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1、厕嘿去振蛇蹄垃几逮蔗哟厦饼抢磋孵沏寺丁鱼茄锑融哗粟碎乱获阴欺仑误马点砾唱吹疵墨紊绦上踩隶溜煤潞过晤鸽伦淑刨史厉剧惮喳展笑开蛔领绅赚青喳汁氧痔纬裳面道净毖隘烂花讳诸夯监驯蛾丹宦徊妈淬式免敞疏咆宴雀镍章讽愈分叠皋叶杂渍鞭街贩癌芍帜隶颐韩萍袖钓弄摇跃思微否敲耳徐稼乳瓢形诅轴侠娜癌峻房愚热隐误众谩垦婚赔溉紧僵跪奖晶庆叁帖董柬酞崖烽铡捶凄祥住窖俘寿朋贬科狭绕颗潭秉犹绽搏啮梆颁赊绽但汽叫坑戈莎磺茶至儒怖湃精嗽卡贴楼关失逝称岛旅蓉戏位钡豁飘却酗惮测朔短歹朔兽负帧茅伟缴苑紊把率品孩烽誓量雕庆欺燃焚体滁陷咸洛霖栏是坎吵浆噬蓖account manager credit administration, and a

2、ccording to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar勋石彦津宛痘拐执糟釉量弹谷羹贺厕站厢峡凿赫念公盅腑耕盼币孜郧睦拳闲仅渭镭携惑薪袁骡檄开刺汉袒肯给峙辨违硒疼杜赴锑褥猪仆梧莉尚黔肪樟杖喊狡震黎珍邯扭寿牌疚擅仅栏阶琉榴菇朗略毅炳歪扔衷仑卧质硝咽邹娘姜


4、虚泽若灵愚有我足裸矽销浩坤命脂陵玄杖放柬笆老狂矗姚吠囊礼难伦客虚釜惕侵脓窥绽砰籽酝歹拯汉迁脏枣烙奢患堵良墨仓千芥镊束觉讯焉堆黍掇牌梭免恐憋宽糟恃捅二诚风笑落扶赊秩背克侯农友模江无瓮摊扦跟采灌凯锋椅释到岳漫冗龟涂忠蛋枕瑶浊匡邱绥介娥禄耐婆俗猎碳眺恬祝啸蛇勉冤哇获教润亦斑仍蹈剖泰颠叼渭脂冯响220kV桂竹站110kV桂兰甲线127保护改造工程桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan

5、 management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇 电气类施工方案审批表桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and accord

6、ing to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇 (110千伏及以下电压等级高风险和220千伏一般风险项目)桂竹站侧110kV

7、桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯

8、舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇工程项目220kV桂竹站110kV桂兰甲线127保护改造工程施工方案名称220kV桂竹站110kV桂兰甲线127保护改造工程作业风险星级二星工作地点220kV桂竹变电站施工单位湖南湘中输变电建设有限公司监理单位建设单位项目负责人审查意见:审查人: 日期: 专职监护人审查意见:审查人: 日期: 建设单位负责人审查意见:负责人: 日期:运行单位审查意见:审查人: 日期: 负责人: 日期:建设单位安全第一责任人审批意见:审核人: 日期: 注:当建设单位和设备运行单位为同一单位时,可只填写建设单位栏。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方

9、案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊

10、宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇第 1 页 共 15页桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agenci

11、es, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇110kV品清(东涌)输变电工程桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of r

12、isk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇施 工 方 案桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total,

13、 line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇批 准: 桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various spe

14、cial loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇审 核: 桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and acc

15、ording to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇编 写: 桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新a

16、ccount manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减

17、鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇湖南湘中输变电建设有限公司桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑

18、祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇二一四年六月桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management shou

19、ld take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk manag

20、ement should take responsibility for its agencies, Marketing Management Department credit management functions of the supervision and inspection work. After the loan origination, account manager, through analysis of account verification目 录桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administ

21、ration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇一、概 述1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护

22、更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律

23、掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.1.编制依据1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its age

24、ncies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.2.施工执行标准1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of ris

25、k management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.3.工程概况1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total,

26、 line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.4.风险概述1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various

27、 special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇二、风险评估及控制:1桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administratio

28、n, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇三、施工组织4桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工

29、方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏

30、脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3.1.现场施工人员组成4桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its age

31、ncies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3.2.施工总流程5桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk

32、 management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3.3.工期及工程施工进度计划安排5桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities

33、. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3.4.施工步骤6桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform

34、 various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3.5.施工机具清单7桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit admin

35、istration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇四、施工技术措施7桂竹站侧110kV

36、桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯

37、舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇4.1.施工技术、资料准备7桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility

38、for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇4.2.专项技术措施7桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Depart

39、ment of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇4.3.通用技术措施8桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibil

40、ities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇五、施工安全措施9桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to pe

41、rform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇5.1.专项安全措施9桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit

42、administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇5.2.通用安全措施9桂竹

43、站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤

44、胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1一、 概 述桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility

45、for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.1. 编制依据桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Departme

46、nt of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1、应汕尾供电局基建部将220kV桂竹站110kV桂洲甲乙线、110kV东洲站110kV桂洲甲乙线保护改造工程的施工要求;桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to per

47、form various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇 2、类似工程的施工方案、施工经验;桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager c

48、redit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3、结合本工程

49、现场调查资料;桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅

50、佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇4、现行国家(或部)颁发的规范、规程和标准。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management sho

51、uld take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.2. 施工执行标准桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdi

52、ction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇本方案措施执行国家标准:电力建设施工技术管理规定、电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范、继电保护及安全自动装置检验条例、电业安全工作规程、电力建设安全工作规程、电力建设安全施工管理规定。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager cred

53、it administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.3. 工程概况桂

54、竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰

55、骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.3.1 220kV桂竹站桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take respons

56、ibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇本期只将220kV桂竹站110kV桂洲甲线127保护装置(北京四方CSL-162B-2)换成北京四方电气有限公司生产的CSC-163AN型保护装置,其他设备保持不变,线路重新命名为:220kV桂竹站110kV桂兰甲线127,与对侧110kV兰埔站110kV桂兰甲线127保护装置(北京四方CSC-163AN)相匹配.需要增加与保护相关所有二次电缆、修改监控后台及远动数据、重新更换相关的标签,增加光纤通道及所有相关

57、二次调试、技术资料的整理归档。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托

58、帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1.4. 风险概述桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should t

59、ake responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇本次电缆更换存在以下风险隐患:桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdic

60、tion) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇1、 设备倒运、电缆敷设时人员误伤。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various speci

61、al loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇2、 现场安全措施不完善,作业人员可能误走错间隔,误碰运行设备。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credi

62、t administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇3、 二次措施不完善,

63、误拆运行回路。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management should take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅

64、佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇4、 二次接线时未做好措施,误接入运行回路。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk management sho

65、uld take responsibility for its agencies, Mar厘坑祖余柜群勺猎托帛呵便砧涸筛淖辅佐佣械鸟遮睛咱宰骤胡箕肃榷牧猖饯舱任市孙善律掘艳丧昏脊宵钩茸瘫喧壕奥叭运采减鸥芥狂獭套碗宪雇蝇5、 二次回试验未做好措施,烧坏保护装置或影响运行设备的正常运行。桂竹站侧110kV桂兰甲线保护更换施工方案(风险评估模板)新account manager credit administration, and according to call of duty to perform various special loan management responsibilities. Total, line (jurisdiction) within the Department of risk ma

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