2020高中英语人教版必修5课时跟踪检测:Unit 1一 Word版含解析

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 1课时跟踪检测(一)Warming Up & Reading Language Points.单句语法填空1What do you conclude from the facts?2We feel it our duty to protect our environment from being_polluted (pollute)3These suggestions can really cure us of our bad habits.4Every time he meets (meet) new words in the reading, he

2、always turns to his dictionary.5Because John was_absorbed (absorb) in his work, he forgot to inform him of it.6He instructed me to_post (post) the letter at once.7I suspect him of lying by his abnormal behaviour.8Railway lines link country towns with the capital.9He announced to us his intention of

3、leaving us.10One of the challenges (challenge) he has accepted is to swim the river.完成句子1他们说这台机器很难操作。They said that the machine was_hard/difficult_to_handle/operate.2他向几家报社透露了这个计划。He exposed_the_plan_to several newspapers.3我正入神地看着这本书,连你进来也没有听见。I was_so_absorbed_in this book that I didnt hear you com

4、e in.4我们必须派人调查此事。We must send someone to_look_into the matter.5每次感冒了我都会喝很多水。Every/Each_time_I_catch_a_cold,_I always drink much water.6人们怀疑这个小姑娘偷了那些钱。The little girl was_suspected_of stealing the money.7正是那件事使她改掉了粗心的毛病。It was that incident that cured_her_of carelessness.8昨天经理在会上提出了新的计划。The manager p

5、ut_forward_a_new_plan at the meeting yesterday.阅读理解AA list of Benjamin Franklins inventions reveals a man of many talents and interests.His natural curiosity about things and the way they work made him try to find ways to make them work better.Ben had poor vision and needed glasses to read.He got ti

6、red of constantly taking them off and putting them back on, so he decided to figure out how his glasses would let him see both near and far.He had two pairs of glasses cut in half and put half of each lens (镜片) in a single frame.Today, we call them bifocals (双光眼镜)Everyone knows the story of Bens fam

7、ous kite flight.Although he made important discoveries and advancements, Ben did not “invent” the electricity.He did, however, invent the lightning rod which protects buildings and ships from lightning.In colonial America, most people warmed their homes by building a fire in a fireplace even though

8、it was dangerous and used a lot of wood.Ben figured that there had to be a better way.His invention of an iron furnace stove allowed people to warm their homes less dangerously and with less wood.The furnace stove that he invented is called the Franklin Stove.Interestingly enough, Ben also establish

9、ed the first fire company and the first fire insurance company in order to help people live more safely.As a postmaster, Ben had to figure out routes for delivering the mail.He went out riding in his carriage to measure the routes and needed a way to keep track of the distance.He invented a simple o

10、dometer (里程表) and attached it to his carriage.Later, other famous inventors, like Tomas AEdison and Alexander Graham Bell, followed in Bens footsteps by trying to find ways to help people live better.1How many things invented by Benjamin Franklin are mentioned in the passage?A3.B4.C5.D6.解析:选B细节理解题。本

11、文从上至下讲述了本杰明富兰克林的发明有四种:双光眼镜、避雷针、铁皮炉子和里程表。2What do we know about the Franklin Stove?AIt is made of iron and easy to carry.BIt is much safer and can save wood.CIt is much smaller than the traditional stove.DIt reaches the requirements of the fire company.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段第三句可知B项正确。3What characteristic d

12、id Franklin, Edison and Bell have in common?AThey had a strong desire to make life better.BThey were excellent students at school.CThey were born in the same age.DThey made peoples life simple.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段的“by trying to find ways to help people live better”可推知,这些科学家们都有强烈的使人们的生活更加美好的渴望,故A项正确。4Wh

13、at would be the best title for this passage?AThe life of Benjamin FranklinBBenjamin Franklin, a great inventorCA man of many talents and interestsDHow to help people live better解析:选B主旨大意题。全文讲述了本杰明富兰克林从生活的实际出发,发明了一系列有利于自己、有利于他人的实用物品,故B项符合全文的主旨。BCharles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, the son of

14、 John and Elizabeth Dickens. John Dickens was a clerk in the Naval Pay Office. He had a poor head for finances, and finally found himself imprisoned for debt.When the family paid off the debt and his father was set free, the twelveyearold Dickens, already hurt by the experience, was further wounded

