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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上绝密启用前英语 试题卷(非英语类专业)注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第卷 (主观题)两部分;第I卷第1页至第10页,有3大题;第卷第11页至第12页,有2 大题;共12页,共5大题。全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。2.作答前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效。4.考试结束时,考生须将第I卷、第卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。第

2、I卷(共100分)Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the bet choice and mark the corresponding lette

3、r on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Everyone loves to eat! People in every country enjoy this activity. There are so many different kinds of food in the world一 Chinese food, Italian food, South American food, Indi

4、an food, and many others. Its fun to eat and compare different types of cuisine. Italian food is sometimes very spicy, but South American food is usually much spicier. Indian food can be the spiciest of all - sometimes its so hot that it can make your mouth burn! But thats okay because then you can

5、drink some good Italian or French wine to reduce the burning!Some wonderful food comes from the Eastern countries. Chinese food is popular in many pars of the world. Lots of people love Chinese-style vegetables because they are so crispy. Because Chinese-style vegetables are usually cooked for a muc

6、h shorter time, they are crispier than American-style vegetables. In fact, they are probably the crispiest cooked vegetables you can find.Some people dont like American-style food. They think it is often less tasty and sometimes less nutritious than food in other countries. Americans spend nearly ha

7、lf their food dollars on meals away from home. They eat more fast food, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, canned and frozen food, for fast food takes a short time to prepare. Often, Americans feel they are too busy to spend a lot of time cooking. its easier to pick up a pack of fried chicken on

8、the way home from work or take the family out for pizzas or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day.Of course, in some other countries, like France, cooking is still an art form. Some people believe that French cuisine is the best in the world. Certainl

9、y,each person has a different opinion about which country has the tastiest food. But people in many places agree that French food is the most delicious and the best prepared.1. The main idea of this passage is that .A. American food is less delicious than food in other countriesB. people in many cou

10、ntries prefer Chinese foodC. its interesting to compare a variety of food in different countriesD. people enjoy different kinds of food in the world2. We can infer from the passage that .A. wine makes you mouth burnB. French chefs love t be artistsC. South American food is not so spicy as Indian foo

11、dD. the most wonderful food comes from Eastern countries3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? .A. French food is delicious, but not well preparedB. Indian food has to be enjoyed with Italian or French wineC. Chinese-style vegetables are possibly the crispiestD. Ameri

12、can food is believed t be the most difficult to cook4. Americans eat a lot of fast food because .A. they believe American food is the bestB. American food contains more nutritionC. they dont like food in other countriesD. they dont think they have enough time to prepare meals5. Which of the followin

13、g statements is NOT true according to the passage? .A. Chinese-style vegetables are often cooked for a short timeB. American food is often believed to be less tastyC. Everyone in the word dislikes Indian foodD. People have different opinions about French cuisinePassage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based

14、 on the following passage.If American children have to use mosquito ringtone (静音) of cell phones at school, a university in Japan is doing the opposite: giving cell phones to students. And not just any cell phone-the iPhone 3G.According to Asiajin, about 550 students and staff members in the School

15、of Social Informatics at Tokyo-based university Aoyama Gakuin received the iPhone 3G for free as part of their study materials.This is the result of a deal that Aoyama Gakuin signed with SoftBank, the only sales representative of the iPhone in Japan. The number of students using the iPhone is expect

16、ed to reach about 1,000. This is the first time a particular cell phone has been used on such a huge scale at a Japanese university.The phone will work as a study tool for students. As it comes with the global positioning system (GPS), the university plans to use it to check student attendance. Drop

17、ping classes is a big problem in Japan, where regular attendance is an important factor in determining a students grade. Students often fake attendance by getting classmates to answer roll calls.Now, with the iPhone 3G, the school plans to keep better tabs on (监控) its students. Students are allowed

18、to use the phone for attendance reporting (but only if they are actually in the classroom, a fact that will be proved by the phones GPS), lecture podcasting, and online examinations. A student cant answer the roll cal using the phone from any location other than the classroom.Students can, of course

19、, still cheat the new system by leaving their phones with fellow classmates, but this is not very likely to happen, as people tend to keep a lot of private information on their phones that they dont want to share with others.As for calling and data plans, the university covers the basic fee. The har

20、dware itself is free, but students will have to pay when they exceed downloading limits.6. According to the passage, American children are at school.A. encouraged to use cell phonesB. not encouraged to use cell phonesC. offered a new type of free cell phonesD. allowed to use free cell phones7. Which

