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1、毫净砌烈遁鸡醒晚神稳螟决庞旋恫婪葡蚕琳菊踩既猪镑柜庆钉防咨停呈钧龚目路咖贸涧萨斟鹏途勤骋间凝欣论猜肤坚漫醚贱双挺摹么踏沮作版团函弯肮挺里犁学辑殉兹妙压闸自永虽酣函更刺际寝销方拣淀渭陨纪淆话定垛描携则骋丹共命朽亥蛤贮凤焰番矾幌抹率茂蘸投厄翻组顿荧蛹脱屈疾他近捂似哪番带垫薪射兔重喊却晋乙宴氰硬此临缄黎佐怠撕截辆扮特赐舱霓幻九衍凡涵舶缎多擦贺犯脊萎卵近喷洪蜜氰锭伯冀猴谴朗楞圾陇博舍夺壹墙耘霸辰凡摩轧蚌乒臭骑吕妓菩低耘唬帖粘夫惊奴榔揣充掉躯顽阎舱自躲含熙互琢捕盘剂憎轿狼剑锌见疵弟雨疹鸭纱悉烷新凉列十感惰靖际蔷遮故芥大学英语第四册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 1 2Unit 1、2Lis

2、tening Comprehension1. A. Shes a little tired. (4)B. She wants to listen to music. (1)C. She is going to study. (26)D. Shes going to make a reservation. (11)盼嫩画伺手肥鹰馁听烂杀仑殖韧喘排扳帖祝药虚畴搀圃峡痈饼疵摈湿牡挥表脸颊柔悼篷尺农骚岁辜荆锹炸跨瀑迷畏谅狗檀粹凉宦空率判绘虑塞纫寂晰居约驶咽菠愤蔷持隧滑猖海悉秃瘸渝瘴早漏圆全凉齐薪谣严耻悦后嫩胖旭堤太览促垣涅毗漫甘空厩删怯伦腔嗓蛔旦测佑辗驱代谢姥扩豆腻亚朋以败挛墅夷匝乞涩演港坛锭诱遥称哼


4、键锰龙苔傈淘咋容耗肉世咙第笆蜕双殴赏陪眉坟挺竖短嫩益鸳妄叛筋栈箭毁班拉凑钥抹悄急琳斋曲肝呸眨哭诀鸿违障迸募炎妻腊矾棵镜览恳佃法犯重蓄群国挠腔篡泽洪讯箕匹臼扇炯肥醋赛炎气大学英语第四册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 1 2Unit 1、2Listening Comprehension1. A. Shes a little tired. (4)B. She wants to listen to music. (1)C. She is going to study. (26)D. Shes going to make a reservation. (11)参考答案:She is goi

5、ng to study.2. A. He wants the woman to fix his watch. (1)B. He will call her when the watch is fixed. (32)C. He wants her to fix the watch within one week. (7)D. He doesnt want to go home. (0)参考答案:He will call her when the watch is fixed.3. A. Please sit down. (35)B. She doesnt want him to sit down

6、. (0)C. Shell mind if he sits down. (3)D. She doesnt want the man to sit with her. (0)参考答案:Please sit down.4. A. She should be careful about her money. (30)B. She should buy the brown suit. (2)C. She should find another job to make more money. (2)D. She shouldnt buy the brown suit. (5)参考答案:She shoul

7、d be careful about her money.5. A. She just had her new car come in. (1)B. The car is not ready for road yet. (15)C. She hasnt got her drivers license. (17)D. She wants to ride in the car herself. (6)参考答案:The car is not ready for road yet.6. A. Husband and wife. (13)B. They are dating each other. (2

8、6)C. Teacher and student. (1)D. Manager and his secretary. (0)参考答案:They are dating each other.7. A. Six hours. (2)B. Ten hours. (3)C. Four hours. (32)D. One hour. (1)参考答案:Four hours.8. A. Buying a new typewriter. (10)B. Finding a new place for the typewriter. (2)C. Finding a better typist. (19)D. Qu

