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1、让“哈利波特魔法英语”走进高中课堂 【内容摘要】目前高中阶段的英语学习材料基本以书面教材为主,缺乏生动、地道的真实语言环境,很难让学生深入体验,而通过在课堂上组织学生观看哈利波特英文影片不仅可以让学生接触生动的语言,提高听力;还可极大地激发他们学习语言的积极性;同时又能提高对英文影片的鉴赏能力。通过组织展开各种各样的学习活动,提供给学生一个全新的、充满“魔法”的语言环境,让学生在亲身体验中积累语言,从而使学生在听、说、读、写等各方面的能力都能得到机会锻炼和提高。本文主要描述我的一些具体活动操作办法,概括如下:一、 听英语,练口语,谁是最佳配音演员?二、 学台词,背好句,攻克语言学习难关。三、

2、看影片,写影评,谁能写出妙语佳篇?四、 看比赛,庆节日,体验英美文化内涵。五、 亲情友情爱情,品人生多味情感。六、 你言我语道哈利波特戏里戏外。引 言:随着哈利波特系列影片的陆续公映,哈利波特影迷们越来越惊喜地感到哈利波特的无限魅力所在。它已成为世界电影史上一颗永远璀璨的明珠。这一系列影片之所以特别适合高中阶段的学生学习英语,因为它有下面几大优势:一)该作品是由英国作家创作,美国和英国导演拍摄的英语原版影片,扮演者都是地道的英国人或英国华裔(秋张扮演者),可以说,无论是影片中的语言本身还是扮演者的语音语调都非常地道纯正。而且教师很容易在网上或商店获得配有英文字幕的原版影片。二)故事的主人公是一



5、以通过影片深入思考现实社会中存在的严峻问题。六)电影中全部场景都在英国拍摄,如伦敦动物园、格洛斯特大教堂与牛津等取景地以及霍格沃茨魔法学校的主要取景场地苏格兰爱丁堡的Alnwick古堡。因此,通过影片可以欣赏和领略到英国的独特建筑和风土人情,体验英语国家的文化精髓,如圣诞节、万圣节、球类运动等让学生有如亲临其境的感觉。无论从视觉还是感官上都能激发并强化学生对英语学习的欲望和热情。总之,组织学生观看哈利波特英文电影收获颇多。正所谓: 看哈利波特历尽磨难,学哈利波特魔法语言,求知心朋友同甘共苦,道戏里戏外风光无限。一、听英语,练口语,谁是最佳配音演员?通过观看哈利波特系列影片(注:一定要原声带,可

6、带中英文字幕),可以让学生模仿地道的语言发音和语调等,增加学生的亲身体验,提高语言学习的积极性。配音片段一般截选人物明确、意义深刻或语言生动的场景,尽量避开空语言场景,以免等待时间过长。而且配音片段不宜过长,一般控制在5-10分钟,具体操作步骤如下:1)观看截选视频,确定主要人物角色。(播放一遍)2)学习和模仿台词(以讲义形式发给学生),扫清发音障碍(可反复播放)3)关掉声音,播放视频,分角色配音试练。4)分组比赛(一般3或4人/组),评出最佳配音演员和小组。在组织配音比赛活动时可以安排部分学生或老师做评委,给配音演员或小组进行打分。配音打分项目有5个方面,满分为100分。1) 语音语调方面:

7、发音是否准确,语音语调是否地道(20分)2) 语速方面:配音能否跟上画面,人物特写镜头处角色嘴形与配音吻合的程度(20分)3) 声音方面:声音模仿是否符合人物角色(必要时可用假音)(20分) 4) 情感方面:是否正确把握人物情感,投入角色;(20分)5) 合作方面:与小组其他配音演员是否配合默契。(20分)案例:第一场:哈利波特与姨妈、姨夫和大块头表哥的对话(Characters:Harry;Aunt Petunia ;Dudley;Uncle Vernon)(视频时间越5分钟:00:04:1800:09:02 )(在哈利的姨妈家里)Aunt Petunia: Up!Get up! Now!

