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1、A Basketball Game教学目标:1:通过本课学习使学生能认读、掌握、灵活运用player、team、 game、 win、 lose 等词汇。2:能用所学词汇和句子简单描述一场比赛。如What 's the score? It' s to. We win. We lose.3:通过游戏、竞赛等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 让学生充分体验成功的快乐,增强学好英语的自信心。同时激励比赛 落后者,使其不气馁。教学重点:要求学生认读、掌握、运用本课词汇 player、team、game、 win、 lose 。教学难点:综合运用所学句子描述一项运动比赛。如 Wh

2、at ' s the score? Which team wins? Which team loses?教具应用:录音机、教学卡片、实物等教学过程:一、Class opening and review1. Greeting.2. Sing a song. " Oh,what did you do? ”二、New Concepts.Part 1 player team and game呈现新知(1) a. Introduce“player“ with Yao Ming ' s picture.Use other players ' pictures,lead s

3、tudents say " He She is a ping-pong soccer badminton' basketball player.”T: Who is your favourite player?S: My favourite player is. He is a player.b.引导学生总结出“某些动词后加er表示一的人” For example: play-player teach- teacher.T: What' s the score? It ' s to.You win. You lose.T: Read it together(2

4、) Introduce "team ” with a picture of Yao Ming ' s team.T: What does the letter“ea” sound?T:在哪些单词中ea还读i:呢?(3)Introduce " game” with a picture of Yao Ming 's team playing a basketball.T: Here is a basketball game. Do you want to watch?http:/ww w.xkb T: How many teams in a basketball

5、 game?S:Two teams.2. Practice.T: Talk about these pictures.Eg: This is Yao Ming. He is a basketball player. He plays ona basketball team.This is Yao Ming ' s team. Yao Ming ' s team is playing a basketball game.part 2 At the gameT: Look ! Yao Ming ' s team is playing basketball game.How

6、many teams in a basketball game? What are they? One team is White team and the other team is orange team.The game is very fun. And the people say,“Go,YaoMing,Go,Rockets . " Do You know the meaning?T:Who gets the ball and puts the ball in the net?So What s the score?3. Student Book N1.T: There &

7、#39; s a basketball game in our lesson. Please open your books.T: Listhen to part1,and then answer my questions.(Picturel ) Who is Bob?How old is Bob?Is he a bus-driver?What is he?When does Bob play basketball?(Picture2 ) What ' s a team?What is Bob wearing?(Picture3 ) Which team is Bob ' s

8、team,Blue team or orange team?What does Bob ' s team do?T: What' s the score? It ' s to Which team wins?S: We win.T: Follow the tape again. Read part1 together.Student Book N2.(1) Listen to part 2 first,and then discuss these questions in group of four.Q1: Where does Bob ' s basketba

9、ll game play?Q2: What does Bob ' s team wear?Q3: At 8 : 15,What ' s the score?Q4: Which team wins?Q5: Which team loses?Q6: Who puts the ball in the net last?T: What ' s the score?S: It' s to. we win ! Introduce these sentences. "What' s the score?“They jump up and down. ”“ G

10、o,Bob ”“Go,Blue team.(3) Follow the tape.三、Class closing.T: Today we have learned something about a basketball game.What about it for you ?布置作业1、 Read the text and introduce the game to your partner.2、Finish the exercises .板书设计:Lesson 5: A Basketball GameWhat did you do this evening ? Who won lose ?

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