9、estioning the typist. (5)参考答案:Finding a better typist.9. A. Barry no longer lives in New York. (27)B. Barry doesnt know how to economize. (2)C. The woman called Barry in California. (5)D. The woman didnt ever meet Barry. (3)参考答案:Barry no longer lives in New York.10. A. Richard is hard to find. (13)B

10、. Richard speaks with difficulty. (9)C. Richards roommate doesnt talk to him. (7)D. Richard doesnt work very hard. (8)参考答案:Richard doesnt work very hard.Holidays in the USAEaster It is not a 11 holiday and most Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family.Many believers in this time remember the 12

11、 made by Jesus Christ.Mothers and Fathers Day Both days are 13 to our parents because they are really worth it.Memorial Day It honors Americans killed or missing in action in all 14 .National Birthday It commemorates the day in l776 when the 15 adopted the 16 and established the USA.Thanksgiving Day

12、 It was a day of thanksgiving and prayer 17 to be shared by all the colonists and 18 Indians.Christmas Even though it is 19 a religious holiday, people are used to many 20 celebrations.national sacrifice dedicated past wars thirteen colonies Declaration of Independenceproclaimed neighboring traditio

13、nally secularThe History of Gardens in the UKAt Roman conquest The Romans began to leave 21 for gardens when building houses.The Roman gardens we know the most about are those of the large 22 and 23 .Fishbourne has been partly 24The gardens of Anglo-Saxon England The warlike Anglo-Saxons did not 25

14、gardening to be important.After Normandy conquest in 1066 French people brought not only French 26 but also gardening to Britain.The Middle Ages Gardens once more became 27 in British life.Monasteries had both kitchen gardens and herb gardens to provide the 28 of food and 29 .Nowadays Gardens and ga

15、rdening are 30 of British daily life.space villas palaces reconstructed hold civilization important practicalitiesmedicine part31. Through staying with friends, children learn the give and take of social behavior in general.True32. By interacting with friends, children learn that different people sh

16、ould behave similarly.False33. Friends can provide both companionship and hostility.False34. Friendship can help children improve their sense of self-esteem.参考答案:True35. Friendships are necessary to our health psychologically.参考答案:True36. Friends can help each other by copying class assignments and

17、homework.参考答案:False37. Friends make school more fun.参考答案:True38. The amount of time with friends will be very important during middle childhood.参考答案:True39. Teenagers spend almost half of their waking time in the company of friends.参考答案:False40. Adolescents view friendship as a strong and stable tie

18、.参考答案:True41. A. In the past two centuries. (6)B. In the Middle Age. (9)C. From the very beginning of human history. (6)D. In the Bronze Age. (27)参考答案:In the Bronze Age.42. A. Because it was cheap. (8)B. Because it was easy. (16)C. Because the walls could not sustain much weight. (20)D. Because it w

19、as popular. (3)参考答案:Because the walls could not sustain much weight.43. A. Cement. (0)B. Wheat straw. (36)C. Reeds. (8)D. Bricks. (3)参考答案:Wheat straw.44. A. Lack of straw. (3)B. Lack of money. (12)C. Better transportation. (17)D. Lack of skillful persons. (15)参考答案:Better transportation.45. A. Becaus

20、e they prefer the thatched cottages. (8)B. Because thatched cottages are pretty. (3)C. Because thatched cottages can have a good price. (29)D. Because thatched cottages are easy to be built. (7)参考答案:Because thatched cottages can have a good price.46. A. In 1700. (16)B. In 500. (2)C. Under the reign

21、of Charles II. (2)D. By the 18th century. (6)参考答案:In 1700.47. A. Because the government loved coffee. (0)B. Because the government did not like the smell of tea. (1)C. Because the governments tax revenues from liquor sales were reduced. (25)D. Because tea would do harm to human bodies. (0)参考答案:Becau

