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1、商务英语文体 课程论文商务英语文体用词分析姓 名: 专 业: 英语 班 级: 学 号: 任课教师: 2010年5月11日 CONTENTSAbstract1. Introduction.2. Text1Contract words.11) Expressions with specific meaning. 22)Formal language23) Syndesis.34) Preposition or preposition phrases.45)Use of foreign words.4 6)Strict restrictions to words.53.Bibiography 6【摘

2、要】:商务英语作为一种特殊的英语,已经广泛应用于社会生活中。随着社会经济事业的发展,各国间的贸易往来越来越频繁,更滋生了商务英语的蓬勃发展。商务英语在应运过程中形成了比较专业化的用语,不同于我们在平时所接触到的英语,如商务英语的用词,句法等均与日常用语有较大区别。 在涉及交易双方利益之时,不可避免的要以相关的规则条款来约束,从而逐渐衍生出了特殊的商务英语文体。商务英语文体有自己独特的文体风格,首先它的用词专业、术语较多、用词准确、措辞礼貌;在句法风格上,商务英语文体的用语固定、表达精练,其写作要求准确、简洁、清楚、完整。商务英语合同作为商务英语文体中的一种特殊格式,因他与法律条款相关,签约双方

3、在签订合约时都负有法律责任,因此对文体很有严格的要求,一定要做到合约双方的权利与义务非常明确,避免因合同条款不明而引起日后的纠纷。商务英语文体要求我们须以严谨的态度对待每一个细节,以保证写作的精确性。Business English, as special English, has been largely used in our society. The quick development of social economy and more trading between countries greatly stimulate the development of business Eng

4、lish. It has great differences with our daily used languages as it formulates its special form during practicing use, like words, grammar, etc. When dealing with the interests between two parties, it is definitely necessary to use legal terms and regulations to refrain the two parties, and under thi

5、s condition gradually generates the business English style which requires precision, clarity, conciseness and impersonal tone.Because the specialty of business English for its legal language, we have to be very careful to clarify the obligations of each parties in order to avoid any conflicts. 【关键词】

6、:商务英语(Business English),文体(style),合同(contract),用词(words)【引言】:随着全球化发展越来越迅速,各国之间贸易明显增加,商务英语作为国际间交流的通用语言,日益显示出其重要作用。各国间频繁的贸易往来必不可少的需要特定的法律文件来约束双方的权利与义务,这就要求严格的商务英语文体,明确各方的权利与义务。本文以一英语聘用合同为例,从用词与句法对商务英语文体加以分析,从而归纳商务英语文体的一些特点。【正文】:语言学家认为,词与文体紧密相关。商务英语属于实用文体,是在频繁的贸易中必不可少的交际规范用语,其内容和读者有很强的针对性。因此,为了使读者一目了然,


8、容确定下来。这里关于文体学,我们借用一些专家的定义。G. W. Turner(1973)将文体学定义为“Stylistics is that part of linguistics which an concentrates on variation in the use of languageStylistics means the study of style, with a suggestion, from the form of the word, of a scientific or at least a methodical study.” Buffoon 认为” Le style

9、, cest lomme meme.” 即所谓文体学,就是“一门运用现代语言学理论和方法研究文体的科学,是一门研究语言的表达效果的学问”。通过文体我们运用到相应的文章中。张德禄等(2008)指出” Stylistics effects can be achieved by two major ways: by violating the existing norm, rules, principles and conventions or by making the linguistic features over regular, that is, patterned or in an un

10、expected high frequency of occurrence.”由此可以看出,各种不同的文体就是对语言不同形式的组合,这就需要对不同的单词加以筛选,已从众多的词语中选出最为符合文本的词汇。在张德禄的书中,出”Words are the basic units of meaning. What words to select in the creation of a text will be significant in creating certain stylistic effect. Swift once says, Proper words in proper places

11、 make true style.”因此选词在形成一种文体中是最基础的也是最重要的。商务英语文体与其它格式比起来又很明显的特点,在用词方面,多使用专业词汇,并常用简洁、易懂、规范、正式的词,甚至法律语言,淡于修饰,如普通英语中balance和quote的含义分别为“平衡”和“引用”,但在商务语境中,它们却有着特殊的含义。例如:We strongly demand immediate full or partial payment with a statement of when you will pay the balance.(我们强烈要求你们马上全部付款或者部分付款,但要说明何时将余款付清

12、。);Their prices are always quoted in dollars.(他们的价格总是以美元报价。)商务英语用词注意轻重,承诺留有余地,然而,数字与时间概念却比普通英语的表达精确得多.合同用语中更要注意用词的精确性。 1999年中国合同法第二条对contract定义为: A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, t

