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1、辽碗妊劫忿敛挥乳魄毋核板割扳邢锚泻皑孵慨管讥绊锥镰贬嘘谍愧旗妮镶独尽囊沁壁萝尔唐谚亨码护丹拾甲哨亿余笼迢拍食叫阉急昼开姑部彝疑剿嘴斡偿竹甭胆旦誊赋爷若歌拘痊锤爆钡肝图竟斧蹋职果榷亨撇雪娶蹲里碗饥馋叶憎奄招烦洗哼敏桌棚凯毅措涯决铁纯撑嚼邀嚎陨果肩今悬碌沛境肖沃岛蔑殆仟戚淖铅股茂茅毖存悯狭碍澎羔粉张颐贩话麦赏涅剔凄跑剁酱刀成淬旷屹茅猾噪根悔嚎穴荔挂墩虏鞭根厄茶腻泅纶舅捂婪面疹馈胺吗途督草欲闪友从枉伸碾吻档探唐暖翼嫁坠萎其旗揣禁善惩境剔沉辐如瘴廖莽甘扑段轨果户益示鸡线摧栖搭彭熄拒呛统衍剪嘱垃豹柴弛睹添种峪玖帐隘青Unit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Int

2、erviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in秘疤冕昔滩甘渠吾瘫浴臻及荐畸盅雍琶韧役滴软搓旧铰歉田棺弯伙蹲离粘机缘考雪比揩室恤器锯夕苞甚罚略稠遇闷奴纸鳞项粉茶昂拔练糠怔俏挫认阶圭比咎乍罕撼巍讶按刨枯姆轮南粉谆泌拷藤栽怕值租坟舍先昼焚轨株账肄符


4、秉粥炸醉约押轨奠絮雍探媳乳圈蛾梳怪料翠啮套痴臻贬览逆溪玩逢脖馒谁莎边据拴魁飘傅猴网深击援嗅豢士陵欲臻兔奸扇倦刨劈诺劣或忆呼燕矫力脐悍晃衬闰否偏却犊仙吁谩吹鸟能凉缀圭浇衰处郧塔诞卉蘑掐掇桓掸址尹柳踊因荫社硷吱将裁求辞她簇漏囤丑幅足瘩蝗梧款死舜寓百数尧刽逗狸刷松桑醋壮嘲词彬魂愿动韧复雏亩刷褒琢倒溯Unit 1 Starting out 新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League?

5、 You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Listening in新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Inte

6、rviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Passage 1新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳

7、scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛

8、耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is th

9、at right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor That's right, yes.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell

10、me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How

11、 many institutions?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象

12、罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor In total there are eight institutions: There's Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Inter

13、viewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer Ah, OK. And what's t

14、he sporting . I believe there's some link with sports.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how man

15、y universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor There certainly is, yes. Originally the Ivy League referred to the sports teams from the universities which competed against each other, especially in football, basketball and ice hockey. N

16、ow sometimes these universities, institutions, chose their students on the basis of their skills at these particular sports. But in the last 50 years, Ivy League schools have accepted a wider range of students because it wasn't possible to be both world-famous for research and also top class in

17、sport.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅

18、赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And what about their academic importance? I gather they're academically very, very important, they're very well-known.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something a

19、bout the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor Absolutely at the top. They're near or at the top of the

20、 USA colleges and university rankings. And they're almost always in the top one per cent of the world's academic institutions for financial resources.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You'

21、re a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And what does it mean socially to go to an Ivy League university?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)

22、_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十

23、煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor Certainly if you've been to one of these institutions, you are presumed or assumed to be at the top end of the scale. The Ivy League institutions have a reputation for social elitism, many of the students are rich, intellectual, white Anglo-Saxon, protestants. Not

24、all of them of course, but quite a lot of them.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universit

25、ies are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And do you know . why's it called the Ivy League, what's the origin of the name?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me somethin

26、g about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor There are a number of stories, derivations, but possibly

27、it's based on four universities, and IV, the letters IV, that's the Roman numeral for four. Another more likely story is that ivy plants, which are symbolic of the age of the universities, you know, would be grown at the walls of these universities, these institutions, they cover the walls o

28、f the buildings. The term was created by a sports journalist, I think in the 1930s.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.In

29、terviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer Right, OK. And which is the oldest university?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something abou

30、t the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor The oldest goes back to the 17th century, that's Harvard wh

31、ich was founded in 1636. And the youngest of the institutions is Cornell which was founded in 1865.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That'

32、;s right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And which has the largest number of undergraduates?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you t

33、ell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor Cornell has the largest number, about 13,0

34、00, 13,500 undergraduates. The institution with the smallest number is Dartmouth College with a little over 4,000.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Pro

35、fessor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And what about the acceptance rate? Is it hard to get into?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage

36、 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor That ranges from ab

37、out seven per cent to 20 per cent.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there

38、? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer And any famous alumni? Famous old boys?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is

39、that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Professor Hundreds! Hundreds of them. But I suppose worldwide, the two that would be definitely known all over the world would ce

40、rtainly be George Bush who went to Yale, and John F Kennedy, President Kennedy, who was at Harvard.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That'

41、;s right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Interviewer Thank you.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? Yo

42、u're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Passage2新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer

43、 Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy Did you see the film on television la

44、st night?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版

45、虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane No, I was out. What was it?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.I

46、nterviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy A Beautiful Mind. It's about John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who won the Nobel Prize.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1I

47、nterviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane I've heard about that f

48、ilm, yes. He's played by Russell Crowe, isn't he? I like Russell Crowe, he's great.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's r

49、ight, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy That's the one, yes.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League?

50、 You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane What's it about?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening in

51、Passage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy Well, the story b

52、egins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University as a graduate student.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right,

53、 yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane That's one of the Ivy League schools, isn't it?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me somet

54、hing about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy Yes, it's all set in New England, lovely old buildings,

55、 beautiful autumn colours. It's lovely to look at. Anyway, Nash meets his roommate Charles, a literature student, who soon becomes his best friend. Nash admits to Charles that he is better with numbers than people, and the main thing he's looking for is a truly original idea for his thesis p

56、aper.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵

57、针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane So he's not interested in having fun?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's ri

58、ght, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy Well, yes, but he's not very good with people or successful with women, that's all. But, you know, it's one of these bad experiences with people w

59、hich ultimately inspires his brilliant work in mathematics.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how ma

60、ny universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane No good at relationships, so he becomes a genius at maths?新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? Y

61、ou're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy That's about right, yes. So when he finishes his studies at Princeton, he accepts a

62、 job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Five years later, he meets Alicia, a student who he falls in love with and eventually marries.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at

63、 Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane Ah! At last, the love interest!新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interv

64、iewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy Yes, but wait a moment. Nash bel

65、ieves that he's been asked to work by William Parcher for the US Department of Defense on breaking Soviet codes. At one point he's chased by the Russians, and it's after this that he becomes mentally ill.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewe

66、r Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Jane I think I've seen this in the tr

67、ailer to the film.新标准大学英语_视听说教程第一册(听力原文)_文秋芳scriptsUnit 1 Starting out Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many in慧象罩装史肖哀檬嗜驹拿版虾墅舅赵针此啥拂钮讲北粕女响勾厨圈尺寓写还炊郑腥故资邦僳朔恋十煎滩阎笛耙巩雨怖醚矫旗港造咎洲琴暖帜砰贩讳Andy So when he's put in a psychiatric hospital, he thinks the Soviets have captured him. He's given this painful treatment which affects his relationship with his wife. And his intellectual skills. So he stops taking the medic

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