8、(对哈利尖酸、刻薄)Dudley:Wake up, cousin! Were going to the zoo! (欺负弱小)Aunt Petunia:Here he comes, the birthday body. (妈妈对儿子的宠爱)Uncle Vernon:Happy birthday, son. (父亲对儿子的疼爱) Aunt Petunia:Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything.( 语气冷淡)Harry:Yes, Aunt Petunia. (无奈)Aunt Petunia: I want everything to be per

9、fect for my Dudleys special day! Uncle Vernon:Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy. (蛮横)Harry:Yes, Uncle Vernon. Uncle Vernon:Arent they wonderful, darling? (讨好儿子)Dudley:How many are there? Uncle Vernon:36! Counted them myself. (溺爱儿子,与对哈利的态度形成强烈对比)Dudley:36! But last year I had 37! (不满、恼怒)Uncle Vernon:But

10、 some are bigger than last years. Dudley:I dont care how big they are! (达力任性、不讲理)Uncle Vernon:This is what were going to do. Aunt Petunia:Were going to buy you two new presents. Hows that, pumpkin?(在家门口,准备上车出发去动物园)Aunt Petunia:It should be a lovely day at the zoo. Im really looking forward to it.Unc

11、le Vernon:Im warning you now, boy. Any funny business, any at all.and you wont have any meals for a week. Get in. (对哈利警告)(在爬虫类馆)Dudley:Make it move. (大声地、粗鲁地)Uncle Vernon:Move! Move! Hes asleep! Dudley:Hes boring. (泄气地)Harry:Sorry about him. He doesnt understand what its like, lying there. watching

12、people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? Its just, Ive never talked to a snake before. Do you.? Dou you talk to people often? Youre from Burma, arent you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? ( 哈利见标语:园内孵育样本) I see. Thats me as well. I never knew my parents either.(哈利对达力的强烈不满和

13、对动物的同情)Dudley:Mummy, Dad, you wont believe what this snake is doing! (这时蛇爬出了玻璃室,蛇语:Thanks!)Harry: Anytime. (报复后的痛快感)Dudley:Mum! Mummy! Help me! Aunt Petunia:My darling boy! How did you get in there? Uncle Vernon:Who did this? How did you get in there? (恐惧、惊慌)Aunt Petunia:Its all right, sweetheart. W

14、ell get you out of these cold clothes. Uncle Vernon:What happened? Harry:I swear, I dont know! The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic.(无辜、困惑)Uncle Vernon:Theres no such thing as magic. (愤怒)第二场:哈利与好友罗恩和赫敏在Hogwarts特快列车上初次见面的情景(4人)(Characters: Harry; Mrs Weasley; Ron; Hermione)(视频时间5分钟:00

15、:33:1400:37:55)(在9 3/4月台上)Harry:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to.? (有点不安)Mrs Weasley: How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear. Its Rons first time to Hogwarts as well. All you do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best to run if youre nervous. Gook luck! (热情、关爱)(霍格华

16、兹特快车的车厢里面)Ron: Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full. (恳求)Harry: Not at all. Ron:Im Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley. Harry:Im Harry. Harry Potter. Ron:So its true! I mean, do you really have the .? (好奇)Harry: The what? Ron:The scar? Wicked! (羡慕)The Salewoman: Anything off the trolley, dears?

17、Ron:No, thanks. Im all set. (羞涩)Harry:Well take the lot. (大方)Ron: Every Flavor Beans? They mean every flavor. Theres chocolate and peppermint and also.spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once. Harry:Are they real frogs? (好奇)Ron:Its a spell. You want the cards. Each

18、packs got a famous witch or wizard. Ive got about 500 myself. Watch it! Thats rotten luck. Theyve only got one good jump in them. Harry:Ive got Dumbledore! (惊讶)Ron: I got about six of him. Harry:Hey, hes gone! (惊讶)Ron: You cant expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers. Pathetic,

19、isnt he? Harry:A little. Ron: Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see? Harry:Yeah.Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.Hermione: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Nevilles lost one. (着急) Ron: No. Hermione: Oh, are you doing magic? Lets see, then. (挑衅

20、)Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow. Hermione: Are you sure thats a real spell? Well, its not very good, is it? Ive only tried a few simple ones myself.but theyve all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. Thats better, isnt it? Holy cricket, youre Harry Pott

