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1、老友记第二季第十七集中英剧本=So what do you think? 你认为怎么样?Casa de Joey. 乔伊的窝-I decorated it myself. -Get out! 我自己布置的Wow, Joey, this is. 乔伊,这个是-Art. -Art it is. 艺术就是艺术Check this out! Is it a coffee table? 瞧,这是一张咖啡桌呢Is it a panther? Theres no need to decide. 还是一只豹?都无所谓Hey, nice pillow. 好漂亮的枕头So tell me, is this gen

2、uine Muppet skin? 这是真的布偶皮吗?Hey, excellent water, table thing. 好极,好极了的桌上型水东西Thanks. I love this. But you know what? 谢了,我很喜欢这个东西,但你知道吗?It makes me want to pee. 它会让我想尿尿Yeah, me too. I think thats the challenge. 对呀,我也是对呀,我想挑战就在那儿How come Chandler didnt come? 为什么钱德没来?Its because he had a thing with the.

3、因为他有一件事.with the thing. 他有事Right. I got it. 我懂了So why dont you show us the rest of your casa? 带我们去参观其他的部分吧The best part! Come on. 最棒的部分,来Nice toilet. 好帅的马桶No, no, no. Behind it. 不後面那个-You have a phone in here? -Thats right. 你这里装了电话?没错I have a phone. 我这里装了In here. 电话Joey, promise me something. 乔伊,答应我

4、一件事Never call me from that phone. 别用那个电话打给我The One Where Eddie Moves ln The One Where Eddie Moves lnOkay, here we go. 来了Sorry, they were all out of apple pie. Someone just got the last piece. 抱歉,苹果派卖完了最後一片刚被干掉Oh, my God! You wont believe this! 天啊,你们绝对不会相信的I have just been discovered. 我刚刚被发现了Wait a m

5、inute. I claimed you in the name of France four years ago. 等一等,我四年前就宣布你为法国领地了Anyway. 总而言之Dont freak out and say how great this is until Im done. 答应我,你们不会发狂直到我说完为止,好吗?I just met this producer of this teeny record company. 我刚刚认识了一个小唱片公司的制作人.who said that I have a very fresh, offbeat sound. 她说我的声音很清新很特

6、别.and she wants to do a demo of Smelly Cat. 她要帮我录制”臭臭猫”的试听带Okay, I told you not to do that yet. 我说过不要太兴奋的And she wants to do a video. 她还说要帮我做MTV呢Im not done yet, okay? 我还没说完God! 天哪If that goes well, they may even want to make an album. 如果结果不错的话他们或许还会帮我做一个专辑Im done now. 我说完了If you care about me, get

7、the pie out of the mans hood. 罗斯,如果你关心我的话就把馅饼从他帽子里拿出来-Get the what? -Theres a pie in the hood. Go! 拿什么?帽子里有馅饼快去What are you doing? 你干什么?Im sorry. My pie was in your hood. 对不起,我的馅饼在在你帽子里I have to get the coffee out of that guys pants. 现在我得去那个家伙的裤子上拿我的咖啡.and Ill be back in the hospital by 7. 我七点以前会回医院

8、去Damn it, Ross! Get your butt out of the bathroom! 该死,罗斯,你快给我滚出来Calm down. Im blow-drying. 别激动,我在吹头发Blow-drying what? You have no hair. 吹什么头发呀?你没有头发啦Whats going on? 怎么了?Your boyfriend has been in there for an hour! 你男朋友在里面关了一个多小时Its like Im living with him again. 真不敢相信这就像我们又住在一起Hes here when I go to

9、 sleep and wake up and when I want to shower. 我睡觉时他在,醒来时他在想洗澡的时候他也在I feel like Im 16 again. 我好像回到十六岁了Well, youre not 16. Youre both adults now. 你不是十六岁而且你们现在都是大人了Get out, you doofus! 出来呀,蠢货Or, you know, hes rubber and youre glue. 你知道啊他是橡胶,你是胶水All yours. 该你了I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drai

10、n. 希望你清了排水孔的头发Shut up! 住口Cut it out! 住口Ive never wanted you more. 我从来没有这样想要过你-Lui. Where is Howard? -He went home. -路易,豪维尔到哪里去了? -他回家了.He said he might stop by after a shift. 他说他换班后可能上来看看的.He said he tell you he dont feel so good. 他说他告诉你了他不太舒服.Hey what time do you get off? 你什么时候换班?Im not feel too go

