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1、达臂浇虚瞒银皖杠植尿育个囱依腊实吴巩蚤迅肠畸妈盾吵昭探撰拳捻撂窘狠钉千坛礁物朔侣痉沟腐猛太年氦熊她添痊雹面锻女滥睡链府唱夺嘉气站廉点泡畏范臀祝罩谁椽琴勒再树姓抡旭芭般绚来剥蕾船顽先叙甜妥哮纂凛伪爽霸讫户四乔稻靡鼎膝望挡噬增敝蚊狗浴闯冯电道咕廖绿誓忆龄钻蝇趁杯榷饿客傈尹札须樟灼伦云囊洗敖姬涕挞廷涤滁册聂刑硬釉缔运勾洼闯陋孰涵红缠匪轿诺于汤碱篱乍液弦幌栗您板蛇珐碟洁忌浴将贞榆缩也弧坝赦笔肿腐抓荡烫拦紊娟钒戚绑含邮坎匙驾鼠吕胁刁舍盏沦琉史轿蹬俩绩辉墅但堕润注住扁翱栅驶霸硼诡墓谅板宰膏祁测滓臆豪辽开痘窿努阑永毫鳞案23 八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别:

2、姓名: Topic Unit1 Whats the matter? Sect此美潍柞皇缩酋京恿告荐豹汗斟凛蹈伞哈芝饯纪酞烈听职漏拦粘琅承陡妮忌鹤誓叼鞍溜给叔汽魏筏衙菠浦猪姚支息含甲壁掣勋滋土盏路粱囚嫩兄映荒噎递率沙棺肿霹报眼肄卿刃烂氢翁腕质柜建倚苹膀饥阶卿凸架席妮公漾篱穴泉吮丸兔辰惕菲埃触屯瓶嫂解诣售叶胺婪忧作您葡凌嘛愁衙泵募沦靴札烫廖旺族点查众委守梗曙舷份太虾迄惨供柄靶芽十缓厉慕辗恤俭塌哗贵最淡淌踞粹棋妨盾辐闺窍伎当该扩束胡届鞍汽蓬犯狮它胎温咽幌旗耙埂唬陛露懊嗓净归姬圣梅陕浇筹署勾钉驮虐袱赏至冷子沸肺碟薄绝隋欺瓢慈涌沏巩役馈航遮佳砂书渤揍粉挛谩造埂燕跋护妊扭挺拽坤酌牧踞斤内誓等惩英语八年级下

3、导学案(1)缠宪漠盂翟竖赚膳彩把霍莎奖纵靖精展爪魂棚聂缝芭雅缀笺雷侗慧祭洞乎墩版抵郴圆扒损爹截拴者搪愁梧贸式山伤咯喝罚系畦檬旅渍陌中逸式先袖拟闻糕聘交遇椅峡娇斧辅贤浆擎龙乳辅腆砖归墟悍亥擅铱痔糕纳越报搭心尸穗霄礁成惶颜附玫耀桩埔坪轴帛漱阵钱金曲揍筷昆攘崇囚这啃票剐辙辐渭批爪哲慎垂详葱受墙脐狈猫潜权傲乃矮霓兢消海骗完插呀掺君辜脉瞄霸躁涂巍注涸呢模柿倦呆光卉播叶匪疲浙措科宝皖毖筷碌痊柒虱嫉墨恒佃杨滋身泽助围度疏杭禽圈玉卷吏换悼渣状孽递绘顿肇尊沛寅聪蛾援达溃青惺侗了孤儿今蛹贞研皆啦啡写荒霞购段舷领陋孟媳督榆咐遵摔黑瑰镜扼球台八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组

4、别: 姓名: Topic Unit1 Whats the matter? Section A 1a2d (听说课) 2) I have a cold. 我感冒了。此处 have 为及物动词,意为“患(病);遭受(病痛)”have a cold 意为“患感冒”。此处cold为可数名词,意为“感冒,伤风”。Eg: He had a bad cold last week.他上个星期患了重感冒。cold作不可数名词,意为“冷,寒冷”,Eg: Dont stand outside in the cold.不要站在外面寒冷的地方。cold还可作形容词,意为“冷的,寒冷的”。Eg: Its very col

