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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日银行业客户关系管理CRM软件方案和咨询1介绍商业银行在运行客户管理战略中正面临着比过去更大的挑战。竞争的加剧,客户联络渠道的增值,客户信息冲击的扩大,客户期望的上升以及对新市场机会的利用是每个银行都关注的首要议程。为了寻找推动成长的方法,银行需要评估他们的客户管理策略。他们目前的客户关系管理方案能解决以下问题吗:能否提供持久成本效益的客户服务?能否提供客户所需的产品和服务?能否提高客户的忠诚度和长期价值?EDS在实现全球化金融服务客户方面有着丰富的经验,在客户关系

2、管理行业中处于领先地位。我们在实现客户经验的最优化,增加客户满意度和银行收益的同时显著地降低客户的运营成本。我们正运用丰富的实践经验来发展一个客户关系管理系统,包括联络中心的管理服务,联络中心的支援,客户情报服务和客户自助服务。独立或整合,这些产物将会为全球金融客户创造真正的商业利润。2 商业银行的客户关系管理:真正的趋势和原动力 现今,如何最大限度的通过保持紧密和持久的关系来提高顾客的忠诚度,成为了银行发展其商业的重要环节。随着银行家努力的改善和经营客户关系,许多现有的趋势影响着银行用以达到持续发展的经营工具及手段。这些趋势从根本上改变了过去商业银行与客户沟通的方式。2.1 趋势:注重规划发

3、展 一个商业银行如何发展?传统来说,商业银行积极的争取合作伙伴并借用其网路资源。现今,这种策略由于不能为财政部门制定有规划的发展计划,已不再产生重大的影响力。为了建立更紧密的客户关系,银行需要提高客户关于产品发展和分类市场递送服务的知识,以改善提高市场营销和产品服务的策略。 但是,这并不代表M & As就不再影响商品来源的扩展和服务能力的提升。其实,商业银行把焦点放在最基本的商业来源和服务能力, 目的在于从现在的客户中争取更多的资金来支持规划发展。 最近一个调查显示,华盛顿互惠银行为其银行业务和抵押资金的客户提供了更多的信用卡服务。2.2 趋势:努力开发不同商业类型的客户并提供更好的服

4、务 在银行业务中,能够达到提高规划发展的一个策略就是把焦点放在新的市场发展。现今,普遍存在的银行商务为大众型(人口性的)的业务。在美国,墨西哥市场成为银行商务的主要市场,为其提供了很大的发展空间。这种大众型的商业类型为银行商务提供了快速的发展条件和新的潜藏资金。2000年美国市场中一些令人印象深刻的大众型商业市场:n1、美国是第五大西班牙语应用的国家(墨西哥曾作为西班牙的殖民地,因此语言为西班牙语)n2、1990至2000年,墨西哥人口百分增长是全球人口百分增长的四倍(57.9% 比13.2 %)n3、墨西哥现今人口为三亿五千万,其中九千九百万人是房屋持有者,40%的墨西哥人还没有向金融机构申

5、请借贷业务随着大众型的商业市场依地广泛地影响着美国的经济市场,金融服务性的公司就必须最大限度的开发大众型商业市场的占有率。假设用十二个月的时间和五千万去设立一个中心或是金融服务线,用于专门提供西班牙语服务,那将是非常奢侈的商业投资,并不是任何的商业机构能够负担得起的。所以,每家银行都必须掌握如何快速回应市场要求和减少资本投入,而这些管理技巧都是现今商业市场急需掌握的。2.3 趋势:在客户的爱好上建立深度的商业眼光客户的忠诚度只会建立在客户一贯的经验。这意味着需要符合每一个客户的需要和偏好。银行所要面对的其中一个最大的挑战,就是如何更好的理解他们的客户并提供个人服务。“一对多”(一种方案同时为不


7、,这样的综合技术,只有专业的客户服务才能提供。这种专业的客户服务不但结合了适当的人文地理和消费心理的分析,同时还具有快速适应消费市场的能力。2.4 趋势:增强竞争力,重整资本系统重建资金投资系统是每一间公司都须具备的。在一些高技术的工业中,消费者工业和运输业都证明了重整资本系统对于更新商品和服务、提高竞争力有着重大的影响。其实,金融业也是如此。如今,在同一块金融领域中,既存的商业银行面对着许多新的竞争者。在过去的十年间,三个主要的竞争对手同时提供着不同的产品和服务:n经纪人业务和保险业务扩展了商业银行的投入资本。n一些非传统的商业银行,例如Payal(为改善服务能力扩大资本),又或者是电信业(


