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1、通州区2015届高三重点热点专项检测英语试题第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. They dont come to the book club any more, for _ reason or other.A. someB. allC. eitherD. both 22. Sometimes being confused can make us _, but it can also motivate us to adjust our learning strategy, largely depending on our attitude towards it. A.

2、 deduce B. withdraw C. correspond D. accelerate23. Don't worry about your future. As long as you try your best,a great future _ wait for you on your way.A. would B. can C. must D. should24. The Chinese sports idol Li Na shocked fans by _ her racket due to serious injuries in September, on the ev

3、e of a tournament in Wuhan, her home city.A. hanging upB. putting upC. breaking upD. holding up25. The negotiations have reached a delicate stage_ a decision must be made as soon as quickly. A. which B. that C. when D. where26. The telephone _ four times in the last twenty minutes, and each time it

4、_ for my colleague.A. rang; has been B. has been ringing; is C. had rung; was D. has rung; was27. -Sharon, why is the man so upset now?-His wallet, mobile phone and ID card _, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.A. stole B. stolen C. being stolen D. having s

5、tolen28. _ you lose the paper document,sign in _ you might download all you need. A. If; which B. So long as; what C. In case; where D. Even if; as29. Measured_ our budget last year, $2.7 million seems small.A. beyond B. against C. for D. over30. “One thing Im looking for in a college,” Sandra told

6、her teacher, “is _. I want to meet many different kinds of people.A. insightB. formulaC. proportionD. diversity31. I think the waiter has forgotten us. We _ here for over half an hour and nobody _ our order yet.A. waited; tookB. are waiting; has takenC. have been waiting; has takenD. have been waiti

7、ng; has been taking32._ disappointed us most was that the guide was always asking us to leave _ we thought very interesting.A. It; where B. What; what C. What; where D. It; what33. I have preference for that firm as full-time employees are _ to receive health insurance.A. entitled B. differentiated

8、C. exploited D. justified34. I cleaned my room today and Mum said I do it only _.A. at all timesB. once and for allC. one after anotherD. once in a blue moon35. Would you like to have a meeting about the matter this afternoon? _, we could discuss it at dinner.A. AlternativelyB. PreciselyC. Reasonabl

9、yD. Practically第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I still remember it was in the winter of 1990 that, together with the help of my old sister, I 36 down my wishes for Christmas onto a piece of paper. How I wished on Christmas Eve my grandest wish would be 37 an

10、d placed under the Christmas tree a puppy. When we were done, our wish-lists were collected by our parents with the promise to be 38 to Santas hardworking helpers.The next day, our parents sat us down in the living-room, with 39 expressions on their faces. As it 40 out, they had seen our wishes, now

11、 wanting to talk to us about one wish in 41 the puppy. For a moment, I held my breath, but was 42 when they told us that they werent against a puppy. What they 43 against was putting it under the Christmas tree. That was not a good idea.They 44 taught us that an animal was not a gift that belonged t

12、o the same 45 as our toys. Animals were creatures with 46 that we should decide to have one, and it would be a(n) 47 to our family. An animal 48 a lot of responsibilities. It wasnt anything one bought out of a mood. An animal could not be exchanged or put 49 when we didnt feel like it. An animal was

13、nt a toy. An animal was a 50 family member that needed lots of love and attention. An animal was not a 51 , but a family decision. A serious decision. And a big decision. 52 , my parents share my love for animals, so the decision came reasonably 53 . After our grandparents had given their 54 up for

14、taking care of the dog, while we were on future vacations, the answer was yes. Yes, we would get a puppy.The following days and weeks, there was only one 55 : our new family members! Yes, a family member, because animals have their rights. They are not simply food or gifts. We humans must attend, lo

15、ve and protect them.36.A. leftB. gotC. setD. pulled37.A. rejectedB. declinedC. challengedD. fulfilled38.A. given awayB. passed onC. taken onD. put up39.A. dangerousB. curiousC. seriousD. mysterious40.A. turnedB. takenC. runD. held41.A. peaceB. orderC. particularD. return42.A. pardonedB. frightenedC.

