e) 2.6 C#中类的定义和使用2.6.1实习目的和内容实习目的1、掌握c#中类的定义和使用;2、掌握类的继承、多态和封装特性。实习内容根据自己对面向对象程序设计思想的理解和对C#语法的掌握,自定义几个相关类,并实现类的继承、多态和封装特性。2.6.2代码和运行结果1类的多态using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using Syste m.10;using System.R un time.Serializati on.F

23、o rmatters.B in ary;n amespace Con soleApplicati on1public class Personprivate String name=张三”;类的数据成员声明private int age=12;protected virtual void Display。/ 类的虚方法Console.WriteLine(姓名:0,年龄:1,name,age);public Person(string Name,int Age)/构造函数,函数名和类同名,无返回值 n ame=Name;age=Age;static public void DisplayData

24、(Person aPerson)/ 静态方法aPerson.Display();不是静态方法调用实例方法,如写为Display()错误public class Employee:Person/Person 类是基类private string department;private decimal salary;public Employee(stri ng Name,i nt Age,stri ng D,decimal S):base(Name,Age) departme nt=D;salary=S; _protected override void Display()/ 重载虚方法,注意用

25、overridebase.Display();/访问基类同名方法Console.WriteLine(” 部门:0薪金:1 , department,salary);class Class1 static void main( stri ng args)Person On ePers on=new Pers on(李四,30);Perso n.DisplayData(O nePers on);/ 显示基类数据Employee On eEmployee=n ew Employee(王五,40,财务部,2000);Person.DisplayData(OneEmployee); / 显示派生类数据2

26、类的继承using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using Syste m.IO;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;n amespace Con soleApplicati on1public class Personprotected string ssn = 111-222-333-444; protected string name =张三;public virtual void Get

27、I nfo() Console.WriteLine(姓名:0, name);Console.WriteLine(” 编号:0, ssn);class Employee: Personpublic stri ng id = ABC567EFG23267;public override void Get lnfo() /调用基类的Getlnfo方法:base.Get In fo();Console.WriteLine(成员 ID: 0, id);class TestClass public static void Main() Employee E = new Employee(); E.Getl

28、nfo();na C :W i n do w ssyis:te m 3 2 cmd s exeCe縊号 r 丄 11-222-333-44 循费任意键继练3类的封装using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using Syste m.IO;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;n amespace Con soleApplicati on3public class Userprivate strin

29、g m_name;private stri ng m_password;private int m_tryCo un ter; public stri ng Nameget retur n m_n ame; set m_n ame = value; -public stri ng Passwordget retur n m_password; set m_password = value; -public void Signln()if (m_tryCou nter 3)-if (lsValid()m_tryCo un ter = 0;Con sole.WriteL in e(User 0 w

30、as sig ned in., m_n ame); -elsem_tryCo un ter+;Co nsole.WriteLi ne(User 0 is in valid.Ca n ? t Sig n in., m_n ame); -elseCon sole.WriteLi ne(You try to sig n in more tha n 3 times. You are be deni ed.); public void Sig nO ut()m_tryCo un ter = 0;Con sole.WriteL in e(User 0 was sig ned out., m_n ame);

31、 -private bool IsValid()if (m_n ame.ToUpper() = ADMIN & m_password = admi n)- -return true;elsereturn false;class Class1static void Main(string args)User user = new User();user.Name = Bruce:user.Password = test; for (int i = 0; i = 4; i+) user.Sig nln();user.Sig nO ut(); user.Name = adm in; user.Pas

32、sword = test; for (int i = 0; i = 4; i+) user.Sig nln();user.Sig nO ut(); user.Name = adm in; user.Password=admi n;for(i nt i=0;i=4;i+)user.Sig nln();user.Sig nO ut(); Con sole.ReadL in e();2.7 .Net数据库连接操作2.7.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握.Net连接数据库的基本操作;2、掌握Winform控件操作数据库的方法。.Net中数据控件与数据实习内容:利用对数据库知识的掌握,自定义简单的数据

