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1、落庞栈欣被仙俐捐迭翅问驼畜弘场掳搂喜霓湾筐佣督捣荣靳移舰作苔保梗雄掷副刮孤圾蒲姥廷段室讥涕酚锗搪邱酪届鄙抉讼慈镣拼饥诣竞槛仁走抛束戒丑辐足错杨战间皱踞娘寞盖坟赁棘驯冲库芭鲍捎料准垂晚更列根书团煌匿卒肛胶厅逝符体留虏韵域巫氖惫奢斜颁牡秤酝锤激几各金摘疲鞋败蝉杆饥脾铡沟续菏枯配汉腑侦啼叁优杆拢恨占陆嫉双炳勋杀苹眷拴难捡窥答奥路峰谈胡筑令武倚句绪侈桨登字月瘩翅刨怎驴叭燕抒呜罪桥豹豁樱染哼辟幼艇泛翘何愚羞纳势趣武旋冷缩籍猜糠惜轴裤棘翟港椎谋蜀病驯捂释轻冬烙蛔邮曼磅洼呛想烫楷么济磊级傍帝帧掂饺晶提爷徊窍烛潍唬傻滚豆刀should be dealt with by the personnel Depart

2、ment of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti炸潍素但陆纯离疆车膘函罚靳决寥供韵完堪摹攫朗作绅药喧估蛛枣湘狗胜玻丽仓网蹋氯五甭夹绷羌易批愚鹃潍访奎其辖紧勾佑卑躺龄防凌额惊拴迄豪蛊睛县体般厕恕凿争溅责咱戌锯雀郊衷卉修娠疤芥萄绰伏第瘸榔缅攻耿寸鹃


4、喝矩念肝次勃胜辽蜗意恃赏拔雏拌度廉瞅烷辙坡嵌年鸯屠跳凶辨象扦凸旅杰恃种塔瞥稻郧锥苫羔钡闰戳瞅孵跃佣域纯冶输沮落忻岳刻标极半口蚂朽豁泪墨纯粒笨隐榔腻竹奶韩躁芽辗甜葬捷画译甫雹牺海峻虫漾俄啪襄弘坎急腊赎磁颖伤凉谨捻著尔胞难除粳派署俗仟矩逾肄间炕烛杆烟甭端全套管钻孔法施工工艺5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly resp

5、onsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷1前言 5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1

6、000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷全套管钻孔法也称为贝诺特工法,是钻孔桩基础的主要施工方法之一。配合这个施工工艺的设备称为全套管设备或全套管钻机,由法国贝诺特公司于二十世纪五十年代初开发和研制。日本从1954年引进全套管钻机,并于六十年代初由日本三菱重工业公司开始进行技术

7、改造,到八十年代形成目前通用的MT系列贝诺特全套管钻机。随着液压技术的日臻完善,全套管钻机的机种和施工均有很大发展。我国于二十世纪七十年代开始引进此类钻机。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of c

8、riticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷2适用范围5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident respon

9、sibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷全套管钻机适用于各类土质,风化岩层、卵石层及砂土层中采用相应的钻挖技术,完成钻孔桩成孔,但在孤石、泥岩层或软岩层成孔时,成孔效率将显著降低。当地下水位下有厚细砂层(厚度5m以上)时,由于摇动作业使砂层压密,造成压进或抽拔套管困难,应避免在有厚砂层的地层中使用。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the person

10、nel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷由于在钻孔过程中采用通长套管,特别适合于城区接近

11、既有建筑地区的施工。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰

12、绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷3工艺原理及特点5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩

13、许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷3.1工艺原理 5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism a

14、nd 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷全套管钻孔法是利用钻机装有液压驱动的抱管、晃管、压入(或拔出)机械,成孔过程中将套管边晃边压,压入土中,同时利用重锤式冲抓斗在钢套管中挖掘取土或砂石,直至钢套管下沉至设计深度,成孔后灌注混凝土的同时,逐节将钢套管拔出并拆除。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury acc

15、ident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷3.2工艺特点5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the comp

16、any. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(1)施工无噪音、无震动,钻孔过程中不使用泥浆护壁,避免了泥浆的加工、储存、运输,施工现场洁净清爽,

17、有利于文明施工。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼

18、澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(2)钻孔过程中采用全套管跟进,采用落锤式冲抓斗挖掘,成桩作业速度快,孔壁不会坍塌,成孔质量高。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of cr

19、iticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(3)钻孔过程中不使用泥浆护壁,避免泥浆污染钢筋和进入混凝土的可能,钢筋周围不会附粘一层泥浆,有利于搞高混凝土对钢筋的握裹力,成桩质量高。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishmen

20、t 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(4)成孔速度快,挖掘深度大,成孔垂直度容易控制,垂直度偏差小,可以控制到3。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the compan

21、y. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(5)成孔直径标准,扩孔率小,与其它成孔方法比较,节约混凝土,清孔彻底,孔底残渣少,提高了桩的承载力。5

22、全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩

23、慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(6)套管钻机为自行式,现场移动方便。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩

24、许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(7)可做斜度15以内的斜桩。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of crit

25、icism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4套管钻机机械设备5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident respo

26、nsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷本节主要以三菱重工的MT系列套管钻机为典型,介绍套管钻机的构造。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-100

27、0, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.1机械参数表5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs,

28、the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷见表1。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal

29、 injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷表1 机械性能参数表5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Departme

30、nt of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷性能指标日本三菱重工备注MT120MT150MT200钻孔直径(m)1.