15、by his mothers insistence that he continued to work at Warrens Blacking Factory.His father, however, rescued him from that fate (命运), and between 1824 and 1827 Dickens was a day pupil at a school in London. At fifteen, he found employment as an office boy at a lawyers, while he studied shorthand (速记

16、法) at night. His work memories at the Blacking Factory entered his mind repeatedly all of his life he spoke of it only to his wife and to his closest friend, John Forster but the dark secret became a source of creative energy with the themes of alienation (离间) and betrayal which would appear mostly

17、in David Copperfield and in Great Expectations.In 1829 he became a reporter at Doctors Commons Courts, and in 1830 he met and fell in love with Maria Beadnell, the daughter of a banker. By 1832 he had become a very successful reporter of Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons, and began work

18、as a reporter for a newspaper.In 1833 his relationship with Maria Beadnell ended, probably because her parents did not think him a good match. In the same year his first published story appeared, and was followed, very shortly thereafter, by a number of other stories and sketches (短剧). In 1834, stil

19、l a newspaper reporter, he adopted the soontobefamous penname “Boz”. His poor father, who was the original of Mr Micawber in David Copperfield, was once again arrested for debt, and Charles was forced to come to his aid. Later in his life both of his parents and his brothers were frequently after hi

20、m for money.语篇解读:2012年2月7日是狄更斯诞辰200周年纪念日。本文介绍了狄更斯早期的生活以及对他的作品的影响。5What can we infer from the second paragraph?ACharles father once worked at the Blacking Factory.BCharles mother was kind to him.CCharles didnt like to work at the Blacking Factory.DCharles made a lot of money by working.解析:选C推理判断题。分析第

21、二段尤其是最后一句中的“further wounded”可知,狄更斯根本不喜欢在Warrens Blacking Factory工作。6We can infer from the last paragraph that Marias parents _.Athought Charles would become famousBwere not satisfied with CharlesChad to give in to Maria and CharlesDdecided to marry their daughter to Charles解析:选B推理判断题。分析最后一段第一句可知,玛丽亚

22、的父母认为狄更斯配不上他们的女儿,显然他们不喜欢狄更斯。7According to the text, Charles Dickens _.Awas the son of a person who was good at financesBwas a newspaper reporter from 1829 to 1834Cwrote his father into his book Great ExpectationsDseldom talked about his life at the Blacking Factory解析:选D细节理解题。文章第三段说,他在那家工厂的记忆在一生中都在脑海

23、中不断地浮现,而这些他只跟他妻子和最好的朋友说起过,可见D项是正确的。8Which of the following is the correct RIGHT order to describe Charles life according to the text?Charles Dickens was a day pupil at a school in London.Charles Dickens had his first story published.Charles Dickens became a reporter at Doctors Commons Courts.Charles

24、 Dickens continued to work at Warrens Blacking Factory.Charles Dickens adopted the penname “Boz”A BC D解析:选B细节理解题。从第二、三段可知,狄更斯首先在Warrens Blacking Factory做工,随后成为伦敦一所学校的一名学生(18241827)。从第四段可知,1829年,他成了Doctors Common Courts的一名记者,从最后一段第一、二句可知,他1833年发表第一部作品,1834年,使用了Boz这一笔名。故选B。.语法填空In 2003, SARS broke out

25、 in the mainland of China, _1_ (lead) some people to death and many people were exposed _2_ the danger. Apart from Doctor Zhong Nanshan, a famous physician, many doctors and nurses were instructed to attend to the victims and handle these cases.Doctor Zhong was so enthusiastic about his work that he

26、 began his enquiry at once and analysed the data he collected _3_ (caution); in addition, he had his new medicine _4_ (test) on one patient to find the cause of the disease,announcing that _5_ was the polluted animals masked civets that were _6_ (blame). At first, some experts suspected and rejected

27、 his view, saying the theory he put forward _7_ (make) no sense. Being much _8_ (strict) with himself, he drew a scientific conclusion by linking the disease to the polluted masked civets and cured the patients of SARS with traditional Chinese medicines, _9_ made remarkable contributions to controlling the spread of the _10_ (die) disease.答案:1.leading2.to3.cautiously4.tested5it6.to blame7.made8.stricter9.which10.deadly

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