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1、 本科毕业论文 社会底层的底层 分析美国非裔妇女的社会地位学生姓名: 学生学号: 200320207132 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科5班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Underclass in the UnderclassAnalysis of the Social Status of Todays Afro-American WomanLuo HuarongUnder the Supervision ofJiang TainingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 20

2、07攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract.IKey Words. I摘要.II关键词.IIIntroduction.1I. Straits of the Present-Day Black Women.2A. Dire Straits of the Black Men .2B. Straits of the Female .3C. Straits of Black Women .5II. Analysis of the Reasons for Black Womens Low Social Status.6A. Class Oppression.6B. Ra

3、cial Discrimination .7C. Gender Discrimination.8III. Methods of Helping Black Women out of Straits .10A. Recovery of Economic and Spiritual Independence .10B. Uniting Black Men and Women .11C. Eliminating Racial Problems.12Conclusion.14Acknowledgements.15Bibliography.16攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractIt

4、 is known that the blacks were discriminated and oppressed in American history. Their basic rights were nearly deprived in one century, so the blacks were the earliest ones who rose up in revolt and fought for freedom and equality. In recent years, the blacks have gained relatively equal rights by t

5、heir persevering efforts. But it doesnt mean they are out of plights and get rid of status of vulnerable group. Female, as another vulnerable group in USA, still cant be free from the discrimination. With the emergence of the concept of human rights, women made great efforts to get their equal right

6、s in the society, in a certain extent, they have made some achievements, and nowadays, those female rights have been displayed by the law after the Womens Movement.In spite of the rapid social development, the black women in the United States, as both black people and female, are still discriminated

7、 by the whites, though they have made great contributions to the nation. Through analysis of the social status of todays black woman, readers can understand the hardship of black women better. At the same time, it tells us no matter what is the color of skin, women should be respected by everyone.Ke

8、y WordsBlack women; racial discrimination; gender discrimination; class oppression13攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘 要摘要在美国历史上,受歧视和压迫最深的,首推是黑人。在长达一世纪的时间里,黑人被剥夺了公民的基本权利,因此黑人也是最早起来争取自由和平等的。近年来,黑人通过不懈的努力已经获得相对平等的权利,但这并不意味着他们已经走出困境,摆脱了弱势群体的地位。女性作为美国历史上的另一个弱势群体,她们仍然摆脱不了被歧视的遭遇。伴随着人权观念的产生,妇女为争取自己在社会上的平等权利,进行了长期不懈的斗争和努力,在某种程度

9、上,也取得了一定的成效。我们知道从女权运动后,妇女的权利得到了法律的保证。尽管社会迅速发展,作为黑人和妇女双重地位的美国黑人妇女也曾为美国做出了巨大的贡献,但仍摆脱不了被白人歧视的命运。本论文通过分析黑人女性当今的社会地位,读者能更好的理解黑人女性的艰辛,与此同时告诉我们不论什么皮肤的女性都应受到尊重。关键词黑人女性;种族歧视;性别歧视;阶级压迫攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionWith the social development in the 21st century, it seems out-of-date to continue an explo

10、ration for the female problems, such as rights and plights. But when asked about the situation of black women, on most of peoples minds, black women in the America keep mysterious all the time, it seems as if they are far from the brilliant females world. In fact, this standpoint is not correct.Bein

11、g the first black Congress woman in the U.S. history, Shirley Chisholm, presents a true picture of the two major social problems in the U.S. from her personal experience. They are racial discrimination and sexual discrimination. The article Id Rather Be Black than Female written by Shirley Chisholm

12、aims at raising the publics awareness of sexual inequality for women. From it we can know that the black womens conditions are not optimistic.As both female and blacks, the black women have their own characters. On the one hand, they are tormented by social ostracism as a female. On the other hand,

13、they are under the control of black men. A black feminist has once written that they are the tokenism in the black peoples world, and they become the tokenism in the female world. Thats to say, the black women as a vulnerable group in society are always neglected. They are just as token women even i

14、f they are mentioned sometimes. All of those anguishes are produced by the outside world, so they cannot blindly bear it, on the contrary, they should fight bravely for freedom, independence and human rights.With these reasons and the reality of the black women, there are lots of people who are payi

15、ng more attention to them. In addition, the researches on black women are scarce presently in our country, the black women become a new and old topic from this angle.攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 BodyI. Straits of the Present-Day Black WomenA. Dire Straits of the Black MenThere are 26 million black people in the Unit

16、ed States. Many of them are descendants of black slaves who were captured from Africa and sold to America by European colonists hundreds years ago. When it comes to black peoples history, it is not only a history of blood and tears, but also the history of enduring. Since Afro-Americans were sold to

17、 America, and they worked for the white people, laboring like horses on the land of the white Americans without any freedom and rights. Their basic rights were totally deprived in about one century, so the blacks were the first people who rose up in revolt and fought for freedom and equality. Eventu

