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1、急诊室 Emergency Room Gastroenterology 肠胃科 Dental Assistant 牙医助理 医院 Hospital General Practice 普通全科 Dietitian 饮食指导员 内科病房 Medical Ward General Surgery 普通外科 Genetic Counselor 遗传病辅导员 外科病房 Surgical Ward Geriatrics 老人病专科 Health Technician 健康技员 儿科病房 Pediatric Ward Hematology 血液科 Laboratory Technician 化验技员 接生房

2、 Labor and Delivery Hepatology 肝病专科 Medical Assistant 医务助理 手术室 Operation Room (OR) Infectious Disease 传染病科 Medical Technologist 医学技师 心脏重症室 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Internal Medicine 内科 Nurse 护士 重症室 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nephrology 肾脏科 Home Visiting Nurse 家访护士 内科重症室 Medical Intensive Care Unit (M

3、ICU) Neurology 神经科 Nurse Midwife 接生护士 初生婴儿重症室 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Neurosurgery 神经外科 Nutritionist 营养专家 儿科重症室 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Obstetrics-Gynecology 妇产科 Pharmacist 药剂师 外科重症室 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) Oncology 癌症专科 Pharmacologist 药理学专家 末期护理 Hospice 末期病患者照料

4、Ophthalmology 眼科 Physical Therapist 物理治疗员 居家健康服务 Home Health Service 药疗、物理治疗 Optometry 验光科 Physicians Assistant 医生助手 等 Orthopedic Surgery 骨外科 Psychologist 心理学专家 化验所 Laboratory 进行化验研究 Osteopathy 整骨疗科 Psychologic Counselor 心理辅导员 门诊手术中心 Outpatient Surgical Center 一般非严重 Otolaryngology (ENT) 耳鼻喉科 Respira

5、tory Therapist 呼吸治疗员 性手术 Pathology 病理科 X-Ray Tech nician X光科技员 药房 Pharmacy 药物、医疗用品 Pediatrics 小儿科 Plastic surgery 整形外科 、What can do for you? Health Care Provider 医疗服务 Podiatry 足科 你有什么事? Physician 医生 Psychiatry 精神治疗科 Acupuncture 针灸 Physiatry 物理康复科 2 、 May I help you? Allergy and Immunology 过敏性专科 Phys

6、ical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理疗法及恢复 我能帮你什么忙? Anesthesiology 麻醉科 正常生活护理 Cardiology 心脏科 Pulmonary Medicine 肺科 3 、 Please take a seat! Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 心胸外科 Radiation Oncology 癌症放射疗科 please sit down! Chiropractic 脊椎神经科 Radiology X光科 请坐。 Colorectal Surgery 结肠直肠外科 Urology 泌尿科 Dentistry 牙科 Vas

7、cular Surgery 血管外科 4、Wait a moment, please. Dermatology 皮肤科 请等一等。 Endocrinology 内分泌科 Other Health Care Professionals 其它医疗专业人员 Family Practice 家庭科 Audiologist 听觉学专家 5、Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了。 16 、 Feeling well again is a rather slow process, Im afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程。 17 、 You will ha

8、ve to wait for twenty minutes. 你需要等 20 分钟。 18 、 Complete recovery will take a rather long time. 彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。 19 、You will have to come here for periodical check-ups. 你需要定期来门诊检查。 20、If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21、If you feel worried, dont hesitat

9、e to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去。 22 、 Ill come right away. 我马上就来。 23 、Im going to make arrangements for your admission. 我去给你安排住院。 24 、 Please come with your interpreter next time. 下次请带翻译来。 25、Do you understand what Im saying? 你明白我的话吗? 26、Is there anything else you

10、would like me to explain to you? 你看在哪些方面还需要解释呢? 27 、 Shall I explain it again? 需等我海解释一遍吗? 28、If the trouble persists come back again. 要是情况还不见好,就请你再来门诊吧。 29 、 There doesnt seem to be anything serious, but we11 take an x-ray just to be certain. 不象有什么严重情况, 但还是要拍张 x 线片肯定一下。 30 、Please wait until we get

