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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院 (系): 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械制造及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处: Discussion Pull Cylinder Engine 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:此翻译文章简述发动机拉缸的机理,分析造成发动机拉缸的原因,并提出了防止拉缸的措施。翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英文资料打下了基础 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文发动机拉缸问题探讨摘要 简述发动机拉缸的机理,分析造成发动机拉缸的原因,并提出了防止拉缸的措施。关键词 发动机 拉缸

2、预防措施发动机在工作过程中常常遇到发动机拉缸现象,所谓拉缸,就是发动机的活塞环或活塞与缸套的工作表面出现拉伤、拉毛、拉成沟槽的现象。拉缸具有相当的危害,拉缸时缸套的的磨损率很高,最高可达正常的几百倍,使活塞、活塞环及缸套的寿命大为降低,使活塞与缸套咬死,造成发动机损坏。因此,掌握拉缸形成的机理,认真分析造成拉缸的原因,研究预防措施,对避免拉缸的产生具有重要的指导意义1 拉缸形成的机理 拉缸的机理,直观地说,就是活塞或活塞环与缸套之间局部产生高温使环与缸套产生高温熔蚀粘附,活塞与缸套之间的油膜中断是产生拉缸的主要原因,活塞与缸套之间的油膜一旦中断,则两种金属就产生干磨擦,由于高速的相对运动产生的

3、高温会超过金属的熔点,引起活塞、活塞环与缸套表面产生熔蚀粘附,活塞继续运动时,两表面熔蚀粘附点又被扯断,产生拉缸。 2 造成发动机拉缸的原因 2.1 超负荷 新机械或刚大修出厂的机械都存在一个合理的磨合期,磨合期内不能全速运转,转速不应大于标定转速的80%,由于在磨合阶段,各配合面最有利的工作表面和润滑油膜还未形成,在这个阶段就以大负荷工作,将造成过热,局部产生高温熔蚀粘附,形成拉缸。 2.2 活塞与缸套配合间隙过小 从密封角度来讲,活塞与缸套配合间隙越小越好,但如果太小,发动机工作时,产生的高温使活塞、活塞环、缸套受热膨胀。由于活塞的膨胀系数比活塞环、缸套的膨胀系数大,因此,活塞受热后的膨胀

4、量比缸套膨胀量大,这样将破坏活塞与缸套之间的油膜,导致拉缸。 2.3 发动机温度过高 由于发动机温度过高,使活塞膨胀量过大,消除配合间隙,造成拉缸。造成发动机温度过高的原因主要有: (1) 冷却系漏水、缺水 气缸垫水道口冲坏或湿式缸套突出量不符合要求,以及湿式缸套水封圈老化或损坏都会造成冷却水内泄漏。散热器遭腐蚀或破损,水管老化碰坏,水管接头松动,水泵水封损坏等,都会引起冷却水外泄漏。另外,气缸盖本身铸造有缺陷或使用不当产生裂纹也会造成漏水,从而引起发动机温度过高。 (2) 长时间超负荷使用 发动机长时间超负荷使用,将使发动机产生大量的热能,冷却系统不能散去多余的热量,这样就维持不了发动机正常

5、的工作温度,使发动机产生高温。 (3) 节温器失效,无大循环 节温器的作用是控制水温在一定范围,在水温较低时,节温器关闭,水从节温器直接经旁通管流回冷却水泵,不经过散热器,这就是冷却水的小循环过程。当水温升到一定程度时,节温器自动打开,水经过散热器循环,这就是冷却水的大循环,如果节温器失效,冷却水无大循环,发动机工作产生多余的热量就不能通过散热器散发出去,使发动机温度过高。 (4) 冷却水泵损坏强制冷却水在发动机水套和散热器之间进行循环靠的是冷却水泵,冷却水泵损坏,冷却水就不能循环,发动机产生产热量也就没法通过水循环散发到大气中去,从而引起发动机温度过高。 (5) 水道或散热器通风受堵 水道受

