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1、 人机工程学 中英文资料外文翻译文献外文文献翻译译稿1可用性和期望值来自Willliam S.Green, Patrick W.Jordan.产品的愉悦:超越可用性根据人机工程学会(HFES)的观点,人机工程学着眼于“发现和共享可用于各种系统和设备设计的、关于人的特点的知识”。人们通常只是把它作为生物力学和人体测量所关注的内容,实际上它是从更广泛的意义上的一种对人(产品用户)的全面和综合的理解。HFES从二战中有军方从事的系统分析中发展而来。其中的三种主要研究的是人体测量、复杂信息的解释和管理,以及在部队和装备调配中应用的系统分析。系统分析在尺度和复杂性方面跨度很大,大的系统分析有类似于诺曼底





6、音也是他们品牌形象的一部分。人机工程研究发生变化的另一个原因是交互设计发展的结果。交互设计基于人机交互(Human Computer Interaction,HCI),是人机工程研究的一个新领域,人们认识到有必要跨越软件和硬件的界限创造新的人性化的互动产品。而且,很明显,完全量化的研究方法不足以解决问题。群体文化学的研究已经成为人与计算机交互(HCI)研究的一部分,研究人员可以更好的了解人们在工作和娱乐中如何需要和使用计算机(以及计算机如何结合工作和娱乐)。尽管人机工程专业研究人员主要来自于系统工程、生理学、认知心理学的专业人士和教师构成,但这个领域的起源和表现形式都很广泛。在近一个世纪的时间

7、里,广告、市场、工业设计、视觉传达设计、建筑和娱乐产业都应用不同的人机工程来帮助他们定义相关的参数,评估产品成功与否。虽然这些领域的研究不可能不够正规,并且缺乏传播和交流的研究方法的专业杂志和论坛等渠道,但近年来提取用户行为模式和喜好的方法被认为是对工业和研究领域息息相关,而且是至关重要的。这些领域的关于人机工程的新观点触及界定人的特性和与人互动的意义问题。2001年,在新加坡举办的一次人机工程会议上使用“有效的人机因素”作为主题。会议得到了国际人机工程协会的支持,并且尝试把产品的可用性和被渴求性(用户的期望值)两方面结合起来。外文文献翻译原文1Usability and Desirabili

8、ty From: Willliam S.Green, Patrick W.Jordan. Pleasure With Products: Beyond UsabilityAccording to file Human Factors Ergonomics Society (HFES), the discipline of human factors focuses on the “discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to th

9、e design of systems and devices of all kinds.” What is often thought of as a focused approach in biomechanics and anthropometrics is actually a much broader understanding of who and what a person is. As you will learn in this section, there are many other members of the product development team, bey

10、ond human factors specialists, who are interested in the characteristics of human beings and their relationship to systems and devices. The HFES evolved from the systems analysis conducted by the military during WWII. The three main types of research were anthropometrics,interpreting and managing co

11、mplex information, and systems analysis in the deployment of troops and equipment. The systems analysis varied in scale and complexity, ranging from the large-scale systems planning used in preparing the invasion of Normandy to the understanding of how to best place and equip personnel from an aptit

12、ude and size point of view. The D-Day invasion is one of the most complex events of the 20th century. It required a scale of logistical organization of men and material that was unknown prior to the beginning of the war. At a smaller scale, the range of equipment and military assignments meant under

13、standing how to organize, train, and assign military personnel to make the most of their aptitude and body type. Soldiers had to be trained quickly and effectively to use and maintain the vast array of war technology developed during WWII. There were size limitations for pilots, submariners,and tank

14、 drivers. The development of complex new equipment required finding the best personnel with the right training for navigators, cryptographers, code breakers, radar and sonar operators, and bomber pilots and crew. After the war, as post-war companies and the products they produced grew in size, scope

15、, and complexity, many of the systems analysts found opportunities in the commercial sector. While this post-war focus gave rise to the formation of HFES in 1957, the early origins of human factors can be traced back to the development of mass production and the need to improve efficiency in product

16、ion. As the nature of work shifted away from craft production and agrarian labor, new concepts for working in factories evolved. The Ford assembly 1ine and Taylors theories of efficiency started to have an effect on the planning of the nature of work and education, and even in home economics, where

17、women were instructed to organize and plan their homes around modem principles of domestic management. At the end of the 20th century, there is a much broader concept of human factors emergingThis new version is in response to the recognized need for a deeper insight into customers patterns of behav

18、ior. It is starting to involve qualitative research methods and to explore emotional as well as cognitive issues in human factors. The HFES has a variety of technical groups, including aging cognitive engineering and decision making, environmental design, individual differences, industrial ergonomic