16、 inspiredD. relieved43.A. protestedB. objectedC. opposedD. resisted44.A. patientlyB. hurriedlyC. anxiouslyD. roughly45.A. arrangementB. routineC. scheduleD. category46.A. feelingsB. secretsC. stainsD. sufferings47.A. convenienceB. facilityC. extensionD. heritage48.A. signedB. meantC. attainedD. guar

17、anteed49.A. forwardB. upC. asideD. off50.A. nativeB. originalC. responsibleD. precious51.A. riddleB. giftC. servantD. victim52.A. NegativelyB. RidiculouslyC. ParticularlyD. Luckily53.A. difficultB. easyC. contradictoryD. concrete54.A. thumbsB. fingersC. nosesD. eyes55.A. themeB. argumentC. prejudice

18、D. topic第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA Bronx native and graduate of DeWitt Clinton High School, Eric Nadelstern worked in New York City public schools for 39 years. I had the opportunity to chat with him about the issues that face the New York City public school sy

19、stem.What are the problems we face in the New York City public school system?We are spending $23 billion of the publics hard earned money in New York City every year to support the countrys largest school district, and yet 35% of the students are not graduating from high school. The good news is jus

20、t a few years ago it was half the students, and things had been frozen at that rate for the prior 50 years. Still, 35% are not graduating and they are largely male, African American and Latino. This is significant evidence that despite everything we are doing, we havent been able to close the achiev

21、ement gap in the city.What I think differentiates New York from some other countries in the world that I have visited or am familiar with is that we recognize there is an achievement gap. This contrasts with Israel which runs 5 separate and unequal school systems. Their primary concern, as in many o

22、ther places, is to produce the few outstanding mathematicians and scientists who can compete with other countries, compared to thinking about educating the entire population to their highest potential.In America, it is not that we arent producing enough college graduates. Its that the students who a

23、re most likely to graduate are disproportionately white, Asian, and female in large urban areas versus male, African American, and Latino. You can still walk into a kindergarten class in New York City on the first day of school, and simply on the basis of race and how kids are dressed, predict with

24、frightening accuracy which kids are likely to graduate 13 years later. To my mind, that is an intolerable situation and an indication of seated societal issues that we have not begun to address.Why is the public school system to blame for this?Ill give you one example of how we exacerbate the proble

25、m, however unintentionally. For years in New York City we had a seniority transfer plan. The most senior and consequently most expensive teachers could transfer into middle class schools in areas where they were needed least. That created a situation in our poorest neighborhoods of the revolving doo

26、r of the newest teachers. This went on decade after decade, seemingly with the approval of those in management positions.What should be the goal of the public education system?I am a product of public education. My parents were holocaust refugees who came to this country a few years before I was bor

27、n. I was the first member of my family to graduate from high school, let alone go to college. I understand how critical a public education is. To my mind, that is the American ideal.56. The problem with the New York public school system is that _.A. only 35% of the students graduate from high school

28、B. many African American boy students drop out of schoolC. more students could graduate from high school 50 years agoD. an increasing number of female white students are from urban areas57. What does the underlined word “exacerbate” mean in para5?A. worsen. B. solve. C. improve. D. consider. 58. Who

29、 is supposed to have been concerned about the issue?A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Headmasters.D. Government officials.BGovernment regulators have approved a new generation of GM (genetically modified) corn and soybeans. Theyre the latest weapon in an arms race between farmers and weeds, and the gover

30、nments green light is causing angry opposition from environmentalists.The actual decision, at first glance, seems narrow and technical. The Environmental Protection Agency has announced it had “registered” a new weed-killer formula that contains two older herbicides: glyphosate (better known as Roun

31、dup) and 2, 4-D.Versions of these weedkillers have been around for decades. But farmers in six Midwestern states will be allowed to use the new formula, called Enlist Duo, on their corn and soybeans. And that counts as big news.Farmers will now be able to plant new types of corn and soybeans that ha

