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1、 本科毕业论文 从原创广告分析中美文化差异学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206114 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003 级英语本科 2 班 指导教师: 二七年五月 Luo FangUnder the Supervision ofJiang TainingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007Analysis of Differences Between Chineseand American Culture Based on Original Advertisement攀枝花学院

2、本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract IKey Words I摘要.关键词.Introduction.1.Brief Introduction of Advertising2 A.The Concept of Advertising.2 B. The History of Advertising.3 C. The Important Function of Advertising in Across-Cultures4 1. An Important Carrier in the Cultural Transmission.4 2.Adaptation to the

3、Tendency of Economic Globalization.5.Analysis of Chinese and American Cultural Infiltration from Original Advertisement.6 A. Influences of Chinese and American Languages on Advertising.6 1. Language Differences.6 2.Slogan7 B. Influences of Social Customs.8 C. Individual Values of the Two Peoples.9.

4、Ways to Harmonize and Develop the Advertising in Across-Culture Transmission.11 A. Cultural Innovation .11 B. Overcoming Fixed Modes of Thinking.12 C. Rational Consideration of the National Culture and Foreign Cultures12Conclusion13Acknowledgements14Bibliography15攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractIAbstractAdverti

5、sing is the cultural phenomenon that includes social forms and it is a picture of social progress. Advertising gives the audience visual appreciation so that it also influences peoples way of thinking or controls their behavior. Advertising transmission is expanding the result of civilization and ch

6、anging the cultural structure among different nations. As a form of cultural transmission, advertising brings important influence on cultural infiltration. This thesis mainly focuses on the differences between Chinese and American culture from original advertisements. There are three major differenc

7、es. Firstly, Chinese and American languages are parts of these two kinds of cultures, and they brings great influence on advertisement. Secondly, social customs of the two countries should not be underestimated. Thirdly, the individual values of the two peoples also affect the success of advertising

8、. They are called “potential trap” in advertising transmission across culture. Then many ways will be discussed to harmonize and develop the advertising across cultural transmission.Key WordsOriginal advertisement; culture transmission; cultural differences攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要 摘摘要要广告是一种颇具社会形态的文化现象,是显示社会进步


10、文 Introduction 1Introduction In the trend of economic globalization, cultural exchanges between countries are more frequent. Advertising is an important carrier of cultural transmission. It spreads not only in one nation but also out of the nation and it enters economic and cultural environment. To

11、the economy, as one way of spreading information, advertising would introduce the products information, link up the need and output, guide the customers to purchase the products, speed up the commercial circulation and improve the corporations competitiveness in the market. To the culture, advertisi

12、ng is also a visual art, it would construct the cultural style while spreading the economic information. It is a comprehensive cultural action, it is also related to individual values, social customs of different countries, which is especially true between China and America. These two countries repr

13、esent the cultural differences between the East and the West. In China, since the opening to the outside world, advertising propaganda such as Coco-Cola, Nike, McDonald, BMW and many other stand for the American culture which infiltrates into Chinese culture. But advertising transmission should cons

14、ider different cultures of the two countries. They are different social customs, individual values and languages. In a word, there is an important sentence for advertising transmission across culture: knowing what should do is as important as knowing what should not do. 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 2I. Brief In

15、troduction of AdvertisingAdvertisement is the product of commercial economy and it has brought a large number of changes to our modern society. A. The Concept of AdvertisingThe word of “advertising” comes from the Latin word “advertere”, it means “a way to attract attention or interest consumers and

16、 to influence their feelings toward the product, service or cause”. (Cui 1) But until now, scholars in different countries have different explanations. The American Advertising Association gave this definition “Advertising is a kind of peoples transmission which should pay the money, the final purpo

17、se is to spread information and to transfer intended feeling to the consumers and then reap the profits.”(Cui 1) In 1985, China called advertising a way to spread information, the purposes are to promote the sale of goods and work force, to influence people, to get the support of government, to prom

18、ote a kind of undertaking or other responses.According to George and Michael Belch, advertising appeals “refer to the basis or approach used in the advertisement to attract attention or interest consumers and to influence their feelings toward the product, service or cause.”(Mueller151). The adverti

19、sing appeals employed should be consistent with the values and taste of the target audience. Advertising is an information and activity, which should pay the money. Firstly, as part of commercial activity, advertising has the features of putting and producing. Secondly, as part of informational tran

20、smission, advertising information must be perfect, but all of these should be ensured by cost. Thirdly, the advertising companies should seek profits so that they can live and develop. Advertising is a kind of information which should be treated with special act. However, advertising is different fr

21、om pure art, it is closely related to industry and society. In different periods, advertising has different ideas, medias, and tactics and so on, all of these take shape special persuasion and effect. “Advertising is a part of selling market, it is a selling activity that one business or person or o

22、rganization pay money for publicizing one kind of special ideas.”(Rothschild 8)Advertising can be classified into two types. One is called narrow sense 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 3advertising. It only refers to commercial advertising which advertising persuading customers to buy products and make profits thro