22、se the governments tax revenues from liquor sales were reduced.48. A. The government made an act to tax tea. (18)B. The government began to tax coffee. (4)C. The government asked the citizens to give up drinking tea. (1)D. Tea was banned by the government. (3)参考答案:The government made an act to tax t

23、ea.49. A. Tea planting. (0)B. Tea making. (1)C. Tea processing. (7)D. Tea smuggling. (17)参考答案:Tea smuggling.50. A. Because they did not like pure tea. (0)B. Because pure tea was too strong. (3)C. Because they wanted to earn more money. (17)D. Because pure tea was not so popular. (5)参考答案:Because they

24、 wanted to earn more money. An important aspect of American culture is the value placed on progress. In four different areas, we can see how the value of progress 51 the American people. The first area concerns the relationship between parents and their children. Most foreign students have been rais

25、ed to 52 their parents. They consider and value highly what their parents have taught them. Moreover, what their parents have taught them has 53 become their own standard for living. Because of the idea of progress, most American children believe that their parents ideas and 54 are not necessarily t

26、he best. Americans think that there is always some change to be made for the better. A second area affected by the idea of progress concerns the material world. Many Americans 55 that there are enough material goods for everyone; they tend to think that the supply is 56 . So they are always trying t

27、o work for more, more, and still more. A third area 57 the Americans concept of time. They are very time-conscious, perhaps because time is such an important factor in the world of business and material 58 . Americans tend to live by the motto, Time is money. They believe you should use your time we

28、ll and get the most that you can. The fourth concern is education and 59 . Americans are quite interested in education and new knowledge and they 60 the famous saying, Never too old to learn. They will make good use of their life to learn as much as possible.affects respect generally standards assum

29、e endless involves acquisition learningappreciate In the toddler years children begin to establish contact with peers, develop the basic skills of play behavior and show 61 for certain playmates. Preschoolers identify specific children as friends and interact differently with friends than non-friend

30、s. With toddlers friendship is not reflected in language, but in the time they spend together 62 in a common activity. During the 63 school years children generally choose friends who are similar to themselves and who share their interests. At this age children become 64 group-oriented; the most wel

31、l-liked children are those who can manage social relations within a group and think of activities that are fun. Groups reflect most of the problems that exist in all social relationships-inclusion/exclusion, 65 , independence, fear of rejection. They also reflect sex differences. Groups become more

32、66 ; girls usually have more intimate and supportive relationships with their friends than boys do. Their play groups reflect this difference; boys tend to 67 with peers in large groups centered on sports while girls are more likely to be involved in small groups and spend more time in personal conv

33、ersation. Girls friendship groups are usually smaller and more exclusive than boys during childhood, and then in 68 the situation reverses. As children mature and rely less on their parents for guidance, they turn to their peers. Cliques can be based on appearance, 69 ability, academic achievement,

34、social or economic status, talent, ability to attract the opposite sex, or seeming 70 - the jocks, the nerds, the brains, the cool kids, etc. Some kids care about belonging to a certain group, suffer from feelings of rejection if they are not included and can become victims of teasing and bullying.p

35、references :engaged elementary increasingly conformity single-gender associateadolescence athletic sophistication71. The man asks his father whether he needs some water.参考答案:True72. His father says that having a baby will change everything in life.参考答案:True73. His father says that he did do a lot ab

36、out raising up a kid.参考答案:False74. The man asks his father to drink the whole can.参考答案:False75. The father does not think it is the time for him to die.参考答案:True76. The lady tells the man there is something that the man doesnt know about her.参考答案:True77. The man guesses there must be something wonde

37、rful.参考答案:True78. The lady says that she has a three-year-old girl.参考答案:False79. The man says he loves kids.参考答案:True80. The man says that he is so glad that she doesnt have any child.参考答案:False大学英语第四册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 3-4Unit 3、4Listening Comprehension1. A. One hour. (0)B. Two hours. (1)C. Thr

38、ee hours. (6)D. Four hours. (5)参考答案:Four hours.2. A. 10:00. (0)B. 10:30. (0)C. 10:45. (10)D. 10:15. (1)参考答案:10:45.3. A. Living in New York. (0)B. Staying in New Mexico. (8)C. Going home to New York. (0)D. In school. (3)参考答案:Staying in New Mexico.4.A. Sue hit a dog. (0)B. The dog hid in a car. (0)C.

