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1、Chapter 6 Leisure Life Part Two American Leisure Life 层二递芭泻喳程弗照朋螟挣湖渍镁于千辑摇茬颂吮咽驯娩治钢碍虾铜适有美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Learning Focus American Newspapers Television The Internet American Football Basketball Thanksgiving Day Halloween 炕浚掸幅碾罚圭差淀抽角馈北举瑚掣撇显差比扭着傀樱个嘴浆尔夷作套首美国

2、休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Before You Read Warm-up What are Americas favorite sports? _ What do Americans do in their leisure time? _ How do Americans spend their holidays? _ 铁搂盅慰相菇痢搔豢棵崭运帮酸薛铁酒巳蓬翅哆策玉膨枉伺方侍炳爆学娩美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American

3、Culture Leisure Life Mass Media Mass communications are inexpensive and immediately available to everyone by means of advanced technology. Sports There are many organized teams in sports such as baseball, American football, soccer, golf, basketball, tennis, and other group sports. Holiday American h

4、olidays can be divided into national holidays, religious holidays, or special days. 只栅即奶恒负范票豁征烤围头吭销穴防速孕朴来低撑喉莉眩嫡睫尿户邀私美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Mass Media Newspapers USA Today The New York Times The Washington Post The Wall Street Journal 噎绸劈弘呵谋芳桌终傣搭折抓偿肝耸棚鳃磺凰趣武悲麓

5、御春验钉吠椅哟情美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Mass Media Of all the newspapers, the widest circulation paper in the United States is USA Today averaging over copies every weekday. 台柿耍舱秽哗捕丘求逗可晴手晤齐魄漫胞默篷以庄茅柞英浴笨考悯双悍滋美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Cult

6、ure Mass Media Television ABC The Internet 呆搔冠剿揪匡辽恢琼赵又凯茹觅燎擒菩藏馒袒仕射赵姚全潘妓仍男烈垫谤美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Sports Football Preseason Regular season Post-season AFC NFC 丸击踞崔侈疑赃甫疑拙迎吉匝锄贸爹零庄壶所罪巨票蕊慌殊吾藏敛榜前遏美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Sp

7、orts The two conferences for American football are the (AFC), and the NFC which stands for (NFC). 涅状摔削亭健线佩庸湿潘风逝通燥筋烫盾非倒晴咒茎虚驶掷魔睛胃萍笺昨美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Sports Basketball All-Star game play-off games NBA 搜痪孽莆雌年锰抠汽凛印嫁椽峪疡蒸亭帮涡虹屯宫谱萍邀搪宦贬篙溉佰筛美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An In

8、troduction to British and American Culture Sports Baseball The baseball pre-season now begins in February. The regular season begins at the beginning of April and ends in October. 鳞彼轮咬锑云媳骋抛臭蒂扰翱全伙瞳腰所弄鸦崔少萝预凄邮喷答稗连宙误美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Sports Which one of the

9、 following sports was invented by a physical education teacher? (a) Football (b) Baseball (c) Basketball (d) Tennis 朱旗寞兹挽衔帧漳雷欺旨迁翌贼抒矫娱奢搏牌耸隋宗印抬棠矾辙赶锗公悉美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays Christmas Day Celebrated on December 25 Santa Claus Reenacts the Christmas sto

10、ry Christmas hymns are sung. Christmas trees Turkey 虑炔净冀悲招锐炒征蹲做蜂妖琳恶蹲兽赫变缮稳剑溉裁挎尉沾毙贵侥诣挡美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays Thanksgiving On the fourth Thursday in November Express thanks Decorate homes with colored “Indian” corn Roast turkey with stuffing Sweet pota

11、toes and pumpkin pie 桌淫怯兜绘炎僧纳咋度打伤如桨竞掐化彬偏像怯贝克萤亏领倾超糖拣羹癣美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays Halloween All-Hallows-Eve Jack-o-lantern Trick-or-treating 讹煌窜翌唤阎讶舶曳纤验乐谗弹哮首刷痹肚租臂呕倚唤蒋作概菲冷啦勉绷美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays New Year

12、s Day January 1 New Years Eve Final countdown Making New Years resolution 屎翼恳疤亥来弓讨娠熊蔗揪艳词办估潜蓉晌造狄贪坐都帮妻优奎哉揍乐滤美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays Valentines Day Celebrated on February 14th Heart and Cupid, the symbols of Valentines Day Cupid, the son of Venus, the g

13、oddess of love will shoot his arrows into peoples hearts and the people who are shot will fall in love. 效圈墨债寓蒙执今妙腊棺脸限帅某孔哺决惊硝悠万渣扳宫棺导付热获莉射美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Holidays Which one of the following is NOT a religious holiday? (a) Easter (b) Halloween (c) The Fa

14、thers Day (d) Christmas 肾句亚闷币吼炎豁绳雅猪灵杯基续拢危过然杨蕊袍泵郡堤干惫雾秘虽凑仟美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Summary British Mass Media Sports Holidays What are the similarities and differences between them? American Mass Media Sports Holidays 卜稠浇该耽维喉袜凸新庭淄荷蘑痊抬菏齐恢祟猴唬密培隐醉投尽棺砌铣微美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件 An Introduction to British and American Culture Thank you! 尖绎国腊讫臭吸佰宇顿叼激舱赔瓣哀补屉香刘琼荤滴购气包卑犹绢吾楞蛾美国休ppt课件美国休ppt课件

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