11、the result of the x-ray (blood test). 请等一下,我们需要看一下 X 线片(验血)的结果。 31 、 Its difficult to say just now exactly whats wrong. 现在还不好说是什么问题。 32 、 This is quite common among people of your age. 在您这样岁数人当中,这可太寻常了。 This often happens to people of your age. 这种情况经常发生在你这样岁数的人。 This often occurs at your age. 这就经常出在

12、你这种岁数上。 33 、 This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration(who undergo a lot of stress). 这种病通常发生在工作要求精神高度集中的 (精神紧张的)人们当中6、It is not serious. 病情不严重。 7、 Dont worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8、You need a thorough examination. 你需要做一个全面检查。 9、You

13、 will have to stay in hospital for sevral days. 你需要在医院里住几夭。 We think that you had better be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10 、 You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天。 11 、 You can keep on working. You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12 、 You should be very careful for a week or two. 这一两周内

14、,你需要很注意。 13 、Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14 、 Youll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的。 15 、1m sure this medicine will help you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的。 34、I suggest you do some light exercises. 我建议你做些轻微的锻炼。 40 、 Whats your trouble? 你哪里觉着不好? 50 、 Let me examine you please. 我给你检查一下。 I suggest y

15、ou have a course of acupuncture. 41 、 How long have you been feeling unwell? 51 、 Please take off your shoes and lie down. 我自颇胞一个疗程的针灸。 你不舒服多久了。 请脱鞋,躺下。 I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment. 42 、 What medicine did you take? 52 、 Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt. 我建议你作理疗。 你吃的

16、是什么药? 请解开上衣的扣子,松开腰带。 I suggest that you take Chinese herbs. 43 、 Have you taken any medicine? 53 、 Please take off your trousers. 我建议你吃中药。 你吃过什么药吗? 请脱下裤子。 35、I would like to transfer you to the gynecology 44 、 Did you take your temperature? 54 、 Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left (su

17、rgery, dermatology, urology department). 你试过体温吗? side). 我要将你转到妇科(外科、皮科、泌尿科)去。 请仰卧(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)。 45、Do you smoke (drink)? 36 、 Your WBC(RBC, hemoglobin, urine stool, sputum) 你吸烟(喝酒)吗? 55 、 Please bend your knees. should be checked. 请屈膝。 你的白细胞(红细胞,血红蛋白,尿,大便,痰)需 46 、 Have you any temperature (a cough, a

18、 bed 要检查一下。 headach)? 56、P pleare relax. 你发烧(咳嗽,剧烈的头痛)吗? 请放松。 37、A smear should be taken. 需要做个涂片。 47 、 Have your ever had jaundice (low grade fever, any 57 、 Please breathe deeply(normally). chronic ailments, cold sweats at night, attacks of 请深呼正常呼吸)。 A culture should be done. asthma)? 需要做个培养。 你有过黄疸

19、(发低烧,任何慢性病,夜间出冷汗,哮 58、 Please stick Out your tongue. 喘发作)吗? 请伸出舌头。 38 、 Please dont eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test. 48、Do you sufer from heartburn stomachaches(loose 59、 Please let me feel your pulse. 明早查血以前不要吃东西。 bowel movements, chest pains)? 让我摸摸你的脉搏。 你的胃有过烧心感(稀便,胸痛)吗? 39 、 Pleas

20、e wait for the result of your hemoglobin test. 60、 Let me take your blood pressure. 请等一下你的血红蛋白化验结果。 49、Do your want to have your tooth extracted, tooth 我给你量一下血压。 filled, dressing changed, blood pressure checked? 你要拔牙(补牙,换药,量血压)吗? 73、Is there any blood in your stool(urine, sputum)? 你的大便里(尿里,痰里)有血吗? 医

21、护英语会话:西药 2005-3-11 16:38:26 病人:早上好,大夫。 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 药剂师: 早上好, 女士。 请问有什么需要我帮忙的吗? Chemist: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? 病人:请按药方帮我抓药好吗? Patient: Can you fill the prescription for me? 药剂师:当然可以。请把你的药方给我看一下。 Chemist: Of course. Please show me the Prescription. 病人:给你。 Patie

