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1、第二学期期末质量抽测试卷 小学四年级 英语 完成时间:60分钟题号听力部分笔试部分总分得分听力部分 (共四大题 40分).听音选词。在听到的单词序号上画圈。(每题1分,共8分)1.A. hotB. lot3.A. nearB. hear5.A. specialB. silence7.A. countryB. cousin 2.A. glassB. grass4.A. lightsB. nights6.A. catsB. hats8.A. northB. south.听音标号。用数字标出图片的先后顺序。(每题1.5分,共12分) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 听

2、音选句。把正确的选项填写在前面的括号里。(每题1分,共8分) ( )1. A. Amy played the pipa. B. Amy played the erhu.( )2. A. This computer is cheap. B. That computer is expensive.( )3. A. Im good at English. B. Im good at Chinese.( )4. A. The pen costs 1,800 yuan. B. The pen costs 8,100 yuan.( )5. A. Sam will cut the paper. B. Sam

3、 will buy the paper.( )6. A. Dont play computer games here. B. Dont play ball games here.( )7. A. Lily saw a snake. She was scared. B. Lily saw a cat. She was scared.( )8. A. Ill send you a postcard from England. B. Ill send you a letter from England. 听对话,根据内容判断正误。正确的写T, 错误的写F。(每题2分,共12分) ( ) 1. Amy

4、 is singing .( ) 2. Tom is playing the piano.( ) 3. Sam is playing the drums now.( ) 4. They are having a picnic.( ) 5. Today is Linglings mothers birthday.( ) 6. Its a surprise party for Linglings mother and Ms Smart.笔试部分(共六大题,60分).单项填空。将正确答案的序号填写在前面的括号里。(每题1.5分,共15分)( )1. Dalian is near to the sea

5、, so it is very _ in summer. A. hot B. cool( )2. Ill go back to England this summer. What _ you, Lingling? A. about B. with ( )3.Look! This bag _ a panda. Its very funny. A. looks like B. looks after( )4. Yesterday Daming went into a shop and _ some pencils. A. bought B. ate( )5. Im going to _ an En

6、glish newspaper. A. making B. make( )6. I love _, but they are not good for us. A. crisps B. fruits( )7.-Its too hot today. Lets _. -Thats a great idea! A. play football B. go swimming( )8. -_ did Tilly run away? - Because she saw a cat. A. Where B. Why( )9. The boy _ to the village. “Wolf, wolf,” h

7、e shouted. A. ran B. flew( )10. -Your English newspaper is fantastic! -_! A. Thats a great idea B. Thank you.词语运用(共2大题,共15分)A. 用下列方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使句子完整。(每空1分,共6分)Mothers Day, Australia, paint, be good at, west, cute1. East or _ , home is the best.2. On _, what did you do for your mother?3. Koalas liv

8、e in _. They are very _4. Daming _ Art. He will _some flowers and birds.B. 根据语境提示,补全单词完成下列句子。(每题1.5分,共9分)1. Nice to m_ _ _ (见到)you,sir!2. Look! The moon tonight looks like a b_ _ _ _ _ (香蕉).3. I was very n_ _ _ _ _ _(紧张的)before the concert.4. Sanya is in the south of China on the m_ _ (地图)of China.

9、5. At the end of the concert, everyone c_ _ _ _ _ _ (鼓掌) and I was happy.6. _ _ _ _(等待) for a moment, please!.情景反应。找出相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。(每题1分,共6分)( )1. Where are you going to go? A. I looked after my dog.( )2. What did you do yesterday? B. Its a Chinese instrument.( )3. Whats a pipa? C. Because I lik

10、e Australian animals.( )4. Why do you like Australia? D. I will go to the shop.( )5. Where is the supermarket? E. Its to the east of our school.1 ( )6. What will you do , Sam? F. Im going to go to school.根据图文提示,完成下列句子。(每题1.5分,共9分)2 1. The planet is _ the sun , so it is cold.2. -What will you see in

11、London, Lingling?- I will_.343. -What is Daming doing?-Hes _.54. -What is the moon like?-Its _.5. -Where is New York?6-Its _of America.6. -Where are you going to go this summer?- _. .情景交际。选择答案的序号填写在空格处。(每题2分,共10分)Lingling: I went to a concert yesterday.A. Dad played the erhu. B. Was it Chinese music

