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1、高考英语三轮复习冲刺模拟试题05时量:120分钟 分值:150分Part Listening Comprehension (30 marks)SECTION A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen

2、carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation Twice.Conversation 11.What does the woman want to buy? A. A shirt. B. A T-shirt. C.A sweater.2. Which one does the woman take? A. The expensive one. B.The cheaper one. C. She takes none.Conversation 2 3.Wher

3、e does the man want to go? A.To a concert. B.To a football game. C.To a lecture.4.What is the relationship between the two persons? A.They are old friends. B.They are colleagues. C.They are strangers. Conversation 3 5.What are the two speakers talking about? A.How to go to Qingdao. B.How to be good

4、friends. C.How to spend the summer vacation.6.Do they agree with each other at last? A.Yes,they do. B.No,they dont. C.We dont know.Conversation 47.What was the womans problem? A.She lost her way. B.She lost her camera. C.Something was wrong with her camera.8.Where was the Shell building according to

5、 the conversation? A.Behind the post office. B.Opposite the post office. C.Next to the post office.9.When would the shop close? A.At 5:15. B.At 5:40. C.At 5:50.Conversation 510.Why is the man late? A.He forgot to look at his watch. B.The maths teacher kept him in her office. C.The maths class lasted

6、 longer than it should.11.What do we know about the students? A.They dont mind the mans being late. B.They dont want to hurt the teacher. C.They prefer to learn more maths.12.What is the man most likely to do? A.Talk to the maths teacher. B.Remain silent about the problem. C.Refuse to go to the math

7、s teachers classes.Conversation 613.How long did the man stay in the US? A.About six weeks. B.Three weeks. C.Two weeks.14.In what place is the Sears Tower exactly? A.In America. B.In Chicago. C.In Mexico.15.What place does the man advise the woman to pay a visit to because the Mayan ruins are intere

8、sting there? A.The Sears Tower. B.Mexico City. C.Beaches.SECTION B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the shor

9、t passage TWICE.Something important for Our trip to: 16 How long you are to stay with a family: for 17 The place where your new family will meet you: 18 What you should remember to wear: 19 What you should take with you: the school letter and 1,200.The office phone number: 20 The person to ask for:

10、Mrs. Bird.Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentnces there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. I was about to go to bed _ the telephone rang.A. that B. when C. which D. while22.

11、 The news _ the Chinese Football Team failed again made quite a few fans very disappointed.A. of which B. what C. which D. that23. I dont have a job. I would find _ but I _ no time.A. one , have B. one, had C. it, didnt have D. it, had 24. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests.A.

12、whoever B. whomever C. anyone D. those who25. Is this reason _ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. why B. the one C. that D. for which26. _ is known to all that the 30th Olympic Games will be held in London in August, 2012. A. It B. Which C. As D. That 27._ good, the appl

13、es were soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. Having tasted28. She has written a lot of novels, some of them _ into English.A. translated B. having translated C. translating D. to translate29. He _ me of it even though he was very busy then.A. may remind B. may have reminded C. migh

14、t have reminded D. ought to remind30. But for the help of our instructor, we _ in the experiment.A. shouldnt succeed B. could not have succeeded C. will not have succeeded D. may not have succeeded31. Busy_ he is, he spares some time to study English every day.A. as B. although C. if D. so32. -I can

15、t find Mr. Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?-It was in the hotel _he stayed.A. that B. where C. which D. the one 33. The conference_ a full week by the time it ends.A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted34. Large quantities of food _ away, which is beyond imagi

16、nation.A. have rotten B. has rotten C. is rotten D. has been rotten 35. Not until the early years of the 19th century _ what heat is. A. man did know B. man knew C. didnt man know D. did man knowSECTION B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases m

17、arked A.B.C.D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fit the context.My dad is a doctor. He has always taught me how 36 it is to help other people. But like a lot of kids, I was never 37 what I could do to help .Sometimes my dad goes on medical missions, which means he 38 with other d

18、octors to poor countries, offering free medical care to help people in need. When I was 8, my dad was getting ready for a medical mission to Central America. He 39 me to go along ,and I said yes right away, thinking it might be my 40 to make a difference.My dad and I got to the airport with huge bag

19、s full of toys and candy to 41 to kids, as well as clothing and supplies .Once we arrived, we saw that everything wed brought was greatly needed.When we 42 , I got to help the doctors and nurses. I 43 supplies to the medical stations, and helped the nurses take peoples blood pressure.At night, we sl

20、ept in an orphanage (孤儿院).The kids there had nothing. They were very poor, and their lives were almost nothing like mine. But in many ways, they were just like kids anywhere. They 44 to have fun and play games. And they were all really nice to me.Ill always 45 one boy there. His mother couldnt 46 ve

21、ry well because her knee was painful. When she got a shot of medicine, the boy cried, but later he said,“ Im so glad you 47 my mom. Now shell be able to work to feed my family.”It made me happy to make things a little better for kids like that boy.36. A. difficult B. tiresome C. important D. common3

22、7. A. worried B .sure C. satisfied D. confident38. A. talks B. shops C. plays D. travels39. A. invited B. ordered C. sent D. taught 40. A. ability B. power C. chance D. right 41. A. give away B. put away C. take away D. turn away42. A. stayed B. finished C. rested D. worked 43. A. sold B. carried C.

