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1、3A Unit3 This is my father 教学设计一、课题:3A Unit3 This is my father二、教材简析本课为3A Unit3的第一课时,主要通过介绍四个家庭成员的称谓(father/mother/brother /sister),进而引出本单元介绍家庭成员的句型“This is my father /mother /brother /sister.”的教学,由于句型“This is my .”已在第二单元学过,本课的重点主要是通过学习正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother的发音。通过启发思考、引导对话、创设多个生活情景、指导学生

2、展开对话等方式,加深学生对单词及句型的认识。三、目标预设1学生能听懂会说句型 Hi/Hello, this is my father/mother/brother /sister. Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, 2认识四个人物:Mr Black, Mrs Black, Gao Shan3. 鼓励学生学习英语。四、教学重难点重点:掌握单词father/ mother /sister/ brother,并能用句型 This is my 介绍家庭成员。难点:正确掌握father/ mother/ sister/ brother的发音。五、设计理念1. 知识性

3、与趣味性相结合。教学中运用看、听、说、读、练、说唱、游戏、等活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,寓教于乐。2. 自主性和合作性相结合。在教学中给学生创造较多的练习机会,同时加强同学间的对话、表演等。六、设计思路本课的教学由复习第二单元的内容引入,先引导学生用句型“This is .”介绍同学或课本上熟悉的人物。在学生复习操练的过程中,教师拿出自己的合家欢,指着自己的父亲说:“This is my father.”由此引出本课的重点内容对家庭成员的介绍。接着逐步展开,引入四个家庭成员的称谓,并引导学生用“This is my ”介绍自己的家庭成员。当学生初步掌握后,再通过Nancy一家引入课文的学习,在学

4、习课文的过程中,让学生通过听、说、读、演、练进一步加深对句型“This is my ”及四个家庭成员称谓的掌握。最后,让学生利用自己的合家欢向同桌介绍自己的家庭成员,以深化学生对所学内容的理解和运用。七、教学过程Step1: Warm up 1. Sing songs: Hello、Hi, Nancy 2. Greetings: Hi! /Hello! /Good morning. /Good afternoon. Im Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you, too.3. Free talk: T: Hi! /Hello! Whats your name? (

5、提问个别学生)S1: Im T: Nice to meet you, S2: Nice to meet you, too.T: Hi! /Hello! Whats your name? (提问个别学生)S2: Im T: (指着该生向其余学生) This is Ss: Nice to meet you, S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: Now, please introduce your classmates to me. Use the sentence “This is .”(复习句型:This is )T-S: Practise.4. 进一步复习 “ This

6、is ” 句型.T: (出示一些动物如 cat, dog或人物如Nancy、Liu Tao的图片,让学生用 “This is .” 句型介绍图片上的动物,并鼓励学生加上表示颜色的修饰词。) Please introduce the animals to me. Who can try? Hands up!S: Practise.Step2: Presentation and practice1. Learn to say: This is my father. (PPT显示:全家福照片)T: Today were going to learn a new dialogue. Look at t

7、his photo of my family. Let me introduce my family members to you.(1)T: (指着照片反复重复)This is my father. (PPT显示:This is my father.) T: What does “father” mean? Do you know? “Father” means “爸爸”, “my father” means“我的爸爸”T: Now, please read after me: Father, father, this is my father. S: (Read after T)Fathe

8、r, father, this is my father. 纵向开火车读。(在学生读的过程中教师注意正音。)(2)Play a game: (教师说“Dad”时,学生说“father”;教师说“father”时,学生说“Dad”)(3)T: Show me your family photo. Please introduce your father to me. You should say: Miss , this is my father. S: Introduce their fathers to T.(4) Practice and check.2.Learn to say: Thi

9、s is my mother /brother /sister. The same method.3. Have a rest.(1) Say a chant. (PPT显示chant内容:) 家庭成员我熟悉,英语说来挺容易: 最忙碌的是爸爸,Father, father, my father. This is my father. 亲爱的妈妈是mother, My mother, my mother, This is my mother.调皮的兄弟brother My brother, my brother, This is my brother. 文静的姐姐、妹妹sister, My si