12、? C. It looks like a violin.D. My mum and dad played in the concert. E. It looks like a guitar.Amy: _Linging: Yes, it was. _Amy: What did they play?Lingling: _Amy: Whats an erhu?Linging: Its a Chinese instrument Amy: _Lingling: And Mum played the pipa.Amy: _.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共5分)Tomorrow is Saturda

13、y, Lets have a class party. We will go to a park . The park is to the north of school. Its very big and beautiful . We can play football. We can fly our kite. Sam is going to go skating and Amy will tell us a story(故事), Mr Li , our English teacher will play the guitar. We will go there at nine ocloc

14、k. ( )1. Tomorrow is _ A. Sunday B. Saturday ( )2. Is the park big? _ A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt ( )3. What will Sam do? He will _. A. swim B. go skating ( )4. Mr Li is our _ teacher. A. Chinese B. English ( )5. We will go there at _oclock A. 9 B. 8 四年级英语听力题签注意:每道听力试题读二遍,听力时间控制在15分钟内。.听音选词。在听到的单词

15、序号上画圈。1. It s very hot today.2. Dont walk on the grass, please!3. I can hear the drums.4. Some nights, theres no moon at all.5. The mother kangaroo has a special bag for her baby.6. I like cats because theyre very cute.7. My cousin lives in England.8. Canada is to the north of America.听音标号。用数字标出图片的先

16、后顺序。1. It says, “Dont feed the ducks.”2. This planet is near to the sun. Its very hot.3. Look! My computer is perfect.4. I like playing football very much.5. There was no wolf. The people were angry.6. The girl played the piano yesterday.7. Daming, listen! We are having a party now.8. Ill send you a

17、 postcard from London. 听音选句。把正确的选项填写在前面的括号里。1. Amy played the pipa. 2. That computer is expensive.3. Im good at Chinese. 4. The pen costs one thousand and eight hundred yuan. 5. Sam will cut the paper. 6. Dont play ball games here!7. Lily saw a snake. She was scared.8. Ill send you a postcard from E

18、ngland.IV. 听对话,根据内容判断正误。正确写T;错误写F。 Daming: Hi, Lingling! What are you doing ?Lingling: Hi, Daming.Were having a party now. Amy is playing the piano.Daming: Whats happening now?Lingling: Oh,Tom is singing. Can you hear?Daming: Yes.Lingling: And now Sam is playing the drums.Daming: I can hear the drum

19、s. Is it your mothers birthday?Lingling: No, its Mothers Day today. Its a surprise party for Ms Smart and my mother.Daming: You are great! 听力部分到此结束!备注:听力题签需要2位英语教师合作录音!四年级英语参考答案及评分标准听力部分.(188分) 1.A 2.B 3.B 4. B 5. A 6.A 7. B 8. A. (1.5812分) 7- 2- 1- 8 4 -3- 5- 6 . (188分) 1.A 2.B 3. B 4. A 5.A 6.B 7.

20、A 8.A . (2612分) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 笔试部分. (1.51015分) 1.B 2. A 3. A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7. B 8.B 9.A 10. B . A. (166分) 1. west 2. Mothers Day 3. Australia cute 4. is good at (be动词没有变化的扣0.5分) 5. paintB. (1.569分) 1.meet 2. banana 3.nervous 4.map 5. clapped 6. Wait (请注意画线黑体部分,如果没有形式的变化将各扣0.5分,其他单词完全准确

21、方可得分). (166分) F A B C E D. (1.569分) 1. far from2.see Big Ben.3.painting(drawing)/writing/ painting some pictures /writing a message/making a card4. big and round/ very big(round, bright)/big/round/bright5. in the east6. Australia (Sydney/ Sydney Opera House)./ Im going to (go to )Australia (Sydney/ Sydney Opera House).(注:大小写、未变形、拼写错误等一处均扣0.5分,扣完为止,不倒扣)特此说明此题编制意图:伴随着新课标,我们取消了以往的连词成句,逐步培养学生的语言思维从中段向高段的过度,能在图文语境的提示下由词到句再到小语篇习作。 . (2510分) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.E.(155分) 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A备注:卷面满分为100分。(听力40分,笔试60分。) 优秀:90-100 良好:80-89 及格:60-79 不及格:0-59 2014年 6 月 30 日四年级英语试卷 第 8 页 共 8 页

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