23、ugh advertising. Another called broad sense advertising. It refers to all kinds of advertising, including commercial or non-commercial advertising.In a word, the concepts of advertising mainly refer to face all customers and transmit information of products to them, then guide them to buy these prod

24、ucts. B. The History of AdvertisingAdvertising is the product of commercial economy. Advertising appeared with the beginning of producing and exchanging of goods. The earliest advertising in the world is oral advertising, which is called selling advertisement. In servile society, goods should be exc

25、hanged so that people displayed all the goods and shouted to attract customers. Several millenaries ago, every street was full of the sound of selling the slaves and livestock in Ancient Greece and Rome. These were the most primitive forms of advertising.In feudal society, as the development of prod

26、uction, label became another format of advertising. Label is symbolistic type, for example, a mule drags the mill stands for a bake house in Ancient Rome. In Medieval England, a waving arm stands for the shop of goldsmith. In China, flag, with a word of “Alcohol”, stands for pub at that time.The con

27、trivance of printing initiated the epoch of advertising. In Beijing Museum of History, there is an advertising copper which is from Jinan which is the earliest printing advertisement in the world. There are not only names and sentences, but also a label of rabbit. After the middle of Ming Dynasty, m

28、any businessmen printed beautiful picture on the books in order to sell them. After the printing technique spread into Europe, the advertising also got into the new stage. The first publisher printed many advertisements of seligion in 1473 of England. Then these advertisements were inhibited every s

29、treets in London. This is the earliest printing advertising. After the Industrial Revolution, advertising made a great progress. Newspaper was an important part in the development of advertising. In 1662, Weekly News published an advertising about one boll in England. In1710, the Observer published

30、advertising for selling of tea, coffee, chocolate, book, medicine and so on. Until 1990c, in the trend of economic globalization, the cheap traffic and advanced electronic technology make advertising stronger and stronger.攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 4C. The Important Function of Advertising in Across-Cultures1

31、. An Important Carrier in the Cultural TransmissionCulture is one thing that should accumulate during a long living time in one nation. It roots in the national mind, this is the scope of consciousness. It is not very easy to change. Different countries have different cultures, they should communica

32、te with each other. Although they are many ways to exchange culture, advertising is one of best way to do it. Advertising is the cultural phenomenon that includes social forms and it is a picture of progressive society. Advertising transmission is a kind of cultural transmission. As Beity who was a

33、famous person in American advertising said that if no one makes advertising, who can create culture? Advertising should not only transmit in native country, but also in other countries. It could transmit the most fashionable information, at the same time, it could also affect individual values, soci

34、al customs and ways of living. It also transmits homeomorphism information such as “Rock Culture”, “Idolatry Culture” and so on. As the MTV of western countries transmits into China, western culture begins to enter China, such as Mickey Mouse created by Disney is very popular in China. These all sho

35、w (Mickey Mouse)that cultural transmission is an important part during worlds cultural communication.But globalization poses a challenge to every national culture. On the international stage, China becomes a little feeble. In the international advertising judges, there is no Chinese. This shows that

36、 we should make every effort to change this phenomenon. We should transmit more commercial information and publicize national culture, such as the advertising of Kongfu shows “make people miss homer”, Hongdou shows “a poem of Hongdou”. Chinese national culture is an endless treasure.Advertising is a

37、lso a visual art, it would construct the cultural style while spreading the economic information. It is a comprehensive cultural actions, it creates the cultural style, builds cultural atmosphere and expresses cultural information on the basis of aesthetic fascination. Specially, with the contrivanc

38、e of transmissions technology, advertising makes great progress. But the globalization advertising transmission also owns contradictory, which mainly refers to “cultural contradictory 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 5and cultural disappearance”. In order to mitigate a contradiction, there always are three styles o

39、f advertising across culture transmission. They are cultural vicissitude, cultural accommodation & tactical globalization. Therefore, every national culture should be respected. Advertising plays an important role to protect the safety of national culture.2. Adaptation to the Tendency of Economic Gl

40、obalizationAdvertising across cultures faces different countries or areas, nationalities, and different consumers. The countries also have great different politics, economy and cultural environment. Cultural difference is the most straight and brings the most influence for the transmission. In the t

41、rend of economic globalization, advertising across culture adapts to this trend. To the economy, as a way of spreading information, advertising would introduce the products information, link up the relationship between the need and output, guide the customers to purchase the products, speed up the c

42、ommercial circulation and improve the corporations completeness in the market. Under the background of the economic globalization, the competition of brand is the deciding factor element of economic competition. On the other hand, advertising is an important way to promote a brand and make it popula

43、r in the market. People say that advertising is economic weatherglass, the information transmitted by advertising can reflect the level of development in a country. In addition, Michael H. Anderson noted that advertising was considered to have specific functions, such as to “provide business informa

44、tion; guide consumption and production; promote foreign trade; beautify the cityscape; make people feel proud of socialistic economy and culture; be instrumental to catching up and competing with more developed economies; and be a valuable source of hard currency from foreign advertisers.”(Mueller 2