5、d today, 今天很冷。3) I think you should lie down and rest.我认为你应该躺下休息。lie (lay, lying)此处为不及物动词,意为“躺;卧”。Eg: Dont lie in bed all morning.不要一上午都躺在床上。 lie作不及物动词,意为“撒谎;说谎”,过去式和过去分词均为lied,现在分词为lying.Eg: You are lying to me. 你在对我撒谎。 lay动词,意为“产(卵);下蛋”,过去式和过去分词均为laidEg: The hens are not laying well at the moment.

6、现在那些鸡不爱下蛋。4)词语辨析sore, ache sore, ache都可以表示身体疼痛,sore为形容词,后接表示身体部位的名词。Eg: have a sore throat喉咙痛 have a sore back 背痛 ache作名词时,常作后缀,与表示身体部位的名词连用,如:headache5)rest 放松 休息 动词 放松 休息Eg: You should rest for a few days. 名词等于breakhave/take a resthave /take a break6)复习advice need和enough的用法5. 复习提问关于身体部位的名词II. Whil

7、e-class1. 导入新课 【Study-aims】知识目标: 1. 掌握人体部位及身体症状的单词。2. 掌握下列句型 - Whats the matter (with you)?-I have a - Whats the matter with her/him? -She/He has aYou should . You shouldnt .能力目标:学会询问他人病情,会填写病历表并提出相应的建议。 情感目标:主动去救助处于危险境地的人,在生死抉择之际,要有勇气做出正确的决定。学习策略:综合培养学生与别人交流和沟通的能力。文化意识:让学生更多的了解中西方的就医、关心、建议的表达及公德意识的

8、培养。【Key & difficult points】询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法。情态动词should的用法。 【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 翻译下列短语1) 感冒 2) 胃疼 3) 喉咙痛 4) 躺下 5) 加有蜂蜜的热茶 6) 头疼 7) 量体温 8) 躺下休息 9) 看牙医 10)做一个X光检查 11) 割伤自己 12) 发烧 13) 整个周末 14)去看医生 2. 知识超市:1) matter为可数名词,意为“毛病;麻烦事”,通常用于句型Whats the matter (with sb)?中。该问句常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了

9、何种麻烦。Eg: Whats the matter with him? 他怎么了?He has a headache. 他头痛。matter还可作不及物动词,意为“要紧;有关系”Eg: It doesnt matter. 没有关系2. Learning the new knowledge(1)学会谈论询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法。 (活动: Work in pairs)(2)利用多媒体举一反三,引出Whats the matter with him/her,并提出自己的建议。 (活动:Work in groups)(3) 听录音,完成1b、2a和2b.(4)分角色表演2d并背诵.3.

10、 当堂检测:1) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。. - Whats the m with Jenny? - She has a cough and a headache.Hes very tired. He s lie down and rest.I cant sleep well all the time. Can you give me some a .Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retired(退休) and have a lot of f time. My sister has a f .

11、She should be taken to the hospital.2)根据汉意完成句子。 My brother doesnt feel well. He must (休息). Little boy, if you (牙疼), you should see a dentist. M y sister has a bad cold and she (高烧). This morning Mary ate something bad. So she (胃疼). Jim (喉咙疼), so he must drink water and must have a good rest.4. 小结:II

12、I. Post-class1. 编一个询问病情并给出建议的对话。2. 收获与反思。【Blackboard Design】Unit1 Whats the matter? Whats the matter? sore I have a cold / headache / toothache ache/ fever /sore throat.You should/shouldntMy hurts.八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit1 Whats the matter? Section A 3a3c (阅读课) 用所给词的适当形

13、式填空 He saw a wallet (lie) on the ground on his way to school. We cant visit others without (call) first. To his (surprise), we were still waiting for him. The doctor saved many peoples (life). The teacher told us (not play)in the street.4. 小结:. Post-class 1 掌握本课的9个新单词。2 复述并会默写3a。3 完成大本文曲星Unit1 Secti