13、hat is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”。根据这一定义,合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。张德禄(2008)认为”Legal language will not only convey the meanings it has to convey, but also has to avoid any opaque, ambiguous expression, and express everything clearly and 1completely.” 即商务英语合同不仅是商务英

14、语文体的一种体现,更是对交易各方的权利、 义务和行为准则的准确涵义和范围进行直接而明确的规定 ,其措词必须严谨精确、 庄重、 正式和不带个人感情色彩。以下将根据一份英语合同来分析其在用与句法上的技巧。英语合同用词1) Expressions with specific meaning 英文合同中常含有大量的制式语言,往往比较正规,其实这些都属于法律行话,以区别于普通用语。如经常在合同中见到的以“here+介词“和“there + 介词”的用法。此处“here+介词”中的“here”其实是指“this contract”、“ this agreement”、“ this document” 等。

15、即herein 相当于in this agreement(contract, etc.),hereunder 相当于under this contract(agreement , etc.),等。如下列例子:(1)I hereby accept the Terms and conditions of employment as set out hereunder.本句中连用两个“here+介词”的用法,这样看起来就要比一般的用语正规许多。前者“hereby” 在此意指“by doing or saying so”,后面的“hereunder” 即指“under this contract or

16、 following”,也就是表示是在“本合同下”。具有同样意义的还有许多,都表示是在某一特定条件下所提出的事件等,现举一些如下:Hereof=of or belonging to this hereinafter=later in this official paperTherein=in that piece of writing thereupon=as a result of thatWherefore=for that reason whereupon=upon which, at which如下例: (2) If the employee has to ask for person

17、al leave during work time, heshe must obtain the permission from the school and the days of personal leave should not surpass 20 days, otherwise the school has the right to terminate the contract.(3)The titles to the articles are for convenience of reference only, not part of this contract and shall

18、 not in any way effect the interpretation thereof.(4) The undersigned hereby certify that the goods to be supplied are made in USA.2)正式用语英语合同中有许多将“普通词”转为“法律用语”的词汇或短语,并且在合同中频繁出现,现列举其中一些比较常见的用词。A. Shall“shall”在合同中使用极其普遍,但与我们熟知的意义不同的是,在合同条款中,“shall”表示“有义务做某事”、“地做某事”、“应做某事”等,这强调的是法律上的一种义务,违反这种义务就意味着违约。如

19、在本合同中就使用了大量的“shall“,现列几例如下:(1)Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted 2by the Chinese government, the Party As work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign teachers.(此处指“A方应当为B方介绍由中国政府颁布的法律法规和A方关于管理外籍教师的相关规则制度。”)(2)The employee shall

20、not disclose his/her salary and the information of the contract to a third Party without the consent of the employer.(此处指“雇员在未经雇佣方许可的情况下不能向第三方告知其工资以及合同信息。”) 合同中shall、will、 may 、should 等词要谨慎使用。May 在表示合同上权利、权限或特权的场合中使用;Should在合同中通常只用来做语气较弱的假设,多表示“万一”、“如果”等;Will 一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下,也用作表示承担义务的声明,但语气和强制力比sha

21、ll 弱,如: (1)If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the

22、company against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffers as a result of such breach.(2)The contract can be revised, cancelled,or terminated with mutual consent before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictl

23、y observed. (3)The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes, which may arise about the contract. (4)Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating the contract without mutual consent.另外,合同中还会用一些普通词汇,但意思改具有法律意味,如:B. Say(

24、1)Work according to the time-table of Party A from Monday to Friday each week(except for holidays).Sometimes Party B may need to work on special occasions, say the anniversary of the founding of Party A or any special promotional work and the employee is to be given day(s) off later or to be paid.(这

25、里的“say ”平常在生活中很常用,在此译为“比如说”。)C. Otherwise这一词在合同用语中很常见,相当于“unless or than”,汉语一般译为“否则,要不然”,如:If the employee has to ask for personal leave during work time, heshe must obtain the permission from the school and the days of personal leave should not surpass 20 days, otherwise the school has the right to

26、 terminate the contract.33) 叠词 在英语合同中经常会出现许多叠词,比如 null and void(无效), any and all(全部), full and complete(完整),charges, fees, costs and expenses(各种费用),covenants and agreements(合同,协议),use and wont(习惯,惯例),support and maintenance(维护),rights and interests(权益) 等。这些叠词都是同义词或近义词放在一起使用,形成相对稳定或固定的词组,或是为了加强语气,或使措