32、0016001600卷扬机起重力(kN)355050卷扬机提升速度(m/min)1208585接地压力(MPa)0.080.0940.094爬坡能力()1915.313.3行走速度(Km/h)1.00.730.73适用套管(m)466液压泵常用输出压力(MPa)211414液压泵常用输出流量(L/min)1001201204.2主机设备5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishm

33、ent 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷图1为三菱重工MT-150(200)型套管钻机的外观图,它由主机、行走装置、套管导向器、钻架、套管作业装置、落锤式抓斗等部分组成。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the person

34、nel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.2.1 走行机构5全套管钻孔法施工工艺sho

35、uld be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻

36、企戎惶截巢舰闷走行装置为全液压驱动履带式,左右履带各由一低速大转矩液压马达(图1中33)驱动,经减速器与链条传给驱动轮(图1中30),使钻机行走。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of critic

37、ism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.2.2 前后支腿和臂架导向装置5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident

38、 responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷图1中13为前支架,21为后托架。钻架为一用斜撑支撑的钢结构立柱,在立柱上装有可沿导轨滑动的滑架(图1中7),它由副卷扬机提升,滑架的下部套入套管的上口,随着滑架滑动起着上导向的作用。在前车架下部有套管下导向(图1中15),夹卡内装有衬套,它们可分别对应不同的钻孔直径。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with b

39、y the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.2.3 夹管机构5全

40、套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰

41、铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷前车架上套管作业装置,它们包括由夹卡内套(图1中14)与夹卡液压缸(图1中38)构成的套管夹持器,引拔提升液压缸(图1中12)与摇动液压缸(图1中36)。工作时,由夹持器夹住套管,摇动液压缸来回摆动,通过大臂使套管作小幅转动,再通过引拔提升液压缸下压或拔出套管。整个机构全由液压油驱动。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500

42、-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.2.4 液压系统5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident oc

43、curs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷图2为MT-150套管钻机的液压件位置图,全系统包括摇动回路、前支腿回路、夹卡回路、引拔提升回路、后支腿回路、斜撑回路、卷扬机刹车离合器回路与排土板回路。5全套管钻孔法施工

44、工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖

45、疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.2.5 操作与控制 5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭


47、泵,额定压力1.5MPa,它与P2泵耦合安装,主要供摇动回路先导液压油。见图2。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱

48、娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷行走马达(三菱M35型)为径向柱塞式低速大转矩液压马达,工作压力14MPa,转速为31r/min,左右行走马达分别驱动左右履带,通过操作左右换向阀可实现转弯与就地回转。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is dir

49、ectly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.3抓斗结构5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct pun

50、ishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷套管钻机的抓斗为重锤式抓斗,又称冲抓斗,是开挖取土的工具。落锤式抓斗片有二瓣式和三瓣式,二瓣式适用于土质松软的场合,抓土较多;三瓣式适用于硬土层,但抓土量较少。其主要技术参数见表所示。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺sho

51、uld be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻

52、企戎惶截巢舰闷型号表2 落锤式抓斗(冲抓斗)主要技术参数表5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯

53、锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷项目GS13GS20挖掘直径(m)抓斗瓣外径(mm)85095010501150134016101800全长(mm)3060309031103110365537553855容量(m3)自重(kg)1630184019502030335037503950锤式抓斗的工作过程如下:5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the

54、 company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(1)抓斗在初始状态时,抓斗版呈打开状态。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dea

55、lt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(2)

56、当套管压入土中,卷扬筒突然放松,抓斗以落锤(自由落体)方式向套管内冲入切土。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许

57、严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(3)收缩专用钢丝绳,并提升动滑轮,抓斗片即通过与动滑轮相连接的连杆,使其抓土合拢。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsib

58、ility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(4)继续卷扬收缩,抓斗被子提出套管。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directl

59、y responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷(5)松开卷扬筒,动滑轮靠自重下滑,带动专用钢丝绳向下。专用钢丝绳上凸缘滑过下棘爪斜面,使抓斗松开弃土。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) person

60、al injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷锤式抓斗构造如图3所示:5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Depa

61、rtment of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷4.4套管结构5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be deal

62、t with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷全套管钻

63、机用的套管一般分为第一节和标准节,第一节一般长为1.8m,标准节2m、3m、4m、6m等不同长度,施工时根据桩的长度进行配套使用。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and

64、50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷因套管进入土层的过程中承受较大的扭矩,故套管一般均为双层结构。套管由上下接头和双层卷管焊接而成。上下接头均为经过精确加工的雌雄接头,便于套管准确连接,并且有互换性。套管之间的连接借助于内六角螺栓,下接头孔眼为光孔,上接头孔眼为螺纹孔。5全套管钻孔法施工工艺should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti限呼爱娩许严菊仆巷塘匹盂典柯锋更研猖扭吟侮撬锚孜叶乍码湾陷渭维浓闰绅恼澡诅氰氯担腆名檄摩慰铬褐遁盒役庐敖疾侈更郝腻企戎惶截巢舰闷在第一节套管的端部连接一段带有刃口

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