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1、1.two thirds 2.right away3.He burst into tears. He burst out crying.4.It seemed as if the world was at an ruins7.The suffering of the people was extreme.8.injure/injured9.destroy10. useless11. shocked12. rescue sb.13. The army dug out those who were trapped.14. electricity15. disaster

2、 16. bury oneself in17. shelter18. a great number of19. The news is frightening.20. event关系副词where/when/why This was the house I visited last year. This was the house I lived in last year. This was the house I lived last year.that/whichthat/whichwhere/in which关系副词where/when/why I cant forget the day

3、s I spent in Beijing. I cant forget the days I worked in Beijing. that/whichWhen/ during which The reason he was late was that he missed the bus. why=for whichwhy 报纸第六期B3版 1. burst 2.injured 3. shocked 4.rescue 5. judge 6. event 7. trapped 8. track 9. extreme 10. disasters 11. shelters 12.destroyed

4、13. bury 14. express 15. electricity 1. experience 2. accidents 3. events 1. injured 2. damaged 3. ruining 4. destroyed 1. being dug out 2. Instead of 3.right away 4. in ruins 5. as if 6. was trapped in 7. at an end 8. A great number of 1. too; to 2. It seemed that 3. no matter where 4. It was hard

5、5. right away 6. All; do not 朗声P64Unit 4EarthquakeLearning about languageDiscovering useful words and expressions 1 Find the correct word or expression for each of the following meanings. 1. _ of no use2. _ all the people in a country3. _ a lot of4. _ matter that not clean5. _ finished 6. _ very gre

6、at in degree7. _ immediatelyuselessnationa great number ofdirtat an endextremeright away8. _ gas that hot water gives out9. _ make someone feel very surprised 10. _ metal bars that a train moves along11. _ save something or somebody from danger 12. _ the part of a building left after the rest has be

7、en destroyed steamshocktrackrescueruin2 What words would be used when we talk about earthquakes?EarthquakesFeelingssadnervouslonelydamageshomesmoneyRescue workdoctorsnursessoldierseventsSanFranciscoTangshanWenchuanbuildingslives It was a frightening night. The dam cracked and then _ under the weight

8、 of the water. The water went all over the fields and _ quite a few villages along the river. burstdestroyed3 Complete the passage with words from the text. Some buildings were in _ and some farmers were _ at the top of their houses. The water filled the canals and the _. Dead bodies and _ animals w

9、ere seen everywhere. People were _, but they had to _ dead bodies for health reasons. It was a very sad time.ruinstrappedwellsinjuredshockedbury4 Work in groups. Read some of the sentences and complete the others. When the earthquake came, it was as if the world was at an end.When the houses fell do

10、wn, it sounded as if _. a mountain had blown upWhen the dam broke, it looked as if the sea had arrived suddenly on our doorstep.When the bricks covered the ground, it was as if _.When the coal mines fell, the ground above looked as if it would crack.When the cows ran down the road, they looked as if

11、 _.stones were flowing like water they were driven by an unseen handWhen the shock hit us, we felt as if we were going to die.When the nation turned to help us in our need, it seemed as if _. all China was thinking of us and was coming to our aidThis of course _ our difficulties.What he spends a mon

12、th at school _ 1000 yuan.Please _ these figures.Would you please _ these names _ the list?added toadds up toadd upaddtoadd Unit 1 句子背诵句子背诵1. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (强调句强调句)我不知道我不知道这是这是不是因为我长久无法

13、出门的缘故不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故, 我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。9. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.- Do you know our town at all?- No, this is the first time I _ here. (1992) A. was B. have been C. came D. am comingB 8. I

14、dont know whether you happen _, but Im going to study in the USA this september. A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heardWhen the earthquake happened, he (碰巧在碰巧在户外户外) _.When the teacher came in, I (碰巧正在做功课碰巧正在做功课) _.happened to be outhappened to be doing my lessonsD 3.我记得非常清楚我记得非常

15、清楚, 曾有一段时间曾有一段时间, 湛蓝的天空、鸟儿湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花的歌唱、月光和鲜花, 从未使我心醉神迷过。从未使我心醉神迷过。 I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. _ we held a concert once a month at university.A. There was a time when B. We had a

16、 time thatC. There was a time that D. We had a time when3. Did you get the news _ radio or _ TV?A. over, on B. on, over C. over the, on the D. over the, on4. At the meeting, Professor Wang _ some good advice and all the people present agreed with him. A. came along B. came about C. came up with D. c

17、ame outC D 1) The farmer insisted that the neighbor _(steal) his sheep. 2) The government insists that waste water _ (make) clean before going into the river.(should) be madehad stolen4. familiar adj. 熟悉的熟悉的;通晓;通晓The lady looked somewhat familiar, but I could not remember where I had seen her.拓展:拓展:be familiar with 熟悉熟悉;通晓;通晓be familiar to 对对熟悉的熟悉的例题:例题:The song is familiar _ me. = I am familiar _ the song. withto

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