Recycle 1 Page 34 & Page 35

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《Recycle 1 Page 34 & Page 35》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Recycle 1 Page 34 & Page 35(4页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Page 34 & Page 35 教学目标学生能够完成第34页的练习,复习巩固第3单元的核心语言。学生能够自主阅读并理解陈杰的日记,能选择匹配的主题词。学生能够通过找单词朋友的任务,总结归纳前三个单元的语音知识。学生能够通过连词成句活动复习第2单元的核心句型。教学重点复习第3单元的核心词汇和句型。教学难点第3单元的核心词汇和句型在实际生活中的运用。综合复习13单元的核心句型、词汇及语音知识。教学准备PPT课件课文录音视频、卡片、图片等。教学过程 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 WordStep 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Sing a so

2、ngWhat would you like to eat today?3. Free talk.Talk with some students according to the pictures of food and drinks in the teachers hands.T:Look! What would you like to eat/drink? S1:Id likeT:Here you are.S1: Thank you.Step 2: Presentation1. Learn the contents of page 34. (1) Observe and find.Show

3、the picture of the first section on page 34 on the PPT. (出示课件) T:Who is she? Where is she? Let students observe the picture and think. Then lead them to read the title and find the answers.(2) Classify and say.Students look at the menu in their books. Read the words on the menu. The teacher helps th

4、em sum up and classify the words, such as fruit, vegetables, drinks(3) Ask and answer.Ask students to answer the questions according to the menu.T:What do they have on Mondays/? Ss:They have(4) Read and fill.Students read the dialogue and fill in the blanks. They can mark the key words on the menu.

5、Then check the answers with the teacher. (出示课件)(5) Act out.Ask students to imitate the dialogue to make a new dialogue in pairs. Then students act it out in class.2. Learn the contents of page 35. (1) Read and answer.T:Chen Jie visited Willow Primary School. She met some new friends. She ate some de

6、licious food. Here is her diary. Please read it quickly and answer the question: Does Chen Jie like the school?Students read the diary and answer the question: Yes. She likes the school.(2) Read and match.Students read the four title words first. Then read the diary carefully. Circle the key words.

7、Match the title words with the passages. Then check the answers with the teacher. (出示课件)(3) Find and write.Show the words “diary, sunny” on the PPT. (出示课件) Let students read the sound of the letter “y”. Then ask students to find the words with the letter “y” that have the same pronunciation rule in

8、the diary. Let students finish the exercises on page 35 by themselves and check the answers with the teacher. (课件出示:教材P35第二部分练习答案) At last, lead students to review the pronunciation rules according the answers. (4) Rearrange and write.Read the words. Rearrange the words and make sentences.Write down

9、 the sentences. Pay attention to the standard writing. (课件出示:教材P35第三部分练习答案)Read the sentences aloud. Step 3: Practice“English breakthrough”Divide students into four groups. Prepare some flags for the winners.1. Can you read?Show some words on the PPT: ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, salad, fres

10、h, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet. Ask students read the words and say out their meanings as fast as they can. (出示课件)2. Can you say?Show some sentence patterns in Unit 3 on the PPT. (出示课件) Choose several students from each group to answer the following questions: Whats your favourite food/drink? Why

11、? What would you like to eat/drink?Id like3. Can you ask and answer?Show the pictures of “Lets learn” on page 18 on the PPT one by one. (出示课件) One student asks:Do you oftenon the weekend? What do you often do on the weekend? The other students answer according to the pictures. It can be done ineach

12、group.Count the flags in each group with students and choose the winner.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Observe and read.Show the picture of the second section on page 34 on the PPT. (出示课件) Students observe the picture and read the dialogue.2. Work in pairs.Students work with their partners.

13、 One plays the waiter or the waitress. The other plays the customer. And the waiter/waitress draws the pictures of food or drinks on the plate. The teacher helps the students who have difficulties.3. Make a dialogue and act.Students read the dialogue of the first section on page 34 again and imitate to make a dialogue of ordering a meal in pairs. Then act it out in class.板书设计作业设计Imitate to write an English diary briefly.教学反思在教学过程中采用了歌曲导入、小组合作闯关游戏等方法,激发了学生的学习热情,让学生体验了学习英语的乐趣,帮助学生回忆并巩固了已学知识。同时立足教材,适当拓展,创设相对真实的情境,提高了学生的语言综合运用能力以及书写能力。板书简洁清晰,重点突出,一目了然,起到了很好的辅助作用。

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