9、资和客户服务系统,是如今变化多端的市场中必不可少的提高竞争力的方法。顺摄的(表现为先知资料较后知资料占着优势的)银行家通过开发新产品,进军新市场和获得分类客户源来快速分析市场机遇和竞争弱势。一个顺摄的商业银行客户关系是商业银行的基础,可以帮助重建资金投资和客户服务系统。2.5 趋势:提高资源分配和服务途径的管理方式商业银行如何提高市场竞争力?为了随时进入下一个商业阶段,银行家非常重视银行的业务发展和手段,以及综合各部门业务。三个主要目的:1、提高客户服务的全面性2、采用新产品,增加收益3、减低成本,增加利益有前瞻性的银行会同步地提高客户服务的质量和利益性,加强客户关系意味着银行必须向客户提供产

10、品和服务的递送。多重方式的服务途径为银行提供了全面的客户分析。为了获取成功,多方面的服务包括了物质上的服务,例如,催收中心、网页、分支、ATM、电话和手机服务。银行需要提高技术、应用过程和服务策略来令到服务途径更加有影响力。为客户提供度身订造的服务,能够提高银行的新产品的增值率。2.6 趋势:维护客户利益客户的私人资料和信息安全是非常重要。对客户私人资料的安全构成威胁的因素来自多方面,包括了精密的外部侵入盗取,以及内部的人员向外泄漏客户资料。同时,为了保护客户的权益和私人资料而投入的资金也快速增加,客户的资料也变得越来越多重性:n全球性The Payment Card Industry Act

11、(PIC)急迫需要一个安全系统的标准和支付组织的必要条件n国内性The GrammLeachBlile Act不但要求金融组织确定客户资料的信息安全和机密,而且还要求预防未来的、会对顾客构成威胁的犯罪n州内性The California Information Practice Act(美国加州组织)需要加州的金融业必须揭发任何盗取客户资料或对客户私人安全构成威胁的犯罪行为,任何的银行都必须确定无论是内部还是外部,客户的资料都必须得到保障。以下是维护客户利益的三个重要原因:n 1、如果银行丢失一个顾客的资料,很可能的银行也会失去这一个顾客n 2、安全系统的破坏将会对银行的形象造成极大的影响,同

12、时阻碍新客户的发展n 3、没有提供客户资料安全保护的银行必须提供减少储备资金的保留加强安全系统,银行可以更好的了解安全系统的投资ROI,从而更好的提高银行的竞争力。银行必须平衡安全系统的投入资金和满足客户需要的服务,同时,也要寻求可以令客户值得信赖的商业计划。3 获取客户关系管理方案的收益面对着这多种不同的形势,商业银行正在改变它们客户互动的方式。完满的整合,企业范围的客户关系管理平台为企业带来了核心能力使企业充分发挥其客户关系的优势和利用市场动力基于我们为客户发展客户关系管理方案的十多年经验,EDS已具备发展客户关系管理系统的最好必要条件。这些现实经验表明一家金融服务公司需藉由实现客户关系管

13、理方案来获取它的业绩。3.1 获得销售动力在现今不断加剧的竞争环境中,从哪里获得有机增长的最大值是一个银行所优先考虑的,销售动力是必要的。要建立起这种动力,银行需要把重心集中在:1、 增加新兴客户市场的获得率,例如在美国的西班牙人;2、 改良现有客户和储备风险客户;3、 客户关系收益率的增加,或通过增加销售,或透过比较有成本效益的服务。4、 改良渠道整合的策略以在客户需要的时候提供合适的产品,获得有价值的客户。5、 实现价值的最大化以补偿客户关系管理的最初投资。3.2 争取获得新的顾客一个客户关系管理方案必需在客户给银行带来的价值的基础上帮助银行的目标顾客,不论是眼前还是贯穿客户的整个生活(甚

14、至包括下一代的市场)。银行需要明确他们的价值取向以指导正确的市场细分。这使银行更好的识别目标客户,捕获新的客户。明显地,客户洞察力和策略是银行的核心差异。银行的客户关系管理方案(人、应用软件、系统和过程)必须支持这些战略来为正确的客户提供合适的产品与服务。3.3 维系现有客户客户的维系可以通过提高客户满意和忠诚,改善问题的协议,和创造识别和储备风险客户的能力。实际上,如果控制得当的话,一个风险客户象征着一个增加收益的主要机会。然而,对银行来说最大的危机并不是不能识别风险客户或缺乏发现风险客户的能力。举个例子:一个客户从他的账户中大批地取款。这意味着客户把资金转存到另一家银行,或者客户用来买房、

