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1、中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(外文翻译)绩效考核的困境学生姓名:靳鹏学 号:06060007专业班级:会计06-1指导教师:田雪峰 副教授2010年6月21日绩效考核的困境Peter Prowse and Julie Prowse Peter Prowse and Julie Prowse 摘要本文旨在用绩效考核方法来解决绩效管理的困境。,The authors will evaluate the historical develop作者们将评估考核的发展历史appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management devel

2、opment that was,通过评价考核文献的关键领域的有效性,讨论被考核对象和生产管理的发展中been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the已被忽略的成功的关键因素。 本文本文本文旨在探讨绩效考核的目的和方法,以及在考核过程中遇到的种种困难。它还重新评估绩效考核领域理论发展的不足,在重新评估之前脱离心理分析以寻找更重要的方法,来消除认识的主观性和考核判断的偏见。一 前言本文将定义并概述绩效管理和考核,It它将start by evaluating what form of

3、 performance is evaluated, then develop links通过评估以何种形式考核绩效,发展不同to the development of different performance traditions (Psychological tradition,绩效模型之间的联系(心理传统,Managementby Objectives,Motivation andDevelopment).It will outlinethe historical目标管理,动机和发展等)。它将列举绩效管理的发展历史development of performance managemen

4、t then evaluate high performance,然后使用绩效考核来评估高绩效strategies using performance appraisal.策略。It will evaluate the continuing issue of它将评估关于测量和评估引起主观性和绩效评估的伦理困境等持续问题。 本文将在研究绩效考核最近的一些趋势之前,探讨企业如何衡量业绩。This chapter will evaluate the historical development of performance appraisal。本章将从目标管理(MBO)角度估绩效考核的历史发展,fr

5、om management by objectives (MBO) literature before evaluating the debates讨论between linkages between performance management and apprais绩效管理和评估之间的联系。绩效管理发展中的个人业绩与企业组织相联系,以提高组织承诺的成果的实现性,审慎评估以增加工作满意度。它将进一步研究文献的跨领域的效率和有效性议题在北美和英国的证据,以评估个人和组织绩效的人力资源开发和考核贡献。二 什么是绩效管理?第一个问题要讨论的是对绩效管理定义的困难。Armstrong and Bar

6、ron(1998:8)定义绩效管理为:一种以开发团队的能力表现及个人表现来提高组织成功持续性的战略和综合的办法。2.1绩效考核Appraisal potentiallyisakey toolin making themostof anorganisations human评估是充分利用企业组织人力资源的一个关键工具。绩效考核的使用分布广泛,根据1998年至2004年一个正式的绩效管理系统的报告(Armstrong and Baron, 1998:200),估计80-90的美国组织正在使用,而英国使用比例从69%增加至87。有很少关于在发展考核的证据,而有更多的使用效益。 1998年至2004年

7、从英国特许人事样本562,发现在英国506人使用表现评估,这是还必须强调的是越来越多地使用的表现。在2004年WERS调查中,在几乎95的工作场所强调的关键是基于专业人员和管理人员的绩效的绩效考核反馈。显然,考核已经是不断发展和拓展,已经覆盖很大比例的英国劳动人口和非职业管理以及在私营和公共部门推广使用。2.2考核目的关键的问题是考核的目的是什么以及在企业实务中怎样才能有效研究和实践?考核的目的需要被清晰的界定。首先是他们的目的,Randell (1994)强调他们是一个个人业绩与工作行为或具体标准的系统考核。评议往往采取一种面谈的形式,通常每年,按固定格式标准进行。这样的考核在未决的主要目标

8、,为绩效提供反馈给直接领导。质量反馈的三个关键问题:quality of feedback:1.做出的绩效考核意见是什么以及如何做出What and how are observations on perfor? 2. 2.为什么和如何讨论? 3. 3.什么决定工作绩效的水平What determines thelevelof performancein thejob?什么决定什么?It has been argued by one school of thought that these process cannot be performed据某种思想认为,这些过程不能有效的执行除非直接领导