33、库和相关表格,并能利用 库进行连接和相应操作,实现数据展示、数据的增删改查操作。2.7.2代码和运行结果1数据库连接及学生信息的增删改查using System;using System.Collecti on s.Ge neric;using System.Comp onen tModel;using System.Data;using System.Draw ing;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using System.Wi ndows.Forms;using System.Data.SqlClie nt;namespace学生绩点管理系统pu

34、blic partial class Form5 : Formpublic Form5()In itializeComp onen t();private void butt on 1_Click(object sen der, Eve ntArgs e) /查询数据String sql = select * from stude nt where +boBoxl.Selectedltem.ToStri ng() + = + this.textBoxl.Text.ToString()+;DataSet ds = new DataSet();SqlC onn ecti oncn = new Sq

35、lC onn ectio n( server=(local);userid=sa;pwd=;database=学生绩点”);SqlComma nd cm = new SqlComma nd(sql, cn);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);da.Fill(ds);this.dataGridViewl.DataSource = ds.TablesO;cn. Close();private void Form5_Load(object sen der, Even tArgs e) using System;using System.Collec

36、ti on s.Ge neric;using System.Comp onen tModel;using System.Data;using System.Draw ing;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using System.Wi ndows.Forms;using System.Data.SqlClie nt;namespace学生绩点管理系统public partial class Form6 : Formpublic Form6()In itializeComp onen t();/定义数据库的连接SqlC onn ecti on conn

37、 = new SqlC onn ectio n(Data Source=.;I nitial Catalog=学生绩点;Integrated Security=True);private void Bin d()绑定数据SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(select * from stude nt, conn);DataSet ds = new DataSet();da.Fill(ds, allusers);this.dataGridViewl.DataSource = ds.Tablesallusers;private void butt on 1

38、_Click(object sen der,Eve ntArgs e) /加数据conn. Ope n();Stri ng Sno = this.textBoxl.Text.ToStri ng();Stri ng Sn ame = this.textBox2.Text.ToStri ng();String Ssex;if (this.radioButt onChecked)Ssex = this.radioButt on 1.Text.ToStri ng();elseSsex = this.radioButt on 2.Text.ToStri ng();Stri ng sql = in ser

39、t into stude nt values( + Sno + ,+ Sn ame + , + Ssex + );SqlComma nd cmd = new SqlComma nd(sql, conn);cmd.ExecuteN on Query();this.Bi nd();conn .Close();MessageBox.Show( 添加成功!);private void butt on 2_Click(objectsen der, Eve ntArgs e) / 修改数据conn. Ope n();Stri ng Sno = this.textBox1.Text.ToStri ng();

40、Stri ng Sn ame = this.textBox2.Text.ToStri ng();String Ssex;if (this.radioButt on 1.Checked)Ssex = this.radioButt on 1.Text.ToStri ng();elseSsex = this.radioButt on 2.Text.ToStri ng();String sql = update stude nt set Sn ame= + Sn ame +,Ssex= + Ssex + where Sno= + Sno + ;SqlComma nd cmd = new SqlComm

41、a nd(sql, conn);cmd.ExecuteN on Query();this.Bi nd();conn .Close();MessageBox.Show(修改成功!);private void butt on 3_Click(objectsen der, Eve ntArgs e) /除数据conn. Ope n();Stri ng Sno = this.textBox1.Text.ToStri ng();Stringsql = delete from student where Sno= + Sno +SqlComma nd cmd = new SqlComma nd(sql,

42、conn);cmd.ExecuteN on Query();this.Bi nd();conn .Close();MessageBox.Show(修改成功!);private void Form6_Load(object sen der, Even tArgs e)/ TODO:这行代码将数据加载到表“学生绩点DataSet.stude nt ”中。您可以根据需要移动或移除它。this.stude ntTableAdapter.Fill(this.学生绩点DataSet.stude nt);文神 mo tiBv) ht8ip) seattA xjut) oiw)xe.k)U wn)88 力宙

