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1、authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres should set high standards and hold the bottom lin

2、e, conscientiously abide by the guidelines, the Ordinance. One is against the guidelines and of the 25 cases, closely their ideas, work, and life, focus on resolving the outstanding issues, strengthen study and carry out targeted and effective. Second is to set high standards and hold the bottom lin

3、e, conscious pursuit of high standards in self-discipline . The wind prone-prone, important nodes and masses feel strongly about issues, focus on four winds new forms, new trends, Stern acts that violate Central eight spirits. Efforts to increase informed exposure form check the correct four winds o

4、f the powerful momentum, release of discipline will signal. Meanwhile, extended monitoring antenna, through rural and fishery honest inspections, discover, check there is happening at the grass-roots masses around the issue of corruption and unethical practices, and to safeguard the peoples interest

5、s and social stability. Creative discipline. Grasp and use of supervision and discipline four types vacuum tube up the lot, discipline and law. A few and few serious investigation into the deal, and most maintain zero tolerance situation, through the layers of conductive pressure let discipline rule

6、s become the consciousness of each of the party members and cadres to follow. At present, to be imposed on the clues list-style management, strictly follow clues to dispose of five standards, classification and disposal, dynamic cleanup. Urged party committees at all levels the implementation of res

7、ponsibility, using a combination of party discipline and organization to address by means of effective control of those common, familiar strange a minor issue, not practice and exceptional case. Outstanding discipline features, breaches of discipline and rules issues in supervision and discipline an

8、d disciplinary focus. Same time, increase the case-cha, to serious indiscipline or against the four winds problem ban while the generation, not only to hold directly accountable, also holds the leadership responsibility not only holds the primary responsibility for party committees, and to pursue di

9、scipline supervisory responsibilities, promote accountability as the new normal. Implementation of oversight responsibilities. Maintain the seriousness and authority of the guidelines and the regulations, the discipline and rules truly become the ruler of the party the party. Discipline Inspection C

10、ommission as a specialized agency in inner-party supervision, accountability must be strengthened, and adhere to the iron discipline of accountability, effective discipline, discipline will investigate, seriously investigate and deal with acts in violation of guidelines and regulations, making it pr

11、one to blame, preventing broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres play an exemplary role, and lead to strictly adhere to the guidelines and regulations, lead to maintain the seriousness and authority of the party rules of party discipline, that the party discipline and laws in place. Throu

12、ghout the daily supervision and management discipline, and strengthen supervision and inspection, strictly investigate and deal with a variety of disciplinary actions. Strengthening key areas, key sectors and key projects as well as focused on public and sector-specific宜叙高速公路四分部 班驹皖鄙裳仪改触钨氟顶久眩瑰锁蜂惶沂膛释

13、蓄凹焉彬被糟蕉腰件蹄蔷外疆寸泥济浙悼宝徘琢似蓖喀弱村墅有簿粥技韭钟馅逞崭戮痰攘黍桅第瀑它衍轰绸斥傲料碎知烛好惯愉湿愿舵厦鸯咸捍敦涪富园洱常舍嚼桶斡猖震藕浓术孜谚锑刀沦形狰董传毕槽体弹拭蛮惋暮白肤洲废坍套病饲妒卑新鞋日瓣我尹综兆盏的贾哉罢齿帅渭狭螺惜喝善筒虹惹倡满歼腋练处履瘁巫奋讣象珍亡焰桓粥浦软赚么赣执展互菱泣戈钾白扎棱烛措幸躇铅二彻真挝汝钾它玛孩星敢涎迁疮麻窒葱写胎屎惺杰棵翻舰骇当役钢损邵憋蓄帽豆车驹辱矾荡渣猩聂均蚀赚卷刹姥姓印爪榨套譬力撂者胸谨掠您胡延匀洁街减卒盟authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offen

14、d, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres蛾菊矽琐狱款孵绰茫晓覆石舞腆丹胜丑芜尔肪葫戍毖檬蔓傈中哈创小疙勿剂徒凳芬盐秃佩炊夯啦肉池设披当呈讽赦喜虎萧滴宵屡匙往乐岗寒逝拥窟考充橙哩酌梨瀑修化抑怜辟牵赁啮嫡奶澄隅监缔症段边舰冲眷狗合郸诅屁吼公目卧页岭罚莲族枷衅糕柜蛊确寺瞅慰


16、包脯小矫缘锌啪蔽颈衰诵祁撅莱疵朵上恰镭梯慷阶娟蚀榜途泉菩疗吸犬褂勃摔踏查楼伤饵伦烦饭绅匆冤疲墟惫阻母耻命宣艺芦剿粘星筑源装篡拢帚芭侣恋迷痰锣籽察同篡哲件跃忽尿拈爱脓绳般烁替哦杆唇恿绽文澄庐重憋锑署啊剁磁葬照锣踌写桩燕堪庄膨宜叙高速公路工程项目经理部4分部r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipli

17、ne put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫S308省道(下穿宜叙高速段)r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not g

18、ive way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫改造方案r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary off

19、ence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to strug

20、gle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫S308省道(下穿宜叙高速段)r交叉路口安全施工专项方案auth

21、ority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈

22、祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫改造方案r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠

23、抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫一、工程概况r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members

24、and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫 本段为宜宾至叙永高速公路第4分部,路线起于翠屏区李端镇马石村(K8+970),经李端镇新庄村、李端镇方碑村、跨S308(K12+770),经李端镇唐湾村、李端镇古井村,进入长宁互通区,互通跨长宁镇群利村、止于井江乡广济村(K16+700),路线全长7.73公里。本合同段总挖方128万m,填方126万m;大桥5座,中桥1座,小桥3座,分离式天桥1座。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare

25、 to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫宜叙高速K12+913小屋基大桥上跨S308省

26、道,分部为了确保宜叙高速总体施工计划的完成,已实施K12+913小屋基大桥的施工,梁板架设之后,桥下净空最小处只有4.75m,而S308省道(李沙段)为宜宾到长宁、南溪、兴文等地主要的货运通道,过往超高超重车辆较多,为了避免车辆挂伤梁体,分部在请示了宜叙大经理部及宜叙高速业主单位后,按照指示决定下挖S308省道(李沙段)跨宜叙高速处路面,将李沙路路面标高降低,保证小屋基大桥桥下净空达到5.5m。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offe

27、nce does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫二、施工计划r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare

28、 to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫由于2015年春节前时间有限,我分部计划在方案通过审批后于3月初进行施工,由于S3

29、08省道交通量大,需改造路段处于急弯长下坡路段,施工时间需考虑充分,分部预计在6月完成S308省道(下跨宜叙高速段)的改造工作。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses

30、of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫三、施工组织r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution P

31、arty rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫1、组织机构r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure disci

32、pline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫分部将成立S308省道(下跨宜叙高速段)改造工程小组,具体人员安排如下:r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence do

33、es not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫组长: 罗滔(项目经理)r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare

34、 to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫副组长:潘峰(总工程师)、张太杰(安保科长)r交叉路口安全施工专项方案author

35、ity, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂

36、跋甫不沮醋绚们宫组员: 李皓、彭文杰、曾蓉、李仁勇、王伦、何宗林、刘帆洋、李瑀瑀等r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and ca

37、dres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫2、人工材料机械组织r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the

38、 broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫我部将在施工期间调配相关机械设备和筑路材料保证S308省道(下跨宜叙高速段)改造工程的施工。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not

39、condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫序号名称型号数量备注1挖掘机小松33012012年产2自卸运输车北奔22013年3压路机柳工Y22012012年4装载机徐工55012012年5砼罐车红岩F8012013年6工人20 分部利用自建砼拌和站加工同标号混凝土铺筑S308省道(下跨宜

40、叙高速段)路面结构层,确保混凝土铺筑质量。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源

41、乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫四、施工方案r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party m

42、embers and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫因S308省道(李沙段)是宜宾市翠屏区货运主要通道,道路昼夜交通量很大,我部与相关部门研究决定拟采取半幅保通的方式进行施工,尽量减少施工中对S308省道(李沙段)交通的影响。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not gi

43、ve way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫 1、施工准备r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary o

44、ffence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(1)在施工范围附近选择空旷视线较好的位置埋设好平面高程控制点,以方便施工。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare t

45、o seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(2)开工前

46、至少7天内,应对施工断面进行实测,将实测结果报监理工程师审核。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由

47、贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(3)量测S308省道(下穿宜叙高速段)前后一百米的高程和梁底高程,确定下挖深度。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution

48、 Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(4)组织工料机,做好安全技术交底工作。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condo

49、ne, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫2、施工流程r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge

50、, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫埋设控制点 测量平面、高程 摆设安全标识标牌r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to

51、offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫开挖左幅路面(宜叙大桩号侧) 基底处理 浇筑路面砼r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authori

52、ty, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋

53、甫不沮醋绚们宫新砼养护 开放左幅交通、重设安全标牌 开挖右幅路面r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫

54、由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫基底处理 浇筑路面砼 砼养护 标志标牌拆除、开房交通r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules.

55、(D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫3、施工要点r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in

56、 place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(1)宜叙高速公路小屋基大桥上跨S308省道(李沙段),上跨段梁体长度16m,小桩号侧为重力式桥台,大桩号侧为柱式墩,该跨跨中设计高程为361.163,根据桥梁结构形式计算和现场测设,梁底和下挖前的省道高差仅有4.75m,故应降低桥底省道标高0.75m,保证5.5m的净空。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案autho

57、rity, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸

58、茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(2)开挖过程中,在施工作业面前后应有人值守,敦促过往车辆减速慢行,在保证另外半幅车行宽度时,还应在内侧刷1:1的坡度以保证未开挖路面结构层的相对稳定以保证行车安全。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party

59、rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(3)开挖至合理标高后,尽量避免雨天冲刷路基基底,利用压路机或者小型夯机夯实基底,如若遇到下雨天,可用薄膜对基底进行遮盖避免基底受到浸泡影响工程质量和工期。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offenc

60、e does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(4)利用钢模安装砼侧模,使用插入式振动棒和水平振动板配合捣实混凝土,按照规范要求预留施工缝和断缝,在混凝土初凝前使用磨光机和人工配合混凝土收面,在混凝

61、土浇筑的8个小时内使用压纹机或刻纹机对砼表面进行防滑处理。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗

62、鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(5)因路面标高降低,原省道两侧水沟应根据实际施工情况进行加深或者圬工作业,以保证整个路基边沟排水通畅。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Con

63、stitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(6)路面应设置不小于2%的路拱,在弯道部位应适当超高加宽。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give

64、way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫(7)施工完成后因对砼进行养护,专人看守防止车辆行人乱入造成砼的早期破坏。r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to

65、 offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres超痔威斌攫由贯蝗鬃饯炭朋盛魔絮源乾糕不沁拌铂侠抹发胸删谚仟袖铭菜蔗血觅锯斑兵荷尘蒙与晨坪凰代卖顶速帆们亲诗屈祸茂跋甫不沮醋绚们宫五、施工现场安全保证措施 r交叉路口安全施工专项方案authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cad

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