18、ally, they won their “independence” with their own persevering efforts.The Civil War appeared to have enlightened many Americans and created a truly equal country for everyone. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the United States. At the end

19、of the Civil Rights Act, the white people had to adjust to desegregation and in some cases, were forced to desegregate. At that time, most of blacks thought that they had became free, however, this was not the end of their plights.It is one hundred years since this decree was signed, however, the li

20、fe of blacks was still “sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” On August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million people of all races came to Washington D. C. to show their support for freedom and justice for all Americans, and for black people in particular. At tha

21、t demonstration Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous speech, widely regarded as the most eloquent statement of the black peoples dreams and aspirations ever made. Dr. King told the world, “I have a dream” that equality would come “to all of Gods children.” He said he wanted everyone to be ab

22、le to “join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty, we are free at last!”(Xu, 2004:311)At present, the black peoples social status has been gradually improved in recent years. For example, Conlin Powel, a black man, got a successful tre

23、atment. Just like a coin has two sides, not everyone will have so lucky a chance.Today, although the blacks have got rid of the endured fate, there is still a major problem between the whites and the blacks. Thats racial discrimination. For example, the blacks couldnt take one bus with the blacks. W

24、hat is more, the white people dont rent the houses to the blacks.In politics, blacks account for 13 percent of the American population, but are able to win only 5% of the public posts through election. The fact is that few black people are able to join the police force and even fewer serve as senior

25、 police officers. In economy and education, the blacks also make some progresses, but the range is yet small, which doesnt account for one-third of American population. The rate cannot match with the total population of the blacks. Half of all black men in New York City cant find a job, while black

26、teenage unemployment stands at 37% nationwide. Many black children are brought up in the same westernized culture but are considered culturally different because of their skin color. And the white children have their own school where the blacks cannot be allowed to study in.Racism, not criminal reco

27、rds, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men. A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.It is self-evidence that the bl

28、ack people in America are discriminated though the America advocates equality. It is a long struggle to eliminate the discrimination against the blacks.B. Straits of the FemaleIf the people say that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would doubt. Everybody knows,th

29、e black peoples suffering is unquestionable in a long history. However, Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman elected to Congress, says being black is much less of a drawback than being female. As both a woman and a black pursuing a political career, Chisholm faced more obstacles than o

30、thers. But, thats funny-she found that she encountered greater prejudice as a woman than as an African American. It goes without saying; the prejudice for women is more than black people. Because women are inferior to men, lack of education and so on, which caused the mens dominated status in their

31、families.America is a country advocating freedom and human rights, which means that everyone is equal. And the phenomena in the life also show the female have priority. For example, in the street the male will let the female walk first. When the male talks about something in public, they always say

32、ladies and then say gentlemen. Conversely, current situation reveals cases about women in America suffered discrimination from the white men and the black men.In politics, the female didnt have the suffrage. Opinion polls are also now beginning to show many elector express that, they dont like femal

33、e to be president, so that it is impossible to vote for female candidates in 2008 presidents vote whatever party they represent. Almost 70% America voters think the Democratic Partys Hillary Rodham Clinton, wont win in that vote. Nearly 80% voters consider Republic Partys Condoleezza Rice, who is th

34、e U.S. Secretary of State, has no chance getting the voters supports. It also shows she couldnt get most of voters support. It can be easily evidenced that the gender is the reason which causes this result.In the economy, the female are dependent on the male, even if they find some jobs, their salar

35、y is less than the males. The major reason is that the boss considers the male stronger than female and the female only adapt to housework. According to the investigation, the men and the women who have the same education and abilities to do the same job, if the mens salary is 1 dollar every hour, t

36、he womens salary is only 0.77 dollar. Comparing the womens pay with mens, youll find the womens is decreased by 1/3. This condition exists in every profession, such as low salary cleaners and high salary lawyers. After one year, the difference is between 0.7 million to 2 million dollar. In spite of

37、this, the women work hard all the time.So people cannot only look at the surface of the things. The female has been liberated in the law, however, they dont reach the level of equality in the life.C. Straits of Black WomenThe blacks only need to get through the racial discrimination if they want to

38、gain equality. And the white females need to be approved by white males. Surely, both of them are not an easy thing.With the double identity of the black and female, the black women have their own particularities. In male-dominated families, the black women are inferior to black men. Most black wome

39、n lack of education and courage so that they dont dare to oppose the strong male, which causes the black female to be under the control of the black men all the time. In the white dominated society, the black women as the lower-grade race are looked down upon by white men. Whats the worse, the white

40、 females dont show their sympathy to the black women though both of them have the similar destination in male-dominated society. Therefore, the black women are isolated, which is just like a black feminist writing that the black women are the tokenism in the black peoples world, but become the token

