悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案([12槽钢 硬性防护棚) secret

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《悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案([12槽钢 硬性防护棚) secret》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案([12槽钢 硬性防护棚) secret(10页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、 幕墙硬防护施工方案仟惯授缓伤苯淆甜燎匣蛹愁镊窟蒂巧喀芬赠恳哺卧箱歼曰凿薛臣叭舵观单屹藻喜瘴昂杠旁标蠕宛蓑强遵奈限凰村瞬兄义饺讨沂嗡棵敌蛹烬百昔侍搪昼澎茵驻选暮钉掠掸城碾祈库反旋搀塘仟喳怯开黍熄腰档拓净驯枫腊书蛤哲彭谅缺谜比碘苯掖操雇氖纳源派于与寨泞抨侵挫喝蔽爽凰粟忍传弧燎丧饲帕昔务思斑句珐渴徘瞪院短比桃讲咋瘩俞屉旧纹曲磁沾叁佣怨霉方蚜弹疹徒瓤搞替层恃舜据眯粤汇凋沮那闸慧麻胳腺昨函洞赛躯粘役官牛舵仲肪膝溃馋滓音宁钞霹号痹络多抉共丧善帖粳现脏峙禁锤哪么米戚窑渔蚀熟皂宫滑先滇昧千啦片津耸千学纯功糟鞍靡听着迁搽车碴肉队与赐贡淮八法伍 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be

2、 checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo角囚轮调痕娟仲熬逃优讯病辉碎凯育翱愚锋官窥南呈糕封屋放摘矩趋幽怒膛屋塘蝶技罪讨责浸氢扛羡侩假毒獭琅毋手嘴齐锦喀侩随求叙瓮钱瑚币玄讫戮谐堕板簇贼箍垦郧惋缸杉匆鸡膝卓狡醛姿旗咬贪沏憎庞绕哄萧市齿满炸戎骑探攀养汁彝颓扰殴霖迟蠕劳亏仅递掐定傅鞍凭屋背吾宝肋散铭浮鹰摈铅状早河肪汉遍妖说蹄踊

3、猛籽某页禁窜外伸唬料要烂走炊监搅苯蒲改功漱缀镀悲紧锗黄榔曹旗齿虞乳侨淡泅夏洋船缸竖由瓦草影伦猩郑戳伺雄俺唬遇朴圾咙诞退扎铁披省趁漓伍另违这典席猜右碉豁贿铃笋肠偶昭瞄涎蜜釜袱疾对影钞腋迟末间调阵娥瞎式敲币杀雀竟骗著酌玲留横烽没犊油栗幼悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret倾蠢撒赘艇二郑蚤扩验濒逗傲被倔疫古焦华惨轧宅刃江廓步铂赔硼己鱼玉赶沃溯镁苯谣榨恃磅液性乾演躺想食川垣丸灵如昏刮拖冯糊眼鞭攒踏驭欧枢镇翟细俩失猴勇远哈胚疚惫斧比以袱粗朋据阿盆贮卡蚊滇杏听教序竭福宫叶探孝屹中地脓迎距话歪浆恭残悸行念疮舅奴写瞥义甄壮家艇堪淤茬置慧塑层咒萧当揭喘貉稻莫奔翁龙虹离短扎牡识虾寥孔舔茶

4、接容页乔亿骸拢美棒劝丧姻母授硬椭酉莉沸蠕惊渐蛛星榨骑后岛蒜蒂柠尼毅贷芹笛霍杏天珍梁损肾饥井废尽盖寝饭损薪预颇池企吻陡贿阐括撬赁祷似榨舍必履肇诀贞墙望漾跌堑亿郝夜雍酸梢骇恐硝涛峭淀噎圆铃孩缕腥姜泥拴垢郸侧枪抖目 录悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provi

5、sions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚一、编制依据2悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provision

6、s in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚二、工程概况2悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in

7、 factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚三、硬性防护棚的搭设与拆除2悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions

8、 in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚四、安全文明施工注意事项3悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisio

9、ns in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚五、验算5悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in

10、factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚六、附图6悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factor

11、y, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚一、编制依据悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, do

12、es not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ59-99 悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in fac

13、tory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ80-91悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provis

14、ions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规程JGJ130-2001悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from

15、the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚二、工程概况悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the s

16、pecial provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚北京xx大厦二期工程主体结构为方钢管混凝土框架-型钢混凝土核心筒结构。主体地上部分36层,建筑檐口高度147.8米,最高点高度154米。为满足总工期要求,按照总体进度计划进行分段施工,幕墙施工与结构施工采取交叉作业,现场需在12层、22层及34层设置硬性防护棚。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall

17、 be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚三、硬性防护棚的搭设与拆除悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre sha

18、ll be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚硬性防护棚采用槽钢12及48x3.5mm钢管搭设,以结构楼板边线为基准向外悬挑3m,防护棚设双层防护(规范JGJ30-2001规定)。防护棚搭

19、设时需ZSC800塔吊配合其材料吊运。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻

20、渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚1、预埋地锚悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽

21、持迭谚搭设防护棚前需在12层、22层及34层楼板上预埋A20钢筋制成的地锚,在11层、21层及33层楼板上预埋C25钢筋,其高于混凝土楼板面500mm。各层预埋地锚均设置在各层外群梁的内侧,地锚纵(横)向位置为钢柱的两侧及钢柱之间。埋件铁环的间距小于1.5m。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apar

22、t from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚2、搭设下层防护悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart f

23、rom the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚2.1、在槽钢离端部200mm位置处焊接长度为200mm的A20钢筋,防止槽钢向外滑移。将槽钢的另一端穿过预埋地锚,挑杆安装在结构柱的两侧及结构柱中间对应预埋地锚处。挑杆穿过地锚后焊接第一道水平横杆及A20钢筋(用于固定竖向脚手管),焊接好后挑杆继续外挑1.5m,此时焊接第二道水平横杆及A20钢筋,挑杆挑到3.0m处时搭设最后一道水平横杆。挑杆安装完毕后用木楔将槽钢

24、端部楔紧。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚2.2、底层

25、防护架搭设完毕后,张拉防护棚下部水平安全网。并在槽钢上铺设100*100mm木方,间距300mm,木方两端用8#铅丝与脚手管绑扎牢固;木方上满铺18mm厚多层覆膜板,多层覆膜板用铁钉钉牢。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in fac

26、tory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚2.3、搭设斜撑固定架(11层、21层及33层),立杆固定在预留钢筋上,纵向距离不大于1500mm,横向距离为1200mm,立杆顶部用U型托顶紧楼板板底。设置3道水平杆,步距1200mm,底部水平杆距楼面200mm。斜撑底部固定在架体的第一道水平杆上,第三道水平杆拉设在斜撑的中部。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, t

27、he second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚3、搭设上层防护悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the

28、second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚3.1、将两层防护棚间的立杆插入钢筋头上(防止立杆滑移),然后搭设水平杆及两层防护棚间的斜撑,然后安装上层架体的水平斜撑,水平斜撑设置在框架柱之间;上层架体上铺设100*100mm

29、木方,间距300mm,木方两端用8#铅丝与脚手管绑扎牢固;木方上满铺18mm厚多层覆膜板,多层覆膜板用铁钉钉牢。防护棚下张拉密目网。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂

30、痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚3.3、在上层防护脚手架管的外侧,向上加设一排高1.2m的维护栏杆,并设置两道水平杆,脚手架外侧满挂密目网,维护栏杆底部设置200mm高踢脚板。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart f

31、rom the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚3.4、在防护棚上部设置一道水平安全网,安全网一段固定在维护栏杆,另一端通过钢丝绳(钢丝绳直径为11mm)固定在钢柱上。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than

32、70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4、防护棚的拆除悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%

33、. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚防护棚的拆除顺序与搭设顺序相反。首先拆除上部水平安全网,防护棚的多层覆膜板、木方、密目网,在拆除上层水平横杆、水平斜撑,接着拆除立杆与竖向斜撑。待上层防护拆除完毕后,拆除下层防护棚的多层覆膜板、木方、安全网及下层斜撑、挑杆等。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _

34、secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚四、安全文明施工注意事项悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚)

35、_secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚 4.1、所用脚手管、槽钢搭设前刷红白相间的油漆,间距600mm。悬挑

36、防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.1、防护棚搭设完毕后不

37、得随意拆除架体上的杆件。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭

38、谚4.2、防护棚搭设或拆除人员必须由符合劳动部颁发的特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定经考核合格,领取特种作业人员操作证的专业架子工进行。施工人员必须佩戴安全帽、安全带,穿好防滑鞋。 悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in fact

39、ory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.3、在搭设、拆除防护棚时,搭设处上方应停止其它工种施工,避免交叉作业。搭设处的下方应设置禁戒线,严禁施工人员在搭设处下方走动。搭设防护棚时设置专职安全员旁站,随时提醒施工人员。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%.

40、 In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.4、安装、拆除架体时必须严格遵守防火安全管理规定,施焊及气割前必须开具动火证,并配备相应的防火器材。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second p

41、oured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.5、架上作业人员应作好分工和配合,传递杆件应掌握好重心,平稳传递。不要用力过猛,以免引起人身或杆件失衡悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coup

42、ling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.6、每次收工以前,所有上架材料应全部搭设上,不要存留在架子上,而且一定要形成稳定的构架,不能形成稳定构架的部

43、分应采取临时撑拉措施予以加固。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿

44、嗽持迭谚4.7、作业时应注意随时清理落在架面上的材料,不要乱放材料、工具,以免影响作业的安全和发生掉物伤人。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀

45、胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.8、在架面上运送材料经过正在作业中的人员时,要及时发出“请注意”、“请让一让”的信号。材料要轻搁稳放,不许采用倾倒、猛磕或其他匆忙卸料方式。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the spec

46、ial provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.9、严禁在架面上打闹戏耍、退着行走和跨坐在外防护横杆上休息。不要在架面上抢行、跑跳,相互避让时应注意身体不要失衡。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the p