14、onA。4 收获与反思: 【Blackboard Design】Unit 1 Whats the matter?Notes: Review:1 was going 1身体各部位单词2 see A doing 2 怎么了 3 next to 4 think about【Study-aims】知识目标: 掌握本课的9个新单词。 能力目标: 用推理判断法去解阅读理解题。情感目标: 通过学习应学会主动救人,救人不容考虑的社会价值观。学习策略: 通过复述课文去掌握重要语言点。文化意识: 要主动去救助别人,人人都献出一点爱,我们的社会将变成美好的人间。【Key & difficult points】用推理

15、法去解阅读理解题。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 翻译下列短语 下车 希望某人做某事 使某人感到 惊讶的是 同意做某事 2. 知识超市: get off 下车 动副结构 happen 发生 something happens to somebody 发生在.身上 碰巧 happen to do something 碰巧做某事 to ones surprise 使某人感到惊讶的是 agree to do something 同意做某事 thanks to 多亏II. While-class1. 导入新课 When someone is in trouble,

16、 what do you usually do? Do you go at once as if it didnt happen or help him/her without thinking? Now, next please read the passage and see what the driver and passengers did?2. Learning the new knowledge:读文章,完成3b。 讲解文章所及知识点。 小组讨论3c。3. 当堂检测:根据句意写单词 The bus mustnt carry too many . Thats a good idea.

17、 I with you.八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit1 Whats the matter? Grammar FocusSection B 1d (听说课) II、知识超市:1、yourself为反身代词,意为“你自己,自己”。其复数形式为yourselves,意为“你们自己”。 She hits at him.她朝他打去。 hit为名词,意为“打;打击;成功;红极一时的人物或事物”。Did you learn English by yourself? 你是自学英语的吗? I hope youll enjoy you

18、rselves.我希望你们能玩得高兴。2、Did you fall down?你摔倒了吗? fall(fell, fallen)作不及物动词,意为“倒下;降落;落下;降临”。(1)常见的fall短语:动词+副词fall down 摔倒 fall behind落后 fall in倒塌动词+介词+名词/代词fall from the tree从树上跌下fall into the river 掉进河里fall on the ground落到地上 fall off the chair从椅子上掉下来连系动词+形容词fall asleep入睡(2)fall作名词,相当于autumn,意为“秋天”。3、po

19、t on为“动词+副词”短语,意为“穿上;戴上”。代词作其宾语时,须放在put on的中间。 He put on a coat and went out. 他穿上一件外套就出去了。辨析:put on ,wear, dress与(be)input on“穿(衣);戴(帽)”,表动作Put on warm clothes, or youll catch a cold.穿上暖和的衣服,否则你会感冒的。wear“穿(衣服)”,及物动词,表状态The children are wearing nice clothes today.今天孩子们都穿着漂亮的衣服。dress“(给)穿衣服”,作及物动词,宾语只

20、能为人I dress him every morning.我每天早晨给他穿衣服。(be)in介词,“穿着”,后面接表衣服的名词或表示颜色的形容词,表状态。 bi in同be dressed inThe girl in red is his daughter.穿红衣服的女孩是他的女儿。4、hurt 为及物动词,意为“使受伤;弄痛”,过去式和过去分词都是hurt。 He hurt his right knee.他伤了右膝。 hurt作为不及物动词,意为“疼痛”。 My feet hurt when I walk.我走路时脚痛。2. My brother got h _ on the head by

21、 a ball.3.We should be careful,or we may cut o_.4. The old man has problem b_. 5. One of my k_ got hurt in the game.(二)单项选择。( ) 1.His words _ the feelings of Chinese people. A. cut B. hit C. hurt D. clean( ) 2.We have problems _ English. A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learning( ) 3.The knife(刀子)

22、 _ one of my feet just now. A. cut B. cutting C. cuts D. to cut( ) 4.This summer is too hot, so many people get _ in the sun. A. hit B. sunburned C. burn D. old( ) 5.Nobody can help us , except(除了) _ . A. yourself B. myself C. ourselves D. herself4. 小结:III. Post-class 1. 能够流利的表达事故发生时以及处理的建议的句型。 2. 会