11、od either. 我也不太舒服.So what do you say, boys? Should I call him? 怎么样,孩子们我该打电话给他吗?You know what they say: 俗语有云Ask your slippers a question. 问你拖鞋一个问题,.youre going crazy. 你疯了Im sorry I didnt make it over there today. 乔伊,对不起我今天没有过去Thats okay. 没关系You had a thing. 你你有事嘛I hear the place looks great. 对,听说你那里很

12、棒Forget about it. Im having a ball! 别提了,我开心死了Hows the apartment? 你那儿怎么样了?Its terrific. I mean, its a regular space-. 很棒呀,一个空间.-fest! 的大聚合Well, great. 那太棒了Yeah, I just. 是呀,我只是.wanted to call and say hey. 打个电话跟你聊一聊而已Well, okay. 好啊Was that the oven timer? 那是烤箱定时器吗?Thats right, my friend. 没有错,朋友Its time

13、 for. 应该看.Baywatch! “海滩游侠”Can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer? 你相信他们让芬妮得皮肤癌吗?I cant believe they made her lieutenant! 我还是不敢相信他们升她为副队长Youre saying that because you love Yasmine Bleeth. 你那么说是因为你最喜欢毕雅敏了How could anyone not love Yasmine Bleeth? 怎么可能会有人不爱毕雅敏呢?Hey, theyre running. 她们在跑了See, th

14、is is the brilliance of the show. 瞧,这个节目棒就棒在这里I say always keep them running. 我说她们应该不停地跑All the time running! 直跑Run! 跑Run! 跑Run, Yasmine! Run like the wind! 跑啊,雅敏,像风一样的跑But you wanted to live by yourself. 我以为你想自己一个人住I did. I thought itd be great. 没错,我以为会很棒I figured Id have time alone with my thought

15、s. 我以为我会有时间自己思考But it turns out I dont have as many thoughts as you think. 但我发觉我的思想没有你们想得那么多Why dont you talk to Chandler about moving back? 乔伊,你跟钱德说你想搬回去好了You really think hed take me? 你认为他会答应吗?We had a good talk last night. 我们昨晚聊得很开心.but when I moved out, I hurt him bad. 可是我搬走时把他伤透了He would defini

16、tely want you back. 我保证,他绝对想你搬回去的Im telling you, theres no way hes moving back. 我告诉你他绝对不可能搬回来的But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. 可是我们从没像昨天晚土聊得那么开心过I mean, it was 那就像是It was like when we first started living together. 我们刚刚住在一起时一样I know you dont want to hear this right now. 钱

17、德我知道你现在听不进去. but weve seen him in his new place. And hes happy. 但我们看过他在新家的样子,他很快乐Hes decorated. 他都装潢好了Chandler, he has moved on, okay? You have to, too. 听著,钱德他向前走了,你也要这样Youll have to accept the fact that youre just friends now. 你必须接受我们只是朋友这个事实Youre not. 你们不再是. roommates anymore. 室友了Okay, Phoebe. You

18、 ready to try one? 菲此,可以试了吗?Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫What are they feeding you? 他们喂你什么?Smelly, smelly, smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat 非常臭的臭臭猫Whoa! Oh, my God! 我的天啊I mean, like, who was that? 是谁在唱?Theyre your backup singers. Behind you, hon. 你的伴唱团,在你後面I thought they were just watching me.

19、 我还以为她们只是在看Like at an aquarium, you know? 就像像水族馆那样You are so good, hi, you are so good. 你们真好,嗨,你们好!All right. 好了Now everyone knows everyone. Lets try it again. 现在大家都认识了大家了. 我们重新来一次.From the top. 从头开始Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫What are they feeding you? 他们喂你什么?Okay, sorry. 对不起Im just not getting.