15、买船,或支付学费,在这些情况下,客户显然有机会卖另外的产品或投资。对这些顾客的识别和处理必须反映其生活的价值。客户关系管理系统的技术能帮助银行保留客户并把存户转化成忠诚、长期、有利润的客户。3.4 增加客户关系的收益率提高收益需要改良产品渠道和结合程度来降低销售和服务的成本。从收益上来说,银行的客户关系管理方案应该利用客户的智慧来应对特定的需求和市场竞争来获得一个较高的可信度。客户应对策略的整合必需要有一个完整的客户关系管理平台和程式来支持。从成本上来说,更好的渠道管理,客户关系管理的自动化和整合将帮助提高效率和销售服务的效力。3.5 加强区分和渠道管理要赢取有利润的客户并与他们建立长期的良好

16、关系,银行需有正确的洞察力,为正确的客户提供最低成本的产品和服务。从呼叫中心到网站,银行的每一个多样化渠道可以升级的,灵活的,低成本的并且能与其他渠道完满地整合。这是巩固客户信息和提供一体化服务的唯一方法。每一条渠道都必须随时变化以适应市场的发展趋势。3.6 实现客户关系管理投资价值的最大化随着新技术和渠道的出现,控制成本和实现客户关系管理投资回收价值最大化的需要带来了很多疑问:1、银行如何降低它的运营成本并同时采用最先进的技术例如基于线路的交互式的语音识别来改善客户服务质量和客户经验。2、如何有效地对客户服务呼叫中心进行管理当一个主要的呼叫中心每年处理数百万个来自广大不同客户的电话的时候。3

17、、银行如何把客户关系的投资重新调整,通过利用一个普及的平台、技术和程序,创造一个不变的,低的,灵活性的成本基础。竞争的压力使客户需求的等级上升和增加了顶端的收益,新的投资能力让银行客户关系加强和利润得到了增长。然而,银行在发展这个方案的同时严格地控制成本是十分必要的。3.7 小结总的来说,面对金融服务公司的市场动力具有前所未有的流动性和复杂性。在这之中关键是你的顾客。任何客户关系管理方案必需清楚以下目标:1、增加客户满意和客户忠诚;2、增强客户洞察力;3、加快产品和服务投入市场的速度;4、增强客户安全性。所有的这些必须以银行收益的增加作为量度,而且必须减少成本。这看似非常困难,可是EDS为客户

18、服务了四十多年为的就是这样的目标。EDS拥有一系列的客户关系管理产品以及实施的方法,让你的组织与客户达成长久的有盈利的关系。4 EDS的客户关系管理方案EDS有固定的路线记录来帮助客户取得客户价值最大化和实现收益的最优化。我们通过为每个客户整合正确的对像,技术和程序来实现:1、 联络中心外包服务通过企业路由、自动化桌面、优化劳动力、质量管理,自动训练和知识管理来加强管理。在EDS联络中心或你的设施中处理打入和打出的客户电话。服务包括技术产品支持,客户关注,销售和市场营销,和雇员关注。2、 客户智能服务针对具体的人、技术和程序的需求来分析客户的交互作用,增加客户经验和增加运营的绩效。3、 客户自

19、助服务透过交换式语音传递/对话,多样化的装置和网页增加客户经验。4.1 在旅途上与客户同步前行我们清楚的明白客户关系管理不是一个终点,而是一个经营的方法一个旅途。我们知道客户对我们的业务何等重要,所以我们陪伴他们走过每一步。一次变革是一个小心处理的过程,按阶段进行部署,他的实现是一场进化而不是革命。EDS从来不把视线从对其最重要的资产身上移开,它的客户总是处于变革过程的中心。清楚地说,客户永远得到保障而且他们与银行的关系将会不断地提高。4.2 在原则之下的合作通过与客户的相互交流,EDS得出以下两条原则:1、 银行的客户是它的顾客并一直维持。通常地说,当一家银行从服务提供者那寻求更好地管理它的