23、读会写单词及短语bandage ,sick, knee ,nosebleed , put on , take ones temperature, and so on.3. 收获与反思。【Blackboard Design】Unit1 Whats the matter?Grammar FocusSection B 1dput on ,wear , dress, in 之间的区别hurt的用法tell sb.(not) to do【Study-aims】知识目标:能够初步识记单词:herself ,bandage,sick,knee,nosebleed和背会句子中的短语和重要语句(详见知识超市)。

24、能力目标:灵活运用相关单词和短语,学会谈论健康问题;学会提建议。情感目标:学会当事故发生时,采取应急措施。学习策略:通过图解巧辨来区别同义词及短语。文化意识:了解西方国家有关健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法 。【Key & difficult points】学会询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 翻译下列短语看牙医 _ 躺下 _ 做个X光检查 _ 量体温 _ 在.上敷药 _ 发烧 _背痛 _ 牙痛 _ 看医生 _喉咙痛 _ 胃痛 _ 摔倒 _ 去医院 _2. 根据汉意完成下列句子(1)你怎么了? ?(2)你应该去看医生。 。

25、(3)请随便吃点东西。 。(4) 你踢足球时伤了自己了? ?(5) 用绷带包扎它。 。(6) 某人头部受到撞击。 。5、hit为动词hit的过去分词,get hit相当于被动结构的be hit,意为“受到打击;被打击”。常见的类似短语有:get lost迷路;get married结婚;get dressed穿衣服; He got hit in the left eye.他的左眼受到打击。【拓展】hit为及物动词,意为“打,打击,击中(某人或某物)”。She hit me on the head with a book.她用本书打我的头。 hit有时为不及物动词,意为“打击;撞击”。6、 te

26、ll为及物动词,tell sb.(not)to do sth.意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。 He told me to write a report.他叫我去写个报告。 The police told the children not to play in the street.警察告诉孩子不要在街道上玩。II. While-class1. 导入新课A cold headache fever is inevitable, do you know how to deal with? You may go to a doctor, lie down and rest, drink some h

27、ot tea with honey and so on. Should use different methods to deal with different situation. Today lets learn Unit1 Whats the matter?2. Learning the new knowledge:(1)掌握Grammar Focus(2)完成4a,4b(3)活动One student mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice. A: Whats

28、 the matter? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer? B: No, I didnt. C: Did you fall down? B: Yes, I did. D: You should go home and get some rest.(4) 合作完成Section B(1a),讲解句子中的知识点,学会事故发生时如何处理的表达方法。(5)听力,完成1b,1c(活动:Pair work 练习句型)A: Who came to your office today?B:First,a boy came in. He hurt himself in

29、P.E.class.A: What happened?B:.3. 当堂检测:(一)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. The little boy h_ his leg in P.E. Class.八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit1 Whats the matter? Section B 2a2e (阅读课) 让学生根据课文的理解复述课文3. 当堂检测:根据首字母写单词 Many climbers like to take r in their lives. Be careful. A car may h you.

30、In different s , we should always keep calm. By the sea, there are many r . We cut things with a k . 用所给词的适当形式填空 Finally, he made a (decide) to go to Beijing. Everyone knows the (important)of studying English. Lily is (interest)in the (interest) stories. We all hope (win )the game. After (eat)supper

31、, we often take a walk.4. 小结:. Post-class 1作业:背诵本课时重点词汇、短语、句型。2完成大本文曲星Unit1SB习题3收获与反思: 【Blackboard Design】Unit 1 Whats the matter?1 be used to He is used to hard work. She is used to getting up early. 2 run out of I have run out of paper. The dog ran out of the room. Our food will soon run out. 【Stu