20、我没感觉到.that everyone gets. 大家都懂. how smelly this cat actually is. 这只猫到底有多臭Maybe if we could talk about this. 也许我们应该谈一谈. because I need to feel that you really care about the cat. 因为我必须要感觉到你们真的很关心那只猫We can talk. 我们可以谈的Its just that this costs $100 a minute to be in here. 只是录音间是算时间的一分钟一百块耶So the cat st

21、inks, but you love it. Lets go. 好,那只猫很臭,但你们非常爱她,开始No, there is no way he was a velociraptor. 不,它绝对不可能是一只迅猛龙的Look at the cranial ridge, okay? 不,东尼,你看他的头盖脊骨If Dino was a velociraptor, hed have eaten the Flintstones. 帝诺要是一只迅猛龙它早吃了摩登原始人了Were you taking a nap? 你在睡觉?I was. 本来是Tony, can you hold on? Thats

22、the other line. 等等,东尼,等一下,好吗?我有插拨Yeah, shes here, but can she call you back? 对,她在我叫她回电话,好吗?Okay, thanks. 好,谢了Call Joanna. 打给乔安娜Did she leave a number? 她留了号码?Did you see me write one down? 你看到我写下来了吗?I dont have her number, butt-munch. 我没有她的电话,呆瓜Shell call back. Dont be such a baby. 那她会再打来的你不要耍孩子脾气了Yo

23、ure the baby. 我才没有,你自己才是-Get off my back. -Get out of my face. 听著,你别烦我,好不好?你不要碍眼,好不好?Wait, hold on, Tony. Hold on. 慢著,等一下,东尼Yeah, shes right here. Hold on. 对,不,她在,等一下Tony, can I call you back? 东尼,我再打给你,好吗?Thats my sisters boyfriend. 那是我妹妹的男朋友Give me that. 电话给我Sweetie, before I forget, did l leave my

24、 diaphragm at your place? 甜心,听著,趁我还记得我的避孕器是否留在你那儿?Hi, Mom. 吗So hows the palace? 皇宫生活过得怎么样了?Its funny you should mention that because I was thinking. 真有趣,既然你提起这个我在想Whats with the boxes? 这些箱子怎么回事?Actually, I have some news. 事实上,我有个消息Is that Joey guy gonna pick up his moose hat or should I toss it? 那个乔

25、伊会回来拿他的麋鹿帽吗?还是我把它扔了?Why dont you ask him yourself? This is my new roommate, Eddie. 这个你何不自己问他呢?乔伊,这是我的新室友艾迪Nice to meet you. 幸会-Likewise. -How you doing? 彼此,你好吗?Ill take that. 那我带走了Its what I came for. 我就是回来拿这个的This is new. Whered you two meet? 这倒新鲜你们是哪儿认识的?At the supermarket in the ethnic food secti

26、on. 我们在超市的民族食品区I helped him pick out a chorizo. 我帮他挑西班牙香肠We got to talking. He needed a place, and I had a spare room. 我们开始聊,他说要找地方住而我又刚好有一个空房Now its a spare room? 那儿成了空房了?Well, yeah. In that its not being used. 是啊,那房间没有人用.and I have it to spare. 而我就把它空出来Well, I got what I came for. 我拿到我要的了Ill see y

27、ou. 改天见了Hey, Joe. 改天见了Whend you start using moose in your hair? 你什么时候开始抹慕丝的?Is this guy great, or what? 他是不是很棒?Yeah, he is. 是呀,他很棒I cant believe he has a new roommate. Who is he? 真不敢相信他有新室友了这家伙是谁啊?Eddie. He just met him. 好像叫艾迪,他们刚认识Itll never last. Hes just a rebound roommate. 不会长久的,他只是个替代品Check it

28、out! Check it out! 看这个Its Smelly Cat, the video! 是”臭臭猫”的MTVNow, I havent seen it yet, so if you dont like it. 我自己都还没看呢如果你们不喜欢的话呢.so what? None of you ever made a video. 那又怎么样?你们又没有MTVGet out of here, cat! You stink! 滚出去,猫,你臭死了Smoking! 美呆了Look at me! 看看我Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫What are they fee

29、ding you? 他们喂你什么?Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫Its not your fault 那不是你的错Smelly, smelly, smelly Really bad smelling smelly cat 臭臭,非常臭的臭臭猫Its not your fault 那不是你的错Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫-Oh, my God! -I know. 臭臭猫I sound amazing! 我的声音好美喔They wont take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医Youre obviously not their

30、 favorite pet 你显然不是他们的最爱Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫Its not your fault 那不是你的错Ive never heard myself sing before. 我从没听过自己唱的歌I mean, except in my own head. 除了在我的头里面This is so cool! Now I can hear what you hear! 这太酷了我可以听到你们听到的了Pretty different, huh? 蛮不同的吧?I am sorry, but Im incredibly talented! 不要介意,