23、 mailed D. devoted44. A. moved B. forgot C. liked D. refused45. A. call B. meet C. understand D. remember46. A. walk B. sing C. sit D. run47. A. cheered B. helped C. surprised D. pleasedSection C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fi

24、ts the context.I will never forget the lesson which Mr. Li gave us. One day Mr. Li was speaking to us in our school meeting room. He began his speech by holding 48 a $ 100 bill. He asked, “Who would like this $ 100 bill?”Most of us put up our hands quickly. Then he said, “I am going to give this $ 1

25、00 to one of you, but first let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball 49 said, “Who wants it now?” We 50 our hands again. But he said, “Wait a moment.” He then dropped 51 on the floor and stepped on it. After that, he picked up the dirty bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Many hands were

26、still up.“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter 52 I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value. It was still 53 $ 100.“We always lose many chances we take in our lives.” He went 54 speaking, “We feel as if we are worth nothing. But

27、 remember, whatever has to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people 55 love you. Your value doesnt come from what you do or who you know, but WHO YOU ARE.”“You are special and valuable. Dont ever forget it!”Part III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read

28、 the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AWhen someone told 85-year-old Johnny Long that he was ca

29、lled a living legend, he replied, “I dont know about that, but Im living, and thats important.”Starting in 1949 as a high school band director and later as director of the Troy University band , Johnny Long became known as one of the most inspirational(鼓舞人心的)band directors in America. More than thre

30、e hundred of his students went on to become band directors themselves. “ I have been a band director for more than 60 years and all I know about the word band is that you spell it F-U-N”, Long said. “ And if you change that, its over.”Long retired 14 years ago to spend more time with his wife Mary L

31、ynn. But his passion (热情)for bands never went away. He dreamed of forming a top-notch(拔尖的)community band in Troy .But Troy is a small town-without a ton of top-notch talent. “I didnt think it would work, I really didnt,” Long said.Fortunately, there was one thing Johnny hadnt considered: the devotio

32、n of his former students. Now, once a week during the concert season, they drive in from all over the south and across the decades.65-year-old Bobby Johnson was in Longs first college class. He lives in Atlanta and drives 3 hours to practice. Johnson said he does it because Longs “such a unique char

33、acter and I just admire him so much.”Many people do it for the same reason.” Hes the single biggest influence on my career.” “He was a father figure to me .Hes just a genuine person.”Long said he wanted to be remembered as a teacher. “I think teacher is the greatest word in the English language, nex

34、t to mother.”56. What Long got most from bands was _.A. pleasure B. health C. wealth D. honor57. Why did Long retire 14 years ago?A. Because he found no band talent in Troy.B. Because he was tired of working as a director.C. Because he hoped to spend more time with his wife.D. Because he found his s

35、tudents were not devoted to music.58. The underlined word “ton” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by”_”.A. kind B. lack C. lot D. short 59. The words of Longs students show that_.A. Long treated his students like a father B. Long was born to be a good teacher C. Long influenced his students greatly D.

36、Long was very special as a teacher60. Whats the main idea of the text?A. Johnny Long still teaches at the age of 85.B.A band director had more than 300 students.C.A band lover organized a band in a small town.D. An 85-year-old band director still inspires others.BOn Wednesday evening in New York, Ap

37、ple broke the news that Steve Jobs had died. Since then, praise and respect have poured over the world like rain. He changed industries, redefined business models, fused (融合)technology and art. People are comparing him to Thomas Edison, Walt Disney and Leonardo da Vinci, and saying it will be a very

38、 long time before the world sees the likes of Steve Jobs again.After all, there are other brilliant marketers, designers and business people. Many of them have studied Steve Jobs, tried to absorb his methods and his philosophy. Surely they can recreate some of his success. But nobody ever does, even

39、 when they copy his moves down.So how did he become a visionary who changed every business he touched? Actually, he has given us clues all along. The story of Steve Jobs boils down to this: Dont go with the flow. If Mr. Jobs saw something that could be made better, smarter or more beautiful, nothing

40、 else mattered.Apple has attained its current astonishing levels of influence and success because it is sensitive. It is incredibly focused. It has had amazingly few failures. And that is because Mr. Jobs didnt buy into focus groups, groupthink or decision by a committee. At its core(核心),Apple exist

41、ed to carry out his vision. He focused on every button and every corner .He lost sleep over the cardboard of the packaging and the color of the power cord.He wanted to sell a smart phone that had no keyboard, when physical keys were what had made BlackBerry the most popular smart phone at the time.

