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1、 具适应性的人口疏散模型的整体解具适应性的人口疏散模型的整体解摘要在人口疏散中,采取怎样的方式疏散(扩散)人口更为有效是一个非常重要的问题。具适应性表示人口向着资源密集的地方移动(迁移)。这里的疏散不仅仅指人口疏散,还可以表示生物种群的扩散演化。对这些问题的研究在生物学、社会学上有着广泛的应用。本文考虑了两种完全相同的种群在相同的环境下采取不同的策略一种采取随机自由扩散策略,另一种采取具适应性的扩散策略竞争演化模型,并证明其在整个时间区间上的古典解的存在唯一性。关键词:扩散,偏微分方程,适应性,整体解存在性Global Existence for Population Evacuation M

2、odelwith AdaptabilityAbstractIn the evacuation of the population, how to evacuate(diffusion) population more effectively is a very important question. Adaptive is defined as follows: population move(migration) toward the place where resource is intensive. The evacuation here not only refers to evacu

3、ation of population, also can say the diffusion of species evolution. Research on these problems is widely used in biology, sociology.In this paper we consider two identical population that take different strategies in the same environmentone taking a random free diffusion strategy, another taking d

4、iffusion strategy with adaptability competition evolution model, and prove that the time interval of the classical solution existence uniqueness.Key words: diffusion, partial differential equations, adaptability, existence of global solution目 录1. 引言- 41.1 研究背景- 41.2 研究问题- 52. 理论准备- 93.1 极值原理- 93.2 比

5、较原理- 93.3 空间- 93.4 与空间()-113. 局部解的存在性- 134. 整体解的存在性- 145. 小结- 21参考文献- 22致谢- 25原文及译文- 261. 引言 1.1 研究背景大多数生物种群的一个明显特征是:它们有着空间分布。所以很自然的要问,种群的扩散过程是如何导致空间分布的模式的,什么样的模式产生怎样的过程,以及为什么生物可以进化到这样的扩散方式。在这方面已经作出了相当大的努力,利用空间模型来解决这些问题。在本文中,我们将探讨空间明确的种群模型,该模型与一个特定的模式,理想自由分布有关。在最初的形式中,理想自由分布是简单的描述生物怎样定位他们自己,如果他们能自由的

6、移动到最合适他们的适应性。一个版本的理想自由分布连续空间可以源自于一种平流分布方程,该方程基于假定生物向上层局部适应性梯度移动,并且这个适应性随着空间变化、随着拥挤现象下降。我们考虑一个在这个模型中同样包括随机扩散的分布部分的变化。我们将表明随着比率向上层适应性梯度移动变得更大和或扩散比率变小,这个生物的扩散被我们的模型预测接近于期望的理想自由栖息地的选择。其他的生物模型中生物被假设成沿着适应性梯度向上扩散已经在3 P.R. Armsworth, J.E. Roughgarden, The impact of directed versus random movement on populat

7、ion dynamics and biodiversity patterns, Am. Nat. 165 (2005) 449465.中研究了。【3,4】中两个种群模型被用来代替反应移流分布模型。在【19】中的分析方法和问题中,通过模型和分析解决问题是两种不同的方法-从以前那些文本中可以看出。我们分析的部分动机是一种对理解在空间变化但时间不变的环境下演变的扩散的兴趣。在那种情况下它遵循McPeek和Holt【22】和区分非条件、有条件扩散之间的区别是有用的。无条件扩散是指扩散而不考虑环境或其他生物的存在。纯扩散和与物质的移流相关的扩散(例如由于转动和流动)都是无条件扩散。有条件扩散是指受环境或


9、扩散的行为;发展这个理解是本文的目标;进一步是的注意的是,导致了包含某些理想自由分布的特征的扩散过程已经被证明在离散扩散模型中是进化稳定的,见【10,25】。然而,同样应该被注意的是,在时间变化的模型中的系数或复杂的动态,更快的无条件扩散有时可能会更有利。其中一些现象和其他生态的部分,定向对抗随机移动和演化的扩散的影响,在两个种群的模型【3,4】中被研究。1.2 研究问题 一个理想自由分布的关键想法是,个体们用这样一个方式为了优化他们的适应性,将它们定位。因此,在平衡水平上,在栖息地被占领的部分,所有生物将有相同的适应性并且这里讲没有个体的净运动,种群是恒定的。一个连续捕获这些特点的模型在【2

10、3】中被引进。假设一个种群有一个固有的人均增长率,m(x),该m在空间上不同但是经历增加的死亡率和或减少的繁殖成功率由于拥挤在整个环境一致得变化。如果种群密度被适当的缩放,个体的本地生殖适应性在x处,在同一密度u(x)的个体面前,是由f(x,u)=m(x)-u(x)给出的。让F表示生物在占用栖息地的部分的适应性。对一个固定总人口数U,种群的分布将由u = _m(x) F if m(x) F ; 0 otherwise,给出。其中F是尽可能符合条件的大。这些条件的第一只要总人口是守恒的。第二条件是通过,结合以前的密度公式u(x).他能够被用于定义F并且在u(x)0的部分,通过观察它作为一个约束和