21、er! Im Hermione Granger. And you are.? (高傲、自以为是)Ron: Im Ron Weasley. Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into robes. I expect well be arriving soon. Youve got dirt on your nose. Did you know? (好意地提醒)二、 学台词,背好句,攻克语言学习难关。通过学习影片中的经典台词,可以解决很多语言学习上的难点,而且学生也很有兴趣去背诵模仿。尤其在配音活动之前,有针对性地分析台词中的长句和难句,能够帮他们

22、更好地理解和识记。在观看影片时也能逐步做到摆脱字幕,真正地去感受语言。学生特别容易找到成就感,他们对英语学习的积极性被极大地激发出来,哈利波特的“魔法英语”也真正发挥了它的魔力。在讲解难句、语法知识的时候,可以分语法模块来学习电影中的台词,让学生体验语言学习的实用性。可以先让他们熟记这些句子,然后进行观察、整理、归纳语言用法并尝试在生活中学以致用。现举例如下(以下例句均选自哈利波特与魔法石):A)情态动词及虚拟语气1)I should have known that you would be here. (Professor Dumbledore)我早该想到会在这里见到你。(邓不利多教授)2)

23、No, youve made a mistake. I mean. I cant be a wizard. (Harry Potter)不,我想你弄错了我是说我不可能是巫师啊。 (哈利波特) 3)You must be the youngest player in a century, McGonagall says. ( Ron Weasley)你铁定是魁地奇球队百年来最年轻的代表队员,这是麦格教授告诉我的。(罗恩)4)If Harry and Ron hadnt come and found me, Id probably be dead. (Hermione Granger)要不是哈利和

24、荣恩及时救了我,我搞不好就没命了。 (赫敏格兰杰)5)But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. (Mr Ollivander)但我想这次很清楚,你未来会有了不起的成就。(奥利凡德) 6)I shouldnt have said that. (Rubeus Hagrid) 我不该说漏嘴的。(鲁伯海格)7)If hed had the chance, he might have tried to kill me tonight. (Harry Potter) 如果被他逮到机会,他说不定今晚就会来杀我。(哈利波

25、特) 8)You shouldnt be here. Youll get Gryffindor into trouble again. (Neville Longbottom)你们不应该来这里,葛来分多学院会被你们害惨的。 (纳威隆巴顿)9)There must be a thousand keys. We want a big, old-fashioned one. (Hermione Granger)那里有上千把钥匙,我们要找的是一把老式大钥匙。 (赫敏格兰杰)10)If Snapes cloak hadnt caught fire and broken my eye contact, I

26、 would have succeeded. 要不是斯内普的斗篷着了火,害得我没办法死盯着你,我早就成功了。(奇洛教授)11)A game of Quidditch should be easy work, even if it is against Slytherin. You ought to be careful. People will think youre up to something. (Professor Snape)魁地奇比赛应该难不倒你,就算对手是史莱哲林也无妨。你们要小心一点,别人可能会以为你们在打什么坏主意。 (斯内普教授)13)You have to relax.

27、If you dont, it will only kill you faster. (Hermione Granger) 你们别太紧张,要不然就会死得更快。 (赫敏格兰杰)14)Well done.,Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account.表现得很好,史莱哲林!不过,最近有几件事也必须列入考量。 (Professor Dumbledore)15)Does that mean, with the Stone gone, that Voldermort can never come back? (Harry Pot

28、ter)这表示魔法石消失以后, 佛地魔就再也不会回来了吗? 16)As long as Dumbledore is around, Harry, youre safe. You cant be touched. (Rubeus Hagrid)只要有邓不利多在,哈利,你就不会有危险,就没人伤得了你。17)I demand that you(should)leave at once. 我命令你马上离开!(demand引导的虚拟语气)18)I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. 你要特别小心,波特。(suggest引导虚拟语气)B)名词性从句1)Look

29、 in the mirror and tell me what you see. 看着镜子,告诉我你看到了什么?2)You heard what Madam Hooch said. 你刚才也听到胡奇夫人说的话。3)Didnt you see what it was standing on? 你们没看到它站在什么东西上面?4)You know perfectly well what I mean. 你心知肚明。5)That means theres a student out of bed. 那说明有学生偷溜下床了。6)Trust me. Do what I say! 相信我,照着我的话做!7)

30、So then, it shows us what we want? Whatever we want? 镜子反映出的是我们的欲望吗? 所有的欲望吗?8)I wondered when Id be seeing you, Mr. Potter. 我刚在想什么时候会见到你,波特先生?9)Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment? 你知不知道此刻在学校里隐藏着什么? (以上属宾语从句)10)Harry Potter, this is where I leave you. 哈利波特,我们就在这里告别吧! 11)Thats

