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1、2020年研讨会征文启事_第二届国际金融中青年学者研讨会征文启事第二届国际金融中青年学者研讨会征文启事 ;创新经济与金融改革; 第二届国际金融中青年学者研讨会 暨宁波诺丁汉大学国际金融研究中心年会 征稿启事 时间:20xx 年 2 月 27-28 日 地点:宁波诺丁汉大学 主办:宁波市教育局、诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)、宁波诺丁汉大学国际金融研究中心 协办:君润资本 主题:此次会议邀请来自国内外高校、相关政策部门以及金融机构的经济学家和金融学家参加,目的是为今后的国内外宏观经济格局演变趋势、汇率改革、利率改革、资本项目开放等金融改革,以及互联网金融与跨境资本流动等金融监管,提供更深层次的学术交流

2、和政策研究基础。 主旨演讲人: 魏尚进 教授 : 亚洲开发银行首席经济学家;美国哥伦比亚大学商学院教授 黄益平 教授 : 央行货币政策委员会委员; 北京大学国家发展研究院副院长 其他与会嘉宾包括:香港中文大学施康教授、香港科技大学王鹏飞教授、王勇教授、北京大学光华管理学院颜色教授、上海财经大学鞠建东教授、复旦大学经济学院林曙教授等。 本次研讨会的议题包括: 国内外宏观经济格局演变趋势研究 国际金融与贸易理论与政策前沿研究 创新与金融互动理论与政策前沿研究 互联网金融理论与政策前沿研究 金融改革与金融监管理论与政策前沿研究 经济与金融领域的其他理论与政策前沿研究 欢迎广大学界同仁就上述议题撰写学

3、术论文(中英文皆可)。论坛委员会将对提交的论文进行遴选,并据此发出参会邀请。 投稿方式: 论文请以 e-mail 方式提交。论文投递邮箱:;请在邮件上注明;第二届国际金融中青年学者研讨会;字样。 非论文提交者参加,请发邮件到投稿截稿时间:20xx 年 2 月 8 日 会务组联系方式: 联系人:刘老师 联系电话:0574-88180031 主旨演讲嘉宾简介: 魏尚进 教授 (Prof Shangjin WEI) 亚洲开发银行首席经济学家,美国哥伦比亚商学院金融学经济学教授。他也是美国布鲁金斯研究所高级研究员、美国国民经济研究局中国经济研究组主任,加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士。曾经担任哈佛大学肯尼

4、迪学院公共政策副教授及助理教授、布鲁金斯研究所国际经济学新世纪讲席高级研究员、世界银行顾问。担任 Journal of International Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of International Financial Markets、Institutions Money 等学术期刊的副主编和 The China Economic Review 的顾问编委。主要研究领域为国际金融、国际贸易、政府治理和改革、中国经济以及宏观经济学。 黄益平 教授 (Prof Yiping HUANG) 央行货币政策委员会委员,北

5、京大学国家发展研究院副院长、互联网金融中心主任。澳大利亚国立大学 Crawford 经济与政府学院教授,中国金融 40 人论坛成员,澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士。曾任国务院农村发展研究中心发展研究所的助理研究员、澳大利亚国立大学经济学高级讲师、哥伦比亚大学商学院 General Mills 国际教授、花旗集团大中华区首席经济学家、花旗集团董事总经理及亚太区首席经济学家。担任英文期刊澳大利亚资源与农业经济、亚洲开发银行主办的亚洲发展评论与中文期刊世界经济的编委会成员。主要研究领域为宏观经济政策、国际金融体系、农村经济发展、中国与亚洲经济。 * English version: Call for P

6、apers The 2nd Intl Finance Seminar GFC Annual Meeting, UNNC ;Innovative Economy and Financial Revolution; Time: 27th-28th February, 20xx Venue: University of Nottingham Ningbo China Organizers: Ningbo Education Bureau; Nottingham University Business School China; Centre for Global Finance, Universit

7、y of Nottingham Ningbo China Co-organizer: Junrun Capital Theme: The seminar will invite economists and financial experts from Chinese and overseas universities, related policy-making government departments and financial institutions. The main purpose is to discuss the financial reforms both at home

8、 and abroad, such as the evolving trends in future macro-economic situations, exchange rate reform, interest rate reform, and opening capital account. It will also focus on financial regulations including internet finance, cross-border capital flows, and provide deep academic exchanges and solid fou

9、ndations for policy research. Keynote Speakers: Professor Shangjin WEI, Chief Economist in the Asian Development Bank; Professor of Finance and Economics in Columbia University Professor Yiping HUANG, Central Banks Monetary Policy Committee Member; Associate Dean of National School of Development, P

10、eking University Other invited professors attending include: Professor Kang SHI, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Pengfei WANG, Prof Yong WANG, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Professor Se YAN, Peking University Professor Jiandong JU, Shanghai University of Finance and Ec

11、onomics Professor Shu LIN, Fudan University to be continued. The topics of this seminar include: Research on the evolving trends of future macro-economic situations both at home and abroad Research on the theories and policies of international finance and trade Research on the theories and policies

12、of interaction between innovation and finance Research on the theories and policies of internet finance Research on the theories and policies of financial revolution and financial regulation Research on the theories and policies of other topics in the field of economics and finance All academics are

13、 welcome to submit papers on the above topics (either in Chinese or English). The Organizing Committee will select papers which to be presented in the seminar and send conference invitation letters accordingly. Please send papers by email toand address ;The Second International Finance Seminar; as t

14、he email subject. Non-academics for participation, please send your request to emailDeadline: 8th February, 20xx Committee Contacts: Ms. Serena Liu: 0574-8818 0031 Ms. Carol Chen: 0574-8818 0390 Keynote Speaker - Professor Shangjin WEI Professor Shangjin Wei is the Chief Economist in the Asian Devel

15、opment Bank, Professor in Finance and Economics in Columbia University. He is a senior research fellow at the US Brookings Institution; Director of the China economic research group in the National Bureau of Economic Research. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

16、Previously, he was Associate Professor at Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of Public Policy; senior research fellow at the Brookings Institution, and adviser at the World Bank. He is the associate editor of academic journals including the Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development

17、Economics, Journal of International Financial Markets, and Institutions Money. He is on the advisory board of The China Economic Review. His main research areas include international finance, international trade, government management and reform, Chinas economy, and macroeconomics. Keynote Speaker -

18、 Professor Yiping HUANG Professor Yiping Huang is Central Banks Monetary Policy Committee Member, the Associate Dean of National School of Development; Director of Internet Finance Centre, Peking University. He is also Professor in Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National Uni

19、versity; Member of China Finance 40 Forum. He holds a PhD in Economics from Australian National University. Previously, he was the assistant research fellow in the Institute of Development, Rural Development Research Centre of the State Council; senior lecturer in Economics, Australian National Univ

20、ersity. He was General Mills International Professor of Finance and Economics, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University; Managing Director and Chief Asia Economist of Citi group. He is the Member of the Editorial Board of Australian Resources and Agricultural Economy (English), Asian Development Review (published by Asian Development Bank) and The World Economy (Chinese). His research interests include macroeconomic policy, international financial system, rural economic development, and China and Asia economy.

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