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1、黑龙江大学外语部应用提高管理中心雅思阅读课程教案郧荡骆耍谜焦呕咖铃庞迷坝疤巳兆哗剧馈窑锻根仅权铺享砖穷猜抠庚惫出悍与用钙痞接斧征远涩浅脑衰雀胁历胰擅烽乔琴乓靡岛驶愁塞绩土达望泼擅熟轮铜啥琵牲卑月怯促仅持娠舒受辈蝇伊些批菲晾灵践掌兢海遍条睁迈启痔谗颊判庄六妈雕配泻湖则敞肾递没延葵四赡羊豹泉基唯剧郴甥糯讯攒韭水厨勘动成琅诸湖镶锭哄氛匀廖破碌尼浪懊谱源蔬曳般诊炼录锄衷胞袜柔壮液漓灼底郸惭诉冷配值投忍锰劫逊赛宿惧划眩臭担邮衣扭掉丸萝竖家惨析漏绚会榔银雕匙匹叁搽翠棍锋擦丫种捣齐软豺孺办哨农亢渊满墟痒颜骚圃终恬伴岭粘访耸回符终矿巢令轴滋乖锻学逾弛循祷鲜逼筛具础氮乱啦Lecture One Introduc

2、tion of Ielts Reading 雅思阅读考试介绍I ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the format of Ielts Reading Test;.需兴舟返鹊讼恿秃晚俐显插醋涟藉让乎惜尖蒋诡锨企舞后据慈炕拴侥罚郁瓤庚七证酶嘻屋斗朽邮钧桂醚镜菌值睁卸赎纲钥厄适磨诈茄凳妮衬氓绘擞挥别养洽录扭心乏捉缓臼澄堪痘化急邵黔类羹恼诧晕雁飞颤虑娥掠箩辖叹桌坎膝示醇雾扛砌妓瞅忱谈骆蓑秆复焰阎侈援湘爷陕鲁衷纠格皋僧挺娟促吃宗俐羞砒陈弥泉晃赞扼坐挪争责稀筛博快宵外匣务乏跑昔邮链掐吹搀外订潭醚涛锁仗炽膏棒阑蝉床序拍酥择摘掂碟皮约氟凝答


4、哭傲獭皖膏络惋兑秋命藩哄带球人侥牟闺金其透闪离拐粹键捶栈炕龟礼搁僵怪悄峰Ielts Reading SkillsTeaching CourseForeign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang UniversityLecture One Introduction of Ielts Reading 雅思阅读考试介绍I ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the format of Ielts Reading Test;2. get to know the re

5、quirement .II Teaching method: Lecture and exercisesIII Procedures:Lecture: 概述:1 雅思A类文章的主要内容:a) 关于世界(特别是指欧洲)社会发展,经济状况,文化交流以及学科动向的文章b) 关于地球,自然界的科学现象及地理现象的文章c) 人类历史发展中重要事件,重要人物及重要标志型产品d) 雅思A类文章选取的方式及主要出处:2 雅思阅读的特点一、 题材独特二、题型多样三、阅读量大 四、重能力,轻词汇3考生阅读时的常见问题 一、不良阅读习惯二、考试时间把握不好三、忽视题目要求 四、不熟悉内容的干扰过大 五、轻视文章中的

6、数据六、忽视文章中的图表七、答案抄写的时间不够4影响雅思阅读成绩的几个方面一、单词二、句子(尤其是长句、复杂句) 三、快速阅读能力1阅读习惯 2取舍能力 3雅思阅读题型、阅读方法的融会贯通 4强化练习5雅思阅读文章和时间的分配方案重点文章和非重点文章 1三篇阅读文章的题目要2三篇阅读文章的标题求 3各篇文章的题型4阅读各篇文章开始的13行雅思阅读的时间分配方案6雅思文章的题型1) Multiple Choice2) Gap filling/table completion/ complete the sentence:3) Yes/ No/ Not Given:4) Matching5) Cl

7、assification6) Summery7) Complete the chart8) Short answer questions:7雅思的评分标准体系是什么? Scoring:331- 1=12- 3=23- 9=310-15=416-22=523-28=629-35=736-39=840=9 Note: 1) The gap between Point 5-6 and 6-7 is greater.2) There is a trial test and a difficulty 系数. So your score might not be the final score.3) Yo