9、提供的反馈是有人际访谈技巧的,来把绩效反馈给被考核人。这已被定义为“布拉德福德法”的一个高度优先的地方考核技能发展(Randell, 1994)。这个方法定义了包含、发展、激励和评估的联系。2.3考核的历史发展绩效反馈的历史发展由一系列的方法发展而成。of approaches.Formal observationofindividualwork performancewasreportedin正式的个人工作表现观察报告起源于19世纪初 Robert Owenss在苏格兰新拉纳克工厂(科尔,1925年)。Owenhungovermachinesapieceof colouredwoodover

10、machinesto indicatethe 欧文挂着着色木头的机器设备,以指示每个院长的评估前一天的行为(白色为优,黄,蓝色和黑色则表现欠佳)。20世纪由泰罗和他的测量表现和科学管理运动所引导(泰勒,1964)。20世纪30年代发现的使用图形和使用反馈考核尺度表现个性特征和表现的途径,以及混合标准的表现,这个常被用来招募和识别员工。在选择领域的management potentialinthe fieldofselection.管理潜力,后来的发展来防止再成为强制选择规模,迫使发达国家一个中等规模的5级判断,以避免关键的增长.考核还包括叙事声明和支持评级的评论(迈尔,1958)。In the

11、 1940s Behavioural Methods were developed. 在20世纪40年代,行为方法产生。 Theseincluded Behavioural这些行为包括锚量表(BARS),行为观察量表(BOS),行为考核量表(BES),关键事件,工作模拟。Allthese所有这些判别用来确定绩效具体问题的具体标准,如客户服务和考核因素,等级分类如优良,平均或需要改善或差。这些等级被评估人员分配数值并添加到一个声明或评论的叙事评论中。它还将引导确定任何潜在的训练需要,更重要的是要确定在未来上级管理的监督和管理潜力的职业人才。1945年报发展成注重成果的办法,领导了目标管理发展(M

12、BO)。这提供了具体的目标和要达到具体框架,比如特定的销售,盈利能力,并与以前的表现反馈截止日期(Wherry, 1957)。申请的截止日期可能需要改变,并形成员工的具体绩效排名。它还提供了比较业绩排名分布和成对比较的绩效排名和设置以及要实现目标。在20世纪60年代,对自我考核发展的讨论对于被评估人引起了具体的时间与机会,以评估他们的绩效通过讨论和访问发展为在面谈中讨论的一系列主题的交流。直到这个时期考核的成功是依赖于面试者的技巧。20世纪90年代,In the 1990s the development of360度考核发展了更广泛的范围的信息来源,反馈不再依赖于管理者与下属权力关系,而是要

13、包括各级群体对各级管理人员的表现的绩效考核与反馈(Redman and Snape, 1992)。 考核访谈最终发展于20世纪90年代,伴随着对于绩效与财务上的奖励挂钩的强调,将在下文进行讨论。2.4 绩效衡量在考核困境的持续发展中,绩效衡量和使用考核是这一过程的关键组成部分。定量测量绩效将企业和行业的标准水平译为个人表现,引进的技术如平衡记分卡由卡普兰和诺顿(1992)开发的。绩效衡量和考核,包括财务,客户考核,内部流程及学习与成长的反馈。绩效标准还包括质的措施,认为有一对以上量化指标的重点是上述优质的服务和全面质量管理的定义。在绩效方面措施,20世纪90年代出现了表面转换和迁移将物质奖励与

14、绩效水平相联系。这个议题在后面讨论的文件。三 考核关键Critiquesof appraisalhave continuedas appraisalshave increasedin useand scope考核评比继续作为绩效波动被更多的部门和行业使用。占主导地位的批判是作为一个正统的技术的管理框架,旨在纠正弱点及评估作为一个发展绩效的系统。这种“正统”的做法认为有考核冲突目的(Strebler et al, 2001)。考核可以通过明确的目标激励工作人员,制定明确的培训和发展的需要,提供未来的目标来确定绩效目标。这些与过去的绩效考考核和奖励与分配的冲突是基于过去的表现(Bach, 2005

