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1、Learning paper-Skills for listening testI. 听句子,选择最佳答语。(2011年中考)1. A. Its 7 oclock. B. 7 oclock C. At 7 oclock.2. A. OK, Ms Clark . B. Sorry, Ms Clark. C. Thank you, Ms Clark3. A.Yes,there is one next to the post office. B. Yes, it is. Its on the Bridge Street.C. Yes, you are right.4. A.I usually go

2、shopping with my mother. B. Once a month. C. At weekend.5. A.Sorry,I dont like it. B. Ok, thanks. I like coffee without anything.C. No, thanks. I prefer black coffee.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。6. A. About half an hour. B. More than one hour. C. Eleven minutes. 7. A. patient and doctor. B. teacher and st

3、udent. C. mother and son.8. A. Very good. B. Not bad. C. Terrible.9. A B. C.10. A. Yes, they have . B. No, they havent. C. We dont know. . 听对话,回答问题。对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答11-12小题边听边做简要笔记(采用自己习惯的符号)11. What is Mrs Black good at? A.Swimming. B Cooking. C Boating.12.Where did the man have his picnic?A. In a bo

4、at. B. I the park. C. Near the riverHow much will the man pay for the tickets?A.$18 B. $24 C. $3简要笔记(不要影响跟听速度,采用自听第二段对话,回答13-15小题13. When does Wu Yan have to stay at home? A. At weekends. B. On school nights. C. Every day.14.What is Wu Yan allowed to do on Saturday evenings? A. To go to the party. B

5、. To watch TV at home. C. To go to movies with her friends.15.What does Wu Yan think of these rules? A. Very necessary. B. Too strict. C. Too bad. .听第一遍短文,把下列句子按照听到的顺序排列,并将其字母代号填写在第二卷相应的横线上.(2011年市南区)A. We felt sad.B. Our car caught fire!C. We visited our friends.D. Katy came back.E. The police arri

6、ved. (1)_ (2)_ (3) _ (4)_ (5)_Check the answers after listening(2009年中考) 2mistakesTimeThings to doNoonWork with (6) number .In the early afternoonLearn something you want to remember for a (7) long time.Between 2:00 and 4:00pmSleep for a few minutes. If thats impossible, just (8) relax .4:00 amIt is

7、 the (9) sleep time. This is why its not a good idea to(10) stay up studying all night.(2010年中考) 1mistakeNickMake sure that the (6) high f your desk and chair is correct.SharonStay away from (7) those rich desserts. And at the same time,you should (8) exercise (9). more .VictorDont eat or drink too

8、much (10) lose to bedtime.(2010年市南) 2 mistakesYou should say “Thank you” (5)when someone _pass_ you the salt on the table.(6)when someone lets you go first in the _hallway_.(7)when someone walks _in front of_ you keeps the door open for you (8)when someone says your work is _well done_. (9)when some

9、one says you have _bought_ a nice thing (10)when the kids get_gift_. 根据录音内容完成句子,每空一词。你将有15秒的时间阅读下面的内容,短文将读两遍。(6)You need to relax before _.(7)Listen carefully for the _sentence.(8)_ when you are listening.(9) Listen for important facts, like how the _ got their results.(10)Dont spend too much time _

10、 about one or two words for too long.Summary:Read the passage about listening skills after classHere are some tips on listening. We hope it can help you in one way or other. Relax yourself.Before you start to listen to sth., you need to relax. Dont get nervous or excited. This will help you with you

11、r listening. Listen carefully to the first sentence.The first sentence tells a lot about the whole passage. For example, if, at the very beginning, you hear “Many shops in many parts of China have decided to take away all kinds of Japanese goods off their shelves, but some people say its not a good

12、idea. Our report says”, you know you will hear a piece of news, not a childrens story, or a science report. Think when youre listening.When youre listening, try to do some thinking. For example, you can think of the following questions:What happened? When, where and how? What was the result and what

13、 does the speaker want to tell us?This way, you may understand the passage better. Listen for important facts.Its impotrtant for you to remember some important facts. For example, if the passage is a science report, you should try to remember its findings, and how the scientists got their results. D

14、ont think about one or two words for too long.You may hear some words that you dont know, but dont spend too much time on them. Very often, youll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening. But you can remember some words or sentences that you think are important, and you can us

15、e them when youre answering the questions.1. This whole passage is mainly about _.A. tips on thinking B. tips on finding the facts C. tips on listening D. tips on remembering words2. Its better for you to keep _ when you begin to have a listening exam.A. excited B. relaxed C. nervous D. worriedB.3.

16、The sentence “Many shops in many parts of China have decided to take away all kinds of Japanese goods off their shelves”seems to be _.A. the first sentence of a piece of newsB. a tip on reading C. the end of a piece of newsD. a tip on speaking4. When youre listening, its important for you to remember _.A. every word B. every sentence C. some important facts D. the whole passage5. You mustnt think about _ for too long when youre listening. A. one or two words B. the findings of the news C. science reportsD. childrens stories

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