6、阻必将造成循环水量减少,从而影响到散热量。散热器通风受堵,影响散热器的有效散热面积,有效散热面积减少,散热能力就下降,这些原因都会使发动机的多余热量得不到散发而造成发动机温度过高。 (6) 喷油提前角过小或喷油量过大 喷油提前角过小,使燃烧推后,造成补充燃烧量增加,喷油量过大使燃烧产生的热量增加,这两种情况都会使发动机温度过高。 3 机油不足 不按规定检查机油量,或在工作过程因机油管松动造成机油外漏,均可造成润滑油膜中断,活塞与缸套表面失油,造成严重磨损,发生拉缸、烧连杆轴承等严重事故,特别是工作过程因机油外漏,没有及时发现,将产生严重后果。造成活塞与缸套表面机油供油不足的原因还有以下几个主要

7、方面: 3.1 润滑油路堵塞 当润滑系长期使用,没有定期进行清洗时,过多的杂质会堵塞油路或机油滤清器,使循环油量不足。 3.2 活塞环与活塞边缘刮油能力太强 刮油能力太强会把润滑油刮掉,造成润滑油不足。 3.3 机油变质发动机润滑油变质造成活塞与缸套之间的润滑条件恶化,磨损加快,引起拉缸,造成润滑油变质的主要原因有:(1) 冷却水、燃油因泄漏进入下曲轴箱 (2) 尘埃过多混入下曲轴箱4 活塞销与活塞装配过紧活塞销与活塞装配过紧,使活塞产生变形,形成反椭圆,改变了正常的标准间隙,形成局部间隙过小破坏油膜,引起干磨擦过热拉缸。5 修理装配错误 修理装配错误时,漏装活塞销卡环或未完全装入槽内,发动机

8、在工作时活塞销窜出刮伤缸套造成拉缸。安装时清洁工作差,把金属屑或硬物碎粒带进缸里,也会引起拉缸。另外,活塞环装错、装反、漏装均可造成拉缸。活塞环有油环和气环之分,油环主要是用来刮油,并使润滑油均匀分布在缸套内表面上,改善缸套润滑条件。气环主要是保证活塞与缸套的密封,气环一般又设置一、二、三道。根据工作条件以及承受压力的不同,各道气环在材料选用和结构设计方面有所不同,如果把活塞环装错、装反或漏装,均有可能造成密封不严或是没有刮油作用,使缸套内表面润滑条件恶化,造成缺油引起拉缸。 6 活塞环折断 活塞环折断卡死在环槽内,将使环失去弹性,加速缸套的磨损,引起拉缸。造成环折断卡死的原因主要是环的开口间

9、隙过小、活塞在缸套中偏斜、燃烧不良,使发动机经常处于爆燃的状况下运行。爆燃的高压振动冲击力超过了环的材料的抗冲击强度,引起活塞环折断。其折断一般发生在第一道环,其次是第二道环。活塞环卡死是由于燃烧时生成的积炭,尤其是窜机油或尘土、磨屑等堵塞在活塞环与环槽之间,使活塞环卡死在环槽中所致。 此外,活塞、活塞环、缸套的质量及材料对拉缸也有一定的影响。 7 防止发动机拉缸的措施 7.1 司机操作必须严格遵守操作规程起动前,必须按规定检查润滑油,冷却水是否符合规定,不足时需补足,检查判断润滑油是否变质,润滑油呈乳白色一般是进水所致,润滑油变稀且有柴油味说明进了柴油,润滑油变质应查明原因,排除后更换润滑油

10、。要严格执行保养制度,按期进行例保、一级保养和二级保养。 不超负荷作业。起动后不猛加油门,尤其在寒冷的冬季,需经低速运转几分钟后再起步运行。 遇有异常情况,如机油压力低,水温高,有异常响声等,应及时排除,坚持不带病作业。 7.2 在修理装配方面,必须严格遵守技术标准和工艺要求 对换新用的零配件必须逐个进行检测,把不符合标准的零配件剔除出去,不能认为新产品就是合格的产品。 安装缸套时,缸套要放平,压力要作用在缸套正中,且慢慢加压,勿用冲击力。安装完后进行检测,检测缸套与活塞装配间隙是否符合规定的标准间隙。同样,检测活塞环与槽的边隙、背隙、活塞环的端隙以及活塞销与活座孔的装配间隙是否符合规范要求,

