2020高中英语人教版必修3课时跟踪检测:Unit 5十 Learning about LanguageUsing Language Word版含解析

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 5课时跟踪检测(十) Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1Can you see those big figures in the distance?2He is famous for mixing Chinese traditional music with western instruments.3It has been confirmed that the singer will give a performance next week.4As far as I'm con

2、cerned, the whole idea is ridiculous.5She was terrified (terrify) at the thought of her house being broken into during midnight.完成句子1他的演讲给听众留下了相当深的印象。His speech made/left/gave_quite_an_impression_on the audience.2据我所知,他是个骗子。As/So_far_as_I_know,_he is a cheat.3尽量不要把油和水混合在一起。Don't try to mix_oil_w

3、ith_water.4这消息证实了我的想法。The news confirmed_my_thought.5. 你的连衣裙从稍远处看还不错。 Your dress looks all right at_a_distance.完形填空Last year was the first year when I taught the fifth grade.Recently, I've been _1_ by a “graduated” student for the first time.I was really surprised when he walked into my home.He

4、hasn't physically changed much since _2_ my class last year and if I had had to guess who would come to visit me first, I wouldn't have _3_ him.Carlos was a student who had a hard time sitting _4_ in the beginning of last year.He would often _5_ to go to the bathroom, and he'd talk or lo

5、ok like he was _6_ because of little sleep.He often needed _7_ in doing anything that other students could do well on their own.I found out that the _8_ for his behavior in my classroom was that he had been _9_ nightmares (噩梦) about his border­crossing experience.He was _10_ that the immigratio

6、n office would take him or his parents to prison or back to their _11_.And here he was in my class trying to learn a(n) _12_ language, which he had never touched before.When he was in my class, one thing that stood out was that he had a(n) _13_ time speaking English._14_when he walked in my room yes

7、terday, all of that was missing.In walked a calm, _15_ boy who spoke and understood English far better than when he left me in June.He even _16_ to speak to my class in the sixth grade in English.He told me he remembered doing sign language and the video I made to help him _17_ his English.His visit

8、 _18_ a lot to me not only because he has made great _19_, but also because it reminded me what it means to be a teacher to have a lasting influence on _20_.语篇解读:作者看到学生身上的变化,意识到作为老师,最主要的是要给学生留下长久的影响。1A.treatedBrecognizedCvisited Dinvited解析:选C根据后文语境,可知那位学生是来“拜访”作者的。2A.leaving BattendingCteaching Dorg

9、anizing解析:选A根据“by a graduated student”以及后文的“when he left me in June”可知,这位学生已经“离开”作者的班级了。3A.cared for Btalked aboutCturned to Dthought of解析:选D根据作者对那位学生的描述可知,他在课堂上表现并不好,故作者没“想到”他会来看她。4A.fast BbeautifullyCstill Dactively解析:选C根据“to go to the bathroom .”可知,那位学生很难坐在座位上“不动”。5A.promise BaskCcontinue Dplan解析

10、:选B那位学生很不安分,总是“要求”去洗手间。6A.falling asleep Bhaving funCwalking out Dtelling jokes解析:选A根据“because of little sleep”可知,这里是指他看起来好像要“睡着”了的样子。7A.notice BhelpCtime Dwork解析:选B此处与“on their own”相对,表示别人可以独立做的事情他却需要“帮助”才能完成。8A.question BmethodCresult Dreason解析:选D后面是在解释他为什么有这种异常行为,故选D。9A.suffering BmakingCreceivin

11、g Ddestroying解析:选A根据后文说他总是担心移民局会把他们关起来或者遣送回国的语境,可知他在“遭受”偷渡带来的噩梦。10A.angry BsorryCafraid Ddisappointed解析:选C根据nightmares可知那个学生“害怕”他们一家会被移民局遣送回国。11A.boss BschoolCstreet Dcountry解析:选D他们是非法移民,移民局应该是要把他们遣送回他们自己的“国家”。12A.interesting BnewCeasy Duseless解析:选B根据“which he had never touched before”可知,他要学的是一门“新的”

12、语言。13A.unforgettable BenjoyableCdifficult Dfunny解析:选C面对一门新的语言,那位学生学起来感觉“很吃力”。14A.So BButCIf DBecause解析:选B根据“all of that was missing”可知,此处需要一个表示转折的连词。15A.hard­working BnaughtyCrich Dconfident解析:选D根据“who spoke and understood English far better than when he left me in June”可知,那位学生现在很“自信”了。16A.pret

13、ended BofferedCrefused Dfeared解析:选B那位学生现在很自信,并且“主动提出”要给作者班里的学生讲话。17A.improve BcopyCexamine Dfind解析:选A那位学生当时英语不好,作者做那个视频是为了帮助他“提高”英语的。18A.threw BpulledCtook Dmeant解析:选D根据“it reminded me what it means to be a teacher”可知,那位学生的这次拜访对作者来说意义很大,故选D。19A.progress BeffortCimpression Dmoney解析:选A这里是指那位学生的这次来访让作者

14、知道他“进步”很大。20A.audience BparentsCstudents Dspeakers解析:选C那位学生的这次来访让作者意识到作为老师,最主要的是要给“学生”留下长久的影响。.任务型阅读Tuvalu, a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean, has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu's nine little islands

15、is more than five meters above sea level, Salt water is already entering the country's drinking water supply, as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetable._1_._2_.Venice, a historic city in Italy best known for its canals, has sunk about 24 cm over the past 100 years.Experts say t

16、hat it will have sunk another 2050 cm by 2050.A century ago, St Mark's Square, the lowest point in the city, flooded about nine times a year.Nowadays, it happens more than 100 times.While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands, Tuvalu's rising sea level is caused by global

17、warming.The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degrees over the past century; scientists expect it to rise by extra 13 degrees over the next 100 years.Warmer weather makes glaciers melt, adding more water to the ocean.The warmer temperatures also make water expand, so

18、it takes up more space, causing the sea level to rise.The sea level has risen about 1025 cm in the last 100 years._3_.Through burning coal, oil and gas, people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2.This adds to the power of the greenhouse effect, making the planet

19、even warmer.Many scientists believe that, if the warming is not stopped, there will be huge climate changes._4_._5_, the sea will swallow up millions of homes and the world will be flooded with “climate refugees” looking for somewhere to live.AThe main cause of global warming is human pollutionBShou

20、ld this come true CWithout urgent help, the country's days are numberedDBut Tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the sea EThe sea level could rise by one meter this centuryFPeople face a lot of pollutionGMuch has been done about our planet答案:15 CDAEB.短文改错Mobile phones are being mor

21、e wide used.They're light on weight and easy to carry, offered fast and convenient service for communication.The users use them for make phone calls, sending short messages and internet­surfing.In recently years, mobile phones have become popular with middle school students.Quite a few use

22、it to keep in touch with their families and friends, which, of course was convenient.However, I don't think it's good to do so.In spite of the disadvantages mentioned above, student users often waste a lot of time chatting on the phone in his spare time.Some even use them to cheat exams.In addition, mobile phone bills cost students' parents lot of money.答案:第一句:widewidely第二句:onin; offeredoffering第三句:makemaking第四句:recentlyrecent第五句:itthem; wasis第七句:histheir第八句:exams前加in或during第九句:lotlots或lot前加a

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