新概念英语青少版(1A)Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night 教学设计

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1、新概念英语青少版(1A)Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night 教学设计一、教学目标:1语言知识目标:(1)学生能听懂,会说,能认读单词:torch, downstairs, noise, burglar;(2)学生能听懂,会说,能认读句子:There is a noise in the living room. There is a noise in the kitchen now. There is a torch here. There is someone downstairs.(3)学生能够听懂,会说,以较好的语音语调朗读课文对话; (4) 语法项目

2、:学生能初步感知there be句型。2. 语言技能目标:(1)学生能够运用所学的词汇和句型描述某地有某物;3. 学习策略目标:(1)培养学生小组合作、交流以及运用句型的能力;(2)让学生能借助图片、动作和文字听懂、读懂单词,课文;(3)培养学生分析归纳、总结推理、发现语法规律的能力。4. 情感态度目标:(1)通过圣诞老人只对好孩子派发礼物的故事,引导学生争当好孩子。(2)培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增加学生学习英语的自信心。二、重点难点:1教学重点:(1)词汇:burglar, noise的读音及意思;(2)语法项目:there be 句型在交际中的运用。2教学难点:(1)学生能够在语言学习的过

3、程中,体会、归纳总结出语法点;(2)学生能够在真实活动中运用本课所学的知识,能够用there be 句型来形容某地有某物。三、教学过程:.Pre-task activitiesStep 1: Sing a song. We wish you a merry Christmas.【设计意图】采用圣诞歌曲热身,渲染课堂的圣诞气氛,让学生怀着轻松,愉快的心情进入欢度圣诞的氛围中,充分调动学生的学习兴趣,积极激发学生的学习热情。同时,为大任务:装扮自己的圣诞小屋的顺利完成做铺垫。.While-task activitiesStep 1: Lead in and task giving. T: Chri

4、stmas is coming. William and his families are decorating their house. Look, is it beautiful? Maybe you can make the house more beautiful. At the end of the class, we are going to decorate our own Christmas house.Task: Decorate your own Christmas house.【设计意图】以本课圣诞节即将到来为契机,在学习课文之前布置本课任务:装扮属于自己的圣诞小屋,并用

5、There be句型来介绍自己设计的房子。以大家的圣诞小屋为主线,开展本堂课的教学活动,让学生在任务的驱动下开展学习。Step 2: Describe Williams house.(Show a picture of Williams house.)T: Now, can you tell me what can you see in Williams house? S1: I can see a Christmas tree.T: Yes, there is a Christmas tree in the house.【设计意图】教师通过展示William一家布置的圣诞小屋,激发学生的学习

6、热情。同时要求学生用I can see的句型来描述William的房子,教师再以there be的句型进行复述,在师生对话的真实情境中自然地呈现there be句型,为本课将要教授的内容的学习与运用做铺垫,同时在情境中让学生初步感知本课语法项目的意义。Step3: Learn the text.(1) T: After decorating the house, they are so tired. Now, they are sleeping. But something happens. Listen! (the sound of bump) There is a bump in the

7、night.Who is there? Who is it? Is it Santa Clause? Lets watch the video.T: Is it Santa Clause?Ss: No.T: Who is it?Ss: burglar (Learn the word.)T: Who is the burglar?Ss: Lucy.T: Yes, she is very hungry.(2) Watch again and underline the sentences with there is.T: How do they find the burglar step by s

8、tep? Now, lets watch again and underline the sentences with there is.S1: There is a noise in the living room. (Learn the word noise, show some sounds and tell apart which one is noise.)S2: There is a noise in the kitchen now.S3: There is someone downstairs. (Learn the word downstairs. Show a picture

9、.)S4: There is a torch here.(Learn the word torch and show a picture.)【设计意图】通过课文配套的视频动画,从听觉,视觉多重感官给学生最直观、形象的整体语篇输入,让生词、句型在整体的语篇中进行呈现,真正实现:回归教材,从课本语篇中发现、分析语法。并通过教师预设的问题,帮助学生快速地了解课文大意。巧妙的板书设计将本课的生词与句型、教学的重点清晰地呈现出来,使本课的语法项目一目了然。Step 4: Practice new sentences.(1) Read the sentences together.(2) Flashing