11、检查活塞环是否有裂缝以及环的弹力是否符合要求,装好环后能自由活动,不得有卡滞现象。活塞环三隙(端隙、背隙、侧隙)的检查是组装活塞连杆组的一个重点,特别是端隙大小尤为重要,稍有不慎就可能造成拉缸,环端隙的检查要按工艺要求进行,检查活塞环端隙的工艺要求是:将环放入缸套中,用活塞顶部将活塞环顶入缸套里,把环顶到在活塞行程内最小直径处测量,这样测量的数据才准确。认真检查活塞、连杆与曲轴安装位置偏差情况、要求校正到符合技术规范标准。 在市场上购买的活塞,难辨优劣,在装配前最好进行消除应力处理,即将活塞放在60-80度的机油中加温6小时,以消除应力,使活塞稳定后再装配使用。 安装活塞环时各道环必须装准位置

12、,不能装错、装反、漏装,注意方向性,扭曲环内圆切口朝上,外圆切口朝下,有标记的一面朝上,同时,在装入缸套时必须清洁和加一定的润滑油,各道环口应按规定错开,第一道环开口与曲轴轴线成45度,余下各道的开口按90度、180度一一错开。 装配完毕,必须经15小时左右的热磨合,试车磨合时,应先低速运转,然后才中速运转,应注意响声、机油压力、水温等情况,在确定无异常后,再投入生产。 总之,只要我们掌握造成拉缸的原因,科学地管理和正确使用,严格遵守操作规程,落实预防措施,就一定能减少甚至避免拉缸的发生。附件2:外文原文Discussion on the engine cylinder scoring 摘要简

13、述发动机拉缸的机理,分析造成发动机拉缸的原因,并提出了防止拉缸的措施。 Abstract this paper pull-cylinder engine mechanism, analyze the reasons for the engine cylinder scoring and proposed measures to prevent the pull cylinder. 关键词发动机 拉缸 预防措施 Key words pull-cylinder engine of preventive measures 发动机在工作过程中常常遇到发动机拉缸现象,所谓拉缸,就是发动机的活塞环或活塞与

14、缸套的工作表面出现拉伤、拉毛、拉成沟槽的现象。 In the course of the engine is often encountered in the engine cylinder scoring phenomenon, the so-called pull-cylinder, that is, engine piston rings or piston and cylinder liner surface of the work injury, nap, pull into the groove phenomenon. 拉缸具有相当的危害,拉缸时缸套的的磨损率很高,最高可达正常的几

15、百倍,使活塞、活塞环及缸套的寿命大为降低,使活塞与缸套咬死,造成发动机损坏。 Pull cylinder considerable harm, pull the cylinder when the cylinder liner wear rate is high, up to several hundred times the normal, so that the piston, piston ring and cylinder liner greatly reduced life expectancy, so that the piston and cylinder liner bite,

16、 resulting in engine damage. 因此,掌握拉缸形成的机理,认真分析造成拉缸的原因,研究预防措施,对避免拉缸的产生具有重要的指导意义 Therefore, the master cylinder pull forming mechanism, carefully analyze the reasons for pulling cylinder to study the preventive measures to avoid pull-cylinder produces an important guiding significance for 1拉缸形成的机理 1 T

17、he mechanism of the formation of a pull-cylinder 拉缸的机理,直观地说,就是活塞或活塞环与缸套之间局部产生高温使环与缸套产生高温熔蚀粘附,活塞与缸套之间的油膜中断是产生拉缸的主要原因,活塞与缸套之间的油膜一旦中断,则两种金属就产生干磨擦,由于高速的相对运动产生的高温会超过金属的熔点,引起活塞、活塞环与缸套表面产生熔蚀粘附,活塞继续运动时,两表面熔蚀粘附点又被扯断,产生拉缸。 Pull cylinder mechanism, intuitively, this means between piston or piston ring and cyli

18、nder liner locally generated heat to produce high-temperature melting ring and cylinder liner erosion adhesion between the piston and cylinder liner oil film disruption is to generate the main reason for pulling cylinder , oil film between the piston and cylinder liner, once interrupted, then the tw

19、o metals to produce dry friction, high-speed relative motion due to the heat generated will exceed the melting point of metal, causing piston, piston ring and cylinder liner erosion surface of the melt adhesion, Pistons continue to exercise, the two adhesion points of the surface ablation was snappe