32、ve been genetically engineered by the biotech company Dow Agrosciences to tolerate doses of those two weedkillers. So farmers can spray either glyphosate or 2, 4-D (or both) to wipe out weeds without harming their corn or soybeans.And that may actually be one of the most significant developments the

33、 world of weedkilling in more than a decade.Another similar new weedkilling combination of the chemical dicamba and genetically engineered, dicamba-resistant crops is awaiting government approval. Promoters of these new herbicide-crop combinations say they are a big step forward. Critics are calling

34、 them a mindless step into ever-increasing dependence on toxic chemicals.Theres demand for such technologies because the last great weed-fighting weapon is starting to fail. Over the past two decades, farmers have come to rely, to an extraordinary extent, on glyphosate paired with “Roundup Ready” cr

35、ops. But an increasing number of weeds have now evolved resistance to glyphosate. Farmers have had to resort to weed-killing chemicals that are more costly and often harder to manage. Many of those chemicals cant be sprayed directly on crops because theyd kill them.Environmentalists and critics of g

36、enetically engineered crops condemned the EPAs decision Wednesday, arguing that it leads farmers “further down the futile path of chemical dependency,” in the words of Andrew Kimbrell from the Center for Food Safety. Mary Ellen Kustin, from the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement that “

37、this continued arms race between chemical companies and superweeds is a threat to sustainable farming and public health. EPAs decision to up the ante of Roundup by approving Enlist Duo is unconscionable.”59. Why do farmers decide to use the new formula on their corns and soybeans?A. They can have a

38、larger output than previous years.B. They are tired of using the old versions of the weedkillers.C. They are encouraged by the government to do so.D. They can have the weeds removed without damaging their crops.60. What does the last but one paragraph mainly talk about?A. Weeds become resistant to w

39、eed-killing chemicals.B. The new weed-killing chemicals have completely replaced the old ones.C. The former weed-killing chemicals cant satisfy the farmers needs.D. The new weed-killing chemicals are expensive and hard to control. 61. What is the authors attitude towards new versions of the weed-kil

40、lers?A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Supportive.D. Indifferent. 62. Whats the best title for the passage?A. New GM Food Or Sustainable Farming B. The Latest Weapon Between Farmers and WeedsC. New GM Gets a Green Light, With A Hint Of YellowD. The Advantages And Disadvantages of New GM FoodCBefore my dad

41、 died, Christmas was a bright, enchanted time in the long, dark winters of Bathurst, New Brunswick. The cold days would sometimes start as early as late September. Finally, the lights of Christmas would start to go up, and the anticipation would build. By Christmas Eve the ordinary evergreen tree th

42、at my father dragged in the door ten days earlier took on a magical, sparkling life of its own. With its marvelous brilliance, it single-handedly pushed back the darkness of winter.Late on Christmas Eve, when my older sister, a soloist, sang “Silent Night,” my cheeks flushed with pride. On Christmas

43、 morning I was always the first one up. Id stumble out of bed and walk down the hall toward the glow from the living room. My eyes filled with sleep, Id softly bounce off the walls a couple of times trying to keep a straight line. Id round the corner and come face-to-face with the brilliance of Chri

44、stmas. My unfocused, sleep-filled eyes created a halo around each light, amplifying and warming it. After a moment or two Id rub my eyes and an endless expanse of ribbons and bows and a free-for-all of bright presents would come into focus.Ill never forget the feeling of that first glimpse on Christ

45、mas morning. After a few minutes alone with the magic, Id get my younger brother and sister, and wed wake my parents.On Christmas morning, as usual, I was the first one up. But this year, something was different. Without my dad to make sure the lights on the tree were glowing, I could see the tree.