20、客户的帮助,银行主管所担心的是放松对他们最有价值的资产客户的联系与控制。银行关于客户细分、客户待遇、产品供应和服务的战略是为了获得和保留客户的核心差异。对于这个问题EDS有着非常清晰的观点。我们的客户关系管理方案授予和支援客户以高水平的客户待遇和相对低成本客户战略开阔他们客户关系管理视野的能力。2、 我们不允许“银子弹”方案在一夜之间转化成你的业务。我们的经验显示这个转化是一个伴随技术、程序改进以及组织文化变革的实际的持续的过程。任何一个客户的客户关系管理都没有完成。这是通过与客户合作而达成一个协议的目标。没有这一认识,文化将会拒绝变革。4.3 实现真正的价值在平行需求和银行目前的业务的时候,

21、EDS与我们的银行客户一样注重实效和承担风险,以实现长期的利益。EDS的实施方法是为指导成功实行、减低风险、预算时间与成本而设计的。EDS与客户一起工作、分担,因此,一个项目能够在商业和技术两个方面实现利益的最大化。我们的记录为我们赢取了一个高质可靠的客户关系管理方案提供者的荣誉。4.4 持续的改进过程市场需求的不断增加使方案在初步实施之后还要长期地改良,那就是我们在路途的每一阶段不断地改进我们的方法的原因。EDS的客户关系管理方案通过质量监控程序,如:六西格码法和客户运营绩效中心,严谨的报告来定期回顾和实施运作的改进。4.5 运行管理的仪表板任何的投资只有在真正带来商业利润的时候才是正确的。

22、我们的客户要求并应该得到优质的服务。没有任何无计划的精益服务。那就是EDS开始为客户带来成功的服务报告和方案的优秀计划的原因。作为一个团队,EDS和我们的客户追在变革的每个阶段中跟踪和衡量特别的、关键的结果。我们不仅仅的看重合同之下的服务水平的认可。相反的,我们创造了一个全面管理的模式,让客户处于控制之下并给与他们成功的能力。4.6 为客户传达结果EDS有一个严谨的跟踪报告来帮助客户保持和增加客户满意,以取得最大化的客户价值和最佳的利润。我们也帮助他们增加了收入,同时节约了20以上发掘和服务客户的成本。我们籍由整合人、程序和技术来达到这个目的。5 EDS的客户关系管理实绩我们的客户关系管理团队

23、和方案帮助我们的客户通过客户增长带来的新收益和降低服务的成本来实现他们的根本目标。我们所做的一些客户关系管理核心工作包括以下几点:1、 每年处理超过2亿的多渠道联系;2、 提供22,000个专业的联络中心,能够为分布在25个国家214个地区的500个客户提供43种语言的服务;3、 获得98客户的满意;4、 利用客户运营绩效中心为管理、人和技术提供相应的方法。金融服务的专业技术EDS拥有30个国家二百多个金融服务客户,有着多于35年为金融业客户服务的经验,EDS献身于金融服务部门:1、 与全球十大金融服务公司之中的九家维持着良好的关系;2、 多于15,000的员工选择为商业银行业服务;3、 业界

24、之中二十年以上的金融服务经验;4、 2004年度银行家技术外包工程奖。结 论随着不断加剧的竞争迫使银行的收益并把压力强加于营业运作和利润上,商业银行面临着提高增长率的压力。一家银行如何衡量他最重要的资产客户,来加速有效的增长呢?花了长达三十多年的时间来提供客户关系管理方案,EDS学会了客户如何和为何与银行相互影响,并且知道他们需要的是什么。我们运营这样深入的实践知识来发展客户关系管理方案特别是为商业银行业的。这些从我们的客户而来的经验表明,通过EDS的客户关系管理的产品,能够使银行得到实际的商业效益,包括以下:1、 提供基于全面客户视野的一体化服务;2、 提高新产品的采用率;3、 降低产品发明

25、和服务成本;4、 快而有效地发展客户渠道。金融机构选择EDS,因为我们的行业洞察力和我们的方案的实践经验。我们为全球金融服务客户实施方案的深厚知识使我们在客户经验最优化方面处于领先地位。我们帮助全球的企业转化他们的商业和拥有新的机会。寻求如何帮助你的企业实现价值最大化和维系你的客户关系,增加成长并把客户知识转化为竞争优势,同时显著地降低运营成本。Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in BankingCRM Software Solution & Consulting1 IntroductionRetail banks are facing g