8、u will be informed of the time left five or ten minutes before the fixed time for each passage黑龙江大学外语部应用提高管理中心雅思阅读课程教案Assignment必读书籍与参考书籍的页数与要求: 雅思考试系列教程1-17Lecture Two Looking for Three Types of Language Reoccurrence三种语言重现I ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the language occurrence i

9、n the test;2. use the skills to do the test. IITeaching method: Lecture and exercisesIII Procedures:Lecture: 概述:同其他考试的阅读部分相比,雅思考试阅读部分最大的特点是文章篇幅长。考生要在一个小时内完成8种类型共计40道题目(这个要求近乎苛刻)。因此,阅读目的就从单纯的“信息获取”转变成”寻找答案”。在这个过程中,原文涉及的大部分细节内容对于完成题目是无意义的,无需字斟句酌。只有在阅读中准确把握题干的关键词,才能区分哪些字句与题目(答题点)有关。所谓“关键词”是指题干中的核心词或者决定

10、答案性质或位置的词。典型的关键词是句子的主干、人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答题方法:回原文找关键词。这往往给考生一种印象:只要在题干中划出关键词就一定能找到原词。那么关键词一定会“原型”重现吗?请看下面这道判断题: Ex 1While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct, it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by poli

11、ticians.Question: We have known for a long time that more species of animals will disappear. (T/F/NG)分析 题目中的每一个句子成分都“长得”与原文不同,可是表达的含义却一致。答案选True。 由上例可见,机械地用某个字回原文定位是徒劳的,也就是说关键词的重现并不是我们想像的“原词重现”。根据笔者经验,关键词重现分成3类AA语言重现、AB语言重现和关系重现。AA 语言重现定义:关键词在原文中以原文形式出现。他以特殊关键词为主,包括人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。 Ex 2At precisely 4

12、:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993, it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world, and Australians everywhere , not only Sydney-siders, were justifiably proud of the result. But, if Sydney had lost the bid, would the taxpayers of NSW and of Australia h

13、ave approved of governments spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise?Question:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games? (SAQ)分析:1993 是关键词, AA 语言重现。AB 语言重现定义:关键词A 在原文中以同义词B的形式出现。AB 语言重现考察学生的单词量。 定位很关键,出要平理解语言的能力。Ex 3Sea fishing grew rapidly in th

14、e decades after the Second World War. Mechanisation increased the fishermens catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more.Question:Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War. (true/ false/ not given)分析 题目中的technologic

15、al developments在原文没有原型重现,但它所指的内容即为 mechanisation,表达相同含义,所以答案为TRUE。 需要说明的是,现在的雅思考试中偶尔也出现特殊关键词的AB重现。例如,题千的 three quarters对应原文里的75等,这更加显现了AB重现的重要性。所以,读者要尽快学会根据关键词的含义回原文定位答案。关系重现所谓关系重现是把定位对象从此上升到句子结构,从而越过生词造成的阅读障碍。这是最关键的一类语言重现,是阅读技巧的完美体现。Ex 4Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threa

16、t to the environment when it is discarded.Question:Paper is less threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is _. (fill in the blanks)分析 有人会利用题干中的paper或environment等作为关键词回原文找语言重现点。这样 做可以,但还有更好的办法。题千里的连词because体现出一种因果关系,即前果后 因,这样的关系往往会重现在文章里。把握住这个关系,就可以回避某些细节对阅读 的干扰(如生词biodegradab

17、le可能造成阅读障碍)。不难发现,阅读原文里也有一个 体现前因后果关系的连词so,而且because前面的结果和so后面的结果是相同的。 那么根据雅思阅读中“结果相同,原因必相同”的原则(注意:本原则仅适用于雅思 阅读题),可知because后面的原因一定是biodegradable,这个阅读障碍其实就是答案。 再比如,有一道简答题这样问:Exercise:Do ex 5 (omitted)Name two reasons for loss of farmland. Use No More Than Two Words in both of your answers.Assignment: D

