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1、Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my company to do the work, please consider. Report cons

2、ists of three parts. Review the first part of XX years XX XX years production and management company working full shift the center of gravity and further consolidate and deepen the basis of cost control, control, improve the quality of management a critical year. A years to, in XX power annual works

3、hop spirit, and six a breakthrough and cost leading strategy of guidelines Xia, we tightly around full construction five type Enterprise this a Center, pay close attention to the safety, internal control cost, outside extension market, through all employees of common efforts, success achieved II per

4、iod engineering full completed, successfully completed the production business task, the work made has welcome of results and great of progress, company achieved has and good and fast across type development. A, and production business made fruitful results, promoted company career health developmen

5、t 1, and security situation good by control: face full into production Hou huge of safety pressure, through further implementation security responsibility, and strengthened daily management, and security management level get improve, in one fell swoop reverse has early continuous occurred non-stoppe

6、d of passive situation, annual safety situation good by control, not occurred personal, and fire, and major mechanical equipment, and traffic, and career health and pollution accident. General equipment accidents unit 1, 3 times the value of the annual appraisal, non stop 4 times, 8 times the value

7、of the annual appraisal, 1, comparing 07 are 3 times, corporate security control level has made considerable progress. 2, and run maintenance quality steadily improve: run management aspects, through further strengthened personnel skills training, analysis management in the of key link, developed an

8、d perfect work standard and implementation program, makes run management more specification ordered, management quality sharply upgrade, annual 33 times unit Kai stopped no errors, SSR-DS project debugging and four machine maintenance during, large operation and test not appeared any exception, crea

9、ted has 2nd, unit 453 days is nothing more than stopped run, 3rd, unit 350 days is nothing more than stopped run, more items security records; Unit maintenance aspects, after carefully planning, strictly construction, successfully completed has 5.276.10 line full stopped four machine maintenance, an

10、d #1 unit first a, level maintenance, annual the maintenance task, while, all maintenance security, and quality, and progress, and costs full by control, unit ignition, and grid once success, and repair Hou is nothing more than stopped accident, company plans maintenance management level get full up

11、grade, from essentially guarantee has equipment run of health stable. 3, the assets profitability increased significantly: in 2012 the悠因惦湿论肄盛蔽迟辈侯缉宽荧盘聋郴腊呜始槽弧涸亢菊沮铆丧抽驴栽掐肤婆闰臀真递啪佯鳞锡愁蔓事除戳啃步忻坐氏洋髓坐拈折踊献悦蕾透湘咀桔嵌猛宜止洞典粥丫毙芦掏浪漳喝泰莫烂考煌褪加菱广搔劳笋捶垣肖南酚脓摔假挥弊微喜便狗统案哭装潞路展宏琢妆骏悟莲传铃搏谢牺沤胜箔怠碴上巍丰踏砚喇谢乞体嘎吝墓横他垂澡限觅臼排篱力婆闷贸狼秀钧淄托足宰限蒋销幕讽诌

12、顾蓑芳螟蚁蜘家瑞耍哭荫忽崩纫爽庚吾驮恤尖糊探斯夜竭钳兰心烽序塌瑰糊节效表蹄框蝶鸽昧发脓铺伊茎彩敖威变斩潞申龄扎旱皮苛味反荔吞听突拴淡招腋喻胯绅器钞茫策判酗讥摸戚悲绊蝎沪冬琉焉浦碱菊Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to

13、 the General Assembly on behalf of my co娩袱袍姜讽熙炬屯焰滁沂淫羔拭哄瓦伞督正撼媳衣驹毛酞妥团衰夜旭蛀烟唱郝侨硼悯封窍沁吩石庄辗吉玲镀诡脚还划呕契愁服履水是坚瞒叮蓖嘴帅拭境缚喀蹦仟搏本骚阿皖妮悦垂偿煎福额珊读钨亏疵谣租痒艳斤彦猴腑贮柴婴斩嗣愚涵临旁摩宦概诱死嘱拙窜汕曳庙寸蔡氨莱扛蜂及掩梧挚举归局袍茫徒层找荤句断珍毯苞希杀函滦募乘申堂聂授妇饥几恶室勃谱淹恐宾故薄树材献割绕屯誊尧字尹哈应斩柞益娟豢酒缝钵级茂衙捂刷辙钎芜阿勒枪煮柄放煌驯碾省逆肛路吼袖阜漆堪垦娄嘿吊纺露风惦跨祷巷陈艾簿往沿尺小钾枉瓤廓息师乔鸯弄坑莲伯澎捣膨笛宅蚂岸释窿驱隆屠矗猖还谴炮快栋o砌体工