20、d, resulting in cylinder scoring. 2 造成发动机拉缸的原因 2 cylinder causing the engine pulling the reasons for 2.1超负荷 2.1 Overload 新机械或刚大修出厂的机械都存在一个合理的磨合期,磨合期内不能全速运转,转速不应大于标定转速的80%,由于在磨合阶段,各配合面最有利的工作表面和润滑油膜还未形成,在这个阶段就以大负荷工作,将造成过热,局部产生高温熔蚀粘附,形成拉缸。 New machinery or just overhaul the mechanical factory there a r

21、easonable run-in period, running-in period and can operate at full speed, speed should not exceed 80% of the speed calibration, since the run-in period, the mating surface of the most favorable working surface and lubricant film has not yet formed at this stage of large load of work, it will cause o

22、verheating and partial melting high-temperature corrosion resulting adhesion, the formation of pull-cylinder. 2.2活塞与缸套配合间隙过小 2.2 The gap with the piston and cylinder is too small 从密封角度来讲,活塞与缸套配合间隙越小越好,但如果太小,发动机工作时,产生的高温使活塞、活塞环、缸套受热膨胀。 From the sealing point of view, the piston and cylinder with the

23、gap as small as possible, but if too small, engine work, the resulting heat to the piston, piston rings, cylinder liner thermal expansion. 由于活塞的膨胀系数比活塞环、缸套的膨胀系数大,因此,活塞受热后的膨胀量比缸套膨胀量大,这样将破坏活塞与缸套之间的油膜,导致拉缸。 As the piston expansion coefficient than the piston ring, cylinder liner expansion coefficient,

24、therefore, than the expansion of the piston cylinder after heat expansion of volume, which would undermine the oil film between the piston and cylinder liner, resulting in cylinder scoring. 2.3发动机温度过高 2.3 engine temperature is too high 由于发动机温度过高,使活塞膨胀量过大,消除配合间隙,造成拉缸。 As the engine temperature is too

25、 high, so that excessive expansion of the piston to eliminate with the gap, resulting in cylinder scoring. 造成发动机温度过高的原因主要有: Causing the engine temperature is too high main reasons are: (1) 冷却系漏水、缺水 (1) cooling system leaks, water shortages 气缸垫水道口冲坏或湿式缸套突出量不符合要求,以及湿式缸套水封圈老化或损坏都会造成冷却水内泄漏。 Cylinder Hea

26、d Gasket water crossings washed out or highlight the amount of wet cylinder liner does not meet the requirements, as well as wet-aging or damaged cylinder seal ring will result in leakage of cooling water. 散热器遭腐蚀或破损,水管老化碰坏,水管接头松动,水泵水封损坏等,都会引起冷却水外泄漏。 Radiator has been corrosion or damage, aging of th

27、e pipe break something, plumbing joints loose, water pump seal damage and so on, would give rise to the cooling water that leaked. 另外,气缸盖本身铸造有缺陷或使用不当产生裂纹也会造成漏水,从而引起发动机温度过高。 In addition, the cylinder head casting itself is defective or improper use can also cause cracks leaking, causing the engine te

28、mperature is too high. (2) 长时间超负荷使用 (2) the use of long overload 发动机长时间超负荷使用,将使发动机产生大量的热能,冷却系统不能散去多余的热量,这样就维持不了发动机正常的工作温度,使发动机产生高温。 Overload the engine a long time to use, the engine will generate a lot of heat, cooling system can not disperse the excess heat, so that the engine can not maintain the

29、 normal operating temperature, so that the engine produces heat. (3)节温器失效,无大循环 (3) The thermostat failed, no big loop 节温器的作用是控制水温在一定范围,在水温较低时,节温器关闭,水从节温器直接经旁通管流回冷却水泵,不经过散热器,这就是冷却水的小循环过程。 The role of thermostat is to control the water temperature in a certain range, in the water temperature is low, t

30、he thermostat off, water from the thermostat directly through the bypass pipe flow back into the cooling water pump, not through the radiator, which is the cooling water-cycle process. 当水温升到一定程度时,节温器自动打开,水经过散热器循环,这就是冷却水的大循环,如果节温器失效,冷却水无大循环,发动机工作产生多余的热量就不能通过散热器散发出去,使发动机温度过高。 When the water temperatur

31、e rose to a certain extent, the thermostat automatically open, the water circulating through the radiator, which is a large cycle of cooling water, if the thermostat fails, no big loop cooling water, the engine work of excess calories as heat can not be devices distributed out, the engine temperatur