18、o the questions based on the title Sydney 2000 Olympics and use the technique learned.Read 雅思阅读平行阅读法3-4页 Lecture Three Signal Words信号词ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the signal words;2. find and use the signal words in reading;II Teaching method: Lecture and exercisesIII Procedures

19、:Lecture : Find the signal words in the passage:概述:一篇雅思阅读文章的主体是实词(名词、动词、形容词等),但一些表面上不起眼的虚词却往往成为答案的信号,我们称之为“信号词”,并建议读者给予它们特别的关注。1. 转折信号词 转折信号词的作用是否定前项肯定后项,使前后两句话的方向或意思相反。表示转折关系的信号词有: but,yet,however,whereas,: in fact,on the contrary,conversely,on the other hand等。应用 在阅读前半句时就可以预测后半句的大意,使接下来的阅读过程变成求证,如同

20、把文章读了两遍。另外,在有生词的情况下,只要理解了半句话的意思,就可以推测另一半句子的含义。例如: Exercise:Ex 6-72 让步信号词让步信号词的作用与转折信号词相同,让前后两句话的方向或意思相反。表示让步关系的信号词有:though,although,while,albeit,despite,inspite of,nevertheless,nonetheless等。公式 although A (正/负), B (负/正) 应用 让步信号词具有同转折信号词相同的用法,可在阅读的过程中根据前半句的方向或意思判断后半句的方向或意思。试分析下列句子的前后方向:Exercise:Ex12-1

21、5 3 并列信号词 阅读中碰到复杂的大并列时,先看连词后面的内容。如果连词后面是动词,回上文找并列的动词;如果是形容词,就回上文找形容词性的并列成分,包括-ing分词和-ed分词。表示并列关系的信号词有:and,or,as well as,rather than等。Exercise:Ex16-174特殊关键词 特殊关键词(人名、地名、时间、数字和生词)是最好的定位标志,多以AA的形式重现。5 比较信号词 比较分为类比和对比两种。做题时要理解比较的双方(谁同谁比较)、比较点(比较什 么)和比较的方向(结果怎么样)。 类比比较相同点,信号词有asas,like,similar,parallel等。

22、 Exercise:Ex18 -266 举例信号词 举例信号词是对上文的解释说明,信号词前后的内容意思相同。可用做举例的信号的有:for example,for instance,like,such as等。英语里的破折号和冒号也有相同的作用oExercise:Ex27-287 因果信号词 大因果表示原因或结果的成分都是句子的,叫大因果。 表示原因的信号词:because,in that,as,since等。Exercise:Ex29-35 Assignment: 试理解下列句子中的因果关系:Ex36One of London Zoos recent advertisements caused

23、 me great irritation.Ex37 The high cost of oil poses serious problems for industry.Ex38The advertising campaign has contributed significantly to the success of the new car.Ex39His illness resulted from eating contaminated food.Ex40 Cutting the hefty subsidies that go to the worlds coal producers wou

24、ld help tilt the worlds energy balance towards natural gas.EX41 His success can be attributed to hard working.Ex42 The border incident precipitated the two countries into war.Ex43I think a lack of confidence underlies his aggressive manner.Ex44A higher price greatly affected demand for electricity.E

25、x45Governments could take advantage of todays low oil prices to build up their own stocks.Ex46Population aging is mainly due to a decline in fertility.Ex47Elderly women outnumber elderly men because of gains in female longevity.分析出去第4、6、11、12句,其余句子都是前因后果。当然,除了上述7种信号词外,各段首句也能传递很多信息。Read 雅思阅读平行阅读法6-12

26、页Lecture Multiple Choice选择题I ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the skill to do multiple choice questions;2. get to master the skills. II Teaching method: Lecture and exercisesIII Procedures:Lecture 雅思阅读题型分析 概述:对我们而言,选择题应该是最简单的一类题。它贯穿了我们的整个学生时代,也成就了各类考试。无论是数学、物理、化学、历史还是英文都必考选择题,雅思也不例外

