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1、浙江省乐清市2015届英语中考模拟试卷三 单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从请A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.-I really like _book you lent me yesterday. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.- Whats your favourite subject? -_. Its interesting. A. Books B. Toys C. Music D. Milk 3.-Could you please tell Alice that I will go to see her tomorrow? -

2、Sure. I will let her know as soon as she _back. A. has come B. came C. will come D. comes4. The music really makes me_because it is so loud that I cant fall asleep. A. funny B. happy C. angry D. lovely5. -Is Miss Chen in Yueqing? -She_be here. She called me from Beijing just now. A. musnt B. may C.

3、cant D. neednt 6.-Whats in the box? -Theres _in it. Its empty. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing7.-How do you learn English? -I learn _listening to tapes. A. to B. at C. by D. of8.-Miss Ying , will you be angry _your students eat in class? -Yes. But I will stop them in a friendly way

4、. A. so B. unless C. if D. though9. -Where is Jenny now?-Jenny is on holiday now. I wonder _. A. when she will come back. B. when she came back. C. when will she come back. D. when did she come back.10.I had a toothache and I couldnt sleep well last night. -_. Maybe you eat too much sweets. Youd bet

5、ter go to see a dentist. A. Sounds like fun B. Youre welcome C. Thats right D. Sorry to hear that一、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Lang Lang is 30 years old. He is _11_Shenyang,China.He plays the piano and he is famous.He is happy today_12_the audience likes his conce

6、rts very much.Lang Lang started studying _13_when he was three years old. Today, he gives concerts all over world. He plays in Paris, Vienna, Chicago, Berlin, New York and _14_places. A few years ago, he played for 8,000 people in Beijing, China. He plays classical music_15_Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovs

7、ky and others. _16_also likes to play traditional Chinese music.Lang Langs father is a famous Chinese musician. He plays a(an) _17_instrument called an er-hu. Lang Lang usually plays concerts alone, _18_sometimes his father plays with him. They _19_together in a comcert for the first time on Fathers

8、 Day. The audience loved it. Lang Lang likes to play computer games and ping pong in his _20_time. He likes to watch the American golfer Tiger Woods and the Chinese_21_player Yao Ming on television.It is very_22_to watch Lang Lang play the piano. Sometimes he throw his arms up in the air when he fin

9、ishes playing, the audience cheers. Lang Lang says “I just _23_to play. Its never boring. Its _24_new.” He says that playing the piano is like electrical energy. His audiences can_25_his energy. It is like fireworks!( ) 11. A. over B. from C. under D. behind( ) 12. A. because B. though C. until D. b

10、efore( ) 13. A. violin B. football C. piano D. baseball( ) 14. A. many B. same C. special D. other( ) 15. A. to B. for C. by D. after( ) 16. A. He B. She C. It D. One( ) 17. A. Australian B. English C. American D. Chinese( ) 18. A. so B. but C. as D. while( ) 19. A. sang B. danced C. walked D. playe

11、d( ) 20. A. free B. busy C. working D. training( ) 21. A. volleyball B. swimming C. basketball D. running( ) 22. A. boring B. exciting C. surprising D. tiring( ) 23. A. hate B. begin C. help D. love( ) 24. A. always B. hardly C. sometimes D. never( ) 25. A. smell B. feel C. hear D. have三、阅读理解、(本题15小

12、题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A The Chinese Dream is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here are some advice on how to realiz

13、e our beautiful dreams.Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We beli

14、eve rainbows will appear after storms.Cooperation is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems cant be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing so

15、ciety.At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.( ) 26.How many

16、 suggestions of making dreams come true are mentioned in this passage?A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.( ) 27.The underlined word It in the second paragraph refers toA. never giving up our dreams B. our lifeC. a long journey D. learning from failure( ) 28.Which is the best title for this passage?A.