19、s, medical systems and rehab, macroeconomics, safety, and visual performance. Currently, however, most research in the discipline of human factors focuses on usability, not on desire. There are a number of new trends that are beginning to change the way companies attempt to know their customers and

20、their needs, wants, and desires. Many companies are using ethnography as a research tool in early stages of product development. Ethnographic techniques are qualitative processes that take methods from cultural anthropology and apply them to the field of product research. These techniques are provin

21、g to be valuable in early phases of marketing and in helping product teams develop the actionable insights they need to translate into the style and features that people are looking for. A second reason this is changing is the result of the new locus on brand management. Many companies realize that

22、giving a product a strong brand identity is a clear competitive advantage. The book Marketing Aesthetics by Schmitt and Simonson describes the value of a visual identity system and how all aspects of a product must communicate clearly and consistently with customers. A successful brand creates a Ges

23、talt image in the market formed from a variety of factors, which include the look and features of the product, the name, the advertising, the price, and the perceived value to the customer, By taking a broader view of what it means to factor the characterization of humans, this new category of human

24、 factors explores how a companys core values call connect with the lifestyle goals of its customers. Harley Davidson has created one of the most powerful brand identifies in the world, which merges the logo, core product (motorcycle), and complementary lifestyle products (clothing and gear) with the

25、 way their customers want to live their lives. Even the noise a Harley makes is part of the brand. Another reason the study of human factors is changing is as a result of the emergence of interaction design. Interaction design is a new area in human factors research and is based on human-computer in

26、teraction (HCI). This group recognizes that there is a need to create more humane interactive products that cross hardware and software boundaries. It is also clear that quantitative research is not enough to solve these problems alone. Ethnographic research has become a part of HCI research so that

27、 researchers can better understand how people use and need computing in work and play (and how computers are integrating work and play). While the human factors discipline is comprised primarily of professionals and faculty from the fields of systems engineering,physiology,and cognitive psychology,

28、both the origins and current manifestations of the field are far broader. For nearly a century advertising, marketing, industrial design, communication design, architecture, and the entertainment industry have all used a variation of human factors to help to define the parameters and evaluate the su

29、ccess of their products. Although these other fields may have lacked the formal research and forum for dissemination of their methods through academic journals,recently their methods for abstracting behavioral models and likes and dislikes of their customers have found important relevance in industr

30、y and research. The newer view of human factors by those in the field reaches out to this view of what it means to characterize and interface with the human. A human factors/ergonomics conference held in Singapore in the Summer of 2001 used the term “Affective Human Factors” as the theme. The confer

31、ence was endorsed by the International Ergonomics Society and was an attempt to bridge the two schools of thought about usability and desirability.外文文献翻译译稿 设计困难与乐趣 来自Pierre-Henridejean简介人们普遍的倾向认为,困难有碍于乐趣。所有工作需要进行了可用性分析,市场运作的也验证这个理论。在本文中,我们讨论的一些情况下设计的易用性和使用乐趣。目的是要表明的其重要性,以使用乐趣作为出发点,而不是仅仅为了使用,同时最大限度地提

32、高产品的可用性。基于一些实际的例子,分析问题之间的联系,探究可用性和使用乐趣。事实上,这种现象存在一定的矛盾,其中一个明确的关系是可用性和使用的困难。 困难和乐趣的关系朴素和简单的快乐我们一些通过法国工业部进行了的试验研究表明,经验往往是在一定程度上困扰的整个概念的发展。事实上,这误导甚至包括最人们日常让简单法语。方便舒适的和随和的概念相互关联,并表达“简单德精神”(简单的想法)和“快乐简单”(简单的快乐)并不是非常讨人喜欢的。最后,聪明的人们找到简单的解决办法,但条件是他们要客服困难或复杂的问题。这同样是非常宝贵的,一个人能够选择最有效的产品或最简单而有效的方法。另一方面是质量,谁会在选择产

33、品的时候忽略这些呢。所有的是从设计出发,而不是用户:这点就忽视可用性。 困难和快乐比赛往往根据其激烈程度决定其而受到欢迎。你甚至可以谈论兴奋度来衡量话题的难度。但是,也有一些细微的差别加以考虑。在电子游戏举例来说,如果的困难是寻求在游戏本身所提供的服务项目,以某种方式,简化和设施的赞赏中获得的服务;这就是说,设立游戏在指示开始了游戏技术方面的运作,正在尽可能容易寻求后,才达到实现这一目的而获得一种快感。以同样的方式,在许多活动中,增加知识,技能或灵巧是首选的其难度。据分析有两种快乐:学习,只有结果和在过程中,但更重要的是结果。对于业余厨师,获取诀窍可能是首选的结果。研究人员的难题,寻找适用的办