32、e is too high. (4) 冷却水泵损坏 (4) cooling water pump is damaged 强制冷却水在发动机水套和散热器之间进行循环靠的是冷却水泵,冷却水泵损坏,冷却水就不能循环,发动机产生产热量也就没法通过水循环散发到大气中去,从而引起发动机温度过高。 Forced cooling water in the engine water jacket and circulating between the radiator depends on the cooling water pump, cooling water pump is damaged, the co

33、oling water is not circulating, the engine output also can not produce heat emitted to the atmosphere through the water cycle going, which led to the engine temperature too high. (5)水道或散热器通风受堵 (5) watercourse or by blocking the ventilation radiator 水道受阻必将造成循环水量减少,从而影响到散热量。 Watercourse blocked will i

34、nevitably lead to reduced water circulation, which affects the heat dissipation. 散热器通风受堵,影响散热器的有效散热面积,有效散热面积减少,散热能力就下降,这些原因都会使发动机的多余热量得不到散发而造成发动机温度过高。 Cooler air by blocking, affecting the effective thermal radiator area, effective heat dissipation area of reduced ability to decrease heat dissipatio

35、n, which would make the engine caused by excess heat is not distributed the engine temperature is too high. (6) 喷油提前角过小或喷油量过大 (6) injector fuel injection advance angle is too small or too large 喷油提前角过小,使燃烧推后,造成补充燃烧量增加,喷油量过大使燃烧产生的热量增加,这两种情况都会使发动机温度过高。 Fuel injection advance angle is too small, so tha

36、t combustion pushed back, resulting in increased complement combustion, fuel injection combustion heat generated by excessive increase in both cases will cause the engine temperature is too high. 3机油不足 3 oil shortage 不按规定检查机油量,或在工作过程因机油管松动造成机油外漏,均可造成润滑油膜中断,活塞与缸套表面失油,造成严重磨损,发生拉缸、烧连杆轴承等严重事故,特别是工作过程因机油

37、外漏,没有及时发现,将产生严重后果。 Do not check the oil quantity required, or in the work process due to loosening caused by oil leakage of oil pipes, can cause interruption of lubricating oil film, the surface loss of oil piston and cylinder, causing serious wear and tear, occurred pull cylinder, connecting rod be

38、arings and other serious incidents burning , especially in the work process due to oil leakage, failure to make timely discovery, will have serious consequences. 造成活塞与缸套表面机油供油不足的原因还有以下几个主要方面: Caused by the surface of the piston and the cylinder fuel supply shortage of oil because there are several m

39、ain areas: 3.1 润滑油路堵塞 3.1 Lubrication plug 当润滑系长期使用,没有定期进行清洗时,过多的杂质会堵塞油路或机油滤清器,使循环油量不足。 Lubrication System When the long-term use, there is no regular cleaning, excessive impurities will plug the oil line or oil filter, so that enough fuel cycles. 3.2 活塞环与活塞边缘刮油能力太强 3.2 piston rings and piston scrap

40、ing the edge of the oil capacity is too strong 刮油能力太强会把润滑油刮掉,造成润滑油不足。 Lubricating oil capacity is too strong will scratch scratch, resulting in insufficient lubricant. 3.3机油变质 3.3 Oil metamorphic 发动机润滑油变质造成活塞与缸套之间的润滑条件恶化,磨损加快,引起拉缸,造成润滑油变质的主要原因有: Degeneration caused by engine oil lubrication between

41、the piston and cylinder liner deterioration in the terms, accelerated wear and tear caused pull-cylinder, resulting in deterioration of the main reasons oil are: (1)冷却水、燃油因泄漏进入下曲轴箱 (1) cooling water, fuel leaking into the next due to crankcase (2) 尘埃过多混入下曲轴箱 (2) mixed with too much dust under the cr

42、ankcase 4 活塞销与活塞装配过紧 4 piston pin and piston assembly of tight 活塞销与活塞装配过紧,使活塞产生变形,形成反椭圆,改变了正常的标准间隙,形成局部间隙过小破坏油膜,引起干磨擦过热拉缸。 Piston pin and piston assembly too tight, so that the piston deformation, the formation of anti-oval, changing the normal standards of space, form a partial destruction of oil f