15、:301)。Employees are reluctant to confide any limitations and concerns on their current 员工不愿意吐露任何限制和关注他们目前绩效因为这可能对绩效的影响,与相关奖励或晋升机会(Newton and Findley, 1996:43)。这些绩效冲突对于考核人来说是连续作为管理者和判定者的业绩不同角色的挑战,而是理解辅导员的兰德尔1994)认为少数管理人员没有得到执行。McGregor认为绩效考核经理不愿意考核是有典型的证据的,管理者不愿意就个人的表现和培训服务进行判断可能使士气低落,导致自己的支持和贡献个人表现欠

16、佳,并同时避免人际冲突(McGregor, 1957)。避免冲突一个后果是,以速度为中心的所有标准并避免为中心的高级管理人员倾向的冲突。由longneckeretal(1987年)对于高级管理者的研究,他们发现组织政策的影响比率60名高级管理人员,调查结果显示,通过加强个人或保护自身利益来刻意的参与政策行动时,当可能的冲突情况,在他们的评估等级比率和是由偏见或受影响的潜在来源决定的(Longeneckeret,1987)。这有Longeneckers的证据进一步证明偏见的方法。他们的政治判断和已扭曲不自量力,一些表现能力进一步明确而不是在关键的环节和已知的额定能力,如果一些较低的判决他们可能影

17、响作为角色整个正面影响(ACAS,1996年)。有些评级可能只包括最近发生的事件,这些都是近期的已知影响。在这种情况下,经理搜集和使用的只有在整个考核期间最近的比较事件。特别关注对绩效数据的公平性的考核,这可能通过性别,种族和考核者的阶层自身而扭曲。一些对于美国和英国的研究凸显了对于性别(Alimo-Metcalf, 1991;White, 1999)考核和考核者的级别的主观性(Geddes andKonrad, 2003)。建议和解决偏见的方案稍后将检讨。 Suggestions and solutionsThe second analysis is the radical critique

18、 of appraisal.第二个分析是对考核激进的批判。这是更多重要管理文献中认为,评估和表现管理都是关于管理控制(Newton and Findley, 1996;Townley, 1993). It argues它认为加强对员工行为的管理控制,可实现的对人工考核的拓展,是控制的专业手段。这发展了Foucault利用职权和监视的文献。这些文献使用像教师这样的专业人员的公共服务控制的例子(Healy, 1997)和大学专业人员的(Townley, 1990)。 Thisevidence argues 这方面的证据认为使用考核来加强对公共服务的控制,作为一种控制方法并认为,管理客观性结果忽视了

19、考核和等级评定的发展作用,均获得人们接受和支持的文化和组织价值。然而,这种文献忽略员工阻力与利用工会来挑战试图对专业人员和工作人员在评估过程施加控制。(Bach, 2005:306).消除偏见的不同议题之一是使用隐喻的测试(Folgeretal,1992年)。这是基于假设考核比率一个评估“真实”绩效的技术性问题,这需要增加考核的可靠性和有效性作为一种发展动力和绩效的工具。评价者偏见和错误的来源可以通过改进组织公平,增加考核者鉴定可靠性解决的。但有一个假设的问题,如你可以清晰描述工作要求,该组织是通过考核人从价值和政治议程自由裁量权的values and that thejudgmentbyap

20、praisers arevalue free from political agendas and价值观和判定反映“理性”的目标。其次存在第二个问题是主观性,如果由考核决定的的绩效比率是由一个“政治隐喻” 决定的(Hartle, 1995)。这种“政治观点”认为,考核做不好是因为绩效评估者缺少训练,他们把绩效考核看成是一种浪费时间。这成为管理者必须执行,而不是作为一个潜在的改进员工绩效的一个过程。本文中的组织是“政治”的,评估师设法维持下属的绩效并视考核为内部顾客满意。这意味着管理人员使用考核,以避免人际冲突和发展战略的个人地位,并寻求一个安静的生活,避免较高的管理人员的谴责。This per