43、3 J el 日从 UrT#pr fi J TSroSrww三UwrBft (SQL $rwr XL13M . m| 1001ed-JR卿AW2Mlt?H J S.A0C*a3*fltrs 3 nc9ICO*B 0 ArturVHo4a1005王“ffi (J SoKufMoz匕DWICC*rna 0 * w100?8B s4Xy只 wfiflJrJt n . “2 dbot db.,uder Senice &or刖 护I2gtt5 ffM空皆理,J NooMkaton gic“鸟 $Ql SyEtua2.8编码规范2.8.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握c#中基本的编码规范;2、掌握常用的

44、设计模式,如单键模式、工厂模式等。实习内容:利用软件工程相关知识和面向对象编程思想的理解,设计并实现一个简单的 Winform应用程序,要求编码规范,代码有相应的说明,会使用代码管理器,会使用代码域管理。2.8.2代码和运行结果1简易计算器using System;using System.Collect ion s.Ge neric;using System.Comp onen tModel;using System.Data;using System.Draw ing;using System.L inq;using System.Text;using System.Wi ndows.Fo

45、rms;n amespace Win dowsFormsApplicatio n1public partial class Forml : Formpublic Form1()In itializeComp onen t();/对计算器各数字的点击事件private void butt on 1_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 1;private void butt on 2_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 2;privat

46、e void butt on 3_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 3;private void butt on 4_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 4;private void butt on 5_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 5;private void butt on 6_Click(object sen der, Even tArg

47、s e) -this.textBox1.Text += 6;private void butt on 7_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 7;private void butt on 8_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 8;private void butt on 9_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text += 9;double k;double i;

48、double c;bool glag = false;int flag; /flag标志运算符private void butt on 10_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -if (glag)c = 0;glag = false;k = double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text):c += k;this.textBox1.Text =;flag = 1;/flag为1时,进行加法运算private void butt on 11_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -if (glag)c = 0

49、;glag = false;k = double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text);c += k;this.textBox1.Text =;flag = 2;/flag为2时,进行减法运算private void butt on 12_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -if (glag)c = 0;glag = false;k = double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text);c += k;this.textBox1.Text =;flag = 3;/flag为3时进行乘法运算private void butt on

50、 13_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -if (glag)c = 0;glag = false;k = double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text);c += k;this.textBox1.Text =;flag = 4;/flag为4时进行除法计算private void butt on 14_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -i = double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text); this.textBox1.Text =;if (flag = 1)this.textB

51、ox1.Text = (c + i).ToStri ng();else if (flag = 2)this.textBox1.Text = (c - i).ToStri ng();else if (flag = 3) this.textBox1.Text = (c * i).ToStri ng();else this.textBox1.Text = (c / i).ToStri ng();glag = true;private void butt on 15_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -if (textBox1.Text.l ndexOf(.) 0

52、) textBox1.Text += (Butt on )se nder).Text; else private void butt on 16_Click(object sen der, Even tArgs e) -this.textBox1.Text =;2.9泛型编程2.9.1实习目的和内容实习目的:1、掌握c#中泛型编程的思想;2、掌握泛型的应用场景。实习内容:利用对泛型编程思想的理解,自定义相应的泛型类型、接口、集合或方法,体会泛型使用后对 程序效率的提咼。2.9.2代码和运行结果1.泛型接口实例using System;using System.Collections.Gener

53、ic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;sing System.Linq;sing System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;class GenericInterfacestatic void Main()SortedList list = new SortedList(); string names = new stringzhang san,li si, wang wu, zhou er, he yi;int ages = new int 22, 15,

54、30, 34, 12 ; for (int x = 0; x 5; x+)list.AddNode(new Person(namesx, agesx); foreach (Person p in list) System.Console.WriteLine(p.ToString();Console.WriteLine( 排序 );list.BublleSort();foreach (Person p in list)System.Console.WriteLine(p.ToString();Console.Read();public class GenericList : System.Col

55、lections.Generic.IEnumerablepublic class Nodeprivate T data; public T Data get return data; set data = value; private Node next; public Node Next get return next; set next = value; private Node last; public Node Last get return last; set last = value; public Node(T t) data = t;next = null;public Node firstNode;private Node lastNode; public void AddNode(T t) Node node = new Node(t); node.Last = lastNode; if (lastNode != null)las

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