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1、辽东学院本科毕业论文An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satans Image in Paradise Lost of John Milton约翰.弥尔顿失乐园中撒旦形象的双重性分析辽东学院本科毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:此处所提交的本科毕业论文约翰.弥尔顿失乐园中撒旦形象的双重性分析是本人在导师指导下,在辽东学院外语学院学习期间独立进行研究所取得的成果。据本人所知,论文中除已注明部分外不包含他人已发表或撰写过的研究成果,对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已注明。本声明的法律结果与导师无关,将完全由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日

2、辽东学院本科毕业论文(设计)版权使用授权书本论文作者及指导教师完全了解“辽东学院论文版权使用规定”,同意辽东学院保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交毕业论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权辽东学院可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,也可采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编毕业论文。 作者签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSUpon the completion of this paper, An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satans Image in Paradise Lost of Joh

3、n Milton I am grateful to those who offered my sincere encouragement and generous support during the course of my study for the Bachelors degree.First and foremost I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mr.zhang cheng dong who guided me with academic expertise, critical insights throughout each stag

4、e of my study and initiated me into my research. Her instruction enabled me to express my idea in a better way. Without her patient and insightful supervision, this paper would not be possible.Whats more, I also extend my heart-felt thanks to my classmates and friends, for their valuable guidance an

5、d sincere help.Last but not least, I would like to express thanks to my parents, for their encouragement and support. IABSTRACT All of John Milton s great works. Paradise Lost is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. This poem is derived from the Bible ,Satan in p

6、aradise lost is the most influential figures, however, he is one of the most controversial characters in paradise lost, This work is based on two stories, Satan went against God and lure Eve and Adam to eat forbidden fruit ,Milton creates it again, he attracted the attentions of many critics. Differ

7、ent people have different ideas for Satans image and have not yet agreed. This article will further analysis Satan's double image, first of all, from the perspective of heroes, and then analyze the devil image of Satan, finally discusses the formation of double images of Satan, and contradiction

8、, based on the historical background and authors experience and life, let author have a new idea for Satan, in fact, Satan is not only a devil but also a hero with combat effectiveness.Keywords: Paradise Lost, Satan, hero, devil, contradiction, reason内 容 摘 要在约翰.弥尔顿所有的著作中,失乐园是最复杂,最难理解的一部作品,并为他赢得了永久的荣


10、斗力的英雄。关键词: 失乐园 撒旦 英雄 魔鬼 矛盾性 III辽东学院本科毕业论文CONTENTSAcknowledgementsIAbstract.II中文摘要.IIIContents.V1 Introduction .12 The Dual Character Of Satan Image .1 2.1 The Image of Satan as a Hero.2 2.1.1 Satan Owns the Spirit of Hero as a Revolutionist.2 2.1.2 Satans Acumen and Boldness.3 2.2 The Image of Satan

11、 as a Devil.5 2.2.1 Satan is Vicious and Maniac.5 2.2.2 Satans Other Faults.63.Historical Factors Contributing to The Dual Character of Satans Image.7 3.1 Miltons Life and Experience.7 3.2 The Influence of The Restoration.74.Potential Readers Influence on the Formation of The Dual V 4.1 Puritans Vie

12、w of Satan.8 4.2 Revolutionists Idea of Satan.95.conclusion.10Works cited.10An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satans Image in ParadiseLost of John Milton1 Introduction Milton is a rear guard during Renaissance,he was born in London,Who live in a protestant family, he was taught of humanism, his a

13、dult life actively devoted to the revolution, using pen as a weapon, in battle with the opposition, because of excessive toil, and blind from disease and poor environment, he was in a painful mood written this poem, In the giant's boldness and tragedy spirit wrote the masterpiece paradise lost,

14、the work was written in 1667,the content from the bible, Milton chose the theme of human depravity,the fall is due to original sin, Satan lured Eve to violate the the will of God, and the Garden of Eden, in Paradise Lost,Satan was complacent angel. God is a tyrannical dictator. "paradise lost &