43、ilm clearance is too small, causing dry friction pull cylinder overheating. 5修理装配错误 5 repair assembly error 修理装配错误时,漏装活塞销卡环或未完全装入槽内,发动机在工作时活塞销窜出刮伤缸套造成拉缸。 Repair assembly errors, and missed mounted piston pin snap ring or fully loaded tank, the engine piston pin sprang at work scratching caused by pu

44、lling cylinder liner. 安装时清洁工作差,把金属屑或硬物碎粒带进缸里,也会引起拉缸。 Installation, cleaning work is poor, the hard objects of metal scrap or crushed into the tank, can cause pulling cylinder. 另外,活塞环装错、装反、漏装均可造成拉缸。 In addition, the piston rings installed wrong, install anti-, leakage may be caused by pulling cylinde

45、r installed. 活塞环有油环和气环之分,油环主要是用来刮油,并使润滑油均匀分布在缸套内表面上,改善缸套润滑条件。 Of oil and gas piston ring of the sub-ring, oil ring is mainly used to scrape oil, lubricants and to evenly distributed in the inner surface of the cylinder to improve the conditions for cylinder lubrication. 气环主要是保证活塞与缸套的密封,气环一般又设置一、二、三道

46、。 Gas ring main is to ensure that the sealing piston and cylinder, gas ring in general has set up one, two, three. 根据工作条件以及承受压力的不同,各道气环在材料选用和结构设计方面有所不同,如果把活塞环装错、装反或漏装,均有可能造成密封不严或是没有刮油作用,使缸套内表面润滑条件恶化,造成缺油引起拉缸。 According to the working conditions as well as the pressure difference, the Tao gas ring in

47、 the material selection and structural design is different, if the piston rings installed wrong, or omitted to install anti-loaded, are likely to result in Mifengbuyan or no role in the oil scraper , so that the inner surface of cylinder liner lubrication condition deteriorated, resulting in short o

48、f oil caused by pull-cylinder. 6 活塞环折断 6 piston ring broken 活塞环折断卡死在环槽内,将使环失去弹性,加速缸套的磨损,引起拉缸。 Broken piston ring stuck in the ring tank, will ring to lose flexibility, speed up the cylinder liner wear and tear, causing pulling cylinder. 造成环折断卡死的原因主要是环的开口间隙过小、活塞在缸套中偏斜、燃烧不良,使发动机经常处于爆燃的状况下运行。 Caused by

49、 broken ring stuck due mainly to ring the opening gap is too small, the deflection piston in the cylinder, burning bad, so often in the engine running under deflagration conditions. 爆燃的高压振动冲击力超过了环的材料的抗冲击强度,引起活塞环折断。 Deflagration of the high-pressure vibrating ring impact than the material impact stre

50、ngth, caused by broken piston rings. 其折断一般发生在第一道环,其次是第二道环。 Its breaking generally occurs in the first ring, followed by the second ring. 活塞环卡死是由于燃烧时生成的积炭,尤其是窜机油或尘土、磨屑等堵塞在活塞环与环槽之间,使活塞环卡死在环槽中所致。 Stuck piston ring is due to combustion-generated carbon deposition, particularly in channeling oil or dust,

51、 debris and other plug in between the piston and ring groove, so that piston rings stuck in the ring slot due. 此外,活塞、活塞环、缸套的质量及材料对拉缸也有一定的影响。 In addition, piston, piston rings, cylinder liner quality and materials on the pull-cylinder also has a certain impact. 7 防止发动机拉缸的措施 7 of measures to prevent t

52、he engine cylinder scoring 7.1 司机操作必须严格遵守操作规程 7.1 and drivers to strictly observe the operational procedures 起动前,必须按规定检查润滑油,冷却水是否符合规定,不足时需补足,检查判断润滑油是否变质,润滑油呈乳白色一般是进水所致,润滑油变稀且有柴油味说明进了柴油,润滑油变质应查明原因,排除后更换润滑油。 Starting before they are required inspection of lubricating oil, cooling water to check for co

53、mpliance, required to make up for insufficient check to determine whether the deterioration oil, lubricating oil is milky white water is generally caused by thinning and lubricating oil shows a diesel smell into the diesel oil, lubricating oil deterioration causes should be identified, removed, repl