26、reater challenges than ever before in executing their customer management strategies. Intensifying competition, proliferating customer contact channels, escalating attacks on customer information, rising customer expectations and capitalizing on new market opportunities are at the top of every bank

27、executive's agenda.In looking for ways to drive growth, banks need to evaluate their customer management strategy. Do they currently have a CRM solution that is capable of delivering:·Consistent and cost-effective customer service?·Customer-aligned products and services?·Enhanced

28、customer loyalty and long-term value?EDS' deep experience in implementing CRM solutions for global financial services clients has positioned us as a recognized leader in the CRM industry. We optimize the customer experience and increase satisfaction and profitability, while dramatically reducing

29、 our clients' operating costs.We have applied this deep practical expertise to develop a full suite of CRM offerings, including Contact Center Management Services, Contact Center Outsourcing, Customer Intelligence Services and Customer Self-Services. Alone or in combination, these offerings crea

30、te real business benefits to our global financial service clients and their customers.2 CRM in retail banking: current trends and dynamicsToday, more than ever before, the ability to maximize customer loyalty through close and durable relationships is critical to retail banks' ability to grow th

31、eir businesses. As banks strive to create and manage customer relationships, several emerging trends affect the approach and tools banks employ to achieve sustainable growth. These trends reflect a fundamental change in the way banks interact with the customers they Have-and those they want to acqui

32、re.1.1 Trend: Focusing on organic growthHow can a retail bank drive growth? Traditionally, banks have grown through an aggressive strategy of acquiring direct competitors and taking over their branch networks. Today, that strategy is no longer sufficient, since it doesn't create organic growth f

33、or the financial institution. To build stronger customer loyalty, banks need improved customer knowledge to develop products and deliver services targeted at specific market segments; resulting in more directed marketing, sales and service tactics.This is not to say M & As will not continue to b

34、e an effective way to expand product offerings and service capabilities. However, retail banks will focus on acquiring businesses that have essential products or capabilities to complete the bank's portfolio of offerings. The goal? To gain greater wallet share of current customers and support th

35、eir organic growth. A recent example of this is the acquisition of Providian by Washington Mutual that expanded its credit card offering for both banking and mortgage customers.1.2 Trend: Seeking out and better serving emerging customer segmentsOne of the ways banks can achieve improved organic grow

36、th is by focusing on new markets. Emerging demographic segments represent untapped revenue streams that can fuel a bank's growth. In the U.S., the Hispanic market represents a major opportunity. This fast-growing and underserved customer segment offers new potential revenue for retail banks.Some

37、 of the recent 2000 U.S. Census demographics about this market are impresswe:·The United States is the fifth largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.·Between 1990 and 2000, the Hispanic population grew four times faster than the population as a whole (57.9 vs.13.2 percent)·Hispa

38、nics now exceed 35 million people with 9.9 million households.·An estimated 40 percent of U.S. Hispanics have no relationship with any financial services institution.As this demographic group continues to pass through different stages of cultural assimilation into the United States market, fina

39、ncial services companies need to address how to maximize their share of this emerging market segment.While it would be ideal to have a 12-month timeframe and $50 million to establish Spanish-speaking capabilities like call centers or financial product lines, these are luxuries virtually no bank can

40、afford in today's market. The need every bank has is how to respond quickly and at low cost. And this need is increasing all the time.1. 3 Trend: Creating deep business insight into customer preferencesCustomer loyalty that drives organic growth can only be built through a consistent customer ex

41、perience. This means under-standing each individual customers needs and preferences. One of the largest challenges banks face is how to better understand their customers and provide personalized customer service.A “one-size-fits-all” customer strategy no longer works. Banks need to serve the rapidly

42、 diverging needs of all markets: aging baby-boomers, time-stressed mid-lifers and younger technophiles (i.e., Gen-X and Gen-Y). Banks must move out of their “comfort zone” and develop services and products that address the specific needs of different market segments.It is clear that financial servic

43、e providers can no longer sustain growth and profitability targets through mass direct mail campaigns that deliver less than 1 percent response rates. Those that do will lose out to competitors implementing personalized communications that target the right customer, at the right time, with the right

44、 product or service.To optimize customer relationships and loyalty, banks need to integrate processes and technologies that enable them to build-and then act upon-a detailed view of what each customer wants. This will require highly skilled customer service professionals, with the right combination