21、ception means managers also see appraisee seeks good rating and genuine这种看法是指管理者也看到考核者寻找好考核比率和反馈以及职业发展,通过寻求员工促进和支付手段相结合的证据.这意味着考核比率成为政治上的判断并设法避免人际冲突。在绩效的“测试”和“政治”的比喻是不准确的考核,缺乏判断雇员绩效客观性,精度偏差。这问题是组织如何能解决这种缺乏客观性?13.3.1 Solutions to Lack of Objectivity of Appraisal 四 考核缺乏客观性的解决办法Grint(1993)argues that t

22、hesolutionsto objectivity liesin partwith McGregors格林特(1993)认为,在对客观的解决方案的一部分,是麦格雷戈的(1957年)由再培训的经典批判和清除“向下”的管理人员评分封顶和更换多个考核者考核以消除偏见和由绩效评估的客观性基础上。向上有效性的考核意味着主观性的考核比率,这种方法还消除建议考核评分,以消除对妇女的考核(Fletcher, 1999) 多元化报表解决方案(内部同事,客户和收件人服务)将减少评分的主观性和考核比率的不公平。这争论的进一步发展所需要评估的项目团队和越来越多的增加团队合作水平,包括同事评估。在该解决方案的理论上,平

23、均增加经理和加强与个别考核和联系以增加与客户服务所面临的考核。However, negative feedback still demotivates and plentyoffeedback andexplanationbymanager 但是,负反馈仍然是伤害性很大的。通过整理反馈意见,而不是考核绩效表现的经理大量工作。然而,我们总结反馈和解释考核。这与考核的准确性仍然存在客观问题,沃克和史密瑟(1999)用360考评法五年研究了252位经理五年期间,这主观考核问题仍然在评估主体的问题超出缺乏培训等领域。在考核的贡献是密切相关员工的态度和强烈与工作满意度(Fletcher andWilli

24、ams, 1996)。该证据正面考核仍然在振兴工作中的社会关系方面(汤利,1993年)和大型公共服务的广泛采用,英国等作为国家卫生服务体系(NHS)是各级管理人员的宝贵贡献讨论有关其员工过去的表现,讨论个人发展计划和培训,并积极议题,进一步关注发展是开放性与员工的报酬,我们现在讨论的考核。4.2 将考核与激励管理相联系20世纪80年代,由于战略人力资源管理的发展,考核和绩效管理已与雇员奖励密不可分。关于考核的早期文献中就将考核与员工控制 (Randell, 1994;Grint, 1993;Townley, 1993, 1999)相联系,并讨论了有关考核奖励绩效的使用问题.然而有一部分文献已经

25、取代了章节标题雇员“考核”与“绩效管理”(Bach, 2005; Storey, 2007),焦点转移到绩效和绩效激励与员工考核的限制上来。绩效与绩效工资的联系已发展为对三个关键问题的讨论:第一问题讨论绩效工资是否已经与考核发展在使用中同步进行?第二个问题是什么类型的绩效,我们应该奖励?最后的问题是谁来判断工作标准?关于绩效工资方案不断增长的影响是第一个讨论的问题,它是在增加个人的努力和物质回报之间的联系以提高绩效水平。这种个人努力和物质回报联动以提高绩效水平,证明了在公共和私营部门的发展趋势(Bevan and Thompson, 1992;Armstrong and Baron, 1998

26、)。这样促使增加公共部门的绩效努力和目标设置可能甚至在实现旨在实现长期目标的某些组织设置中会不一致 (Kessler and Purcell, 1992;Marsden, 2007),通过经理的基于绩效评估的工资的优点的发展是由英国的马斯登(2007)报告中提出:考绩用作绩效工资的基础是在覆盖了非管理层员工的公共部门中的使用比率为65%,私营部门的使用比率为69%(109页)。Meritpayhasalsogrowninuseasin199820%ofworkplacesused performance绩效工资的使用也在增加,在1998年组织使用绩效工资的比率为20,而在相同的组织2004年这