31、我实在太才华洋溢Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫Its not your fault 那不是你的错Whats going on, man? 乔伊,近来如何?Eddie. 艾迪Morning. 早安I just came by to pick up my mail. 我只是过来拿我的信-Wheres the mail? -Over there on the table. 信在哪儿?在那边那张桌上You dont keep it on this table anymore? 你不再把信放在这张桌上了?Eddie likes it over there. 不了,艾迪喜欢把

32、信放在那边All right, here you go, my friend. Eggs a la Eddie. 好了,请用吧,朋友这是艾迪秘方蛋Thats great. 太棒了What? 干嘛?I thought you liked your eggs. 我只是以为你喜欢.with the bread with the hole in the middle, a la me! 面包挖一个洞,中间放蛋呢I do, but Eddie makes them this way. Theyre pretty darn good. 我喜欢呀,但艾迪是这样煎得,还真是蛮好吃的Will you try s

33、ome, there are some extra. 你要来点吗?这还有点.-No, thanks! -All right. -不用了,谢谢! -好吧.Well, you guys. 好了,两位. Im out of here. 我要出去了See you, pals. 再见,兄弟们See you. 再见-How are you two getting along? -I couldnt be happier. 你们处得怎么样?再快乐也不过了Great. 很好Im happy for you. 我替你高兴All right, thats it! 好吧,够了He just comes in her

34、e, Mr. Johnny New Eggs. 那个人就这样进来新蛋先生.with his moving the mail and his See you, pals. 变了放信的地方,还有”再见,兄弟们”And now theres no juice! 现在果汁也没有了Theres no juice for the people who need the juice. I need the juice! 需要果汁跟要果汁的人没得喝我需要果汁Theres another carton there. 那边还有一盒果汁啊This isnt about juice anymore, all righ

35、t, man? 这不再是关於果汁了,好吗?All right. 好呀So whats it about? 那么是关於什么呢?Eggs! 蛋Whose eggs do you like better, his or mine? 你比较喜欢谁的蛋?他的还是我的?-Well, I like both eggs equally. -Oh, come on! 我两个一样喜欢少来了Nobody likes two eggs equally. I wanna know which one you like better. 没人一样喜欢两种不同的蛋我知道你比较喜欢哪一种Whats the difference

36、? Your eggs arent here anymore. 那有什么差别呢?你的蛋已经不在这个地方了You took your eggs and you left! 你已经带著你的蛋走了Did you expect me to never find new eggs? 你真的期望我再也找不到一个新的蛋吗?Maybe this is not about the eggs. 也许这根本和鸡蛋无关Maybe its about the chicken that lay them. 这也许只是和下它们的小鸡有关What chicken, there is no chicken. 什么小鸡,这里没有

37、小鸡I cant talk to you. 我没法跟你说了I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight. 我要看”今夜娱乐”Tough. Were watching Predators of the Serengeti. 真不幸我们要看”瑟伦格提掠食者”Would you guys stop! 不要吵了,好不好?Its my TV! 这是我的电视-Quit it! -Bite me! 你,住手,你咬我呀Monica keeps changing the channel. 摩妮卡她一直在转台呀Thats great. Why dont you tell Mommy on

38、 me? 棒透了你去跟妈咪打个小报告啊Now Im Mommy in this little play? 现在我变成妈咪了Look, I refuse to get sucked into. 好,听著,我拒绝卷入.this weird little Geller dimension thing, okay? 这一类畸型的盖勒家庭纠纷So Im gonna go take a nice long hot bubble bath. 我现在要去洗个香啧啧热腾腾的泡泡浴.because you kids are driving me crazy! 因为妈咪快要被你们这疯了What do we do a

39、bout this? 这件事我们怎么解决?We could tape Entertainment Tonight. 我们可以把”今夜娱乐”录下来Not that! 不是那个This! Us! 我是说这个,我们Oh, my God, Ross, its. Youre just. 天啊,罗斯,你.你只是你Since youve been here, youre driving me. 从你到这儿开始我都快要被你这疯了Mon, youve gone ultrasonic again, all right? 摩妮卡,你又开始高八度了I just cant stand you being here. 我