11、最大F约束。在简单情况下,他可能找到F的显示的公式和u(x)0的部分的U;见【23】。一个动态模型,支持平衡解,与这个在【14】中被引入的构想一致。这个模型有如下形式 on,与无通量边界条件 on,定义域是中的有界域,有光滑边界,n是在上的外向单位法向量,是正常数,用以衡量扩散强度的适应性梯度。单一物种模型在本文中,我们将考虑对上述模型的变化,包括人口的增长和沿着定向的适应性梯度运动的扩散。自然要问,人口增长和扩散怎样相互作用。这是合理的假设:评定适应性梯度的过程,有瑕疵的梯度的跟踪,和对其他环境方面的反应可能造成一定量的随机运动。同时,通过将分布和人口动态包含进模型,我们能够把它放进一个框架


13、近,见【12,13】这个模型有如下形式in.(1.1)无通量边界条件on(1.2)这里(1.3)方程中u(x,t)表示单一种群的密度,而随机扩散系数是。用来衡量种群向适应性梯度移动的倾向,用f(x,u)表示。我们假设是正常数,是非负常数。是一个上的有界域,边界是,n表示其上的外向单位法向量。在本文中我们假设m,,且m在上可取正。u(x,0)是连续的,非负的 ,不衡等零的。两物种模型最终我们计划研究,演化稳定的理想自由扩散与其他扩散策略的比较。要做到这一点,我们会考虑双物种模型,它们生态相同但是采用不用的扩散策略。这种方法已经被用在【11,12,16,25】中。使用这种建模方法,在理想自由扩散背

14、景下,会导致一个系统形式in.in.(1.4)无通量边界条件on,(1.5)这里f同(1.3),g代表替换的扩散策略的一部分。例如,g=0,对应于通过简单扩散的无条件扩散。g=m,对应于不考虑拥挤的向资源的移流,而g=-(u+v)对应不参考资源分布的避免拥挤的扩散。要从进化稳定的观点来分析这样一个模型,我们需要研究半平凡平衡(1.4)-(1.5)的稳定性。要做到这点,需要关于平衡的详细知识。理解半平凡平衡,这里满足(1.1)(1.2)是必须的并且是本文的主题本文中我们将集中考虑g=0的情况(1.6)初始条件u(x,0),v(x,0)都是非负且不恒为零的在上,都是正常数 本文考虑模型的(1.6)

15、的一维空间情形,我们将证明相应的一维模型存在唯一的整体古典解2. 理论准备为了叙述和证明的方便起见,本节对模型研究过程中所用到的一些基本定理及空间先作些说明(参考文献1,2).2.1 极值原理 设在区域上连续,并且在区域内部满足热传导方程,则它在区域的两个侧边(及,)及底边()上取到其最大值和最小值.换言之,如果以表示的两侧边及底边所组成的边界曲线(通称为抛物边界),那么成立着:,.注:上述对热传导方程的极值原理,可推广到如下一般的抛物型方程: ,其中.2.2 比较原理 对一般方程来说,设和都是区域内的函数,且在上连续.如果在的边界上成立着不等式,那么在内上述不等式也成立;并且只有在时,在内才

16、会有等号成立的可能.2.3 Holder空间设是的有界区域,对于非负整数,表示所有在上次连续可微的函数组成的空间,在其上赋予范数:,其中 , 这里是多重指标, , .对于,如果且 ,则称在上具有指数为的Holder连续性.所有这样的函数组成的空间记为.对于非负整数,表示中满足 的函数组成的线性空间,在其上定义范数:.现在记区间,表示中的柱体.我们引入空间.对于,我们引入如下半模:,.在中,我们依次以下方式引入半模:,当为偶数时:当为奇数:.空间的范数可写成.2.4 与空间()记,为一致起见,我们将用下列的注记:,.上述空间的范数定义如下: , , .3. 局部解的存在性本文中我们考虑一维情形x

17、(3.1)初始条件:u(x,0)=,模型中相关变量参数定义:m表示固有人口增长率。u(x,t)、v(x,t)表示种群的密度,而随机扩散系数是、。用来衡量种群向适应性梯度移动的倾向。我们假设是正常数,是非负常数。在本文中我们假设m,,且m在上可取正。u(x,0)、v(x,0)是连续的,非负的 ,不衡等零的。我们先给出问题(3.1)的一个局部解存在性结论。定理 3.1假设m(x),则存在某个,使得问题(3.1)存在唯一的解(u,v)满足进一步,如果则有,当证明: 该局部存在性结果是经典结论,证明参见参考文献124.整体解的存在性我们试图证明(3.1)的古典解在整个时间上存在,根据定理(3.1),只