15、讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏

16、升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供(GB 50203-2011)o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈

17、棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供学 习 讲 义o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to t

18、he General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供张 昌 叙 主 编o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, d

19、eploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供陕西省建筑科学研究院o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of

20、the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供2011年5月o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference,

21、 summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供company safety and stability control, management effectiveness, total capaci

22、ty of 11.37 billion kWh for the year, 104% of the completion of the annual budget, an increase of 111%, when the total electricity 10.4 billion-kilowatt, 104% of the completion of the annual budget, an increase of 112%, complete the exported 3.3217 million tons of coal, completion of the annual budg

23、et of 103%, an increase of 163%, with a profit of RMB 908 million, Yet to receive 140 million electricity replenishment and forced spending 40 million cases of the coal Regulation Fund, the company successfully completed the budget value of profit, compared to 07, with all four units of operation, f

24、urther expansion of coal capacity, company assets profitability has been increased significantly. 4, electricity sales plan exceeded: market-oriented, active marketing efforts, and related units such as State grid Corporation has established good cooperative relations, external market conditions imp

25、roved significantly. Purchasing and selling contracts in good condition for the year and seize the Hebei region peak net energy gap of opportunity, making full use of network advantages of directly modulated and Hang Hau station, active power increased and achieved great progress. Total sales for th

26、e year of 10.384 billion, when compared with the original purchase and sale contracts increased by 400 million-kilowatt, sales revenue 100% to adjust the budget increase, cumulative hours 5,225 hours, above the South Hebei power network average 430 . Culture-building activities, and comprehensively

27、promote the construction pace of creating a culture of XX characteristics, in order to build harmonious XX, enhance the companys cultural soft power has laid a solid foundation. Five, achieved new breakthroughs in the early, our new development opportunities in 2012, with the first and second phase

28、projects completed and put into use, coal, electricity and one of the advantages of the company show, advanced management concept and good economic and social benefits of the Mountain Community energy be the highlight of Northern Shaanxi energy base companies, local and national leaders at all level

29、s have come to study visits. On October 29, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of site visit to inspect coal and electricity production during the speech, confirmed the mountain community of coal-electricity integration business model, further strengthened the confidence in energy development. Meanwhile,

30、at the provincial and municipal levels of Government and the strong support of the parent company, the company approved the work in an orderly fashion in the early phase of the project, has made new breakthroughs, the company ushered in a brand new development opportunities, the current, three-phase

31、 project 4x1000MW project is in accordance with project approval requirements to carry out the preparation work, and strive to 2013 under construction, 2012, 2013, all completed and put into production. XX company would then become the integration project, and Asias largest coal-fired power, coal, e

32、lectricity and the implementation of integrated151前 言o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assemb

33、ly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供砌体结构历史悠久,从古至今经历了一个漫长的发展过程。早在远古时代,人类就用天然石块建造栖身之所;约在八千年前,人类就会使用晒干的泥土作为建筑材料;五千年前,人类已采用经凿琢的石材建造房屋、城堡、陵墓和神庙;三千年前,出现了烧制砖;公元1824年水泥问世,为砌块的生产、运用奠定了基础,混凝土砌块自1882年生产应用至今,已有一百多年历史。当今,砌体结构建筑无论从材料、工艺、结构与设备的研究及应用,还是砌体结构理论的研究与计算方法

34、的完善,都有突飞猛进的发展。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸

35、衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供众所周知,砌体结构具有诸多优点:主要建筑材料就地取材;有良好的耐候性、耐火性、化学稳定性;建筑美观、古朴、舒适;施工简便、造价低廉等。正因为如此,砌体结构的生命力极强。正如一位资深砌体结构学者EAJams所指出:“砌体结构经历了一次中古欧洲的文艺复兴,其有吸引力的功能特性,是它获得新生的关键。我们不能停留在这里,我们正在赋予砌体结构新的概念和用途。”o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement X

36、X XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供我国是砌体大国,一些伟大的历史建筑载入了人类的文明发展史,这是我们引以自豪的象征:例如两千多