40、受不了.all the time! 你老是在这里!Why? Why cant you stand me being here? 为什么?你为什么受不了呢?Were just having fun. 我们只是在闹著玩而已Fun? You think this is fun? 玩?这叫好玩吗?I thought we were fooling around, like when we were kids. 少来了,我以为我们只是在闹就像我们小时候一样I hated you when we were kids! 罗斯,小时候我恨你耶You hated me when we were kids? 小时

41、候你恨我?I hated you. 对,我恨你I loved you in a youre-my-brother- so-l-have-to way. 我是说,我就像”你是我哥所以我必须爱你”那样爱你. but basically, I hated your guts. 但基本上,我恨死你了Why did you hate me? 你为什么要恨我?Because you were mean to me. 因为你对我太烂了.and you teased me and you always got your way. 而且你你嘲弄我你总是你总是得逞That wasnt fun for you? 你

42、觉得那不好玩?I cant believe you hated me. 真不敢相信你恨我But now I love you. 现在我爱你And not just because I have to. 不只是因为我必须这样Really? 真的?Youre just gonna have to stop pissing me off. 只是你现在必须停止惹怒我I can do that. 我可以办得到Then I wont have to kill you. 那我就用不著杀你了So you wanna watch Entertainment Tonight?. 你要看”今天娱乐”?Thanks.

43、 谢了You know what? 知道吗?If you really wanna watch that Serengeti thing, we can. 如果你真的想看那个节目我还是可以让你Listen, you are not going to believe this. 听著,你们绝对不会相信的.but that is not me singing on the video. 但是MTV上的歌声不是我的How did you find out? 你怎么知道的呢?The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying its oka

44、y. 唱片公司送了一张纸条来叫我签名,要我同意.for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue. 他们找别人来替我唱的那是我的第一个线索What will you do? 那你打算怎么办?I cant work with people who would do this. 我没有办法跟这种人一起工作Sure. 那当然I mean, this poor woman. 这个这个可怜的女人What woman? 什么女人?The voice woman. 那个代唱的女人She has a great voice, but she doe

45、snt have a video. 她的声音真是棒透了可是她没有MTV啊Okay, Pheebs, but what about you? 菲菲,那你呢?I have a video. Pay attention. 我有MTV,你得要留心听This voice woman, shes so talented. 这个代唱的人她很有才华But according to the producer people, she doesnt have the right look. 可是那些制作人说她长得不够好看之类的啦Shes like one of those animals at the pound.

46、 她就像那种动物收容所里面的动物.who nobody wants because theyre not pretty. 没有人要就因为她长得不够漂亮而已Or you know, like some old dog whos kind of like stinky and 或者是像只老狗,浑身发臭Oh, my God! Shes smelly cat! 我的天啊,它就是”臭臭猫”That song has so many levels. 那首歌具有深度Hey, Eddie. 艾迪You wanna play some foosball? 来玩桌上足球怎么样?No, thanks, man. I

47、m not really into sports. 不,谢了,老兄我不太喜欢运动Yeah, okay. All right. 好吧Doesnt matter. Time for Baywatch! 没关系”霹雳游龙”要开演了You like that show? 你喜欢看那个节目?You dont? 你不喜欢吗?Its just pretty people running around on the beach. 不,那只是一群俊男美女在海滩上跑来跑去Thats the brilliance of it. 棒就棒在那里啊The pretty people. 俊男美女And the runnin

48、g. 跑来跑去Im gonna go read in my room for a little while. 我要进我房间看书了Okay, man. 好的,老兄I think of all the friends Ive known 我想到和我相知相惜的友人But when I dial the telephone 但我拨电话时No ones home 没有人在家All by myself 孤孤单单Dont wanna live 我不想要一个人All by myself 孤孤单单Anymore 不想再孤单All by myself 孤孤单单Im gonna sort off with a li

49、ttle song called smelly cat. 我用一首小歌做为结尾, 歌的名字叫做臭臭猫For those of you who wondering this is my real voice. 如你们所期望的,这是我的真实声音.Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫What are they feeding you? Everybody! 他们喂你什么?一起唱Smelly cat, smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫Its not your fault 那不是你的错They wont take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医Youre obviously not their favorite pet 你显然不是他们的最爱You may not be a bed of roses 你或许不是一床玫瑰And youre no friend To those with noses 也没有人会喜欢间你Ross, those are the only lines we have. Back to the chorus! 罗斯,歌词都唱完了,抱歉好了,回到合唱的部分10=

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