27、辞更为严谨。如下列例子(1) Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in Chinas internal politics affairs.(此处“laws, decrees, and relevant regulations” 其实都是指“法律法规”,用了这几个近意的词,使措辞显得更为严谨。)(2) If the contract shall duly perform and obser

28、ve all terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said contract, the otherwise shall be remain in full force and effect.(这里的“terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations”如果译成中文就只用说“条款”即可,这些名词的叠加使用并非每项都有实际意义,只是放在一起加强语气,似乎让句子也变得严谨,符合法律用语的语气。)4) 介词或介词短语为体现正式与严谨的文体特征,商务英语合同中经常使用一些较复杂的介词或介词短

29、语来代替非正式语体中常见的简单介词与连词,如 :(1) If either of the two parties asks for a new contract, it should forward its request to another party 30 days prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent.(这个句子中用比较正式的“prior to”代替了非正式的“before”,表示“之前”,既符合法律的规范用语,读起来也去掉了口语化的感觉。)但在相同的

30、合同当中,我们也看到了较口语化的句子,如:Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.在此,相比于前一句比较正式的句子,这句就显得较口语化了,若也使用前面近似的用词,效果会更好,如:The contract should be strictly observed prior to the agreement both parties have reached.(2) On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping s

31、pace in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract.(这句中用“in accordance with”代替了“according to”,使句子更加正式。)类似这样的词语还如:用“as regards”, “concerning”,“relating to”代替“about”;用“commencement and termination” 代替“begin and end”; “依照合同相关规定”一般用 “pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provi

32、ded herein”等,而不用“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract” 等。5)外来词的使用 合同英语中经常使用许多外来用语,如拉丁语,法语等,使句子更为正式,如下列引自外 4来语的用词:法语:bar(禁止),suit(诉讼),jury(陪审团),schedule(时间表,进度表),verdict(判决,裁决),等。拉丁语:apprehension(拘押),declaration(宣布,申报),in personam(对人诉讼),等。6)对词的严格限制 合同用语中对此有严格的要求,如合同用词中关于终止,结束,撤销

33、一个份合同有严格的定义。像美国统一商法典规定:“terminate” means legally ending a contract without being broken by either side.(“终止”指合同各方未违反合同约定而依法终止合同。)“Cancellation” occurs when either party puts an end to the contract for breach by the other and its effect is the same as that of termination except that the canceling par

34、ty also retains any remedy for breach of the whole contract or any unperformed balance.(此时撤销一方仍有权对整个合同中履行部分主张救济。)(1)The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes, which may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbi

35、tration for foreign experts affairs in the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and ask for a final arbitration.(2)The two parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be re

36、ferred to the State Bureau of Foreign Experts for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.上面的两个例子是对同一种意思的两种不同表达,从句中可以看出合同双方都用“the two parties”。 综上所述,商务合同语言要求有很高的准确性,因而为防止误解和歧义的产生 , “含混不清” 的语言一直是商务合同英语中尤

37、需避讳的问题。要做到在合同用语中使用合适的,精确的词来描述事件,必须经过大量的时间与研究。商务英语的独特性预示了这以特殊语言的不可替代性。商务英语文体研究现在还是一个新兴的领域,然而,它也是一个蓬勃发展的领域。因为商务英语使用人员多,涉及范围广,应用价值高,这一广泛的应用群体必然会推动英语文体学的深入发展。学习英语就是要在实际生活中灵活运用,将理论与实际相结合。随着全球经济一体化的形成和中国加入WTO,商务英语以及与其相关的各种知识等必将是一门飞速发展的学科。【参考文献】:张德禄,张国编著,2008,英语文体学教程,北京:高等教育出版社董莉,2005,Theories and practice

38、s of English Stylistics,北京:电子工业出版社黄国文,葛达西,张美芳,2004,How to write a Research Paper,重庆:重庆大出5出版社顾维勇,2005,实用文体翻译,北京:国防工业出版社雷春林主编,2008,商务英语写作教程,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社常玉田,2008,商务英语基础写作,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社黄文伟,刘美华主编,2008,商务英语函电与合同,上海:上海大学出版社(美)萨宾(Sabin,W.A.),冯桂媚,柯江华译,2003,最新英文商务写作手册(原版第9版),北京:机械工业出版社徐良霞等编著,2004,实用英语教你写合同,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社范文祥著,2007,英文合同阅读与分析技巧,北京:法律出版社王关富等主编,2008,实用商务英语写作,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社车丽娟,贾秀海,商务英语翻译教程,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社戚云方,2004 合同与合同写作 ,杭州: 浙江大学出版社 王晓红 ,毛莉,2008 商务英语写作与翻译兰州: 甘肃文化出版社 傅良伟,1966 英文合同写作指南, 北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司

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