27、一比率达到32% (Kersley et al., 2006:191)。令人满意的比率或以上的绩效超过令人满意的成果平均数的将作为证据,以奖励英国公务员中个人业绩评级(Marsden, 2007)。in 2004.The second issue is what forms of performance is rewarded.第二个问题是什么样的绩效形式应该获得奖励。对于过去绩效比率的使用是为实现与实现更高的奖赏支付的证据在公共服务中式鉴定评级绩效的主要因素。The evidence on Setting performance targets have been as Kessler (2

28、000:280)关于设置业绩目标已被证明凯斯勒(2000:280)的报告“不一致的内部组织和目标模糊的组织中的某些专业问题或技术水平较低的地方”。这里有从组织对绩效工资的影响pay and its effectiveness in improving performance.和提高表现的效率的不确定的证据。从大量的个人绩效薪酬计划报告的证据中,机构暂停或审查他们对个别表现却没有获得任何报酬的影响,甚至伤害工作人员(Kessler, 2000:281)。建立绩效目标更深入的研究,紧随其后的是取决于他们的评估,是如何导致失去动力,同时保持生产率和实现管理者使用性能提高的绩效标准(Marsden a

29、nd Richardson, 1994)。 正如As兰德尔(1994)早前曾强调,潜在的客观性和自我批评在考核区域中,成为评核者拒绝承认评估师的弱点如果从而导致了他们的绩效工资的减少。客观性和自我反思的发展成为一个弱点,那就是考核失败作为一个发展问题,如果它减少了降低评估的机会,这将减少他们的绩效奖励。审视公务员的绩效工资(Makinson, 2000) 来自于英国4大公务员服务机构和公务员国家卫生服务的结论,绩效工资和存在形式绩效管理没能激励许多工作人员得出的结论是,雇员发现个人绩效工资分裂并且导致降低管理合作的意愿,管理偏好的引用,对于绩效分数降低比率以减少员工的绩效工资的问题的修复 (M

30、arsden and French, 1998)。This has clear implications on the这有明确含义关于一线管理人员和考核之间的关系,被动的结果并减少承诺提供明确的证据将个人绩效考核与在公共部门的奖励联系起来。雇员注重这样的问题,以获取关键绩效以集中与关键因素有关的而不是所有的个人性格相联系的具体目标为重点相关的关键绩效指标。 Lewis(1998)的一个银行业绩效工资的研究强调,实施目标是一个在20个绩效目标范围内遥不可及的狭隘的短期业绩目标。这种狭隘的对重点对象关注而忽略其他绩效方面将导致工作无法实现。最后一个问题是这种判断管理标准已经突出基于性别的不公平和偏

31、见的问题(Beyer, 1990; Chen and DiTomasio, 1996; Fletcher, 1999)。建议的解决歧视的方案为加强人际技巧训练来增加运用360度考核的公平性并作为考核评估的方法从同事的反馈,因为这可以减少在“政治隐喻”使用(Randell, 1994;Fletcher, 1999)。连接绩效与工作改进的措施On measures linking performance to improvement require a wider approach to连接绩效和连接需要更广泛的方法,加强工作设计和发展动力以及提高员工工作满意度和努力和绩效之间的联系的设计,是重要

32、的私营部门和反馈和在公共部门的宣传(Fletcher and Williams, 1996:176)。凡在工资上升由实现的关键考核目标决定的,员工缺乏自我批判和开放在任何绩效考核的发展需要中。五 结论As performance appraisal provides a major potential for employee feedback that随着绩效考核提供了对于员工反馈的主要潜力可以强烈连接以增加动机,并明确目标和机会实现长期个人业绩和职业发展,为何仍患有兰德尔描述的仍然围绕着介绍理论和实践的糊涂和混乱?需要讨论和解决的关键问题是取决于你与您的顶头上司是否有良好的关系。Barlo