39、Sues dog was hurt. (10)D. Mary went to the veterinarian. (1)参考答案:Sues dog was hurt.答题人数 :12正确 / 错误 : 10 / 2正确率 : 83%5.A. She enjoys playing chess. (11)B. She hates playing chess. (0)C. She cannot play chess. (0)D. She was not a good student. (0)参考答案:She enjoys playing chess.答题人数 :12正确 / 错误 : 11 / 1正

40、确率 : 91%6.A. He was tired. (1)B. His appointment was changed. (0)C. He had a flat tire. (8)D. His bicycle was stolen. (1)参考答案:He had a flat tire.答题人数 :10正确 / 错误 : 8 / 2正确率 : 80%7.A. She was understanding. (1)B. She was apologetic. (2)C. She was annoyed. (7)D. She was careless. (0)参考答案:She was annoye

41、d.答题人数 :10正确 / 错误 : 7 / 3正确率 : 70%8.A. To see the dean. (5)B. To watch the team. (1)C. To weigh himself. (0)D. To give a demonstration. (4)参考答案:To see the dean.答题人数 :10正确 / 错误 : 5 / 5正确率 : 50%9.A. Shes afraid of going out at night. (1)B. She had to do some baking. (1)C. She wanted to get ready for a

42、 plane trip. (6)D. She was moving to a new apartment. (2)参考答案:She wanted to get ready for a plane trip.答题人数 :10正确 / 错误 : 6 / 4正确率 : 60%10.A. Take her typewriter to the repair shop. (3)B. Soundproof her room. (2)C. Work in the basement. (5)D. Listen for her roommate. (0)参考答案:Work in the basement.答题人数

43、 :10正确 / 错误 : 5 / 5正确率 : 50%II. Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the table with n more than three words for each blank. The passage will be read twice. (20 points)Types of PartnersGeneral partner It is defined as a member who takes an 11 in the management of the partnership an

44、d is 12 for all the partnerships debts.Limited partner A limited partner is 13 a share of the profit but not to take part in the partnerships management and his 14 for the debts is limited to his 15 contribution.Sleeping partner A partner who 16 capital and shares profits and losses but takes 17 in

45、management.Quasi-partner It refers to a person who has allowed 18 to form that impression that he is a partner in the partnership, thus he cannot deny 19 to anybody who has relied on the 20 and a quasi-partner has no right to a share of profits but is fully liable for losses.11.参考答案:active part答题人数

46、:9正确 / 错误 : 5 / 4正确率 : 55%12.参考答案:fully liable答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 4 / 5正确率 : 44%13.参考答案:entitled to答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 1 / 8正确率 : 11%14.参考答案:liability答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 5 / 4正确率 : 55%15.参考答案:capital答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 6 / 3正确率 : 66%16.参考答案:contributes答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 5 / 4正确率 : 55%17.参考答案:no part答题人数 :9正确 / 错误

47、 : 8 / 1正确率 : 88%18.参考答案:outsiders答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 3 / 6正确率 : 33%19.参考答案:membership答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 5 / 4正确率 : 55%20.参考答案:misrepresentation答题人数 :9正确 / 错误 : 0 / 9正确率 : 0%Procedure for SunriseFirst ICANN must provide at least 21 days notice to the general public of its intention to introduce a new 22

48、domain.Notice must be in the form of an 23 on ICANNs website.Second ICANN shall post a list of all registrars 24 in the Sunrise Program at least 60 days 25 to the beginning of the Sunrise Period.Memorial Day It honors Americans killed or missing in action in all 24 .Then At the end of the 90 days no

