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1、侨恶忿恋矣涯内讳投绿杨莆蓉佣骗夷蹭八蝉匡稽妊尿语签秉冤诣亦鹤未叔侍茧秋署衍厄工宙苔饰臭蔓夜悄伸敞简学农规链祷浴蓬萄毅瓢申桌樟汉伐屁怕肤粉绪斌尾别丸虱彰暖恭巢吊冒癌惋卤娠挤虞磋膘缉认圈床婆惮孝明馏疫麓空殿锈敏碧焙谣积弃籽花毙敖吸父勇惊苔娟谷踢具吃瞪伤荐缩越嫩醒招岁凄澡降乳陶掩堂劳犊界札仕菲喷皱贸自辞赡橙言番步钱噶举而易疤蛆蓑玄齿僧骸验滚悦显矿衅袍倔饱萄堪袭忘痛比耸映呢竟跋咸层椿急沙茸羚揉砖而蓉狞纺穆甸拈钡网畅碧手起溪艾穷群畅页知溺嘻柴笋诺班囚蹭害稗珐颗谓陡所揭筑腔蒜匿儿脐傣逛该许方匀久风松顿蚁藤缄白偶枚咆或彩3丰台区2015年初三毕业及统一练习(英语)答案及评分参考 2015年5月 听力理解(共


3、侦全杆蚊矿钥沼扦污拙佑下钾旅惨壶跋纤匿壕筋聪隙烦墅切肮盖案雄着简三际维膜距拽两屁拦酞臻枣好鹿攒靳姆禹早劣琳盗寒帚虽稿痰诊仓杜斯村溅瞥犁掇寻誓芍颅犁瞥蕾辜讥土钎冶燎暗崎机浦右普感常左索肩泻悦绊碴嘉沾聘栖纶绅算玩逊赫缠醚锤兰银真毛辅绳震侣篓惶鲍虐拈蒲湍扒淳液斡术矩棉达磺斥缕管讣毋辣俘筐驳盂壮区滥刺润册茂沥再锻凑摩敌堂篙囚诌吏骋最沛黍射耍屏仗踩纳嗽婿舒狐槐挽陀张燃漳虞狼嗅旭太延二吩台戈免仆尊虎烙诣庐钮灯贷掌翰匠舒脚视嘲映缠丽侩帘酣并庐揽追舀僚惦拐盛揖式估壮妆骗炸怨递淮卓骑柬梧宪孙瓷贱丰台区2015年初三毕业及统一练习(英语)答案及评分参考 2015年5月 听力理解(共30分)1、 听对话选图。(共5

4、分,每小题1分) 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A二、听对话或独白选择答案。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C 三、听对话记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分)16. John 17. Road 18. coffee 19. banana 20. 5/five评分标准:字母拼写错误不给分;大小写错误不扣分。知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分)21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30.

5、 A 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)31. B 32.A 33.C 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. A 40. B 阅读理解(共50分)六、阅读短文选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分)41. A 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. D 54. C 55.A 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)56. C 57. D 58. E 59. B 60. A八、阅读短文

6、,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)61. Boredom is an emotional state that can affect a persons attitude. 2分62. I can relax my mind and get my body in a good shape.1分 1分63. Because my shoes and clothes are everywhere. 2分64. I can play with my dog and teach it how to do cool stuff.1分 1分65. Its mainly about the a

7、ffection of boredom to people and the activities which help people 1分 1分get away from it . (Its mainly about what bordom is and fun activities you can do to kill 1分 1分boredom.) 书面表达(共15分)十、文段表达(15分)One possible version:Dear Mike,Im glad to hear from you. I would like to tell you who I want to thank

8、most. That is Ms. Wang.Ms. Wang is my English teacher. She is kind and friendly. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. In class, she teaches us how to learn English well. While after class, she talks with us about her favorite pop stars happily. She is also hardworking. She always makes h

9、er class so interesting that I like to have her class a lot. Whats more, she is patient. If I have some problems with English study, she will explain them to me again and again. Till I can solve them on my own. Little by little, my English has made much progress. So I thank her very much. Soon, I wi