33、w(1989)如果你说你跟的两位经理不好,你可能只是把这事给忘它(第515页)。There are key issues that require resolution and a great deal depends on the关于考核继续实践的证据,他们还阐述了管理体制和发展的系统考核在战略决策控制上的应用(Barlow, 1989). In reality the companies create, review, change and even abolish (Barlow, 1989)。在现实中,如果他们没有评估发展和提高组织绩效(Kessler, 2000),公司将会创建,审查

34、,变更,甚至取消考核。尽管所有的批评和批评者的证据都没有显示一个过程,可以提供反馈,发展动力,确定培训和潜在的理由和证据,可以潜在的职业发展并断定奖励(Hartle, 1997)。The Dilemma of Performance AppraisalPeter Prowse and Julie Prowse AbstractThis paper deals with the dilemma of managing performance using performance appraisal. The authors will evaluate the historical developm

35、ent of appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management development that was been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the later literature evaluating the effectiveness of performance through appraisals.This paper willevaluatethe aims and methodsof

36、appraisal, thedifficulties encountered in the appraisalprocess. It also re-evaluates the lack of theoretical development in appraisaland move from he psychological approachesof analysistoamorecritical realisation ofapproaches before re-evaluating the challenge to remove subjectivity and bias in judg

37、ement of appraisal.13.1IntroductionThis paper will define and outline performance management and appraisal. It will start by evaluating what form of performance is evaluated, then develop links to the development of different performance traditions (Psychological tradition, Management by Objectives,

38、 Motivation and Development).It will outline the historical development of performance management then evaluate high performance strategies using performance appraisal. It will evaluate the continuing issue of subjectivity and ethical dilemmas regarding measurement and assessment of performance. The

39、 paper will then examine how organisations measure performance before evaluation of research on some recent trends in performance appraisal. This chapter will evaluate the historical development of performance appraisal from management by objectives (MBO) literature before evaluating the debates bet

40、ween linkages between performance management and appraisal. It will outline the development of individual performance before linking to performance management in organizations. The outcomes of techniques to increase organizational commitment, increase job satisfaction will be critically evaluated. I

41、t will further examine the transatlantic debates between literature on efficiency and effectiveness in the North American and the United Kingdom) evidence to evaluate the HRM development and contribution of performance appraisal to individual and organizational performance. 13.2 What is Performance

42、Management?The first is sue to discuss is the difficulty of definition of Performance Management. Armstrong and Barron(1998:8) define performance management as: A strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by Improving performance of people who work in them by

43、 developing the capabilities of teams And individual performance. 13.2.1 Performance AppraisalAppraisal potentially is a key tool in making the most of an organisations human resources. The use of appraisal is widespread estimated that 8090%of organizations in the USA and UK were using appraisal and

44、 an increase from 69 to 87% of organisations between 1998 and 2004 reported a formal performance management system (Armstrong and Baron, 1998:200).There has been little evidence of the evaluation of the effectiveness of appraisal but more on the development in its use. Between 1998 and 2004 a sample

45、 from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2007) of 562 firms found 506 were using performance appraisal in UK. What is also vital to emphasise is the rising use of performance appraisal feedback beyond performance for professionals and managers to nearly 95% of workplaces in

46、the 2004 WERS survey (seeTable 13.1).Clearly the use of Appraisals has been the development and extension of appraisals to cover a large proportion of the UK workforce and the coverage of non managerial occupations and the extended use in private and public sectors. 13.2.2 The Purpose of Appraisals

47、The critical issue is what is the purpose of appraisals and how effective is it ?Researched and used in practice throughout organizations? The purpose of appraisals needs to be clearly identified. Firstly their purpose. Randell (1994) states they are a systematic evaluation of individual performance

48、 linked to workplace behaviour and/or specific criteria. Appraisals often take the form of an appraisal interview,usually annual,supported by standardised forms/paperwork.The key objective of appraisal is to provide feedback for performance is provided by the linemanager.The three key questions for