34、法是,或所需的设备建立自己的实验,同样如果不是更多的乐趣,获得的结果,他已经或多或少的预期。 力量和优越性在接受困难的情况下,努力提供自己或他人一个优势相比。举例来说,如果它是困难的,了解如何处理一个古老的乐器如六分仪、小提琴,一旦得知这是一个非常高兴的做法。这个想法的利益所作的努力,感情的定性鉴别,必须结合这一事实。这种现象已经是不可能观察游戏或活动的业余爱好者,但需要在一个非常不同的层面在职业生活。垄断诀窍或能力构成了权力,造成困难的许多人。在另一个层面,但同样,丰富的文化经验可以作为一个乐趣。感情的能力是多方面的。在可用性研究我们注意到两个态度这一事实。拒绝或不信任有关系的,过于简单或过

35、于自动,导致人们害怕失去他们的能力。其直接后果是在一个国家非常简化的工作任何人可以做的。事实上,这并非是一个泰勒的基本思路。 压缩困难在某些情况下,简单可以创建恐惧。这种情况时,例如行动涉及高风险,也没有时间限制。信息安全,例如适用于这种态度。在这里阐述的一个程序是首选的方法过于简单。不可理解的诊断,而是一个长期的基础上的解释,成为放心就麻烦担心。对于一些人是医学太愉快会导致怀疑上升到其效率。认真和严谨方面成为一个因素的信誉,因此非常高兴。在布局招待会银行的代理人是非常敏感的话题,将给予客户一个严重的印象,它甚至可能会走得那样远,造成的印象是紧缩。有了这样的装饰,银行家将与更多的快乐感觉更可信


37、物,同时又不造成的健康问题。 有些人觉得一定有一定困难的乐趣,比通过惩罚的手段更普遍。相当奠定意义的药物导致高兴而可能被认为是效率低下。处理乐趣和产品设计的困难我们已经看到,乐趣在使用并不总是与可用性联系在一起.那是在困难的情况下使用可提高趣味性的互动,例如通过提高用户的自尊,显然,文化层面应该在这里表达的,以及在其他部分产品( Dejean德索萨和1999年)文化方面遇到困难和乐趣不同的探索应该是取得了文化价值的一定的困难;文化态度与困难应加以探讨。一种可能的困境设计者是多少产品的运作模式应显示给用户。与“黑匣子”的产品可能是非常简单的,因为用户并不需要弄懂如何在实际工作,怎样解决产品出现问

38、题,那么用户可能根本不知道如何正确的,这是他或她将不会了解这一过程背后的方式,该产品适用于其他手握玻璃瓶装产品。凡用户更多地参与这一进程可能需要更多的努力去学习。一旦解决了这些用户将能够理解运作的产品和可以拿出一些创新性的解决办法应该发生的问题,他们从某种意义上说,已授权通过后作出的额外努力学习如何使用产品放在首位。 最后,引入乐趣的可用性是至关重要的。这是一个因素,延长了纪律这是一个长期而痛苦和面向有益返回产品人体工程学设计的人体工程学的工作条件建立一个参考乐趣,因此更有必要模型和参数可能会允许我们来处理这一概念在科学的方法,从而在非常接近的问题,其复杂性增加了其学习的乐趣!外文文献翻译原稿

39、 Difficulties and Pleasure? From:PIERRE-HENRIDEJEAN INTRODUCTIONThere is a general tendency to believe that difficulties prevent pleasure. For all work carried out on usability, marketing pleads implicitly for this thesis, without, however, defending it. In this paper we shall discuss a number of co

40、ntexts of use in which usability and pleasure are in opposition to each other. The aim is to show the importance of pleasure-based as opposed to usability-based approaches to product design, in order to maximize the quality of user experience.The starting point is based on some practical examples, w

41、here context or circumstances throw into question the link between usability and pleasure in use. Indeed, cases will be highlighted in which there is a clear link between usability and difficulty in use. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIFFICULTIES AND PLEASURE Simplicity and simple pleasure Some of our resear

42、ch, carried out for French Ministry of Industry, has shown that there is often a degree of stigma attached to the whole concept of simplicity. Indeed, this stigmatization of simplicity is even inherent in the French language. The meaning of the words easy-comfortable and easy-going are associated wi

43、th the concept without merit, and the expressions simple dispirit (simple minded) and plaisir facile (simple pleasure) are not very flattering for the people they refer to. Finally, and more concretely, there is genius in the ability to find simple solutions, on the condition that they do not devalu

44、e difficult or complex problems. It is likewise very valuable that a person is able to select either the most efficient product or the most simple and efficient method. On the other hand, the quality of the person who chooses this product or method will be disregarded. All the honour goes to the des

45、igner and not to the user: the first ambiguity of usability.Difficulty and pleasure Games are often appreciated according to their degree of difficulty. You might even talk about an increasing pleasure parallel to the level of difficulty. There are , however, some nuances to be taken into considerat