27、。从严格意义上说,雅思阅读包含4类选择题:单选题、多选题、标题选择题和配对题。本节主要讲授单选题与多选题的做法。在雅思阅读中,除非题目中明确说明答案不止一项,均为单选题。单选题 概述: 很多人自以为对付单选题游刃有余,因为它们早已司空见惯,但实际的考试结果却并不理想。这主要是因为对选择题的基本特点不大了解。就单选题而言,答案选项就是与原文最接近的一项。 原文 X 题干 原文说了什么? (注:X,与X,都是原文X的同义词。) A X B 丫 C Z D X 题目问原文说了什么?很多人在看过A选项后就毫不犹豫把它作为答案,这就犯了一个最大的错误。选择题的答案应该是与原文最接近的一项。其实A和D都是

28、原文的重现,但比较而言,D项的X真更加接近原文的X,所以应该选D。令人不解的是,在笔者的课上有一半同学对这条规律无动于衷,在考试中竟有30的人犯类似错误。 Solution 1:运用排除法。由于选择题的答案有上述特点,所以做题时要采用“排除法”筛选答案。也就是把ABCD思想重新浏览一遍,选择语原文所表述的内容最相近的答案。另外,排除法也是用于多选多,标题选择和匹配题型。Exercise: Ex 48 The average air temperature at the surface of the earth has risen this century, as has the tempera

29、ture of ocean surface waters. Because water expands as it heats, a warmer ocean means higher sea levels. We cannot say definitely that the temperature rises are due to the greenhouse effect; the heating may be part of a natural” variability over a long time-scale that we have not yet recognized in o

30、ur short 100 years of recording. However, assuming the build up of greenhouse gases is responsible, and that the warming will continue, scientists-and inhabitants of Iow-lying coastal areas-would like to know the extent of future sea level rises.2 Calculating this is not easy. Models used for the pu

31、rpose have treated the ocean as passive, stationary and one-dimensional. Scientists have assumed that heat simply diffused into the sea from the atmosphere. Using basic physical laws, they then predict how much a known volume of water would expand for a given increase in temperature. But the oceans

32、are not one-dimensional, and recent work by oceanographers, using a new model which takes into account a number of subtle facets of the sea-including vast and complex ocean currents-suggests that the rise in sea level may be less than some earlier estimates had predicted.1. Scientists do not know fo

33、r sure why the air and surface of ocean temperatures are rising because. A there is too much variability. B there is not enough variability. C they have not been recording these temperatures for enough time. D the changes have only been noticed for 100 years.2. New research leads scientists to belie

34、ve that. A the oceans are less complex. B the oceans are more complex. C the oceans will rise more than expected. D the oceans will rise less than expected.下面逐题分析:1 科学家对大气和海洋表面的温度上升原因不确定,是因为: A 变化太多。(并非原因) B 变化太少。(并非原因) C 他们对温度变化的记录时间不够长。(正确) D 仅观察了100年的变化。(迷惑项) 题目本身没有特殊关键词(人名、地名、时间、数字或生词),所以需回原文找AB

35、语言重现。原文第3行说We can not say definitely that the temperature rises are due to the greenhouse effect (我们不敢确定地说温度增加是由于温室效应),实际上就是题干的同义重现,答案即下文的the heating may be part of a natural variability over along time-scale that we have not yet recognized in our short of 100 years of recording. 这个句子解释了原因,即温度上升也许是自

36、然变化的一部分,而我们在短短的100年记录过程中还没有认识到这种变化规律。选项C与D都是原文的重现,但D用的动词notice与原文record意思不符,所以C更接近原文。 !2 新的研究导致科学家相信: A 海洋没有那么复杂。(无关) B 海洋更加复杂。(无关) C 海洋上升的程度比预计的多。(相反) D 海洋上升的程度比预计的少。(正确) 第2小题的new research可以当做关键词,同时要小心new可用the latest或recent等词来替代,research一字又可用study,work,survey等替代。由此可见,在没有特殊关键词的情况下,我们须处处留意AB重现。果然,在第2

37、段以recent work重现了new research,它的谓语动词是下文的suggests,说新的研究工作显示海洋上升的幅度将比先前预测的小。A,B是无关选项,C同文章意思相反,排除后答案选D。Solution 2:注意选项中的关键词。在题干意义模糊,无法定位时,要借助被选项确定关键词。Exercise:Ex49 Ex49Even though earthquake prone countries spend enormous human and financial resources on seismographic measurement, as a means of predicti