45、99)The development of advertising is based on the development of national economy. Advertising transmits information for the development of national economy; depends on that the development of national economy cant leave advertising. With the improvement of living conditions, people need toyshop goo

46、ds, they also turn to advertising. In modern time, advertising not only spreads information and thoughts but also is results in consuming. One of standard advertising people said: advertising can change popular culture, change our language; can initiate one kind of business or retrieval a company, e

47、ven can change all over the word. Although it exaggerates the 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 6function of advertising, advertising really owns the power to change the world. We can prove this power from experience, advertising is not insignificant business, it is a business that influences contemporary culture, l

48、imits the minds and the life of people. As the development of economy, new products are increasing, the needs in market are changing, the place of business is extending, and people always need advertising to provide information of the products for themselves. At the same time, as the material requir

49、ement is raising and new means of consumption is emerging, advertising transmission brings simulative function for the means of consumption. It also brings active function for expanding sales and developing new products.Nowadays, advertising is a part of our daily life which can exist everywhere. Wh

50、en we open mailboxes; read newspapers and magazines; listen to the radios; watch TV programs; walk on avenues and alleyways; advertising must show themselves with many different styles and contents. There are TV advertising, outdoors advertising, mail advertising and booth advertising. The areas of

51、advertising include real estates, cars, cosmetics, drinking, convenient noodles, foods, cleansers and so on. In recent years, international advertising has came into being with the development of market economy. These bring active influence of commercial circulation so that competitions are more and

52、 more intense. Advertising is an important way to build up the figure of one business, the function of advertising is tacit. Analysis of Chinese and American Cultural Infiltration from Original AdvertisementAdvertisement leads the worlds fashions, at the same time, it is also a way to spread culture

53、 across countries.A. Influences of Chinese and American Languages on Advertising1. Language Differences Language is the carrier of culture, every word stands for one meaning. When we speak mother language in our hometown, which must be easy. But in the trend of globalization, every country should co

54、mmunicate with others, so do China and America. These two different languages are obstacles when the two countries are exchanging cultures. In the advertising across culture transmission, the function of 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 7language is very obvious. Although America has 50 states, American language is

55、 very unified, there is no dialect. American people study standard American English very hard. The unit of language brings the unit of culture. The unit of culture means the unit of social values. If one production will be generalized, it just only shows “National AD” in ABC, CBS NBC, CNN and FOX. T

56、his is also called unit of advertising. It brings convenience for American business to set market, at the same time, unit advertising influences the whole America. In China, there are many dialects so that it is difficult to set a conception of national advertising. We call the dialects advertising

57、“Local AD”. The number of TV station is 3125 in China. This is the largest number in the world at this moment. So the advertising effect is not very good from central TV station to regional TV station. All of these are basis on the actuality of China.The Chinese advertising language is high text; it

58、 pays more attention to the audio model and notion. They make a nice atmosphere so that audience has an intuition or favor about the productions. They are particular about appreciation. For example, this kind of advertising content is that one family is drinking milk, the language shows concern for

59、the health nice future of your family members. The American advertising language is objective, refined, such as this milk advertising. First, audiences watch milk milked into the barrel and listen to the sound. Then lens move up and ones surprise it is not a cow but is a bottle of milk. This can sho

60、w that this brand of milk is very fresh. The whole advertising is no language but the persuasion is very strong.2. SloganSlogan is another type of language in advertising. The functions of it is that it can help businesses set their images and transmit them to the customers. For example, Ford car ha

61、s a slogan in advertising: Have you driven a Ford lately? McDonalds slogan is: Good time, Great taste, McDonalds. BMWs slogan is: The Ultimate (McDonalds slogan) Driving Machine. Coca Colas slogan is: Cant beat the feeling. Pepsiss slogan is: The choice of a new generation. LGs slogan is: Lifes good

62、. Nikes slogan is: Just do it. IBMs slogan is: No business too small, no problem too big. China telecoms slogan is: Always with you. Toyotas slogan is: Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Panasonics slogan is: Ideas for life. Nippons slogan is: Working beautifully 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body 8everywhere. Bu

63、t all of these slogans cannot keep it all the time. They will be changed with the change of sales promotion. So we say slogan is not a static type. If copywriter can connect skill of language with sales promotion, this slogan must be successful. Thereof, the language of advertising is not only an ar

64、t, but also a science.B. Influences of Social Customs Social customs are very difficult to change. No matter what country or nation you are in, there always exist many taboos. We should respect the national customs, which are formed during millenary. Different customs bring great influence on advert

65、ising, especially for the advertising across cultures. If someone wants to make an advertising bear fruit, he must learn and respect the local customs so that the advertising can do with a definite purpose to transmit information.Respecting social customs means that the information of advertising ca

66、nnot offend local taboo, otherwise it may bring unnecessary troubles. The advertising makers should make an advertising adapts to the social custom. For example, there is advertising about Saturn Car. The content is that John was a photographer, but he spent more money on the petrol than film. This was a serious problem for him. He wanted to economize some spending. When he saw the Saturn, he felt very comfortable, the back of Saturn Car could be folded and the space was very large. John wanted

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