45、of linguistic, culturally aligned and financial services skills, as well as the ability to deploy customer service strategies quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.1. 4 Trend: Responding to intensifying competition through revitalized offeringsThe need to revitalize a companys portfolio of offer

46、ings happens in every industry. Examples in high-tech manufacturing, consumer industries and transportation show how important new offerings are in order to stay competitive as products and services become more “commoditized” The same is true in the financial services industry.Todays retail banks fa

47、ce a relentless stream of new competitors, eager to take a share of the markets revenues. Three major competitors offering differentiated products, services or distribution models have emerged over the past decade:·Brokerage and insurance firms, expanding their offering portfolios into banking

48、product beyond their traditional product sets.·Nontraditional players such as PayPal (expanding through technology-led channels of services) or telecommunications companies (expanding by bundling of payments for “like” services) are growing by becoming payment aggregators.·Nonbanking compa

49、nies looking to (if not already) enter the market by offering banking products and services. The entry of nontraditional players will not only affect bank growth rates as they compete for consumers, but will also place downward pressure on operating margins and profitability created through their no

50、nbanking business models.An example of a nonbanking competitor is Wal-Mart, which is currently renewing its push into banking. If Wal-Mart does obtain this status and if they choose to provide expanded banking services in its 3,500 U.S .stores (Wal-Mart already offers money transfers, check cashing

51、and credit services), Wal-Mart would immediately become one of the largest retail banks (by branch count) in the United States. Their international potential would be, subject to numerous political governance and cultural issuesforexpansion,anadditional1,500stores throughout the world, including in

52、China.Renewing and reinvigorating product offerings and customer service strategies are essential ways to stay competitive in a changing marketplace. Proactive banks will respond to market opportunities and competitive threats by launching new products, entering new markets and acquiring new custome

53、r segments. A proactive CRM solution is the foundation that can help support this without disrupting current services that would put existing1. 5 Trend: Improving distribution and channel managementHow are retail banks responding to intensified market competition? To take themselves to the next leve

54、l of improved sales and service, banks are focusing on developing, implementing and integrating their channels more rapidly and efficiently.Their goal is to meet three objectives:·Improved and more consistent service based on a full customer view·Increased revenue through adoption of new p

55、roducts·Improved profitability through lower product development and service costsForward-looking banks will simultaneously improve customer service quality and profitability by deploying an integrated CRM strategy. Deepening relationships with their customers means that banks must offer their

56、products and services through appropriate delivery channels that appeal to their customers.Deploying multiple channels and integrating them at the enterprise level give banks a consistent and full view of the customer. To be successful, this must include all service channels-both physical and virtua

57、l-including, call center, Web, branch, kiosk, ATM, phone and mobile devices.To achieve this, banks need to develop technology, operational processes and customer strategies to make their channels more effective in reaching and serving their customers. By tailoring products or services to specific cu

58、stomers or market segments, banks will be able to increase their product adoption rate, revenues and return on investment (ROI) for new product development.1. 6 Trend: Safeguarding customer informationAdding to this complexity, customer privacy and information security are under attack as never befo

59、re. The threats come from many quarters - including increasingly sophisticated identity thieves, constant phishing expeditions by criminals seeking to trap unwary customers, and even “inside jobs” where staff sell customer data to criminals.Expanding legislative and industry requirements for custome

60、r security are also increasing costs for financial services companies. Compliance with customer information regulations is becoming increasingly complex as regulations are growing at all operating levels:·At the global level The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Act requires a single set of informati

61、on security standards and requirements for all payment organizations.·At the national level The Gramm·Leach·Bliley Act not only requires that financial institutions ensure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information but also requires companies to protect again

62、st anticipated threats and unauthorized access, which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to a customer.·At the state level The California Information Practice Act requires businesses in California to disclose any security breach that occurs to any California resident whose unencr

63、ypted personal information was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person.Against this ever-expanding background, it is vital that banks ensure their customer data is secure from both internal and external threats. The following are three key reasons why this is so i

64、mportant:·If a bank loses a customers information, it invariably loses the customer as well.·A security breach has an immense negative impact on the value of the bank's brand and reputation, hindering the bank's ability to acquire new customers.·Under Basel II, banks without r

65、equired client data security as a part of their risk management program must maintain higher levels of capital reserves-reducing the amount of funds available to invest in the marketplace and generate revenue.By preventing security breaches and avoiding losses, banks can actually realize a ROI from investing in security. This makes protecting customer data a pr

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