49、quality of feedback: 1. What and how are observations on performance made? 2. Why and how are they discussed? 3. What determines the level of performance in the job? 1 It has been argued by one school of thought that these process cannot be performed effectively unless the line manager of person pro

50、viding feedback has the interpersonal interviewing skills to providethat feedback to people being appraised. This has been defined as the “Bradford Approach” which places a high priority on appraisal skills development (Randell, 1994). This approach is outlined in Fig. 13.1 whichidentifies the linka

51、ges betweeninvolving,developing, rewarding and valuing people at work.13.2.3 Historical Development of Appraisal The historical development of performance feedback has developed from a range of approaches.Formal observation of individual work performance was reported in Robert Owenss Scottish factor

52、y inNew Lanarkin the early 1800s (Cole, 1925). Owen hung over machines a piece of coloured wood over machines to indicate the Super intendents assessment of the previous days conduct (white forexcellent, yellow, blue and then black for poor performance).The twentieth centuryled to F.W. Taylor and hi

53、s measured performance and the scientific management movement (Taylor, 1964). The 1930sTraits Approaches identified personality and performance and used feedback using graphic rating scales, a mixed standard of performance scales noting behaviour in likert scale ratings.This was used to recruit and

54、identify management potential in the field of selection. Later developments to prevent a middle scale from 5 scales then developed into a forced-choice scale which forced the judgement to avoid central ratings.The evaluation also included narrative statements and comments to support the ratings (Mai

55、r, 1958). In the 1940s Behavioural Methods were developed. These included Behavioural Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); Behavioural Observation Scales (BOS); Behavioural Evaluation Scales (BES); critical incident;job simulation. All these judgements were used to determine the specific levels of perform

56、ance criteria to specific issues such as customer service and rated in factors such asexcellent,average or needs to improve or poor.These ratings are assigned numerical values and added to a statement or narrative comment by the assessor. It would also lead to identify any potential need for trainin

57、g and more importantly to identify talent for careers in linemanagement supervision and future managerial potential. Post1945 developed into the Results-oriented approaches and led to the development of management by objectives (MBO). This provided aims and specific targets to be achievedand with in

58、 time frames such as pecific sales, profitability,and deadlines with feedback on previous performance (Wherry, 1957). The deadlines may have required alteration and led to specific performance rankings of staff. It also provided a forced distributionof rankingsof comparative performance and paired c

59、omparison ranking of performance and setting and achieving objectives. In the 1960s the developmentof Self-appraisal by discussion led to specific time and opportunity for the appraisee to reflectively evaluate their performance in the discussion and the interview developed into a conversation on a

60、range of topics that the appraise needed to discuss in the interview. Until this period the success of the appraisal was dependent on skill of interviewer. In the 1990s the development of 360-degree appraisal developed where information was sought from a wider range of sources and the feedback was n

61、o longer dependent on the manager-subordinate power relationship but included groups appraising the performance of line managers and peer feedback from peer groups on individual performance (Redman and Snape, 1992). The final development of appraisal interviews developed in the 1990s with the emphas

62、is on the linking performance with financial reward which will be discussed later in the paper. The deadlines mayIn the 1960s thedevelopmentof Self-appraisalbydiscussion ledtospecific time13.2.4 Measures of Performance The dilemma of appraisal has always to develop performance measures and the use o

63、f appraisal is the key part of this process. Quantitative measure of performance communicated as standards in the business and industry level standards translated to individual performance. The introduction of techniques such as the balanced score card developed by Kaplan and Norton (1992). Performa

64、nce measures and evaluation included financial, customer evaluation, feedback on internal processes and Learning and Growth. Performance standards also included qualitative measures Which argue that there is an over emphasis on metrics of quantitative approach above the definitions of quality servic

65、es and total quality management.In terms of performance measures there has been a transformation in literature and a move in the 1990s to the financial rewards linked to the level of performance.The debates will be discussed later in the paper. 13.3 Criticism of AppraisalsCritiques of appraisal have continued as appraisal shave increased in use and scope across sectors and occupations. The dominant critique is the management framework using appraisal as

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