46、I could see the presents. I could even see a little bit of the outside world through the window. The magic of my childhood Christmas dream was shattered.The years passed. Eventually, I fell in love and married, and our sons first Christmas was the best one Id had in twenty years. As he got older, Ch

47、ristmas got even better. By the time his sister arrived, we had a few family traditions of our own. With two kids, Christmas became a great time of year. It was fun getting ready for it, fun watching the childrens excitement and most especially, fun spending Christmas day with my family.On Christmas

48、 Eve I continued the tradition started by my dad and left the tree lights on for that one night, so that in the morning, my kids could have that wonderful experience.When my son was nine years old, the same age I was when my father died, I fell asleep Christmas Eve in the recliner watching midnight

49、mass on TV. The choir was singing beautifully, and the last thing I remember was wishing to hear my sister sing “Silent Night” again. Seeing him like that reminded me of myself so many years ago, and I knew. I knew how much my father must have loved me in exactly the same complete way I loved my son

50、. I knew he had felt the same mixture of pride, joy and limitless love for me. Through my tears the tree lights radiated a brilliant, warm glow. Soft, shimmering yellows, greens, reds and blues enveloped my son and me. My fathers death had stolen the lights and life out of Christmas. By loving my ow

51、n son as much as my father had loved me, I could once more see the lights of Christmas. From that day forward, all the magic and joy of Christmas was mine again.63. What can we know from the last sentence in paragraph 1?A. She missed her father very much.B. The darkness time in winter was shortened.

52、C. Her fathers affection for her would never be forgotten.D. The lights of the Christmas tree gave her much warmth and comfort.64. On Christmas morning, the writer was always the first one to wake up because _.A. her parents asked her to do so.B. she couldnt continue her sleep.C. she wanted to appre

53、ciate Christmas trees.D. she was curious to know her Christmas gifts.65. What shattered the magic of the authors childhood Christmas dream?A. The cold winter days.B. Her fathers death.C. The family tradition.D. The mixture of pride, joy and love.66. The purpose of this passage is to show that _.A. p

54、arents love for children is unselfishB. to love and to be loved is a great thingC. the author couldnt forget her fathers loveD. the author can always have a happy Christmas第II卷 (两部分 共35分)第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空只填1个单词。Water is inarguably Earths most pre

55、cious resource. After all, we cant live without it, and Earth is the only planet we know of that has it. Our entire planet is covered in water, with little pieces of land called continents peeking through here and there. Not only can water be found in the oceans, but it also present under the ground

56、 and in vapor form in the air. Clouds formed by the vapor ensure that water falls back down to Earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail.So with so much water all around us, why do we hear so much about the need to conserve water? It has to do with the waters salinity, or saltiness. Ocean water has too mu

57、ch salt in it for us to drink. Much of the water that falls back to Earth in one form or another becomes runoff, traveling some distance over land before making its way back to one of Earths oceans. As it travels over land, the water picks up salts and minerals from the rocks and soil and washes the

58、m into the ocean. The deposits have built up over many years, making ocean water very salty.Approximately 97% of Earths water is salt water. The process desalination, removing salt from water, can be expensive. That leaves only about three percent to meet the needs of people, plants and animals so w

59、e can all survive. Now its beginning to make sense that there is concern for protecting this rare and critical resource. Unfortunately, only about one third of our fresh water is even available for us to use because the rest is frozen solid in glaciers, in the snow on high mountaintops, and in the p

60、olar ice caps. So the end result is that we have only about one percent of all the water on Earth that we can use.The fresh water that we use comes from surface water and groundwater. Surface water, just like it sounds, is water we can see in ponds, rivers, lakes and streams. Groundwater is water th

61、at seeps down into the ground and collects in the spaces between rocks and soil underground. You can find water just about anywhere on Earth if you dig far enough down into the ground.It is important to protect our water supplies from pollution. Once water becomes polluted, it can be difficult or ev

62、en impossible to clean. Chemicals, like cleaning supplies, paints, and other toxins can seep into the ground and make the water unusable. People have an obligation to dispose of waste products appropriately so that we will have plenty of fresh water to go around.TitleThe importance of (71) _ water(72) _ Water plays an important role in our lives. Water (73) _ in the oceans, under the ground and in the air.ProblemsWaters saltinessFresh water (74) _ to one of Earths oceansafter some

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