46、ion. In the case of electronic games for instance, if the difficulty is sought after in the game itself-the service provided by the project in some way-simplicity and facility are appreciated in the access to the service; that is to say, the setting up of the game. Whereas in the instructions for st

47、arting up the game-the technical side of the operation-being as easy as possible is sought after. The interfaces, the directions for use, are developed for this purpose. In the same way, in many activities, the increase in knowledge, skills or dexterity is preferred for the level of difficulty their

48、 acquisition represents. By analysis there are tow kinds of pleasure: learning where only the result counts and acquisition where the process is more important than the result. For the amateur cook, acquiring the knack might be preferred to the result. For the researcher the puzzle that the search f

49、or the applicable approach represents, or the equipment needed for setting up his experiments, is equally if not more pleasurable that obtaining the result that he had already more or less anticipated. Power and superiority Difficulty is accepted in the case where the effort provides a power or a su

50、periority compared to oneself or others. For instance if it is difficult to learn how to handle an ancient instrument like a sextant, a violin, once learnt it is a great pleasure to practice. The idea of the benefit of the effort made, the feeling of qualitative differentiation, must be linked to th

51、is fact.The phenomena is already possible to observe in games or activities for amateurs, but takes on a very different dimension in professional life. The monopoly on know-how or ability constitutes a power that creates difficulties for many people. On another level but in the same vein, cultural e

52、nrichment can be experienced as being a pleasure. The feeling of competence is valorizing. In studies of usability we have noted two attitudes this fact. The refusal or distrust in relation to systems which are too simple or too automatic, cause people to be afraid of losing their competence. The im

53、mediate consequence in the context of a country very simplified kind of job might be done by anyone. Indeed, was this not one of Taylors fundamental thoughts?Reassuring difficulties In certain circumstances, simplicity can create fear. This is the case when for instance actions involve high stakes a

54、nd there is no time limit. The security of information, for example, applies to this attitude. Here an elaborated procedure is preferred to an approach which is too simple. A comprehensible diagnosis, but one based on long explanations, becomes reassuring in relation to a troublesome worry. For some

55、 people medicine which is too pleasant will cause doubts to rise as to its efficiency. The serious and rigorous aspect becomes a factor of credibility and hence of pleasure. In the layout of bank receptions the agents are very sensitive to aesthetics that will give the customers a serious impression

56、; it might even go as far as causing an impression of austerity. With such a decoration, the banker will work with greater pleasure feeling more credible in relation to his/her customers thus more at ease, which will in turn make his/her, work easier.Fatigue and pleasure Tired but happy! This is the

57、 expression corresponding to a satisfaction which has demanded quite deal of physical or intellectual effort. Here as well, personal investment and pleasure are harmoniously united. To prevent pleasure being replaced by stress, it is, however, most important that the demands on availability of time

58、and mind are strong. The feeling of satisfaction in relation to the result obtained might be related to the effort made to obtain this result. For many people sports give satisfaction by the physical effort made to obtain this result. For many people sports give satisfaction by the physical effort m

59、ore than the level of performance in itself, the important aspect is to participate. Marathons which have increased in number in cities all over the world is a good example of this.Ethics and pleasureWe have placed religious as well as non-religious considerations in this category, these concern sys

60、tems of value accepted by the social groups which have multiplied across the modern world. We have observed that usability was badly regarded if it caused social problems such as increasing unemployment The current ecological problems are showing tendencies in this direction and can even lead to act

61、ive intervention Cleaning and the salvage of waste products are not in themselves pleasurable activities even though the feeling of having respected nature can existProgress in ecological problems in ethical terms is both a basic tendency and an element of solution The pleasure of earning money on t

62、he stock market might he thwarted by the immoral aspect of the utilization of the funds thus gained This way of thinking has lead to the creation of ethical funds in the USAHere the investor is assured that his savings are not placed in the support of projects that in his view are immoralOn the cont

63、raryWhile gaining capital he will feel a pleasure in contributing to stocks that support sustainable development Different religions have decreed rules forbidding certain pleasures like greed and lust,whereas technological progress has destroyed some of the disastrous consequences of these pleasure.

64、 The specializedlow-caloriehealth foodProducts contribute to the appreciation of good food without creating health problems. Some people feel a certain pleasure in the punishments afflicted to them More commonlyand In a rather lay sense a medication that leads to pleasure could be suspected of being

65、 inefficient. 11.3 MANAGING PLEASURE AND DIFFICULTY IN PRODUCT DESIGNWe have seen that pleasure in use is not always associated with usability in deedThere are occasions where difficulty in use can increase the pleasurebility of interaction for example by raising the users sense of self-esteemIt is evident that a cultural dimension ought to be expressed here, as well as in other components of

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