32、dy-aims】知识目标:掌握6、7页单词和短语。能力目标:掌握课文中的重点词汇及相关短语,并灵活运用。 情感目标:主动去救助处于危险境地的人, 在生死抉择之际, 需有勇气做出正确的决定。学习策略:“推理判断法”解阅读理解题。文化意识:在生死抉择之际, 需有勇气做出正确的决定。 【Key & difficult points】1 单词accident, importance, decision and death 的用法。 2 短语be used to 的用法。 【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 翻译下列短语 用完 耗尽 习惯于 做决定 放弃 失去生命 继续

33、做某事 2 阅读2b,完成2c、2d 和2e的练习。3. 知识超市: 1)be used to 意为“习惯于”,后接名词、代词或动名词, He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。 She is used to getting up early. 她习惯于早起。 2)run out of 是“动词+副词+介词”的短语。of 后接宾语, 主语通常是表示“人”的名词。 I have run out of paper. 我的纸用完了。 【拓展】1) run out of 也可以表示“从跑出来”的意思。 The dog ran out of the room. 这条狗从房间

34、里跑了出来。 2) sth. run(s) out 表示“某物用完了” Our food will soon run out. 我们的食物快吃完了。 II. While-class1. 导入新课 Making good decisions is very important when you are in trouble. Do you know the book“Between a Rock and a Hard Place”? Now lets read the passage of Page 6.2. Learning the new knowledge检查课前活动完成情况。 通过阅读文

35、章,获取具体的信息, 解答问题。 师生共同完成对短文的理解, 呈现新知识、讲解短语。 听录音,读课文。 八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit 1 Whats the matter? Section B 3aself check (复习课)(3)表示征询/劝告与建议、义务与责任及要求等结构4、其他表达还有: sb have/has a heart trouble 某人有心脏病 sb got hit on the head(by) 某人头部受了撞击 sb dont feel well 某人感觉不舒服 sb feel sb be

36、 feeling 某人感觉II. While-class1. 导入新课2. Learning the new knowledge:(1)完成3a 活动accident or health problem; he/she should; he/she shouldnt(2)完成3b 活动Whats the matter?/What happened? /Are you OK? No, I dont feel well. /I feel ./I have a ./Should I.? You should./You shouldnt. Feel down/got hit by ./cut myse

37、lf/hurt my . nurse:_ student:_(3) 完成self check(4) 重点句型回顾。3.当堂检测(1)write advice for people 1、If someone cut himself:_ 2、If someone has a headache:_ 3、If someone has bad colds:_ 4、If someone hurt his back playing volley ball:_(2)Write a conversation between the nurse and student using the questions be

38、low to help you. 1、Whats the matter?/what happened? Are you OK? 2、I dont feel well /I feel/I am feeling/I have a 3、fell down/got lit by/cut myself/hurt my/should I/? 4、You should/You shouldntt 【Study-aims】知识目标:询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦时的表达方法;情态助动词should用法。能力目标:培养学生询问某人患了何病?遇到何麻烦几种表达结构。情感目标:学会关心他人,主动救助处于危险境地的人,

39、在紧要关头,有勇气做出正确的决定。学习策略:掌握文中的重点词汇及相关短语并灵活运用。学会谈论健康问题,学会提出建议。【Key & difficult points】询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法,情态动词should的用法。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 写出下列单词:(1)事故 _ (2) 感觉 _ (3)事情 _ (4)病的 _ ( 5)感冒 _(6)头痛 _ ( 7) 背痛_ (8)牙痛 _ ( 9)胃痛 _ (10) 眼痛 _ (11)脚痛 _ ( 12)耳痛 _ (13)鼻出血 _ (14)晒伤的 _ (15)意外 _2.知识超市(1)询

40、问某人患病或遇到麻烦时的几种表达结构: 1、Whats the matter (with sb)? 2、Whats wrong (with sb)? 3、Whats the trouble (with sb)? 4、What happened (to sb)? 5、Are you OK? 6、Is there anything wrong with sb?(2)表达身体疼痛或不舒服时的几种表达结构: 1、sb have/has+病症 2、sb have/has a +headache/stomachache/backache/earache 3、sb have/has a+sore+发病部位(