18、要证明(3.1)存在某个常数C0,使得对任何T0,都有,对(4.1)而(4.1)的证明是建立在一些引理的基础上的。引理4.1 假设(u,v)是(3.1)的在时间区间上的一个古典解,则,(4.2)(4.3)其中证明:首先由假设以及抛物方程的最大值原理知:(4.4)(4.5)再在(3.1)中的第一个方程两边关于x在(0,1)上积分得 (4.6)另一方面,由Holder不等式得 将上式代入(4.6)得(4.7)令 则(4.7)可写为 再令 推知#为叙述方便起见,一下我们不妨设(4.8)注意到v满足如下方程(4.9)其中,由(4.2)和(4.3)有(4.10)从而,我们可以应用20,lemmal,得到

19、一下引理引理 4.2假设(u,v)是(3.1)的在时间区间上的一个古典解,则对任何,存在某个常数C(q),使得(4.11)引理 4.3假设(u,v)是(3.1)的在时间区间上的一个古典解,则对任何,存在某个常数C(p),使得(4.12)证明 :由(3.1)中的u一方程得 所以 (4.13)先看,由Youngs不等式知(4.14) 再看再由(4.14)得到像估计那样再估计 由此并结合(4.11)得(4.16)另外注意到:(4.17)综合(4.13-4.17)得 + + + 取定,上式推得(4.18)由此推得即(4.12)得证引理 4.4假设(u,v)是(3.1)的在时间区间上的一个古典解,则存在

20、某个常数C0,使得 (4.19)证明:由引理4.3及著名的Moser-Alikakos迭代技巧(参见文献21,Lemma4.1)得到(4.19)现在,我们得到本文的主要结论:定理 4.5:在与引理3.1相同的假设下,问题(3.1)在整个时间区间上存在唯一的古典解证明:由定理4.1和引理4.4知:定理3.1 必满足从而得到定理4.5#5.小结首先,通过之前的论述,我们知道了生物种群有着空间分布,不同的疏散过程会导致不同的空间分布模式。生物为了更好的扩散演化进化出了具有适应性的扩散方式。将人口增长和扩散的相互作用、拥挤避免包含进一个系统,我们得到了单物种模型。为了证明这个策略在进化上式稳定的,我们


22、微分方程系统带来一个广阔的研究拓展领域。对于无论是会导致整体存在还是不会导致整体存在的模型类别的了解都会有助于提高对各种不同因素相关重要性的理解。参考文献1 H. Amann, Dynamic theory of quasilinear parabolic equations, II: Reactiondiffusion systems, Differential Integral Equations3 (1990) 1375.2 H. Amann, Dynamic theory of quasilinear parabolic systems, III: Global existence,

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34、onments, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66 (2006)13661382.25 V. Hutson, K. Mischaikow, P. Polcik, The evolution of dispersal rates in a heterogeneous time-periodic environment,J. Math. Biol. 43 (2001) 501533.致谢经过几个月的忙碌和工作,本次毕业论文已经临近尾声。作为一个本科生,由于经验的匮乏,难免有许多考虑不周全的地方,如果没有导师的督促指导,同学的支持鼓励,想要独自完成这个论文是相当困难的.在这里,我要感谢我

35、的导师陶有山老师.老师平日里工作繁忙,但在我做毕业论文的每个阶段,从论文开题到查阅资料,中期检查,后期撰写与修改等整个过程中都给予了我悉心的指导.一丝不苟的工作作风,求真务实的态度,踏实的钻研精神,不仅授我以文,而且教我做人,虽仅历时数月,却给我受益无穷.在此表达对陶老师的衷心感谢!最后感谢东华大学四年来对我的栽培,同时我也快乐地度过了本科四年的学习生活.原文及译文Random dispersal versus fitness-dependent dispersalRobert Stephen CantrellChris CosnerYuan LouChao XieThis work exte

36、nds previous work (Cantrell et al., 2008 9) on fitness-dependent dispersal for a single species to a two-species competition model. Both species have the same population dynamics, but one species adopts a combination of random and fitnessdependent dispersal and the other adopts random dispersal. Glo

37、bal existence of smooth solutions to the time-dependent quasilinear parabolic system is studied. When a single species has a strong tendency to move up its fitness gradient, it results in a stable equilibrium that can approximate the spatial distribution predicted by the ideal free distribution (Can

38、trell et al., 2008 9). For the twospecies competition model, if one species has strong tendency to move up its fitness gradient, such approximately ideal free dispersal is advantageous relative to random dispersal. Bifurcation analysisshows that two competing species can coexist when one species has

