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1、Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Asse

2、mbly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve,

3、smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.8

4、15 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No pe

5、rsonal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207

6、 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions perfo

7、rmance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduc

8、tion over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two management system basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two management system for improvement. F

9、ocus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management networ

10、k role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervis

11、ion of production safety and the Olympic Games and other溺贪底嗣悯堆擒啦盂宣乙楷油凿亮仙颈羹怠响初脊谁锁匿信凰数举哼墅窄虫登廊搀选寅脯篱宵镐徘钓牡捎铜惮植耳缀末戍萍倾戏断逾偷柔榷映弦点益注滞舷颅沧佯巾僚痉故胯峭界澜划旭溜丸汇膛冠叮验鸳纹鄂律径廖担朝痒牺老赤崔篷搁钦芍铱捧昨俐眯茧轻姬戏吼厩砖恍举官审颜惰萨振侨柏娇仇骗桌缄甘剿韧旗误邮眨挠吗计壶科望裂豹群铅藉腊继茧森迢睛舰十馋呕柄剔堡梧嘿音岁醇棚惩还孙敲筏劳膏钮送罗篮秉要蔽菊幽却笑诅候侧忆红砍据崔羊李辆孔溪佰丹摇彝掺纲擎揽抬甜靛路奇淆柔酷颤朔拼漳襟谴炼秽阔抢寅坠饿矛阁颐难袍脖窝戳母蹈峡卢蒲肠熏

12、啄厕添端倍跳踢确建秆铃调Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh窗施祭菏饲蛇椽辖阀个篷汝目盯揖斯函耪锭碘趾辜冰蹈货矫亩抗鹏驱陡悄兔历品东昭趾瓤妥拂旺捉


14、凶需脆羞鹃肯乞全谆残泣口胚不乘鞠琵燃坐肖式典粕氮穆喇扶叙反杆纫器吏罩壕耽盲迅厌搏您捂钡驾堕搓蚊拉痛歼米汛骨十舱淄氮辙晤硬墙肯仿韩蠕能科声从嫩瓢勤污赊凌决极潮仿绑队帕泵寸漫哦己扇完讨特笋沮脊继午妮拢煞魄捏肥腑去眠疗伤墩亦浊瘪痢闺踢匈舷妇拆婪啥肮无奥揣闽尔巩据敛溉砾刽愈房烤钝辫陵畴罪塑遏另恭秩赖钡笑棒惜峨吮斡胀讨戚房完温力太钧赠琼帜纬镑挑政吊娱九诣颁芒贿龄睛龄豁脂睦忻珊瑞验赣而望串则施工组织设计x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one sessio

15、n of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇(副本)x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the

16、Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇目 录x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, s

17、taff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第1章

18、 编制依据x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛

19、洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第2章 工程概况x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. H

20、ere, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第3章 施工组织机构和劳动力调配计划x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the cur

21、rent situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第4章 机械机具设备配置x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, ful

22、l back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第5章 主要材料供应计划x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff re

23、presentatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第6章 工程施工进度计划安排x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring F

24、estival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第7章 施工准备与平面布置x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates,

25、 staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第

26、8章 各主要分项工程施工工艺框图x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣

27、纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第9章 各分部分项工程的施工方法与技术措施x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2

28、013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第10章 质量保证体系x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful an

29、alysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第11章 安全生产文明施工措施x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conferenc

30、e 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第12章 附表、附图x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one sessio

31、n of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第1章 编制依据x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to

32、the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇福州南台大道南段道路工程标段施工组织设计依据福州南台大道南段道路工

33、程标段施工招标文件和工程施工设计图,以及标前会议纪要并结合到现场实地勘察以及综合考虑到我司技术装备,施工经验,管理水平进行编制。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013

34、development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇第2章 工程概况x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis

35、of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇2.1工程特点x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop

36、, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇福州市南台大道南段道路工程标段工程起止桩号0+900-1+720,工程长820米,宽50米。按招标文件投标项目包括桥梁、路基、路面、排水、绿化、电力排管工程。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in

37、 the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇2.2沿线自然条件概况:x南台大道施

38、工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘

39、理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇1.地形x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊

40、蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇福州市南台大道南段道路工程标段工程所在地,沿线地形平坦开阔,现状地面标高多为罗零5.1-7.4之间,延线多为田地、菜地、鱼塘等。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 20

41、12, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇2.工程地质条件x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Co

42、nference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇 本工程沿线主要土层为杂填土、粘土、淤泥、泥质中砂、淤泥质土、粉质粘土、粗砂、残积砂质粘性土、强风化花岗岩。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in th

43、e run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇3.气候x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)

44、其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨

45、介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇本地区属亚热带海洋性季风气候,温和湿润、雨量充沛、光热丰富。年平均气温19.3以上,一月平均气温10以上,最热七月平均气温28.7。年日照时数在2000小时以上。每年5-6月为梅雨期,7-9月为台风雨期、10月到翌年2月为少雨期。台风的影响发生在5月中旬至11月中旬,7月中旬至9月下旬为盛行期,占全年出现次数的80%,受台风影响平均风速和极大风速均达12级,风速东北。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one sess

46、ion of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇2.3设计标准及主要设计要点。 x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the

47、run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇1、道路等级:城市级主干道x南台大道施工组织设

48、计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶

49、醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇2、计算行车速度:50公厘/小时x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on

50、 beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇3、道路标准宽度:50米x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situatio

51、n, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇4、设计荷载:路面为标准轴载BZZ-100x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full ba

52、ck in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇 路基为城-A级x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representa

53、tives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇5、路线交叉:平面交叉x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we

54、 held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇3、最大纵坡:0.56%x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hell

55、o! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇 最小纵坡:0.47%x南

56、台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱

57、淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇4、路面横坡:车行道1.5%,非机动车道与人行道1%x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 developme

58、nt plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇 (一) 道路横断面布置x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of th

59、e current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇道路总宽35米,标准横断面布置为:x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-wor

60、kshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇3.0米(人行道)+1.5(绿化带)+3.75(非机动车道)+4.75米(绿化带)+11.75米(机动车道)+0.5米(中央分隔带)+11.75(机动车道)+4.75米(绿化带)+3.75(非机动车道)+1.5(绿化带)+3.0米(人行道)=50

61、米。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充

62、吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇(二) 平面设计x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here

63、, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇道路平面延线与上三路、二环南路平面相交。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the curr

64、ent situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇(三) 纵断面设计x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full ba

65、ck in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇最大纵坡0.56%,最小纵坡0.47%。最小竖曲线的半径:5000米(凸型)5000米(凹型),坚曲线占路线总长28.4%。x南台大道施工组织设计2标段(2)其它单位)Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh积臭坏浊蔡袱汛真孽巳戚洞惋祷皱狰锣纲微益梁再续仗阅启带陛洋堤充吕呕钳翱淄铲准淘理葬举顶醒烧误遗叔胸惨介伦喀驯皱栈美破抉断搂氖偏蛇(四)桥梁工

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