31、 whats under the trap door. The Sorcerers Stone. 活板门底下藏的就是魔法石。12)That is why tomorrow, it will be moved to a new home. 那就是为什么明天要把镜子搬去别的地方。13)Thats what were here for. 这就是我们来这里的目的。14)Yourre the boy who lived. Thats why youre famous. Thats why everybody knows your name. 你可是唯一活下来的男孩。所以你才会这么有名,大家才会全都认识你

32、。15)Thats what the dogs guarding. Thats what Snape wants. 那就是三头巨犬在看守的东西,那就是斯内普想要的东西。 (以上属表语从句)16)Harry,would you like to see your mother and father again? Together,we can bring them back. All I ask is for something in return. 哈利,想不想再见到你爸妈?只要我们合作, 就能让他们起死回生。我只要求一样东西作为回报。17)What that dog is guarding i

33、s between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel. 那只狗看守的东西是邓不利多和尼可勒梅的秘密。18)All you do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. 现在你只要往第九和第十月台中间那道墙,直接走过去就行了。 (以上属主语从句)C) 特殊句式: 如倒装句、强调句、There be 句型、it 的用法等。1)Here he comes, the birthday body. 喔,我们的小寿星来了!2)Clever as they come, but not the most fr

34、iendly of beasts. 虽然妖精聪明得很,但可不太友善。3)Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me!不准在我面前侮辱邓不利多! (以上属倒装句)4)Id appreciate it if you didnt tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Im not allowed to do magic .你可千万别告诉霍格华兹的人我会感激你的.照规定我是不能使用魔法的。5)Shes a nightmare, honestly! (It is)No wonder she hasnt got any fri

35、ends. 她实在是太讨人厌了,难怪连一个朋友也没有。6)Its obvious that weve got to play our way across the room.很明显,要下完棋才能通过这个房间。7)It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies,but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom.要挺身而出对抗敌人,的确需要很大的勇气,但若是要挺身反抗朋友却需要更大的勇气. 我再

36、加十分给奈威隆巴顿。 (以上属It 的用法)8) Harry, its you that has to go on. 哈利,你必须继续前进。9)It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their wands. 那好像是昨天才发生的事,你父母上这儿来买第一根魔杖。)10)How is it I got the Stone, sir? 魔法石怎么会落到我手上? 11)Do you know why Professor Quirell couldnt bear to have you touch

37、him? It was because of your mother. 你知道奎洛教授为什么受不了你碰触他吗? 那是因为你母亲的缘故。 (以上属强调句)12)But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says platform 9 3/4. Theres no such thing, is there? 但是,海格,这一定弄错了!上面写九又四分之三月台,哪有这种事呀?13)Theres no such thing as magic 世上根本就没有魔法。14)There is no good and evil. There is only power.

38、世上并没有绝对的善与恶,差别只是在于强者。 (以上属There be句型)15)What if he doesnt like Romania? 他若不喜欢罗马尼亚怎么办?16)What if the other dragons are mean to him? 如果别的龙对它不好呢?17)What if I make a fool of myself? 要是我出丑了怎么办? (以上属What if 句型)18)Cant tell you how pleased I am to meet you. 见到你真说不出有多高兴. (感叹句)D)非谓语动词1)Do you really think it

39、s safe, leaving him with these people? 你觉得把他交给这些人好吗? 2)Hes far better off growing up away from all of that until hes ready. 最好是让他成长时远离这一切,等他能够接受的时候再告诉他。3)He doesnt understand what its like, lying there,watching people press their ugly faces in on you. 他不了解你的感觉,像这样一天又一天地躺在这儿,看人们硬把丑脸贴到你面前。4)There are

40、other things defending the Stone, arent there?没错,一定还有用别的方法在保护魔法石对不对?5)Shed been in there all afternoon, crying. 她躲在那里哭了一整个下午。6)Drinking its blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death.喝独角兽的血可以保住性命,就算垂死的人也救得回来。7) I see what I desire. I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get i

