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1、Unit12 Review 3 (The first lesson)课堂教学设计一、教学内容:Review 3 (Exercise 1 Exercise2 the Vocabulary and the main sentence patterns in Units9,10,11)二、教学目标:1.知识与技能目标(1) 学生能掌握和熟练运用Units9,10,11的词汇与句型进行交际。(2) 学生能够根据实际情况在现实生活中问、答及描述人们正在做什么;谈论身体部位,给出指令及根据指令做出反应;问答及确认某人的所有物。做到“在学中用,在用中学”,从而提高学生的语言运用能力。(3)通过完成Excis

2、e1,2让学生在掌握听力技巧的同时,语言运用能力能得到进一步的巩固和发展。2. 情感态度目标(1)通过小组合作活动,学会与他人交流与合作。(2)学生能够积极参与课堂活动,提高学习英语的兴趣,并养成良好的学习习惯。三、教学重、难点:1、学生能够根据实际情况在现实生活中问、答及描述人们正在做什么;谈论身体部位,给出指令及根据指令做出反应,让英语的学习从知识变为现实生活中的技能。2、模拟情景打电话谈论正在做什么,相约去干什么。3、了解中国人与外国人外贸特征的差异。 四、教学策略:本单元主要采用任务型教学法、交际法、情景教学法、小组活动法等。其原因主要在于:(1)通过多种学生喜欢的活动形式,在转变教师

3、角色的同时,营造一个宽松、民主、和谐、愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生学习的积极性。(2)切实转变学习方式,在加强学习方法指导的同时,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作探究的精神。(3)坚持“以学定教,顺学而导”的原则,将学生的自主学习和教师的指导有机地结合起来,提高学生自主学习的质量。(4)充分发挥评价的作用,通过多元化的评价,实现“以评促学”。(5)重视联系生活实际,做到“在学中用,在用中学”,提高学生的语言运用能力。五、教学设计:1、教学流程图warming-up and chantingReview vocabulary and sentences of Unit10.Review vocabula

4、ry and sentences of Unit11.Excise 1Excise 2HomeworkReview vocabulary and sentences of Unit9.2、教学过程Step 1 Warming upGreetings: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Are you happy? Im happy.Step 2 Review vocabulary and sentences of Unit10.1. Lead-in and review body parts “nose and mouth” with a p

5、icture made by numbers.2. Review body parts “eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs and feet” with a picture made by letters through PPt. 设计意图神秘的数字及字母简笔画能充分地吸引学生的眼球,激起他们的好奇心及强烈的学习欲望。3. Chant “Unit 10 Touch your nose!”Touch your ears.Touch your eyes.Touch your toes.Touch your mouth.Touch your feetTouch your n

6、ose设计意图歌谣让学生在享受音乐中复习巩固旧知识,同时把学生引领到学习的状态中。4. Listen and do actions.5. Pair work: say and do actions.设计意图 第一步通过教师的说,学生的做动作来复习Unit10的Target及Vocabulary, 为第二步的两两活动做示范,再通过第二步的pair work来巩固Unit10的Target及Vocabulary. 能让孩子们在快乐的活动中巩固所学知识。6. Guessing game 1. ( four pictures which some parts are covered )A. This

7、is Guangtouqiangs mouth. B. This is Cheng Longs nose.C. These are Mickey Mouses hands. D. Those are Hongtailangs arms.设计意图简单的游戏能激起学生极大的学习热情,能让每位孩子都敢于开口说,乐于说,能让他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时也为复习11课作铺垫。7. Guessing game 2. ( three short passages ) . Hello, I am very big and heavy. My nose is very long. My two ears and

8、four feet are very big. My four legs are long and big. I am running and playing now. Who am I?. Hello, I am black and white. My nose is black. My ears and eyes are black. Now Im hungry. Im eating bamboos(竹子).Who am I? . Hello, I have no legs or feet. But I can walk and swim. My nose is very small.I

9、am swimming and catching a frog(青蛙) now. Who am I?设计意图 由词,句到篇,由易到难,符合学生的认真规律。学生边听老师说边看边想来巩固所学知识,充分调动运用了学生的感官系统,也活跃了学生的思维。其中也复习了现在进行时的小部分知识。7. Culture differences.Enjoy some pictures to know the differences of body parts between Chinese and English.Step 3 Review vocabulary and sentences of Unit11.1.