41、ism in the female world. Thats to say, the black women as a vulnerable group in society are always neglected. In the ethnic conflicts, the white men and black men are protagonists, and in the sexual conflicts the protagonists are white men and women. The black women are just token women even if they

42、 are mentioned sometimes. So, if the black women want to change the condition, they must have great courage to overcome the racial discrimination and gender discrimination.Recovery of identity is the black womens goal, which is to be achieved gradually and with the help from the black women communit

43、y. In the past, the black female could do one thing which is clean the room in the family. However, the black women today can be bosses, astronauts, headmistresses and so on. The black women are walking to success gradually in many fields. But it doesnt mean the black women have entered into the upp

44、er society and they are out of vulnerable group. In fact, their income is still less than mens and nearly 14% black women are still under the poverty line. Moreover, the black women must work hard after graduation to be promoted. For most black females, endeavor is an endless work. A professor has s

45、aid that no person helps you and you must work hard by yourself, even if someone would help you, the door is quickly closed. The black females in United States think women must go to the university or read books more and more because theres nobody supporting themselves or bringing up their children.

46、In short, the black womens conditions are not optimistic as some people thought.II. Analysis of the Reasons for Black Womens Low Social StatusA. Class OppressionThe history of African Americans has been a history of exploitation, social inequality, and discrimination. From the beginning of slavery i

47、n British North America around 1619, when a Dutch ship brought 20 enslaved Africans to the Virginia colony at Jamestown, nearly 240 years passed until the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution officially ended slavery in 1865. Slavery was first and foremost a creation of the wealthy, who sought a

48、 cheap and reliable source of labor to maximize profits in a highly labor-intensive plantation system.Black slavery was a product of economic motivations and the fact that blacks was in a weaker position to resist it than other groups. As the demand for slaves increased, Europeans paid Africans for

49、purely commercial purposes. Nearly half a million African were brought by force to America, where they were viewed as property and bought, sold, used, and abused at the commerce of the white majority.African American history is often referred to as segregation because that was the dominant reality e

50、xperienced by black Americans during this period. Under segregation, forced separation of the races and social isolation of Black Americans was the rule. The races actually became more separated from one another in the South after the end of slavery. In the United States, segregation was rationalize

51、d on the ground of “separate but equal” opportunities, as outlined by the Supreme Court in Plessey education as whites, for example, but this did not mean blacks and whites had to attend the same schools. In practice, however, separation doesnt mean equality.Under apartheid, every individual was ass

52、igned to a racial category at birth; rights and opportunities were based on racial classification. Elections were for whites only, blacks were not considered citizens, nonwhites were not permitted to purchase land in “white” areas or even enter these unless they worked there; work permits were grant

53、ed on a temporary basis, and workers could not bring their families with them. At various times, groups of “redundant “workers were forcibly relocated to their assigned homelands and whole black townships were razed to make room for white development.Social contact between blacks and whites was stri

54、ctly forbidden. The blacks had no education and their intelligence is also lower than white people, the whites thought the black peoples black skin was not clean, which caused the blacks to be a lower-grade class. America thought their nation was dignity and they turned up their noses at African Ame

55、rican people.B. Racial DiscriminationRacial discrimination is the most serious human rights problem in the United States, which the United States has never resolved since its founding. The United States, as a matter of fact, was notorious for genocide against aboriginal Indians, trade of African bla

56、cks and black slavery. In recent years, scandals of racial discrimination have occurred, one after another.The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, and other aspects of employment on the basis of race. Its undesirable effect

57、s often offset these so-called merits. Originally conceived to protect the rights of black men, the bill was amended prior to passage to protect the civil rights of everyone, and explicitly included women for the first time.Nowadays so many people in America would say “I do not have racial discrimin

58、ation!” But think it more carefully. Is that true? The racism has many forms, such as the whites discrimination to the blacks, the ethnic segregation in South-Africa, and Americas genocide in Vietnam and so on. Today, there still exists this racial discrimination. Such as: “Negro”, they may hard to

59、find a good job and also need to work harder than others. Maybe the whites think they are in the lower class; they do not have good education. And their color is darker than white peoples so that most white people feel they are not clean.The origin of racism is a complex question. From beginning to

60、end, the slave-trade lasted for four centuries, which is a rough story. The earliest Europeans arrived the American continent some hundreds years ago, for a dream of creating a better life for themselves. Before European involvement on the continent, African countries were self-sufficient and abunda

61、nt trade made many nations rich. Thats a reason why the finger could easily be pointed at European involvement. Nobody knew that European involvement would cause so great instability through the slave-trade and colonization to black people. When the Africans began to contact with Europeans, the Euro

62、peans considered the Africans as a lower-grade race. Because the Africa peoples intelligence from the whole is lower than white people in that time, in addition, most of them lacked education, and they were thought without having the same rights with the whites living in America. From that time on, the racism sta

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