22、nt: Here you are. 药剂师:请稍等片刻。好了。因要的药全在这儿了。 Chemist: Just a moment, please. All right. Your prescrition is ready. 病人:谢谢。 Patient: Thank you very much. 药剂师: 别客气。 我顺便问一下, 你的这个药方是约翰 逊大夫给你开的吧。 Chemist: Dont mention it. By the way, you got the prescription from Dr. Johson, didnt you? 病人:是的。 Patient: Yes, i

23、ndeed. 药剂师:那么他有没有告诉你怎么服用这些要呢? Chemist: Did he tell you how to take the medicine? 病人:没有,他没有说怎么服用。 Patient: No. he didnt say anything about it. 药剂师: 好的。 让我给你解释解释吧。 这些药片每日三 次,每次两片。记住在饭后服用。 Chemist: All right. Let me tell you what you have to do. Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.

24、病人:那么这个止咳糖浆怎么服用呢? Patient: How about this cough syrup? 药剂师:先把药瓶摇晃几下。每日三次,每次两勺。 Chemist: First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day. 病人:非常感谢。 Patient: Thank you very much indeed. 药剂师:不客气。祝你早日康复。 Chemist. Youre welcome. I hope you will recover in no time. 单词 Words:

25、prescription n. 药方61 、 Pleas, lift your left leg(right leg). 请抬起你的左腿(右腿)。 62 、 Please open your mouth and say Ah. 请张开口说 “啊 ”。 63、It is normal(essentially normal). 结果正常(基本正常)。 64 、Have you ever received any treatment before? 你以前治过吗? 65 、Has it gotten worse? 情况变坏了吗? 66 、Has it happened before? 这种情况以前发

26、生过吗? 67 、 Are you feeling better? 你觉着好一些吗? 68、Is the pain gentting less? 疼痛减轻些了吗? 69 、Does it still hurt? 还疼吗? 70 、How long have you had this pain? 你从什么时侯开始有这种痛的 ? 71 、What kind of pain is it? 是什么样的痛? 72 、 Please tell me something of your past illnesses. 告诉我你过去的病史。 tablet n.药片 syrup n.糖浆 spoonful n.

27、勺 recover vi 康复 祝你早日康复。 相关单词 Related Words prescripti on 药方 短语 Phrases: recipe 配方 tablet 药片 fill the prescription 抓药 pill 药丸 by the way 顺便问一下 bolus 大药丸 take the medicine 服药 powder 药粉,药散 three times a day 每日三次 ointmnet 药膏 in no time 彳艮快 plaster 膏药 capsule 胶囊 emulsi on 乳剂 句子 Sentence Patterns: syrup 糖

28、浆 mixture 合剂 Can you fill the prescription for me? tincture 药酊 请按药方帮我抓药好吗? injectio n 注射剂 Please show me the Prescription. 请把你的药方给我看一下。 相关短 Related Phrases Just a moment, please. 请稍等片刻。 Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals. 这些药片每日三次,每次两片。记住在饭后服用。 First shake the bottle. Take two s

29、poonful of the cough syrup three times a day. 先把药瓶摇晃几下。每日三次,每次两勺。 proved recipe 验方 secret recipe 秘方 medicinal materials medicinal liquor 药酒 medicinal herb 药草 medicinal liquid 药水 absorbe nt cott on 药棉 adhsiveplaster 胶布 ethyl alcohol 酒精 tincture of iodine 碘酒 distilled water 蒸懈水 I hope you will recover

30、 in no time.cooling ointment 木目关表达方式 Related Expressions Please take the medicine according to the instruction. 请按说明服药。 rd like you to take one of these pills three times a day. 你把这些药片每天服用三次,每次一片。 ni give you a dose of streptomysin. 我给你一点儿链霉素。 These tablets are to keep the fever down. 这些药片是用于退烧的。 These tablets should clear up the trouble. 这些药片可以解除病痛。 These vitamin B and C are to build up your resista nee. 这些维生素B和C用于增强你的抵抗力。 This is for red uci ng the fever. 这个是用来退烧的。 This medicine will give you quick relief. 这种药将快速解除你的病痛。

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