10、Guessing game1 (through guessing questions with pictures)A. Whose ice cream is this? Its her / his / their ice cream.B. Whose basketball is this? Its her / his / their basketball.C. Whose skateboard is this? Its hers / his / theirs.D. Whose toy car is this? Its hers / his / theirs.E. Whose skateboar

11、d is this? Its hers / his / theirs.F. Whose balloons are these? These are Mei Yangyangs / Xi Yangyangs balloons.G. Whose strawberries are those? They are Bens / Anns. 设计意图 游戏竞猜是孩子的挚爱,在游戏中对形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词和所有格稍作归纳,既有趣又能让孩子明白它们之间的区别,让孩子能准确地运用它们,一举两得。2. Guessing game2 (a short dialogue)A. Guess “Whose

12、red fish is this? Whose yellow fish is this?” through a picture.B. Listen to a short dialogue once.C. Listen again and look at the dialogue.Dad: Oh! Its a red fish. Whose fish is this?Baby: Its mine. Its mine.Mom: Its not yours. Its my fish.Dad: Why?Mom: My fish is red. Her fish is yellow.Baby: Oh!

13、Yes.Dad: OK. Here you are.Mom: Thank you.Dad: You are welcome.D. Answer questions “Whose red fish is this? Whose yellow fish is this?” E. Read the answerMom: My fish is red. Baby: The yellow fish is mine. 设计意图 首先通过听来让学生集中注意力,训练学生听的能力。听的同时让孩子看,把难度降低,消除学生的紧张心理,让孩子们乐学。通过这一简短的对话来归纳my and mine的运用,孩子们也比较感

14、兴趣。Step 4 Review vocabulary and sentences of Unit9.1. Lead into the topic of Unit9 What are you doing?Show a picture of Tony and Jenny are fishing. T:Whose fish is this? What are they doing?Ss: Its Tonys / Jennys fish. They are fishing.2. Review the following words through reading twice. fishing, sl

15、eeping, reading, playing, painting, shopping, running, swimming, eating writing, drawing, studying, flying, singing, crying and laughing 设计意图 通过猜Tony and Jenny 钓鱼的图片“Whose fish is this?顺利过度到the Vocabulary of Unit9 What are you doing? 猜一猜这一有趣的活动让学生开口说,最后通过齐读的方式来复习和巩固Unit9 What are you doing?的重点词汇。3.

16、Review the sentence patterns of Unit9 What are you doing? through chant.What are you doing? I am painting.What are you doing? I am painting.What are you doing? We are shopping.What are you doing? We are shopping.What are they doing? They are sleeping.What are they doing? They are sleeping.What are t

17、hey doing? They are playing.What are they doing? They are playing.Whats he doing? Hes eating.Whats he doing? Hes eating.Whats he doing? Hes running.Whats he doing? Hes running.Whats she doing? Shes reading.Whats she doing? Shes reading.Whats she doing? Shes writing.Whats she doing? Shes writing. 设计意

18、图 通过用两只老虎的节奏来唱歌谣的形式来复习巩固Unit9 What are you doing?的重点句型,能让学生在轻松愉悦的歌声中巩固所学知识。4. Ask and answer with five pictures. (T asks and the students answer.)T: Whats she doing? Ss: Shes painting.T: Whats he doing? Ss: es studying. T: Whats she doing? Ss: Shes drawing.T: Whats they doing? Ss: Theyre flying.T: W

19、hats she doing? Ss: Shes sinning.设计意图 通过师生问答为下面的pair work 做示范,五福图中对he, she, they 人称句型复习。5. Pair work (Take turns to ask and answer with eight pictures. )6. Two pairs show out their dialogue.S1: What are they doing? S2: Theyre fishing.S1: Whats he doing? S2: Hes eating.S1: What are they doing? S2: Th