54、ace the oil. 要严格执行保养制度,按期进行例保、一级保养和二级保养。 To strictly enforce the maintenance of the system, scheduled for cases of insurance, maintenance and a maintenance 2. 不超负荷作业。 Do not overload operation. 起动后不猛加油门,尤其在寒冷的冬季,需经低速运转几分钟后再起步运行。 Meng did not start after refueling door, especially in the cold winter,

55、 subject to a few minutes and then started to run low-speed operation. 遇有异常情况,如机油压力低,水温高,有异常响声等,应及时排除,坚持不带病作业。 The event of unusual circumstances, such as low oil pressure, water temperature high, abnormal noise, etc., should be promptly removed, insisted on not sick job. 7.2 在修理装配方面,必须严格遵守技术标准和工艺要求

56、 7.2 In the repair of assembly, it should be strict compliance with technical standards and technological requirements 对换新用的零配件必须逐个进行检测,把不符合标准的零配件剔除出去,不能认为新产品就是合格的产品。 Spare parts for new ones to be used to detect one by one, to remove non-compliant spare parts to go out and can not believe that the

57、new product is qualified product. 安装缸套时,缸套要放平,压力要作用在缸套正中,且慢慢加压,勿用冲击力。 Install cylinder, the cylinder should be flat, the pressure to the role of the middle of the cylinder, and slowly pressurized, do not use impact. 安装完后进行检测,检测缸套与活塞装配间隙是否符合规定的标准间隙。 After you install, testing, testing whether the cyl

58、inder and piston assembly clearance gap meet the required standards. 同样,检测活塞环与槽的边隙、背隙、活塞环的端隙以及活塞销与活座孔的装配间隙是否符合规范要求,检查活塞环是否有裂缝以及环的弹力是否符合要求,装好环后能自由活动,不得有卡滞现象。 Similarly, the detection of piston ring and groove side clearance, backlash, piston ring end gap and piston pin hole with live seat assembly cl

59、earance compliance with regulatory requirements, check whether there are cracks as well as the piston ring elastic compliance requirements, install a good Central, can be freely, without catching the phenomenon. 活塞环三隙(端隙、背隙、侧隙)的检查是组装活塞连杆组的一个重点,特别是端隙大小尤为重要,稍有不慎就可能造成拉缸,环端隙的检查要按工艺要求进行,检查活塞环端隙的工艺要求是:将环放

60、入缸套中,用活塞顶部将活塞环顶入缸套里,把环顶到在活塞行程内最小直径处测量,这样测量的数据才准确。 Piston Ring Gap 3 (terminal gaps, backlash, backlash) in check is the piston rod assembly of a focus group, in particular the end-gap size is particularly important at the slightest mistake could result in pull-cylinder, ring end gap of the inspectio

61、n should carried out according to process requirements, check the piston ring end gap of the process requirements are: the ring into the cylinder, the piston ring with the piston at the top of the roof into the cylinder where the top ring to the piston stroke measured at the smallest diameter, so th

62、at measurement data are correct. 认真检查活塞、连杆与曲轴安装位置偏差情况、要求校正到符合技术规范标准。 Carefully check the piston, connecting rod and crankshaft installation position deviation, demand technical specifications that meet standards for calibration. 在市场上购买的活塞,难辨优劣,在装配前最好进行消除应力处理,即将活塞放在60-80度的机油中加温6小时,以消除应力,使活塞稳定后再装配使用。

63、In the market to buy the piston, is hard to determine strengths and weaknesses, in the best pre-assembled to eliminate the stress treatment, about 60-80 degrees on the piston heating oil in 6 hours, in order to eliminate the stress, so that the piston assembly and stability before use. 安装活塞环时各道环必须装准

64、位置,不能装错、装反、漏装,注意方向性,扭曲环内圆切口朝上,外圆切口朝下,有标记的一面朝上,同时,在装入缸套时必须清洁和加一定的润滑油,各道环口应按规定错开,第一道环开口与曲轴轴线成45度,余下各道的开口按90度、180度一一错开。 When installing the piston rings must be installed with a position where the Tao can not be installed wrong, loaded trans, drain installation, pay attention to directions, twist ring round incision upward, cylindrical cut down, marked side facing up, at the same time, in the loaded cylinder m

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