17、The Chinese Dream B. Cooperation is NecessaryC. Examine Our Abilities D. Advice on How to Realize Our Beautiful Dreams. BIn some parts of China, school children have to cook for themselves. But now, with the help of donations, this becomes a history forever.At the donation ceremony in southwest Chin

18、asLishan Primary School in Yunnan province, kids gathered at playground to receive something new to them - a kitchen system. Gu Dongjun was the donor of the new system. She wanted the children to grow up healthily.” I hope the kids can eat clean and hot food,” she said.Lishan Primary School has more

19、 than 500students. Half of them live at school, and have to cook for themselves in the open air. They have been picturing their dream kitchen since they knew they would no longer have to cook outside.It was not just Lishan Primary School getting a new kitchen. Another 12 schools in Yunan Province al

20、so got new kitchens. Zhou Faming is the headmaster of Panlong Primary School. He said the new system really helped improve the quality of food. China Youth Development Foundation(中国青少年发展基金会)started an activity recently to support 100 schools every year in poor places. And so far 20 schools have alre

21、ady received the new kitchen system.( ) 29.According to the passage, how might the students eat in the past?A. Clean and hot. B. Delicious and warm.C. Dirty and cold. D. Clean and warm.( ) 30. In Lishan Primary School, how did the students who lived there get their food in the past?A. They cooked on

22、 their own in the open air. B. Their mother cooked for them.C. The cook cooked for them in the kitchen. D. The cook cooked for them in the open air.( ) 31.In Lishan Primary School, when did they draw their dream kitchen?A. Since they had no kitchen. B. Since they went to the school.C. Since they rec

23、eived a kitchen system. D. Since they knew the would have a new kitchen.( )32.What is the best title of the passage?A. Chinese Schools. B. China Youth Development Foundation.C. Feed Students Better D. How to Cook. CThe air pollution was so bad in Harbin, inChina, on October 21,2014 that the city had

24、 toclose roads and schools, and cancel* hundreds offlights from its airport.News reports said the smog (a mixture of smoke and fog) was so thickthat people couldnt see more than 10 or 20 metresin front of them. It is also said that people could not even see the person standing next to them. The city

25、s website said: “You cant see your own fingers in front of you.”The local people said there was a “burning” smell in the air. Many people covered their noses and mouths with scarves or masks*.The pollution was caused on several factors* including: farmers burning off old corn stalks* and crop stubbl

26、e*; coal*-fired heating systems; and low winds that allowed the smoke to remain over the city.The smog had been building up for several days. It became worse when the city turned on the public heating system, which uses coal to heat millions of homes and offices in the city.Harbin has a population o

27、f more than 10 million people. It lies in northeastern China, where cold winter weather can last up to six months. The main fuel* there is coal, because it is cheaper than other types of fuel.Air pollution from burning coal can cause health problems like heart disease. During the smog crisis* in Har

28、bin, the number of people taken to the hospital with breathing problems was 30% higher than usual.The city government is trying to reduce its use of coal by adding more insulation* and better roofs and windows to buildings to reduce heating needs. It has also used cleaner fuel for cars and factories

29、.( ) 33.The roads and schools in Harbin had to be closed on October 21, 2014 because of _A. the heavy rain B. the strong wind C. the serious smog D. the terrible snow ( ) 34.There are many reasons for the air pollution EXCEPT_.A. farmers burn off old corn stalks and crop stubbleB. people use coal to

30、 heat millions of homes and offices C. The smoke remains over the city because of low windsD. Many buses and cars use cleaner fuel and so do factories.( ) 35. What is the government trying to do when the air pollution get worse?A. To offer cars new fuel. B. To give people more masks.C. To reduce its

31、 use of coal. D. To ask people to stay at home.( ) 36.What does the passage mainly tell us?A. The serious air pollution in ChinaB. Coal-fired heating systems C. The population crisis in HarbinD. The reasons for heart disease DWhen you are packing for an adventure,what is the most important thing you

32、 will need? If you dont want to get lost,youll need a map! Or better a GPS. What about other animals,how do they know where theyre going?While humans depend on technology to travel, some animals have something far more advanced. Researchers,mainly from Oregon State University, US, found that Chinook

33、 salmon(鲑鱼) have a “built-in GPS” of the Earths magnetic field(磁场). This means as soon as they are born they are able to direct themselves in the ocean. It acts like a big map inside their brain. Scientists placed some baby salmon into a big swimming pool. To simulate the Earths magnetic field,they