20、eyre playing.S1: Whats she doing? S2: Shes sleeping.S2: What are they doing? S1: Theyre shopping.S2: What are they doing? S1: Theyre swimming.S2: Whats he doing? S1: Hes writing.S2: What are they doing? S1: Theyre running.设计意图 展示活动既可检查孩子的掌握情况,又可让孩子有表现的机会,也可让掌握得没有那么好的学生有学习的机会。7. Two pairs show out th

21、eir dialogue with different pictures. S1: Whats she doing? S2: Shes cooking.S1: Whats he doing? S2: Hes watching TV.S1: Whats she doing? S2: Shes listening to music.S1: What are they doing? S2: Theyre dancing.S1: What are they doing? S2: Theyre calling.设计意图 两两对话中五福图是对书本上之前所学动词的拓展及运用,可让学生“吃”得更饱,让优生的对

22、话来带动全班同学的学习。最后一幅图calling可把教学活动顺利地过度到下一环节。8. Situational dialogue. (Make a call.) Teacher and one student make a call.A: Hello, this is Miss Xuan. B: Hello, this is Dai Qiongyao.A: How are you?B: Im OK.A: What are you doing? B: Im drawing. What are you doing? A: Im reading. B: Lets go shopping. A: OK

23、. Good bye. B: Bye. Pair work “Make a call with your partner.”设计意图 语言最终的目的是用于交流,首先教师和一名学生进行情景模拟打电话,起示范的作用,接着让学生进行模拟情景打电话,让孩子们懂得在生活中运用所学知识,做到学以致用。Step5 Practice1. Listen to Students Book P61 twice.2. Check the answers through one student by one student say out the whole sentence. E.g. A. Shes studyin

24、g. B. This is her bike.3. Listen to Students Book P61 twice.4. Check the answers through one student by one student say out the whole sentence. E.g. A. Its their basketball. B. Touch his nose. 设计意图 对于大部分的同学来说听力题是比较容易的,第一次作答,第二次检查,让个别学生整句说出答案,既能让孩子动脑对语言进行整合分析运用,又能让学生开口说,动脑又动口。Step 6 Homework 1. Stude

25、nts Book P62 .2. Listen and read Units9, 10, 11.3. Talk to friends with the knowledge in Units9, 10, 11.设计意图 对于学习一门外语来说,听、说、读必是不可少的,语言的最终目的是用于交流,由于课堂时间有限,因此Exercise作为家庭作业。Step 7 Sum-up (Read the sentence patterns on the blackboard.)1. This is his nose. This is his mouth.2. Whats he / she doing? He /

26、 She is eating. What are you doing? Im / Were studying. What are they doing? Theyre studying. 设计意图 朗读一次板书让孩子明白本节课的重点内容,对现在进行时进行简单的归纳性朗读对学生来说是很有必要的。板书设计堂上练习题:1. Listening and reading exercise.Hello, I am very big and heavy. My nose is very long. My two ears and four feet are very big. My four legs ar

27、e long and big. I am running and playing now. Who am I?. Hello, I am black and white. My nose is black. My ears and eyes are black. Now Im hungry. Im eating bamboos(竹子).Who am I? . Hello, I have no legs or feet. But I can walk and swim. My nose is very small.I am swimming and catching a frog(青蛙) now

28、. Who am I?. Dad: Oh! Its a red fish. Whose fish is this?Baby: Its mine. Its mine.Mom: Its not yours. Its my fish.Dad: Why?Mom: My fish is red. Her fish is yellow.Baby: Oh! Yes.Dad: OK. Here you are.Mom: Thank you.Dad: You are welcome.Questions: Whose red fish is this? Whose yellow fish is this?2. L

29、istening exercise Students Book P61, twice.3. Speaking exercisePair work: Make a situation call. 单元检查安排:1.每节课有相应的听、说、读、 写的训练和检测,以保证课堂效率,做到一课一过关、课课过关。2.完成本单元的教学后,将选用三个时间段,三种方式来检测学生对本单元知识是否掌握。一是利用早读时间进行小组读书比赛二是利用习题对学生进行检测:1)如与课本配套的练习册:新课程辅导。2)教师自己出的单元检测题,在学生做题的时候,老师可以巡视,观察学生对知识是否掌握。3)中山市统一的形成性测试题(二)(Units9-12)

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