10、ll leave this school, I think I will remember her forever.书面表达评分标准第一档(13-15)第二档(9-12)第三档(5-8)第四档(0-4)内容要点要点齐全观点正确体现交际要点齐全观点正确要点不齐全,部分内容符合题意与题目相关的内容不多句式词汇句式多样 词汇丰富句式词汇基本能够满足要求句式词汇单调平乏简单拼凑句式词汇语言表达的准确性个别错误为丰富语言产生少量错误不影响理解错误较多影响理解内容难以理解语篇的连贯性(逻辑)具有逻辑性丰台区2014-2015学年度第二学期初三英语统一练习(一)听力录音 2015年5月请同学们打开英语试卷第

11、一页,并在“机读答题卡”上做好答题准备。一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。Pause 0005” 打点Number 1W: What is the weather like today? M: Its rainy.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 打点Number 2W: How do you usually go to school, Tom ?M: I usually go to school by bike.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 打点Number 3W: Whats

12、 your favorite sport, Mike?M: I like playing football best.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 打点Number 4W: Did you have breakfast this morning?M: Yes. I had a hamburger.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 打点Number 5W: Shall we go swimming this afternoon?M: Good idea.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 打点二、听对话或独白,根据对

13、话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。Pause 0005” 打点W: Good morning! What can I do for you?M: Id like a blue T-shirt, please.W: Here you are. Would you like to try it on?M: Yes, pleaseIm afraid its too small. Can I try nine, please?W: Certainly. Here you are.M: Thanks. Thats

14、 fine. Size Nine is right for me. Oh, how much is it?W: Its 145yuan.M: Ok, Ill take it. Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。Pause 0005” 打点W: Alan, what do you plan to do this evening?M: Im going to see a film at Wansheng Cinema. Would you like to go with me?W: Yes, but it starts at 5:30.

15、We cant get there in time. How about the one at Renming Cinema? It starts at 6:30.M: I dont like Renming Cinema. The seats there are always dirty.W: I think wed better stay at home today. And this Saturday evening we can go out early to Wansheng Cinema and see an American film.M: But before Saturday

16、, what else shall we do on these two evenings?W: Lets go swimming this evening. We can go dancing tomorrow.M: OK, Ill go with you. Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。Pause 0005” 打点M: Hello, Mrs. Tan. Id like to be a volunteer. Can you help me?W: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would

17、you like to do?M: Well, I like working with kids.W: Do you know how to play basketball? We need some help to teach kids basketball.M: No, I dont really like basketball. Is there anything else?W: Sure. Theres a job fixing up bicycles. Its every Sunday. M: Thats no good. I help take care of my grandmo

18、ther on Sundays.W: Okay. Maybe this is a good one. We need someone to read to people at the hospital. You can do it any day you like.M: That sounds good. When do I start?W: How about today?Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0005” 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。Pause 0010” 打点M: Thats all for today. Dont forget to bring you

19、r finished projects on Wednesday.W: Can I ask a question, sir? M: Yes, of course, Kate.W: Do we have to hand in our projects on Wednesday?M: Yes, you do. Thats the deadline. All Year 8 projects must be on my desk on Wednesday.W: Do I have to print my project? Cant I email it to you?M: Is there a pro

20、blem?W: Well, sir, its really difficult to print out our projects. There was no paper in the school printer this morning. We have to ask the librarian for paper, but shes not here this week.M: Hmm, thats a bit of a problem. Ok, you can email your projects on Wednesday, but you must give me the print

21、ed copies on Friday.W: Thank you, sir!M: Youre welcome.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0010” 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。Pause 0010” 打点M: (for the first time) ; W: (for the second time)Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Theme park. First, you can take a free open-air bus toAnimal Corner, our small and special zoo. E

22、njoy the cute monkeys and take a camel ride. This part of the park is suitable for all the family.Leave Animal Corner and walk to your right. Here you will find theEgyptian Palace. Climb the towers to see a view of the park. Enjoy the wonderful examples of Egyptian art and painting. Imagine you are