10、ster, my sister, This is my sister.(2) Play a game. (教师大声说单词时,学生小声说;教师小声说单词是,学生大声说,通过该游戏复习单词father/ mother/ sister/ brother)4. Practice.T: Please introduce your family members to your classmates.(学生利用实物投影向全班同学介绍自己的家人)Step3. Learn PartA1.T: Just now weve introduced our family members to each other. W

11、hat about Nancys family? Lets watch a cartoon.(PPT播放课文第一段动画)Ss:Watch the cartoon.T: How many people are there in the cartoon?S: Three.T: Who are they?S: Nancy, Mr Green, Mr Black.T: Mr Black is Nancys father. Nancy wants to introduce her father to Mr Green, What are they talking about? Please listen

12、 to the tape and repeatSs: Listen to the tape and repeat.T: (逐个拿出Nancy, Mr Green, Mr Black的头饰) Look, this is Nancy / Mr Green / Mr Black.(引导学生说句型This is )T: Whod like to act out the dialogue? By using the masks.Ss: Three students a group,act out the dialogue.(学生三人一组表演对话) 2. T: What about the other p

13、eople in Nancys family? Lets watch. (继续播放课文第二段动画)Ss: Watch the cartoon.T: How many people are there in the cartoon?S: Three. T: Who are they? S: David, Miss Li, Mrs Black.T: Mrs Black is Davids mother. David wants to introduce his mother to Miss Li, What are they talking about? Please listen to the

14、tape and repeat.Ss: Listen to the tape and repeat.T: (逐个拿出David, Miss Li, Mrs Black的头饰)Look, this is David/ Miss Li/ Mrs Black. (复习句型This is )T: Whod like to act out the dialogue? By using the masks.Ss:Three students a group,act out the dialogue.(学生三人一组表演对话)3. T: Youve done a good job! Lets continue

15、 to watch the cartoon. (播放课文第四段动画)T: Just now we watched the cartoon, now please answer my questions: (PPT显示问题:)(1) How many people are there in Nancys family? (2) Who are they?S:(1) Four. (2) Nancy, David, Mr Black, Mrs and Black (PPT显示问题答案)T: Now, lets do some exercise. (PPT显示练习内容:) Mr Black is Na

16、ncys _. Mrs Black is Davids _. Nancy is Davids _. David is Nancys _.S: Do the exercise.Check the answers.4. T: In the cartoon, we can see a new friend, who is he? (边说边拿出Gao Shan的头饰) S: Gao Shan. T: Good! This is Gao Shan. Please say hello to him. Ss: Hello /Hi, Gao Shan. Nice to meet you. T: (拿出Gao

17、Shan, Nancy, David的头饰,并带上) Im David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gao Shan? Listen to me, please. T (David): “Hello, GaoShan, this is my sister, Nancy.” S1 (Gao Shan): “Hi, Nancy.” S2 (Nancy):“Hi, Gao Shan.”Ss:Three students a group,act out the dialogue.(学生三人一组表演对话)5.T: Just now weve know

18、about Nancys family. What about Helens? Lets watch. (播放课文第三段动画) Ss: Watch the cartoon.T: Who is Helens brother?S: Mike.T: Yes. Mike is Helens (引导学生说“brother”) and Helen is Mikes (引导学生说“sister”) T-S, S-S: Act out the dialogue.6.Open the books, turn to page 18. Listen to the tape and repeat.Step4: Con

19、solidationT: Now please take out the photos of your families, and introduce your family members to your desk mates.S: practise. Step5: Assign homework1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape for five times.2. Please introduce your family members to your classmates.附:板书设计Unit 3 This is my fatherThis is my father. Mr Blackmother. Mrs Blackbrother. David Mikesister Nancy Helen

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