21、 of the following statements is NOT true of the School of Social Informatics? .A. Students receive the iPhone 3G for freeB. Students use the iPhone 3G as a study toolC. Students have received the iPhone 3G beforeD. Students can save private information on the iPhone 3G8. Which of the following probl

22、ems might be solved by using the iPhone 3G? .A. Fake attendance reported by classmatesB. Failure of on-line examinationsC. Answer to roll calls at schoolD. High cost of telephoning9. The following functions of the iPhone 3G are mentioned in the text EXCEPT . A. attendance reportingB. lecture podcast

23、ingC. online examinationsD. downloading payment10. This passage is mainly about .A. the uses of the iPhone 3G at a Japanese universityB. the advantages of the iPhone 3G in Japanese universitiesC. the control of dropping classes in a Japanese schoolD. the use of GPS to locate students at schoolPassag

24、e ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Coco Chanel, a French woman, is very famous for her success in the fashion world. The life of Coco Chanel is a classic rags-to-riches story. Born in 1883, she was abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was raised by her aunts w

25、ho taught her to sew and gave her the nickname Coco, which means little pet.Staring out as a hat designer, Coco went against the fancy hats being worn at the time. How can a brain function under those things, she wondered. Instead, she created simple, but beautiful designs which became popular with

26、fashionable young women of Paris. Strangely enough, Word War I gave her the chance to develop her idea of simple elegance from hats to clothing. Due to the shortage of material during the war, she took the opportunity to show that less can truly be more, introducing turtle-neck (叠领) sweater and pant

27、s for women.In 1923, Coco launched her line of perfumes. A woman who does not wear perfume has no future! she said, and women believed her. Since its first appearance, Chanel NO.5 has been the worlds most popular perfume, with another bottle being sold every 30 seconds. And Coco herself inspired gen

28、erations of women designers and businesswomen to pursue their dreams.11. The word famous brand Chanel is named after .A. a little animal B. a hat companyC. the nickname of a French woman D. the surname of a French girl12. Coco had her hats those of her time at the beginning of her designing.A. fanci

29、er than B. different fromC. similar to D. more expensive than13. According to the passage, Chanels designs can be best described as .A. fashionable B. luxuriousC. simple and elegant D. A and C14. The launch of Chanel perfumes is based on the belief that .A. a woman who does not wear perfume has no f

30、utureB. it will be the worlds most popular perfumeC. it will be sold every 30 secondsD. women are fond of al kinds of perfumes15. Coco Chanels success story tells us that .A. becoming rich is not so difficultB. women are more likely to succeedC. people can pursue their dreamsD. the poor are more lik

31、ely to succeedPassage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are base on the following passage.Everyone knows that laziness is not good. We have probably al had lectures telling that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never gain anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful tha

32、n that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may not trust their fellow workers and they are unable to join in any group task for fear of being laughed at or for fear of having their ideas stolen. These

33、people who seem lazy may be affected by a fear of failure that prevents successful work. Some people are so busy planning great deals that they are unable to deal with easier work on hand. Still others are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are simply putting of their work.Laziness, however,

34、 can actually be helpful. Some people may look lazy while they are really thinking, planning and researching. We should al remember that great scientific discoveries happened by chance. Newton wasnt working on the farm when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. Al of us would like

35、to have someone lazy build the car we buy, particularly if that laziness were caused by the workers taking time to check each step of his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being lazy - that is, taking time of for a rest一is good for the overworked students or executives. Taking a rest can

36、be particularly helpful to the sportsman who is trying too hard or the doctor who is simply working himself overtime too many evenings in the hospital. So be careful when you want to cal someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting, or planning his or her next work.16. The main idea of this pa

37、ssage is that . A. laziness is a bad habit that everyone wants to get rid of B. there are advantages and disadvantages in being lazyC laziness is the sign of very serious emotional problemsD. lazy people usually do their work more carefully17. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the pa

38、ssage? . A. Laziness is a kind of mental diseaseB. Laziness is more beneficial than harmfulC. Laziness cannot be explainedD. Laziness is sometimes due to a fear of failure18. Which of the following ideas does the passage support? . A. Most of the time laziness is a good qualityB. Most assembly worke

39、rs are lazyC. The word laziness is sometimes misusedD. Most overworked people are lazy19. The authors attitude towards laziness is . A. objective B. subjectiveC. critical D. humorous20. As used in this passage, the word devised ( in Paragraph 2 ) probably means .A. understood B. wroteC. created D. p

40、rovedPart Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throu

41、gh the center.21. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the words people in cities rather than in rural areas.A. are living B. will be living C. have lived D. will have lived22. Al fights because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but stay at the airport.A. had been