42、Eventually, of course, most people realized that he was just doing that Steve Jobs thing again: being ahead of his time.Mr. Jobs is gone. Everyone who knew him feels that sorrow. But the ripple(涟漪)of that loss will widen in he days, weeks and years to come: to the people in the industries he changed

43、.61. The writer tends to think that _.A. Steve Jobs is greater than Thomas Edison.B. Steve Jobs combined technology with artC. Steve Jobs methods cant be absorbed by othersD. another Steve Jobs will appear before long62. Which of the following best describes Steve Jobs?A. He is a person who has a mi

44、nd of his own.B. He insists on working for his own company.C. He is good at giving people clues all the time.D. He focuses on nothing but his business.63. Apple has obtained great success because_.A. its staff must be much cleverer than others.B. it has been the focus of consumers worldwide.C. it wa

45、s under Steve Jobs absolute controlD. it takes the advantages of its failures64. According to the article, Steve Jobs_.A. preferred products made with simple designsB. got his products designed ahead of his time.C. didnt like smart phones made by other manufacturers.D. didnt think smart phones with

46、physical keys would be popular65. What can we infer from the text?A Steve Jobs may never be imitated or be copied.B. Steve Jobs will be remembered for his inventions.C. Apple would lose its creativity after Steve Jobs died.D. The influences of Steve Jobs will continue for a long time.CRemote medicin

47、e is one aspect in medical technology that has been steadily developing in the recent times. Through remote medicine, experts will be able to assist patients treatments in remote areas by using advanced telecommunication systems. Sometimes physicians have to perform operations on patients using robo

48、tic arms through these advanced telecommunication systems. Doctors in remote areas can buy emergency medical supplies and first aid kits(用品)required for remote medicine treatment from popular online stores.Many operations have been performed successfully through remote medicine. Sometimes it is not

49、financially possible for the sick or injured to travel to developed nations for their medical treatment. Thanks to remote medicine, people in remote areas can get treatment from experts without travelling.With a lack of specialists in many remote areas across the globe, remote medicine provides a he

50、lping hand in treating patients in great danger. Putting this technology into practice requires people in remote areas to have emergency medical kits and emergency medical supplies to treat patients. Chinook Medical Gear is a very popular online store that offers a wide range of emergency medical su

51、pplies, medical kits and first aid kits that are specifically designed to be used in remote areas during emergency situations. This online store also ships emergency medical supplies to remote places for assisting field doctors in those areas. People involved in remote medical treatment can now be r

52、elaxed that they will receive first aid kits as fast as possible from this online store.66. According to the text, remote medicine refers to _.A. the medicine sent to patients in remote areas B. the treatments given to patients by local doctorsC. the medical supplies bought from online storesD. the

53、treatments given to patients through advanced systems67. According to the text, which is one of the reasons why patients choose remote medicine?A. They dont have first aid kits.B. They want to try new methods of treatment.C. They are not suffering from serious diseases.D. They cant afford to travel

54、long distances to receive treatment.68. Successful remote medicine treatment needs_.A. good doctors in local areas B. medical supplies in local areasC. the support of related online stores D. patients medical knowledge69. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Remote medicine can save some money.B. R

55、emote medicine is mainly used in remote areas.C. The online store has to carry the medical supplies by ship.D. With the help of the online store, patients can save time for treatment.70. What is the text mainly about?A. An introduction to a new form of treatment.B. An introduction to an online store

56、.C. How to make good use of remote medicine.D. What people should do to live longer.Part IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.There are man

57、y different ways that your blog, or CMS (Content Management System)based website can be hacked (黑客).Here is the list of most common mistakes people make that makes their site easy to be influenced to hackers:Most people use default (系统默认值)backend access page. Most people dont even think about it as

58、a security bridge and simply choose default administrative login page such as wp-user(注册界面用户)for word press and admin for most other CMS systems. The admin login page is one of the best places to try to gain access to entire site. Solution: This is a very easy fix. Most content management systems ha

59、ve this covered for you in installation process. You can simply choose different login page.Dont use Admin as your admin name. About 60% of people use admin as their admin login name. It is also offered by default in majority of content management system, therefore many people just choose it. By lea

60、ving your backend access and admin as your admin name you almost complete the hacking job yourself! Solution: It is also as simple as choosing different user name for you login during installation, and if your blog or CMS already installed it, its as simple as logging in and requesting a different l

61、ogin name. It is recommended to choose something other than Admin, your personal name and your known nicknames.Choose a strong password. On top of the first two security issues mentioned, most people choose very simple passwords, such as a sequence of numbers from one to six or all letters from bottom of keyboard. This makes a “guess job” very easy for hacker, but even more complex phrases can be hacked. Solution: Choose complex password with minimum of 10 c

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