15、quot;is the best part of vivid life. Satan is the real hero of the poem, because God had dictatorship, Satan convened angels to resist God, due to the limited strength, Satan got punishments from god,suffering pain in hell, he was powerless to resist heaven,but he came up with another idea ,only in

16、this way ,he can win god who attempted to destroy human beings that God created. God knew the conspiracy of Satan, and then God want to test the human faith and love for him, At the same time,God told others not to touch the fruit on the tree,Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruits, God decided to pun

17、ish them, but Satan was still want to revenge,Magnificent character image of Satan is considered to be a history of world literature described the most successful, one of the most incisively and vividly characters, Satan is not like other epic depicted in figures made earth-shattering feat, but his

18、personality is distinct image and dare to against imperious God,the spirit of absolute authority give readers a deep impression.This thesis will analyze the dual character of Satans image,At the same time,analyzing historical background and author experience and life. 2. The Dual Character Of Satan

19、Image Historically and traditionally, Satan is an evil in readers eyes, he damaged humans heaven ,because of his temptations, human beings came to the punishments of god, nevertheless, he made a mistake, In order to revenge, he damaged human beings happiness life, As a devil, Satan is not a blow col

20、lapse, simple fool, he has a kind of heroic spirit who was an angel, Satan is a clever angel, but when he dealt with a imperious God who used a wrong method. In order to struggle against people, he came up with lots of ideas ,so the human were cheated by him, from the angel to the devil, Satan final

21、ly fell, Satan is the core of paradise lost , he pushes the development of the whole story, at the same time, the author took part in their feelings in his works, author shape Satan image as a revolutionary image. Author pass on his idea to people through his work, Satan gave readers bright and vivi

22、d impression. because he dared to go against god ,although he was failed, at least he tried his best to revenge, he used out all ideas, because he know the truth of God's stratagem. in fact, God was selfish who put himself in a high place and created all things. In human's eyes, God gave hum

23、an beings' kindness and mercy, However, God was purposeful in order to take charge of human beings. Satan want to expose God's truth ideas He struggled against God Who leaded angels coped God and then were casted into hell with his rebel angels2.1 The Image of Satan as a HeroSatan is indomit

24、able, Satan's tenacious quality and the rebellion reflect on the pursuit of freedom and against the master of the universe, in the epic, Satan set up a loyal to their beliefs, Who stand for freedom of image, Satan wanted God to give him a supremacy, He leaded a part of angels pursuing freedom an

25、d rights. In the heaven, due to their strength was limited, first the resistance did not have a satisfactory result, Although Satan and other angles were punished he did not forgive, Satan used his wisdom to come up with a perfect idea, through damage happiness life of human to revenge God, From thi

26、s, we can see Satan was a brave hero, In fact, he is the real hero in epic.2.1.1 Satan Owns the Spirit of Hero as a RevolutionistFirst of all, in authors eyes Satan was a great hero, representing the Milton bourgeois revolutionary ideas, without a doubt, the heroic spirit of Satan in the fight for f

27、reedom and peace is reflect on the spirit of dare to fight against the higher authority, overthrowing the dictatorship of God, leading part of the rebel angels to fight against God, but he was failed,. For the first time, he was threw into hell by God but Satan did not obey Gad s decree and got the

28、chance to revenge with his companions, by inducing human depravity, destroying god's masterpiece beloved, finally god turned Satan into a snake. when Satan saw the rebellion of Satan, Who also predicted the fall of man to challenge such a arrogant God, Satan gave readers the bright and vivid imp

29、ression, In order to pursuit freedom and democracy , equality, Satan believe gods wisdom is equal to the angel, Satan thinks god is just superior strength, Satan also believe that god put themselves in a high place, created all things, not out of kindness and mercy for human, but for selfish purpose

30、s, God use his power to take charge of human, let human obey on his decree ,but Satan despise such obedience, he hated that forever is not pure state of slaves, so he is going to replace god, let God knew he did not believe words of God, the end of the yield of endless Satan is a leader can politici

31、an, with superhuman courage, when his companions frightened, his shouted, wake up, up, or you go down. He show a heroic leader, we say that Satan is a hero, is not only that he dared to resist, but also had the encouragement to pursue freedom, when he was punished by God he still had unyielding spir