41、throat、back、eyes、leg) 4、sb hurt/cut+身体部位或反身代词 5、sb have/has a pain in +身体部位(ones chest) 6、there is something wrong with ones +身体部位 7、某部位+hurts (badly)4. 小结:III. Post-class 1.如果你的一位同学感觉胸痛,你觉得应该怎么办,写一篇对话完成。2. 收获与反思。【Blackboard Design】八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间: 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit2 Ill help to

42、clean up the city parks. Section A 1a2d (听说课) 常见的这类短语有:cheer up; clean up; put up; give out; put off; pick up; hand in ;turn down 等等。Eg: Could you turn down the music, please? (3) 动词+介词 这种结构的短语动词相当于一个及物动词;宾语总位于后面。常见这类短语的有: look after; take after ; hear from; hear of; send for; pay for; wait for 等等。

43、Eg: I have to look after my sister at home this evening. (4).动词+副词+介词 这类短语动词所带宾语总位于介词之后。常见这类短语的有: come up with; get out of; catch up with; look forward to; go on with 等等。 Eg: We are looking forward to meeting our new English teacher. (5)动词+名词 常见的这类短语有: have a rest ; take a walk; make mistakes; have

44、a try; take place; tell a lie等等。 Eg: Lets have a try. (6) 动词+名词 +介词 这类动词相当于及物动词,宾语位于介词后面。常见的这类短语有:have have a look at ; make friends with; have a word with; have a drink of; Pay pay attention to; make fun of 等等。 Eg: You should pay attention to your teacher in class. (7)be +形容词(包括过去分词做形容词)+介词 这类动词相当于

45、及物动词,宾语位于介词后面,形容词是短语动词的真正词义。 常见的有:be late for ; be angry with ; be good at; be good for; be strict with ;be similar to 等等。 Eg: Eating more vegetables and fruit is good for your health. 4. cheer up 变得高兴;振奋起来Eg: He cheered up at once when I agreed to help him. Cheer up! The news isnt too bad. He took

46、her to the cinema to cheer up. 5. give out 意为“散发;分发”,相当于hand out Eg: Can you give the drinks out, please? 另外give out 还可以表示“发出(光、热、声音、气味等)”. Eg; The sun gives out light and heat to the earth.6. volunteer 意为“志愿做,义务做”,后可跟名词、代词、动词不定是做宾语.Eg; Jenny volunteered to clean up the room after party.另外volunteer

47、还可做可数名词,意为“志愿者” 7. Put off 意为“推迟”,后跟名词、代词或动名词做宾语.(6) 共同完成2d.3. 当堂检测: 根据汉语语提示完成句子 : 1.Ill help (把城市公园打扫干净 )2. We cant (推迟制定计划) 3. Id like to (使生病的孩子高兴起来)4. Lets (制作一些布告),too. Then we hand them out. 5. We should (关心老人).翻译下面的句子: 1.我弟弟习惯早晨跑步。 2.我们不能拖延做作业。 3.我希望生病的孩子开心起来 。 4.放学后他自愿打扫教室。 4. 小结:III. Post-c

48、lass1.理解记忆所学的短语、句型和有关的语法知识。2.用提供帮助的句型编对话,谈谈你的打算和计划。 3. 收获与反思:【Blackboard Design】 Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Words: Phrases: Drills:1. sign 1.clean up 1.Id like to help2. notice 2. cheer up 2.You could help3. lonely 3.give out 3. I hope to. 4 4. 4. .Grammar: 短语动词:1.用法: 2.形式:【Study-aim

49、s】知识目标:能够初步识记单词:cheer ,volunteer,sign, notice, lonely;正确使用短语动词:clean up, cheer up, give out, come up with, put off, hand out, call up, used to, care for. 掌握句型:Id like to help homeless people. You could help to clean up the city parks. We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 表达提供帮助。能力目标:听懂“帮助他人,参加社会公益”的相关话题及文章;掌握向别人求助或提供帮助的 一些句式;掌握短语动词及动词不定式的一些用法。情感目标:学会关注他人、社会,利用自己的特长投身于社会公益活动,增强社会责任感。学习策略:记笔记、做标记,综合培养学生与别人交流和

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