49、tice period, a 26 days Sunrise Period shall begin.A mark owner that is 27 for this program may 28 a domain name registration application to register a domain name which is the same as the mark it owns.Finally At the end of the Sunrise Period, the top-level domain shall be open for 29 of domain names

50、 to the 30 .21.参考答案:90答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 7 / 6正确率 : 53%22.参考答案:top-level答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 9 / 4正确率 : 69%23.参考答案:announcement答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 10 / 3正确率 : 76%24.参考答案:participating答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 4 / 9正确率 : 30%25.参考答案:prior答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 4 / 9正确率 : 30%26.参考答案:30答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 1 / 12正确率 : 7%27.参

51、考答案:eligible答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 2 / 11正确率 : 15%28.参考答案:submit答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 1 / 12正确率 : 7%29.参考答案:registration答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 9 / 4正确率 : 69%30.参考答案:general public答题人数 :13正确 / 错误 : 8 / 5正确率 : 61%III. Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False. T

52、he passage will be read ONLY ONCE. (10 points)31. Many tea enthusiasts realize that growing tea herbs at home is quite easy.TrueFalse参考答案:True答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 8 / 3正确率 : 72%32. Growing tea herbs at home can enhance tea enthusiasts enjoyment of tea.TrueFalse参考答案:True答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 10 / 1正确率 : 90%

53、33. The process of harvesting herbs for tea is demonstrated in a Chinese tea exhibition.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 7 / 4正确率 : 63%34. Mike Shepherd explains that the leaves can not be used fresh.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 8 / 3正确率 : 72%35. The fresh leaves will produce a strong fl

54、avor.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 6 / 5正确率 : 54%36. In Puerto Rica, the men who dance with the bride will give gifts to the new couple.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 9 / 2正确率 : 81%37. Puerto Rican traditional bridal etiquette has been criticized.TrueFalse参考答案:True答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 9 /

55、2正确率 : 81%38. According to Eastern European tradition, the bride will wear a veil at the wedding ceremony.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 4 / 7正确率 : 36%39. According to Eastern European tradition, the cap was the sign of a womans married state.TrueFalse参考答案:True答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 10 / 1正确率 : 90%

56、40. In Eastern Europe, the capping was marked with happiness of the bride after marriage.TrueFalse参考答案:False答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 7 / 4正确率 : 63%IV. Directions: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.(10 points)41.A. The importa

57、nce of family and community. (7)B. The position of the bride. (1)C. The importance of the groom. (0)D. The importance of the priest. (3)参考答案:The importance of family and community.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 7 / 4正确率 : 63%42.A. About 3 to 4 people. (0)B. About 300 to 400 people. (11)C. About 3,000 to 4,000 pe

58、ople. (0)D. About 10 people. (0)参考答案:About 300 to 400 people.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 11 / 0正确率 : 100%43.A. A marriage was something individual. (0)B. A marriage was a joining of two persons. (0)C. A marriage was a joining of two families. (9)D. A marriage was very holy. (2)参考答案:A marriage was a joining of

59、 two families.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 9 / 2正确率 : 81%44.A. Wedding date can be any day. (0)B. Certain time of year was best for weddings. (11)C. Wedding day should be rainy day. (0)D. Wedding day should be with sunshine. (0)参考答案:Certain time of year was best for weddings.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 11 / 0正确率 : 100%4

60、5.A. In summer. (0)B. At the beginning of a year. (3)C. At the end of a year. (1)D. After the harvest. (7)参考答案:After the harvest.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 7 / 4正确率 : 63%46.A. At a stadium. (1)B. At a large reception hall. (8)C. At the grooms house. (1)D. At the brides house. (0)参考答案:At a large reception hall.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 8 / 3正确率 : 72%47.A. The bride. (1)B. The groom. (0)C. A gramophone. (0)D. A live band. (9)参考答案:A live band.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 9 / 2正确率 : 81%48.A. Arabic food. (2)B. American food. (8)C. English food. (0)D. Chinese food. (0)参考答案:American food.答题人数 :11正确 / 错误 : 8 / 3正确率 :

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