39、 only an intermediate tendency to move up its fitness gradient and the other species has a smaller random dispersal rate.1. IntroductionThis work extends our previous work 9 on fitness-dependent dispersal for a single species to a two-species competition model, with one species adopting a combinatio

40、n of random and fitnessdependent dispersal and the other adopting random dispersal. The model we considered in 9 has the form(1.1)Where , and (1.2)The function u(x, t) represents the density of a single species with random diffusion coefficient , and measures the tendency of the species to move upwa

41、rd along the gradient of the fitness of the species, measured by f (x, u). We assume that is a positive constant and is a non-negative constant. is a bounded region in RN with boundary , and n denotes the outward unit normal vector on . Throughout this paper we assume that m C2, () for some (0, 1) a

42、nd m is positive somewhere in , and u(x, 0) is continuous, non-negative and not identically zero in . We briefly summarize some of the main results in 9 as follows: (Global existence in time) Suppose that 0 and _ 0. Then (1.1) has a unique solution u C2,1( (0,) C( 0,). (Existence of positive steady

43、state) If u = 0 is linearly unstable, then (1.1) has at least one positive steady state. Note that if _ m 0, u = 0 is linearly unstable for any 0 and _ 0. (Global attractor) If m 0 in , then for large /, (1.1) has a unique positive steady state which is also globally asymptotically stable.To study t

44、he evolution of dispersal, a common approach, initiated by Hastings 24 for reaction diffusion models, is to consider models of two populations that are ecologically identical but use different dispersal strategies. In general, using such a modeling approach would lead to a system of the form (1.3)wh

45、ere f is as in (1.2), and g represents part of an alternate dispersal strategy. For example, g = 0would correspond to unconditional dispersal of organisms by simple diffusion, g = m would correspond to advection up resource gradient without consideration of crowding, while g = (u + v) would correspo

46、nd to avoidance of crowding without reference to resource distribution. We refer to 35,711,13,14,17,23,27,3032,42,38,46 for recent progress in this direction for reactiondiffusion models.In this paper we will focus on system (1.3) with g = 0, i.e.,(1.4)where the initial conditions u(x, 0) and v(x, 0

47、) are non-negative and not identically zero in , and , , are all positive constants.We consider reactiondiffusionadvection models for spatially distributed populations that have a tendency to disperse up the gradient of fitness, where fitness is defined as a logistic local population growth rate. We

48、 show that in temporally constant but spatially varying environments such populations have equilibriumdistributions that can approximate those that would be predicted by a version of the ideal free distribution incorporating population dynamics. The modeling approach shows that a dispersal mechanism

49、 based on local information about the environment and population density can approximate the ideal free distribution. The analysis suggests that such a dispersal mechanism may sometimes be advantageous because it allows populations to approximately track resource availability. The models are quasili

50、near parabolic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions.Our analysis is partially motivated by an interest in understanding the evolution of dispersal in spatially varying but temporally constant environments. In that context it is useful to follow McPeek and Holt 28 and distinguish between unco

51、nditional and conditional dispersal. Unconditional dispersal refers to dispersal without regard to the environment or the presence of other organisms. Pure diffusion and diffusion with physical advection (e.g. due to winds or currents) are examples of unconditionaldispersal. Conditional dispersal re

52、fers to dispersal that is influenced by the environment or the presence of other organisms. It has been shown that in the framework of spatially explicit population models on spatially varying but temporally constant environments with only unconditional dispersal that evolution favors slow dispersal

53、 16,21,28. A reason why unconditional dispersal is not favored is that it leads to a mismatch between the distribution of population and the distributionof resources. However, for certain types of conditional dispersal, evolution can sometimes favor faster dispersal if that allows the population to

54、track resources more efficiently 11,12,28. These conclusions were obtained by considering models for two competitors that use different dispersal strategies but otherwise are ecologically identical, and examining the evolutionary stability of the strategies in termsof invasibility. (A strategy is co

55、nsidered evolutionarily stable if a population using that strategy cannot be invaded by a small population using a different strategy.) We plan to consider ideal free dispersal from that viewpoint in future work. To do that, we need to understand well the behavior of a single species using ideal fre

56、e dispersal; developing that understanding is the goal of this paper. Further it is worth noting that dispersal processes that result in patterns embodying certain features of the ideal free distribution have been shown to be evolutionarily stable in discrete diffusion models; see 10,26. However, it

57、 should also be noted that in models with temporal variation in the coefficients or complex dynamics, faster unconditional dispersal may sometimes be favored; see 23,24,28. Some of these phenomena and other aspects of the ecological effects of directed versus random movement and the evolution of dis

58、persal are studied in the context of two-patch models in 3,4.A key idea underlying the ideal free distribution is that individuals will locate themselves in such a way as to optimize their fitness. Thus, at equilibrium, all organisms in the occupied part of the habitat will have equal fitness and th

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