32、it and optimistic attitude, Satan in the field of spirit is a real big hero, a leader. Although finally failed, in the spirit indeed is a great hero. At least, he dared to resist.2.1.2 Satan's Acumen and Boldness When it comes to the wisdom of Satan, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit is the b

33、est example of the rebellion, because Satan did not have freedom in the heaven ,and in the matter of conspiracy to destroy life, at that time, Satan founded a new scope of activities, from the Garden of Eden he saw human life in happiness and well-being, he thought he should have such happiness life

34、, he had jealousy on the heart, so he decided to draw them to rebelled against god, let human bear the punishment, angel warned Adam and Eve to guard against Satan's scheme, because he is tireless efforts against them, when they obey God, God would protect them if they got Satan's temptation

35、 and believe Satan, their nature would fall. no resistance to defeat the ability of Satan, God used the tree to test humans loyalty , let them take care of all fruit, at the same time, plus a ban on orchard, but if they did not obey the will of God in this matter, they will be punished. Due to Satan

36、's ability is limited, Satan can't lure them elsewhere, only from forbidden tree to entice them, if they want to explore the properties of the tree, they must be tempted by cunning. Satan in order to finish his work, not to be found, he used the snake as a medium, this is the most appropriat

37、e disguise, he tried to work at that time, the snake is the most clever and the most beautiful animal on the ground, it lied on the branches, a sweet of forbidden fruit, it's really pleasing sights, while Eve left her husband, she walked around, after a while, she came to arrive that tree, and w

38、hen she saw that the fruit is very beautiful, the heart can not help but question, why not let them to eat fruit? When the opportunity came, Satan intended to strike up a conversation with Eve and told her the truth of forbidden fruit. Eve heard the words that she became more curious, Satan used his

39、 sweet and continue to speak to her, praising her beauty and wisdom. encouraging her to eat the forbidden fruit, she not only didn't walk away but also still stay and listen to the snakes words , Eve said to Satan" Of each tree in the garden we may eat; But of the fruit of this fair tree am

40、idst The garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat Thereof, nor shall ye touch it, lest ye die" Satan said: "Of each tree in the garden we may eat; But of the fruit of this fair tree amidst The garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat Thereof, nor shall ye touch it, lest ye die"(Paradise

41、 Lost. Milton. Book9) and then Satan said“ look on me, who have touched and tasted; yet both live, And life more perfect have attained than Fate Meant me, by venturing higher than my lot. Shall that be shut to Man, which to the Beast Is open? or will God incense his ire For such a petty trespass? an

42、d not praise”(Paradise Lost. Milton. Book9)Eve listened to Satan, she began to distrust Gods words, Satan picked a fruit, on the Eve hands, and let her to recall her own life, god forbid them to eat fruit, in order to avoid disaster, Satan told eve, he touched it but no harm, and he eat it so much,

43、eve did not saw any difference what Satan action, eve begin to believe Satans trick so she took off the fruit to eat, The fruit tasted delicious, and she feel energetic when eat a kind of the fruit, and think that she was into a higher position, and he picked another fruit, Eve offend order what god

44、 regulated, she became revenge tool of Satan, Eve in a natural and not excited state took all fruit to Adam, Adam got angry, showing respect and fear. He listened to the voice of Eva and realize this is a trap, he realized the enemy came, then Eve told Adam to eat, and that god said“ This tree is no

45、t, as we are told, a tree Of danger tasted, nor to evil unknown Opening the way, but of divine effect To open eyes, and make them Gods who taste;” (Paradise Lost. Milton. Book9)Adam saw his partner had transgressed the commandment of God, she ate forbidden fruit, she will be punished, he hated himse

46、lf that he shouldn't let Eve alone, Eve was part of his body, he did not want to separate, so he decided to share interests, if she must die, he was willing to accompany, so Adam decide to take the consequence, and then picks up the forbidden fruit to ate , just like that Satan used his wisdom t