41、t? 我能看到自己想要的东西,我看到自己手里拿着魔法石。可是我是怎么拿到的?8)Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. 石内卜可是保护魔法石的其中一位老师。9) My scar keeps burning. 我的疤痕直痛得像火烧似的。10) I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs. 看来你那位朋友荣恩替你省了拆开巧克力蛙的麻烦。11)I remember reading something in H

42、erbology. Devils Snare hates the sun! 我记得在药草学的书上看过,恶魔网一晒到阳光就完蛋了。 (以上属V-ing的用法)12)Now, if you two dont mind, Im going to bed before you come up with another idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled. 你们不介意的话,我要去睡了,免得你们又想出什么鬼主意来害我们送命或被学校开除!13)Another year gone, and now, as I understand it, the house c

43、up needs awarding.又一年过去了,现在就我所知,我们该来颁发学院冠军杯了。14) Our job is to make sure you dont get bloodied up too bad.我们的任务是尽量别让你被打得太惨。15)What are they doing , keeping a thing like that locked up in a school? 他们这些人到底是什么意思,竟然把那种东西关在学校?16)Its our job to go and find the poor beast. 我们的任务就是找到那只可怜的独角。17)We are pleas

44、ed to accept you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.我们很荣幸能在此通知你,你已获准进入霍格华兹魔法与巫术学院就读。18) It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. 杀死独角兽是滔天大罪。 (以上属V-ed和to do 的用法)E)定语从句1)Were going away ,far away, where they cant find us! 我们走吧! 走得远远的,到一个他们找不到的地方。2)Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.

45、 反抗他的人全都被杀光。3)The only thing I want you to worry about is this. 你只要担心这个就行了。4)The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game. 搜捕手一抢到金探子比赛就宣告结束。5)I think its a warning which means dangers coming. 我觉得这是一种警告,表示会有危险。6) And I have 50 points to award to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of ches

46、s that Hogwarts has seen these many years.我还要再加50分荣给恩卫斯理先生,作为最优秀的西洋棋手,霍格华兹多年来无人能比。7) Whos the one wizard Voldemort always feared? 谁是佛地魔向来最怕的巫师?8)What was that thing you saved me from? 刚才要攻击我的是什么?9)Im afraid there are ways in which he can return. 我恐怕他还是有办法再回来。10)Now you, Harry, who have never known y

47、our family, you see them standing beside you. 哈利,你没见过家人, 但你现在看到他们就站在你身边。三、 看影片,写影评,谁能写出妙语佳篇?看电影、写影评一般可分为三种形式:第一,观看影片之前先给学生确定一个主题,让学生在观看时注意观察和分析人物关系以及情节发展,并且特别留意那些可能在写作中使用的语言表达法。要让学生带着问题去思考作者对人物描写及关系处理的巧妙之处,而不是仅仅停留在欣赏影片上。比如:在学生观看第一部哈利波特与魔法石之前我先给出以下主题可供学生选择:A)What impresses you most in Harry Potter an

48、d the _ ? B) Your comments on the relationship between_ and _. C) What do you learn from the film ?第二,让学生先看完整部影片,对内容和情节有了大致地了解,然后根据自己对影片中人物的分析、该影片的精彩之处、自己的感受以及看法等尝试写一写该影片的故事梗概、剧情介绍或者观后感,或让学生分组制作电影海报。在写作之前可以让学生一起讨论影片中的相关人物,物品,地点等名称,扫清语言表达障碍,尤其是一些影片中出现频率比较高的用语。完成写作任务后,教师要进行点评或让学生相互修改,讨论剧中情节的表达是否准确,海报是

49、否能吸引观众眼球,观后感是否写出自己的观点感想等。最后把学生当中的优秀作品展示出来,让他们相互学习借鉴。如下是部分学生修改后的作品: A)The plot of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone 哈利波特与魔法石Harry Potter,a boy with a lightning-shaped scar on the forehead, was badly treated by his relatives, the Dursleys. On his 11th birthday, he realizes that he is, in fact, a

50、 wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start his 7-year-long wizard education. He was very happy to get away from the Dursleys and finds his own place there. But someone is up to something bad in the Dark forest outside the scho

51、ol. Can you imagine what will happen next? Join the thrills, laughs, and adventureWatch the amazing movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone!B) The plot of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 哈利波特与密室Harry Potters adventures continue Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wit