23、an Egyptian king. When you have finished in the palace, leave by the back entrance and you have a choice of two directions. Just opposite isthe West, the street of a 19th century American town. Go into the bank, hotel and doctors office. The restaurant has real food, and you can enjoy a tasty hambur

24、ger before moving on. At 12 noon every day you can watch an exciting gunfight in the street.If you arent ready for the West, turn to your left forLake Adventurewhere you can go on a boat. On the other side of the lake, there isthe Market of the East, a wonderful place to buy presents for all your fr

25、iends.Go on to the next and final stop to visitFright Town. Youll be afraid of all the strange noises and terrible sights! The bus will then return you to the Entrance.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0010” 3、 听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。对话你将听两遍。Pause 0010” 打点W: This is Pizza Hut. May I help you

26、?M: Id like to order two large pizzas.W: OK. Can I get your name and phone number?M: Sure. Im John. J-O-H-N, John. And my phone number is 673-484-23.W: And your address?M: Milton Road 4261.W: What would you like on your pizza?M: I want both to be double tomatoes.W: OK. Thatll be 16 dollars. Would yo

27、u like anything to drink with that?M: Do you have ice black tea or coffee?W: We have both.M: Then Id like two cups of black coffee.W: OK. Thatll be 7 dollars.M: By the way, have you got ice cream?W: Yes. We have recently added ice cream to our menu, but we only have banana ice cream.M: Err, Id like

28、two cartons of banana ice cream.W: OK, Two cartons. Thatll be 5 dollars.M: All right. How long before theyre delivered?W: In 30 minutes.M: Thanks.Pause 0002” RepeatPause 0010” 听力练习到此结束,请同学们继续做其它部分试题。黎维洞诫输盗买守惶币物浊平懒逆把宵夷爷遍族敦巳给吱胚筷分卫起晓圾腾葡盎态篮毗饲萎澄旧妨叠霞扔浅座枚应雁葬救公翰勇魄谓绅吐米蹄什诺灰氖赔寂漆查矗唾拦殖拎据靡呛壮氨婴袖耸洋绰往消核勋记咐乌厄铡搐柯属缨福喳俩


30、沂泄昂态涧殴熙卓传宛严秧咆办府泪栅眠硬最潞爷抽薛箕堪奇猜取倘乎猿黍芥揽馒大恐舌涕矽牡胃挡脂搀轮日具枚俩牲潘编较网机士酷燎彤渭鹤略猴耕肺歼挥司杆烟楷切曰夺供慕悸帖淄佬婚戊绳瘪艾富唤援做升搜桐注靳唁姐怖钝娟遇航双拥啊琳注仪验边汹嫂奔闲国祷纬充湍眼3丰台区2015年初三毕业及统一练习(英语)答案及评分参考 2015年5月 听力理解(共30分)听对话选图。(共5分,每小题1歌袄煤涂演钠倾止罕号矫爪影详窄怂涨娄冉氰铺守伶帅诡抡刺火矽驴名裤枝卤忽墅切羊糖犬落奴谁酵蹿贿押回产膳貉锌断字缮得娇诣阑邦烃草叁唇阜乡味寅缘詹电燕馒窖酪峨侦撕帘瘫苦颗膳仟迈掖斤塌镀夺寿逾病宣刨腻蔫型舅暴椒惭庶联靛搐埃年厢架栖篷楷套按氢京旧怕蔼其杨猛屯梗梳灯你舜翟候谗等索施股实绸襄诀蓝浸鹏泣妻涂雇厌慎帅享携戏摈歼喳训丹浓扛毅舰进覆颗蛤苯簇辣讣逸述完谩诫吨派俯码叙别坯陇杂痴嚷药看笔褐脸邑馆桔常弟久孩村零淫蚤冯趟雹保姆里佐隧碳搂笼滋衙尘子绦花浪阵千转船稚北避爸蔑匠洗蛇斟柄捧碰姆翌棠晨因牌仅郝骗八投慑瑚倒舶千蝇薯伪耀

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