34、put magnetic coils(线圈) all around the pool. Then,by changing the direction of the coils,the salmon began to change their own direction. They started to face in the direction of their ocean feeding area. This is a safe place in the ocean where salmon can find food to eat. When the scientists changed

35、the coils to the opposite side,the salmon also turned in the opposite direction. Just by using their “built -in GPS”,the salmon were able to find out the direction of their feeding area. How did Chinook salmon get their “built-in GPS”? The scientistes think that their navigation (导航)skills came thro

36、ugh evolution(进化). The fish that were able to reach the feeding area lived longer. Then thery could pass on their navigation skills to their babies. So if you are ever lost and in need of some help, maybe you should ask a salmon to point you in the right direction.( ) 37. The passage mainly talks ab

37、out _.A. the wide use of the GPSB. the evolution of the Chinook salmonC. the research of ocean lifeD.Chinook salmon and their built-in GPS( ) 38. According to paragraph 2,Chinook salmon_.A. have their own magnetic fieldB. learn directions from their motherC. can find directions in the oceanD. have t

38、he same navigation skills as humans( ) 39.The underlined word “simulate ” in paragraph 3 probably means _. A 模拟 B 学习 C 利用 D 改变( ) 40. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Chinook salmon has more advanced ways to travel. B. Chinook salmon can find out the direction by using

39、their own “GPS”.C. Chinook salmon get their “GPS” from their parents.D. Scientists put a “GPS”into the fishs body to help find its direction. 卷 说明;本卷有三大题,共40分。四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Nine nearly hang helpful die41.His fathers _made him very sad.42.Alice thinks the_invention in t

40、he world is computer.43.I have learned English for_10 years and Im good at it.44.Susans mother made a big cake on her_brithday.45.On weekends, I usually _out with my friends.B) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。Jone Allen , an American scientist once said, “The Internet is the worlds _46_(最大的)library, but

41、 all the books in it are on the floor!”What he meant is that the Internet is full of information but it can be _47_(困难的)to find what you really need. The Internet has _48_(另一个)advantage. Anyone can _49_(创建) a website, so you can find websites about anything you can imagine.At the same time, the Inte

42、rnet _50_(提供)many other things. On some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually very _51_(便宜)and some are even free, and there are some great online shops too. People sell used clothes, CDs, and cars at very low _52_(价格) It is true that the Internet _53_(改变)the way we work and c

43、ommunicate since it _54_(发明). However, we shouldnt use it too much. Some people are also afraid that children are oftern badly influenced by the Internet because it has taken the place of other healthier _55_(活动).五、任务型阅读(本题有5分,每小题1分,共5分)If you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver

44、,try the following. You can make it.56._There is no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more relaxed in talks.57._When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that other people have feeling

45、 too and most people will stay away form an angry -looking face.58._If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you,. Doesnt it make you want to keep talking to that person?59._Think more about way

46、s to enjoy the party or the game. Dont waste time worrying about you looks or whether people like you or not.60._Each time after you say “hi”or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “ I did it !” Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.Keep trying and one da

47、y youll never be “shy” when you talk to ohters.A Learn to be a good talker.B Take one small step at a time.C Tell people youre shy.D Get your attention elsewhere.E Try to smile more.六、书面表达(本题有1题,共20分)61. 时光飞逝,转眼间初中生活即将结束。时光精灵带走了三年相伴的岁月,却留下了最难忘的回忆。请你以“My unforgettable junior high school life”为题写一篇约12

48、0词左右的英文短文。叙述难忘的初中生活, 并展望你的未来。内容包括:1.简单罗列难忘事件中的人物、事件、地点、过程、感受等。2.展望未来。提示词:with the help of sb, change a lot, work hard, improve a lot, 注意:文中不能出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息 My unforgettable junior high school life How time flies! My colorful junior high school life is coming to an end, I cant forget the happy time

49、that Ive spent here with my kind classmates and caring teachers. I used to _ 答案1-5 CCDCC 6-10 DCCAD11- 15 BACDC 16-20 ADBDA 21-25 CBDAB26-28 CBD 29-32 CADC 33-36 CDCA 37-40 DCAD41-45 death/most helpful/nearly/ninth/hang46-50 largest/biggest/difficult/another/create/provides 51-55 cheap/prices/has changed/was invented/activities56-60 CEADB

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