47、o tempt Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, even though the behavior of Satan is evil, he is wise.2.2 The Image of Satan as a Devil Milton wanted to make Satan into a devil, Satans image is complex, Satan is an angel originally, but he distrust god's bossy and became an arrogant, In heaven, Sa

48、tan led a rebellion against God and then was cast into hell with his partners. Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to the first man was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, Satan was a bane for humans that make human lost paradise. Satan had daughter, because of her beauty, S

49、atan had incest with his daughter, giving birth to a child,"sin", and then the sin and death had a incest, gives birth to a bunch of monsters, Those monsters damage human life. his action brought pain to people, damaging human happiness life, at the same time ,making full use of his wisdom

50、 to treating human. Eve and Adam were evil victim of Satan. he was a demon. 2.2.1 Satan is Wicked and Maniac Miltons paradise lost is regarded as a monument in British literature history, This poetry has the same position with Homer's the Iliad, Dante's the divine comedy, apparently all of t

51、his with the image of Satan in this poetry are inseparable, we can make a consequence, Miltons portrayal of the image of Satan in Paradise Lost that can use villain image to describe. In fact he's a villain, first of all, we have to admit that the poetry of the top two volumes, The devil Satan i

52、mpassioned words do have a lot of rhetoric, as a leader of a high-spirited, but it can be seen as more cunning and hypocritical appearance, Actually the author intended smear Satan, making himself into villains in this image is elaborate, such as Satan's self-disclosure in the first place, no ma

53、tter what things or suffering, but this one is clear, to do good is definitely not our task, to do evil is our only joy, when Satan attack God not successful for the first time, He did not want to obey God, and then Satan began to frame the human, began his bullies, no doubt, Satan trek into the Gar

54、den of Eden, one thousand ways to induce human ancestors, against the will of God, when he first went to garden and made himself into a snake, Eve was cheated to eat the forbidden fruits, and he made a lot of disasters to human ancestors. At the same time, in order to revenge, Satan damage human bei

55、ngs life who used a wrong way to expressed his idea, in fact he should be a hero, but due to his arbitrary decisions, he was failed. Satan is the source of all this, although Satan is an angel, given the general complex emotions, make him have strong character color, he can tolerate failure but when

56、 he saw the partners undergo hardship he cried and all of this reaction suggests that he has other sides, At the same time, he also used the extinction to replace god, building their own power, denying God authority ,he is proud for his measurements of all things who is the center of the universe, a

57、nd believe that everything is permissible for him, in hell, he established a resplendent and magnificent temple demon for himself, when he saw the human have a beautiful appearance and happiness life, He felt jealous, deliberately deceived their crimes to revenge God he destroyed the blessing that g

58、od created condition - the first man to live in the garden of Eden, e made human being to come to the punishment of god, so as to achieve the aim of darkest, Satan in extreme individualism, step by step to fall and to the point of oppression and loose, especially when he lured the counsel of the fir

59、st man succeed, then spread to the new world of sin and death, defying the laws of nature, he still wants to do the masters of the new world and the human ruler, and the lust of the evil, and his conscience decay, evil, Satan is not a perfect hero.2.2.2 Satans Other FaultsIn Satan's mind, reveng

60、e was his first work, his mind was full of hatred, at the same time, he made a lot of bad things.For example, due to his wrong deed, he gave birth sin and death, they are rooted in disaster. they were born in an obvious abnormal. Crime is Satan's daughter mistress and his defiance, and death is

61、the production of their incest. sin and death were diabolical , When Satan realized he made a mistake, everything was late, In fact, he created death and sin. who brought bad things to people, For example, he enticed Eve and Adam to eat forbidden fruit, and then Eve and Adam got punished In short, S

62、atan has the dual personality. From the textual perspective, Satan is not only a evil but also a hero, On the one hand, he was a revolutionist he had the encouragement to fight for freedom who went after freedom and equality and dare to struggle, he was a real revolutionist who had talents in govern

63、, leading angles to oppose God. On the other hand, Satan wanted to revenge but he used a wrong way.3. Historical Factor Contributing to The Dual Character of Satan's Image In paradise lost, Satans image roots in the background of society at that time. This poetry was written during 17th century. Next part wil

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