42、 cancelled B. were cancelled C. having been cancelled D. have been cancelled23. The problem is believed at the meeting two days ago.A. to have discussed B. to have been discussed C. being discussed D. having been discussed24. It was so hot that they the electric fan all through the night. A. had; ru

43、nning B. had; runC. had; ran D. had; to run25. Some of the committee members suggested a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didnt approve.A. to arrange B. arrange C. arranging D. to be arranging26.一Do you regret paying five hundred dollars just for the oil painting? 一No. I would gladly have pai

44、d for it.A. twice as much B. twice so muchC. as much twice D. so much twice27. me most was that the young man who had lost both arms in an accident could play the piano beautifully with his feet.A. That amazed B. It amazedC. Which amazed D. What amazed28. The team leader promised to attend the meeti

45、ng he arrived at the office.A. for the time being B. the momentC. as much as D. the day29. Bob hard, otherwise he this exam.A. must have worked would failB. mustnt have worked wouldnt failC. cant work wouldnt have failedD. cant have worked wouldnt have failed30. Scarcely asleep when a knock at the d

46、oor awakened her. A. had she fallen B. she had fallenC. did she fall D. she fell31. man realized that the brain controlled our thinking. A. It was not until the 18th century thatB. It was the 18th century sinceC. Not until the 18th century didD. It was until the 18th century which32. The president o

47、f the college, together with the deans, planning a conference for setting a series of regulations.A. were B. are C. is D. be33. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in that B. in which C. in order that D. in the way34.

48、My grandfather has a pair of .A. Spanish leather black boots B. black Spanish leather bootsC. Spanish black leather boots D. leather Spanish black boots35. I dont think you can finish painting the fence alone in such a short time, ?A. do I B. can you C. cant you D. wont you 36. There were accidents

49、on the road this year than last year, but this doesnt mean there is need for careful driving.A. less; less B. fewer; little C. less; fewer D. fewer; fewer37. Needless to say, the second list of words more easily than the first one.A. can remember B. can be rememberedC. will remember D. be remembered

50、38. When I went out jogging early this morning, I found the ground wet. It last night.A. might have rained B. may have rainedC. can have rained D. must have rained39. The reason why I came back is she would have been very angry if I hadnt.A. that B. because C. for D. that because40. Dont come tomorr

51、ow. Id rather you next weekend.A. will come B. came C. to come D. had come41. How can a crowd while a woman is being attacked and robbed?A. stand for B. stand up to C. stand by D. stand up42. Although the financial crisis spread al over the southeaster Asian countries, the market in China remained a

52、s usual.A. fixed B. fresh C. firm D. steady43. She his anger though he did not say a word to her.A. understood B. heard C. sensed D. learned44. The government has the prices of medicines for the benefit of the people.A. brought down B went down C. closed down D. reduced down45. In some cases, your i

53、nstructor may tell you the topics or may give you a choice of topics to write about.A. in advance B ahead of C. above all D. just right46. there is little we can do to change the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.A. Where B. Lest C. Although D. Unless47. The Browns have no

54、t yet and I doubt whether they will come.A. turned in B. turned out C. turned up D. turned to48. She will have to look for somewhere else to work, for she cant suchloud noise any longer.A. come up with B. catch up with C. keep up with D. put up with 49. It is reported that many automobile accidents

55、careless driving.A. attributed to B. resulted from C. contributed to D. raised from50. I am grateful for the kindness you have shown my son.A. excessively B. frequently C. certainly D. happily51. The old man expects that his son will the company when he retires.A. take to B. take out C.take off D. t

56、ake over52. The police asked for the of the public in tracing the missing boy.A.cooperation B. combination C. possibility D. capacity53. In computer programming, the model is to any of the others we have ever had.A. more superior B the more superior C. the most superior D. superior54. the large amou

57、nt of time devoted to English listening every day, mostcollege students feel it hard to understand English news broadcasting.A. However B. If C. Despite D. Even 55. I have given up trying to convince him; there is no point arguing with him.A. by B with C. for D. in 56. No one knew the mans marital s

58、tatus until he it in the course of aconversation.A. displayed B. revealed C. exhibited D. exposed57. We will take a tour around Hangzhou next year we have enough money.A. lest B. until C. unless D. provided58. the traffic jam, they would have arrived earlier.A. Except for B. But for C. Apart from D. Instead of59. Il1 be very glad that you agree to the pear robbery in the shopping mall. A. look up B. look for C. look over D. look into60. The mysterious guest on the show is

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