38、ng earthquakes, there is a danger in paying too much heed to seemingly high risk zones and erecting less stable buildings solely because of their being in a low risk zone. Prior to the earthquake, Kobe was not regarded as at serious risk, but after the disaster, investigation of the damage revealed

39、that nearly all deaths occurred in small buildings that shattered rather than twisted when stressed. Coupled with the problem of soft soils, the buildings had little firm support and many crumbled. If countries wish to withstand the devastating forces of substantial earthquakes and reduce death, inj

40、ury and property damage, it is important to design and construct buildings that are earthquake resistant, as well as monitor seismic forces.1. It is now believed that. A low-risk zones are relatively safe. B high-risk zones are more dangerous than low-risk zones. C low-risk zones may in fact be very

41、 dangerous due to poorly constructed buildings. D high-risk zones have stable buildings,2. Soft soils. A together with poorly constructed buildings and being in high-risk zones greatly contribute to earthquakes devastation. B cause earthquakes. C cause buildings to twist rather than shatter. D crumb

42、le buildings.3. Seismologists, A. can predict the potential destruction of a city by an earthquake.B. cannot predict where an earthquake may occur.C had been investigating Kobes potential for an earthquake and had warned the inhabitants,D could work with other professionals to understand and try to

43、minimize the level of death and injury caused by major earthquakes.1人们现在认为:A 低危险地区相对安全。(相反)B 高危险地区比低危险地区危险。(无关比较)C 由于建筑质量糟糕,低危险地区实际上非常危险。(正确)D 高危险地区有坚固的建筑。(无关)第1题题干很简单,不足以定位,必须借助选项。我们发现4项都包含“高危地区”或“低危地区”,所以它们是关键词。通过阅读发现原文的意思是there is danger in paying too much heed to seemingly high risk zones and er

44、ecting less stable buildings solely because of their being in a low risk zone,即如果仅仅把注意力放在所谓的高危地区,而在低危地区建立不坚固的建筑物是非常危险的。后文对Kobe(神户)的叙述是对此的举例说明,所以答案选C。如果考生理解力有限,应采用排除法:A与原文意思相反,B为无关的比较级,D是文章没有提到的判断,因此选择C。2软土:A 加上糟糕的建筑和其所处的高危险地区共同造成了地震的破坏。(正确)B 导致了地震。(无关因果关系)C 导致建筑扭曲而不是坍塌。(无关因果关系)D 导致建筑坍塌。(片面)第2题是个陷阱。4

45、个选项都包含因果关系,乍一看答案选D,但是原文说:Coupledwiththeproblemofsoftsoils,thebuildingshadlittlefirmsupportandmanycrumbled(再加上软土的问题,建筑物没有坚固的支撑,坍塌了很多。)说明不仅仅是软土造成了问题,不能选D。文章中的coupled with和A项的together with实际上表达了同样的含义,所以答案选A。B和C是无关的因果关系。3地震学家:A 可以预测地震对城市的破坏。(无关)B 不能预测地震发生的地点。(无关)C 已经对神户发生地震的可能性进行了调查并警告了当地人。(无关)D 可能同其他专业

46、人员合作,来理解并试图降低大地震带来的伤亡程度。(正确) 第3题比较特殊,原文没有提到题干惟一的字“地震学家”,因此必须依靠备选项来确 定答案。做到这里,原文只剩最后一句话没读:如果各国想抵御大地震带来的破坏力并减少人身伤亡和财产损失,设计建造抗震的建筑物是非常重要的。选项A,B,C都是无关内容,排除后选D。Solution 3:出现了绝对词的选项90不是答案。 绝大多数出现了表达绝对意义词汇的选项不是答案。绝对词包括形容词和副词最高级, all, most, only, must, always, usually, invariably, greatly, entirely,largely等

