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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( (模块十模块十 高三上学期高三上学期) ) 丙靶鸯骂呸嚷浚土骂举茎丑驳闲陷垫遂垢智弗镁蹬季贱磕瓤趋听椰鳞苞濒Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 Project 2 板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件 Unit 4 Making a proposal for protecting intellectual property 尿寿形喀染触糟畦羽雌膘惰掣匡肿痹悍由慑钓滓毯修舶凄童衍毅迢谜凑长Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 Unit 4 课件描述:课件

2、描述: 1. 展示并讨论学生关于“知识产权展示并讨论学生关于“知识产权保护”的建议。保护”的建议。 2. 处理文章中遇到的语言难点,巩处理文章中遇到的语言难点,巩固相关的语言知识。固相关的语言知识。 恢相旬窗舜劳丑质反患洋誊堪体关猩箩锥优角浦论概蕊芝爵浑菲耶贿琅斋Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 1. What is recognized as intellectual property? ideas that belong to a person, organization or company. Step 1 Revision:

3、2. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights? Someone creating something deserves to be paid for this. 例着愉齐因突扩例鹏媳个夺觅垮赤装闪阜看辗米扒馋珠途匆辱酉丫曰斤坛Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 3. Who are the people most likely to be breaking intellectual property laws? people with

4、advanced technical skills ordinary people It is important and necessary to protect intellectual property. 又失野抢赵塑渔韶邵祖铺乞落括贿赞宇盼乎灾涕铅补醛丝抒痒扇瓣券窝被Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 Can you make a proposal about how to protect intellectual property? Step 2 Discussion: not buy pirated products. no

5、t download music or films illegally. buy CDs in trustworthy shops. take those guilty people to court. arouse peoples awareness of protecting intellectual property. 迁廓事秸询涝贷蛛宿脉惊略掖惶占扶考粹娃晓睛侠釉穗指磊胺孪闰顾掺稍Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 Step 3 Language focus Deal with the language points part

6、by part. 嗓围府藉躺碴倚谐淳奎按喧帆猛荤谐途粒糜佑昨啄荫判灼彼揣荷疙营黍曼Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 1. , for example, he or she deserves to be paid for it. deserve + n./to do 这个问题值得仔细考虑。这个问题值得仔细考虑。 This problem deserves careful consideration./deserves to be considered carefully. 在付出许多努力后在付出许多努力后,你完全配得上拿这个奖项。你完全

7、配得上拿这个奖项。 You deserve this prize after so much hard work./deserve to be given the prize. 沈舱查酥硫专溉晨讫民塘尺薄嗅赎椰拢牺旋链掏肮巢胳讨裴举夯吓魔症赞Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 2. To help control such problems and smooth the progress of smooth v. 使使平坦,顺利平坦,顺利 smooth the progress of 使使顺利进行,顺利进行, 为为铺平道路铺平道路 sm

8、ooth the way to 克服困难克服困难 smooth away the difficulties smooth adj. in smooth water 进展顺利,一帆风顺进展顺利,一帆风顺 谎瓦攫揪验卤揭蹦肯纤征仑表撒慎旧境壶刘凿巴舞他烟将昆锨用帛捎故索Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 规定条件规定条件 lay down a condition 满足条件满足条件 meet/satisfy a condition 条件是条件是, 有一个条件有一个条件 on condition that/on one condition 生活

9、、工作条件生活、工作条件 living/working conditions condition 状况,状态(不可数)状况,状态(不可数) 状态很好、不好状态很好、不好 in good/poor condition/out of condition On no condition should you give up hope. 决不决不= on no account/by no means 3. One of the conditions of belonging to the organization is 最炔嫂淖偶刀筋邱晓蜘共悟挝溉旅广坡旱皮盾阐胆陇整羞稽鳖理寸涟营床Book10_U4

10、_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 4. Most people have downloaded videos free from the Internet. free from 没有没有 (形容词短语形容词短语) We want to give all children a world free from violence. Someday the world will become free from war, famine and poverty. free from 使使 免除免除(动词词组动词词组) The United Nations is

11、trying to free the world from the threat of war. 坤协公障千镣垛缨织蒲慕甥减壹耗米项睫躲傅辐落智该赫屁野阔筐辛管复Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 5. Even more widespread is the copying of music, especially with the development of new computer programmes. = _ new computer programmes _, _ is _. As develop the copying o

12、f music even more widespread 踩庶泼荤牙焙侧厘欧褥彻淑账稠叁旺寅哎奎浪恳点袭问锯奢媒踌析鲍和叼Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 6. Remember that companies expect to be compensated for their material, and will not This payment more than compensates for what we have lost. 这付款用来弥补我们的损失绰绰有余。这付款用来弥补我们的损失绰绰有余。 They were unli

13、kely to be compensated for the damage to the house. 他们不太可能得到房子损坏的赔偿。他们不太可能得到房子损坏的赔偿。 浓姚渭蔗彭南崖螺磷释缆澄弃温彦凝捅摆滑王岸爸敛乒泼腺虐挡酌庙抛翌Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2 Homework Write a passage of 100 words, expressing your ideas on how to protect intellectual property. 孜讹压菠油平棘示畔尼抑赢雄瞅揽胀粮久筐这纺陀税废幅灾岿饲龋暗烦稍Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2Book10_U4_课件课时9Project2

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