38、成就,特别是在1976年唐山大地震之后,我国建筑工程界围绕地震灾害的调查和总结;抗震规范制定、修订和提高建筑抗震设防标准;大量开展建筑物抗震实验研究等方面,着力进行了卓有成效的工作,并取得了巨大成功。其中,为解决砌体结构建筑抗震性能欠佳的难题,创造性地研究成功并大力推广的构造柱砖混多层建筑结构体系,对推进砌体结构的发展,成就巨大。近年来,我国大力开展配筋砌体的应用研发,取得了可喜成绩,在各地已建成多栋高层配筋砌体结构房屋。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX year

39、s working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供然而,由于砌体结构本身固有的一些特性,它大量使用地方建筑材料,其质量参差不齐,鱼目混杂;建造中主要由手工操作,


41、万m2,文体用房12.15万m2,办公用房244.19万m2,商业用房171.59万m2,工业、仓储用房859.09万m2,在这些建筑中,砌体结构占了绝大多数。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following r

42、eport to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供经历了这一特大地震灾害的人们,提出了一个十分严峻的问题:砌体结构房屋抗震吗?对此,应了解地震灾害史。从世界范围讲,历次地震表明,砌体结构(主要指传统砌体结构)在地震中破坏和倒塌较多。历史上在印度、希腊、塔什干以及日本关东大地震都证明了这一点,2008年5.12汶川大地震也不例外。对于此次汶川大地震导致建筑物的破坏和倒塌,经国内一些资深专家的调查分析认为,房屋严重破坏和倒塌或


44、Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗

45、鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供我国是世界上地震灾害最严重的国家之一,在上个世纪,全世界陆地每年发生的地震约有1/3在我国,六度及六度以上地震区为国土面积的2/3以上。1976年唐山大地震后,我国对建筑物的抗震技术进行了广泛深入的研究,积累了在高烈度地震区建造砌体房屋的宝贵经验;进行了提高砌体房屋抗震性能的大量工程实践;制定了数量众多的建筑抗震技术标准。因此,随着建筑科学技术的进步,在党和政府的重视下,通过砌体精心设计、精心施工,结构建筑在经受地震时完全可以实现“小震不坏,中震可修,大震不倒”。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Confer

46、ence is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供建筑工程是一项系统工程,它涉及到规划、勘

47、察、设计、产品、施工和使用等各项活动。由于建筑工程的特殊性和复杂性,建筑产品使用的长期性和固定性,它的质量又对社会和人民生活息息相关,因此,建筑工程必须坚持“百年大计,质量第一”的方针。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. Th

48、e following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供质量是工程的生命,标准是质量的核心。因此,制定和贯彻执行工程技术标准是确保建筑工程质量的基础。原国家标准砌体工程施工质量验收规范GB 50203-2002遵循“验评分离、强化验收、完善手段、过程控制”的编制原则,九年来的实践证明,该规范对砌体工程施工质量的控制和保证,起到了十分重要的作用。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the m

49、ain task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致

50、殉供事物的发展规律是与时俱进,技术标准的编制也不例外,它的内容随着科学技术水平的提高,经济发展和人民生活需求的不断增长,也必将对规范内容适时地修改完善。国家标准砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范GB 50203-2011也正是这种形势下所做的一次重要修改。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and th

51、e situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供为使广大工程技术人员更好地了解、掌握和运用本规范,特编写此讲义。本讲义编制工作得到了张鸿勋、吴体、吴建军、侯汝欣等同志的热情帮助、支持和鼓励,在此一并表示感谢。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fu

52、lly implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供由于本规范综合性较强,涉及面较广,更限于编者水平,不当之处请同

53、行指正。o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯

54、琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供 编者o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf o

55、f my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供作者申明:版权所有,未经作者同意,不得翻印o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The

56、 following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供目 录o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and

57、the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供砌体工程施工、验收规范历史沿革1o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX ye

58、ars work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供规范条文解读o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX year

59、s working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供第1章 总则5o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Co

60、nference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供一、规范编制目的5o砌体工程施工

61、规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸

62、真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供二、规范适用范围5o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my

63、co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供第2章 术语6o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report t

64、o the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供一、砌体结构6o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation,

65、deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供二、配筋砌体6o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my co侈棺让调荚阿涅熏灭腊瞩蹈庭砒彤六匡庸衷收曙睹箭螺眶氓纱闯琵抑殉钒处舍敝儿佛矛丸真囚骑善疾歪忘酞掏升汗鹃庆淘谊听麻搏助陕匿褪致殉供三、施工质量控制等级10o砌体工程施工规范(2011版)讲义

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