10、 sentences.(3) Searchlight.【设计意图】 通过教师设计的丰富有趣的活动,让学生在愉快地游戏氛围中,操练和巩固本课的语法项目:there be句型。为本课任务中语法项目的运用做铺垫。Step 5: Repeat the lesson. Listen, repeat and act.【设计意图】 根据课文录音,带领学生跟读课文,通过语音语调和动作的变化,吸引学生的注意力,并且引导学生模仿语音语调。Step 6: Conclusion.There + is + a/an + sth. + somewhere. 表示某地有某物。【设计意图】启发学生利用板书,观察句子结构,发现

11、并且归纳语言规律。旨在鼓励学生在学习的过程中,通过进一步的观察和思考,自主发现,归纳,总结语法规律。.Post-task activities.Step 1: Xi Yangyangs Christmas house.(1) Listen and draw Xi Yangyangs house.T: This is Xi Yangyangs house. Its a small house. Theres a sofa in the house. On the sofa, theres a toy dog. And theres a table in the middle of the hou

12、se. Theres a big cake on the table. Wow, what a beautiful Christmas tree. Look, theres a lamp beside the Christmas tree.(2) T: But the burglar comes to Xi Yangyangs house. Something changes. Listen again, try to find out what are the differences and who is the burglar.T: This is Xi Yangyangs house.

13、Its a small house. Theres a sofa in the house. On the sofa, theres a toy dog. And theres a hat on the sofa, too. Its white and red. Theres a table in the middle of the house. Theres a big cake on the table. Theres a big bag under the table, its red. Wow, what a beautiful Christmas tree. Look, theres

14、 a lamp beside the Christmas tree. And theres a box under the tree. Oh, its a gift! T: What are the differences?S1: There is a red hat on the sofa.S2: There is a red bag under the table.S3: There is a gift under the Christmas tree.T: Who is it?Ss: Santa Clause.T: Yes, you are right. He sends the gif

15、t to Xi Yangyang. But does he sends the gift to all of the children? No. He has a name list. He just give the gifts to the good children. So please try to be a good boy and I believe you will receive the gift from Santa.【设计意图】 教师继续以喜羊羊的圣诞小屋为线索,通过听力的形式,让学生画出喜羊羊的屋子。教师创造性地以学生喜爱的画图的方式,引出喜羊羊的房子。并通过两次不同听力

16、的对比,让学生寻找房子里出现了什么不同,猜测谁是真正的小偷,在吸引学生学习兴趣的同时,也给学生提供真实的“信息差”,让学生在真实的交流欲望中运用本课语法项目进行交际。此外,教师还利用了“小偷”圣诞老人为契机,告诉学生圣诞老人只会派发礼物给好孩子,引导学生争当一名好学生,在情境中渗透情感教育。Step 2: Describe Ms Pengs Christmas house.T: Now, you have seen Williams house, Xi Yangyangs house, do you want to see Ms Pengs Christmas house?(Show a pi

17、cture of Ms Pengs Christmas house.)T: Can you describe my house with there is? Discuss with your partner first.Ss: Discuss and answer.【设计意图】 本环节是任务实施前的热身环节。学生以同桌讨论的方式,谈论并描述老师装扮的圣诞小屋,培养学生两两合作精神的同时,也给学生创造了真实的情景让学生在真实的环境中运用语法项目,为任务的完成做最后的铺垫。Step 3: Decorate your own Christmas house.T: Is my house beaut

18、iful? Maybe you can decorate a house more beautiful than mine, right? Now, its time for you to decorate your house.Ss: Draw.T: Show your house in the group of four and describe it.T: Show your house to us.【设计意图】 本环节是任务实施,综合运用语言的环节。学生以四人小组为单位,设计自己的圣诞小屋,并向同学们展示和介绍自己的房子。在培养学生小组合作精神的同时,也给学生创造了真实的情景让学生在真

19、实的环境中运用语法项目,最终完成任务,真正达到学以致用的目的。Step 4: Summary and homework.(1) Summary(2) Homework.Read the text five times. (Recite the text.)Decorate your house more beautiful and try to write more sentences with there is.四、作业及当堂练习设计1. 当堂练习设计:1. Listen and draw.QQ截图20151012001227.jpg 2. Decorate your house for Christmas! QQ截图20151012001403.jpg . 五、教学评价方式1. 评价内容: Group 3,4 Group 1,22. 评价方法:本课中,我将学生分成两大组,一、二小组为一组,三、四小组为另一组。以圣诞树为背景,两大组“攀爬圣诞树”的形式,鼓励学生勇攀高峰,争取短时间内爬到顶点,爬到顶点的小组可获得一颗圣诞星星进行装饰,获得更多装饰品的小组则为获胜组。

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