52、chcraft and Wizardry, but he is warned by a sensitive elf called Dobby that danger is waiting for him at the school. Strange and evil voices come from the walls. Soon its not just Harry who is worried about his safety, as dreadful things begin to happen at HogwartsC) The plot of Harry Potter and the

53、 Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特与阿磁卡班的囚徒Hes at Hogwarts. Hes at Hogwarts. The crazy Sirius Black has escaped from the Azkaban Prison and all people believe he wants to find Harry and kill him . What connections could there be between Harrys past and this mad murderer? Can Harry figure it out before Black g

54、ets to him? Who on earth was Sirius Black ? The movie will disclose all these mysteries. Let us wait and see!D)My feelings after watching Harry Potter Series (观后感1)Since the first contact with the Harry Potter series, I have been falling in love with them. And since then, I became a 100% super Harry

55、 Potter fan. I love the mysterious Hogwarts School. I like every figure in the films, each kind of creatures which makes me admire the writing talent of J.K.Rowing. Her rich imagination and original ideas make readers hard to understand every detail. In the films , I really like brave Harry, humorou

56、s Ron, clever Hermione. What impresses me most is the precious friendship between the three lovely kids. Although they endured difficulties, they always insisted justice, and never gave up in front of danger and death.F)What impresses me most in Harry Potter series? (观后感2)What impresses me most in H

57、arry Potter series is the relationship between Harry and professor Snape. When Harry first met Snape in the first year at Hogwarts School, his scar became burning, which suggested some connections between them unknown to us. I have always believed the reason why Snape hates Harry so much is that Sna

58、pe is jealous of Harrys fame. Because Snape once said to Harry “Obviously , fame is not everything.” However, after watching the sixth film, I became to understand the hatred between Snape and Harry . It was because of Harrys father. When Harry witnessed Dumbledore killed by Snape, he felt his disli

59、ke rapidly deepening to hatred. But things changed after Harry found the truth. Snaps love for Lilly Potter hid so well that I knew nothing of it until I saw the part in which Harry read his miserable memories. I never thought I would have so much sorrow for a man that I thought I would hate. I was

60、deeply touched by his love, his bravery and his pain. 第三,把各部影片中的同一人物关系和相关情节进行整合,可以更加清晰地分析出他们的关系发展和矛盾变化。有一些关系和变化往往在一两部影片中无法完全展示出来,但是在整个系列中却能层层揭开。教师可以把相关视频片段进行整合处理后再播放,或者可以利用网络资源下载相应图片,让学生分析后再动笔写作,这样写出来的文章内容更加充实、更容易分析问题的本质。对于资料的整理和归纳,也可以让学生通过研究性学习的方式来完成。班级可分成几个研究小组,然后让学生通过各种途径来研究分析主题、查找资料,最后以结题报告的形式汇报

61、研究结果。比如学生可选择下面的主题:1)魔法三人组哈利波特十年友谊 2)独行无间道斯内普的悲剧一生3)哈利波特之动物篇四、亲情友情爱情,品人生多味情感。在哈利波特系列影片中, 亲情、友情、爱情等情感线索一直贯穿始终。观众可以从每一部影片中发现它对不同情感的不同处理。除了哈利与最好的朋友罗恩、赫敏、海格之间的友谊;他和父母之间的亲情;与佛地魔之间的死亡斗争始终贯穿哈利波特1-7部。比如:当哈利得知自己的父母都是优秀、具有正义感的巫师时,他的自豪感油然而生。虽然他们都已去世,但哈利时刻能感觉到他们就在他身边。尤其在与佛地魔进行死亡斗争的关键时刻,父母是他强大的力量源泉和精神支柱。当他得知自己的父亲

62、曾经是一位出色的捕捉手的时候,他感到自己充满了自信。当小天狼星对他说:“The ones that love us never really leave us, and you can always find them in your heart.”,他知道小天狼星就是他活着的唯一真正的亲人。除上述的情感线索之外,每一部影片中都有不同的情感侧重点:第一部:哈利与德思礼一家的非正常亲戚关系。第二部:哈利碰见小精灵多比,并帮它获得自由。多比誓死要保护它最好的朋友。 第三部:哈利与教父小天狼星之间冰释前嫌并感受到了真正的亲情温暖。第四部:哈利遇见初恋女友秋张,从而饱受相思折磨和遭遇情敌的尴尬。第五部


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