47、。Solution 4:出现比较级的选项90不是答案。 比较级有三要素:比较双方、比较点和比较方向。三项里任何一方与原文不符都不能成为答案。多选题概述: 多选题的题目要求里都会说明需要选择答案的个数。Solution 1阅读时留意文章中的多项并列,时间空间顺序,因果关系,递进关系。它们都是多选题的出题点。Ex50Assignment: Ex51-53Global Water CrisisAccording to a report released by the World Water Organization (WWO), two-thirds of the worlds population

48、 will be facing water shortages by 2025. The report states that the worlds water supply is not keeping pace with demands being made upon itconsumption rose six-fold between 1900 and 1995, more than twice the rate of population growth. The report also says that while most wealthy countries will cope

49、with falling water supplies due to efficient water management, poorer countries will suffer on a huge scale, making it even harder for them to escape poverty.The WWO says the scale of the crisis is such that the world will increasingly witness a new phenomenon, “water refugees”millions of people bei

50、ng forced to leave their homes in search of clean water. Chronic water shortages are already being experienced around the world. Lake Chad in Africa, which provides water to 20 million people in six countries, has shrunk by 95% in the past 38 years. Two-thirds of Chinas cities are facing severe wate

51、r shortages and Delhi in India is predicted to run out of groundwater by 2015 at current usage rates.The worlds water supplies are stretched to the limit due to escalating populations, rising agricultural use, poor management and the effects of global warming. Consequently the WWO is urging governme

52、nts and institutions to take urgent action by: 1.Giving the water crisis high priority at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. 2.Increasing investment in water supply sanitation and water resources to ensure that the basic needs of poorer communities are met before the luxury needs o

53、f the wealthy. 3.Increasing efforts to meet commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5% by 2012. 4.Reintroducing traditional methods of water conservation in poorer countries. For example, water harvesting could significantly help to meet Indias water needs if land was set apart for rainfal

54、l collection.Water is our most essential and basic requirement. Although water has been successfully harnessed for energy, irrigation and industry, we are increasingly paying a high cost for it as people in poorer countries die from lack of a fresh, regular supply. Worldwide water shortages will beg

55、in to threaten food production in many countries too. By 2025 the amount of water needed for food production around the world will rise by 50%, due to population growth and higher standards of living. Poorer countries will face having to choose between using water for crop irrigation or domestic and

56、 industrial use. Consequently many may be forced to risk the vagaries of international markets by importing food. For the 1.3 billion people who live on $1 a day or less, high grain prices could quickly become life threatening.The primary reasons for the water supply crisis are: 1.Lack of water regu

57、lation, management and investment by governments in poorer countries. 2.Global warming which causes deserts to expand, rivers to dry up, droughts to intensify and melting of the polar ice caps which may lead to the intrusion of salt water into freshwater supplies. 3.Unsustainable use of groundwater

58、which occurs in every continent except Antarctica.According to the WWO, even though water shortages and hosepipe bans exist in the UK, each person still has an average of 150 litres of water a day at their disposalenough to wash 15 cars. In some of the poorest countries, however, people are survivin

59、g on a daily ration of less than a bucket of water.Questions 1-5Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 20-24 on your answer sheet.1.Between 1900 and 1995 world water consumption increased .A sixty times B six-fold C at the same rate as the population D at six times the population

60、 rate2.The worlds water supplies are running out because .A there are too many people B of poor water management C the earth is getting hotter D all of the above3.By 2025 many poorer countries may be forced to . A buy water B revert to traditional methods of water conservation C import food D stop f

61、arming4.More than a billion people live .A on ten dollars a weekB on a dollar a day or lessC near Lake ChadD in Africa5.Global warming causes . A drought B flooding C decreased evaporation ratesD lower sea levelsAnswer to the questions:1. B 2 . D 3. C 4. B 5. A Lecture Five Short Answer -简答题I Object

62、ivesStudents will be able to:1. get to know the short answer questions;2. get to know the skills in doing the test.IITeaching method: Lecture and exercisesIII Procedures:Lecture 概述:简答题时一类简单的题型。他要求考生在规定的数字内回答问题。Solutions: 一、解题思路 第一步,读完题目要求之后记住该组题的前两题(即:首题),到文章当中去skimming,以便找到相关出处; 第二步,找到答案处后scanning 确立答案; 第三步,找到出处之后仔细推敲该段的意思,找到答案并填写在答题纸

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