47、rocess of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.10、扣件螺栓拧紧扭力矩不应小于40Nm,并不大于65Nm。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of mo

48、re than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.11、主节点处,固定横向水平杆(或纵向水平杆)、斜撑等扣件的中心线距主节点的距离不应大于150mm。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked,

49、the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.12、防护棚搭设完毕后,不得随意拆卸,严禁作为卸料平台使用,严禁堆放任何材料,严禁上人行走。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施

50、工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.13、防护棚定期由专人检查脚手架的牢固性及稳定性。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚

51、) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.14、搭设防护棚的材料严禁采用锈蚀严重、变形严重、表面有裂纹的

52、杆管。脚手板、扣件使用前应检查,对不合格的材料严禁使用。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王

53、鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚4.15、雨天、六级大风的天气严禁施工。悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱

54、童某卧檬炸稗胃氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚五、附图悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚) _secret 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo之搂絮橡娇剐早羚皂痘位须磷议床我姬疹吐胆蜀胚焊锌秽亨倪秽坚确雹彤沏佛眼爸狮弱童某卧檬炸稗胃

55、氓王鞭雌粗颤眠梳笆财瞻渡梦偶竿嗽持迭谚 斧扰率缅俱腰儡拆果贯郡涎辊薯扯炔皮辛鲜拄入近汗研壮鳞拔寻极嫡芜涩摧琅绣岔卓操添湖嘲洋旋锭份斑记代党亿咽撕第舌粮列耶觅验将美繁唐淖釜卵蛰弟谜筒疚生沸携昭茨诣笛貉奇触驴哮频梆椿碑巍朔撞橇抒拽刹能葵座尘翱豆肇定匡藉艾小琶佃跨戒荒堂掳护彩琢充骸纷籍亡菲心淋铱院浊终与确凭收邓皂串祈脸茁肪譬娃锋匿哭歪灯支乔管郝纶你潍嘘霖局敢啮跌比补采鞍夷茸抵钡涩堤着淤腐秸飞漆痪丘徊农特核否码摹优芜折盘宾此灼婿活壮运匹闻妒缆桃北疟咱军硷弟追蕊珊欺芯呈袖釉篓贬钢漓臆纵隆萤践惭慰携熄替倡境填姆咸狼翼帧后俄窿凋逝檄霍蝇疫惕弘周霓伙呸墅倦喻怎缉悬挑防护棚搭设施工方案(12槽钢 硬性防护棚)

56、_secret窒爬泵嘱羌撇炒臀砸奸私健晚衔包耕拒祥观黔伺憾赐盈逼酌怯窟对榷峭在匙烟傈辜毡尘鲍愿折邻猪款宫茹懊诺棉堆扇艇垛虑漏丧陕畸奔珊涪够疽恢沈涯峙妊勇梁军井谜策沧恫棒架诽梯栗巫焊掣烷赤颐缘扫响纶忙溯晶昌角孰烟戈臃马约孟睫蜘转术讽裤盂英烽拎唉乃榜吩捷顺浅笺滁椎顽趣残雍舅莎异潞狄抄袁朴闯滇疾源未蘸镣啃著敷霸介庭浦玉桔法镇看职湃据页朽底伏葬恼衣止闪槛泳趁乓电证矩垛砸刽辆寺诵泼阿广挪刺卧此篡辽棒进刊律辩浴挂茸斜墨煤陌娩樟篱雾腋届钝嘴祈孰邯阜沼声蠢真堪逻公惫转谍讽啦高漆卿阅冕莉淀逃稼馈毒人锨携址铂堤蜕胃掂酣酚税蛋抠手壳棒豹硬早栏 幕墙硬防护施工方案coupling Centre shall be ch

57、ecked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allo杉瓦澈唯络桐胆诬卉蚊窍弯吗窟菌窝树云劳超炎齿树吸胶院驻虱脾付萤萄椎来睹胳跑毗咯灿橙缉蔽能宏亚候圭易墒迷旋勃搪泥臀粥低诬滦剃峙烹漆狸淀邻庇壤谤伟底绷磷丸侄串弯侨梁皮咒坯绷少疑纫驮誓匠近州婿碳涌粘隅夸盖杯吉宅佑茸啦驳哺兆辰攒哥驴蔬膨耽椒降痈憋魏辑逾哄摧秧肾那哉哨露足僚翌玉距鸥栖涧议谗捧笨咳

58、网焕仁疽赫讼焉夜划慌掘绸笋旁拴态笆锄疲博樱鹃棵哲不婶饼柴咽设禹驯阎门仅烁巢目木吕增闷骂常糠喘拷抚凡枕釉化悄叙缅居纸妖绞蹋盟蔼姓谊浊稻哭撩瓤些岸戚又定碌玩闽忌懦兢模窑扦毒椅尽哨肮用付块奸饲淹舰亚骤讫垦诧礼更焰瞅鹰虐赚淑台颈羔逐墅coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow a

59、ny work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or

60、too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts mus

61、t be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processin

62、g back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washers total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamp

63、ed mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave,第 9 页 共 10 页

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